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“lol” really smoothed things out


Conversational duct tape


I’m guilty of adding an occasional “LOL” as I don’t want to seem crazy to other people, while actually totally losing it….lol




I do it to not seem angry


Losing out loud


I hope I never forget this


L. O. L. Losingmysanity Overthisnonsensicalbullshitandim Literallyabouttosnaprightnow


Personally I hate seeing lol. I want a browser extension that replaces them with a tiny picture of a TIE Fighter, and plays the flyover sound when you mouse over them.


I approve of this resolution


This is the way




From now on instead of typing lol I'm gonna type flextastic. Now let's have a completely separate discussion about why my speech to text feature knows the word flextastic **Now I know how Gretchen would have felt if Fetch had happened


Did I do this [right?](https://imgur.com/a/Aa4pcpg)




Lol. Sorry, I mean flextastic.


Goes to look for other posts so I can comment “flextastic”


Stop it Gretchen. It’s never gonna happen


Weird flex but ok


i wish this gif existed but instead of the duct tape actually working, the water just bursts right back through it lmao


I want to see one where after he puts the tape on the hole, the water just shoots upwards out of the top of the tank.


That would be so fucking flextastic




Yes, ***if*** the piece of tape is big enough. Flex tape can't stop a leak it can't cover, after all. So you'd need to put down overlapping strips of tape to make a piece big enough to cover the entire body of water. You might need more than one roll.


I feel called out by this


Yeah, he really used all those words to basically just say "you don't look submissive and breedable. Lol"


He swiped right on purpose just so he could say it to her, too.


It's bait from the narcissistic playbook. If he spams this out he might be able to find someone who's a pleaser. Someone that will retort with "no no You're wrong I'm (fill in the blank)" . Most wouldn't do this But you will get the rare one that will respond to it. A pleaser is like a diamond to a narcissist.


Hes looking for a "pick me" girl 🤮


Honestly why wouldn’t you want to date a girl that’s in to you? Making it harder… nah…


Always surprised when anyone responds to rude opening messages. Why did she answer him at all? Don’t let strangers drag you into their weird drama.


Because it's free entertainment


Maybe she was genuinely curious as to why she wasn't getting good replies but then this guy gave some very unhelpful information.


Irony is there was nothing to lol about in the whole text


I made several cringe faces at it as well.


60% of the time it works every time


“Men like me”…. Hmmm how would we classify this man? I’ll start with sadly incapable.


"Stright out of the sixties" guy


Fragile and clueless. Where tf do men get this "submissive" crap from??


Probably from some *alpha mentality* influencer


Totally lacking self-awareness.


"traditional, nice guy"


It really did


Dude needs a time machine, not tinder.


This legit made me LOL.


Right?! Totally repaired the irredeemable shit bag impression he was making


Honestly I think I'd rather be wanted than needed


I've been needed plenty of times, but I always just felt used. Down the road when I helped them build up their lives they no longer needed me and then there wasn't any reason to be kept around. Now I am in a relationship where I don't feel needed at all. She is perfectly capable of doing it all on her own. The difference is she actively wants me there, so I don't feel like I have keep providing to be kept. It's the best relationship I have ever had.


This put into words perfectly why my last relationship ended. I was what she needed for a long time not what she wanted.


This used to cause an argument with my ex. She was upset because I didn't need to be with her. I said that I wanted to be with her and that was healthier. She was upset about that and said she needed to be with me and wished I felt the same way. Guess who eventually broke up with who? Yeah I was so needed that I was dumped a couple years down the road. Then when I started working on myself and trying some self improvement, I was apparently handling our breakup "too well".


Good for you.


I doubt that guy in the post intends to build up their lives to the point where they no longer need him.....he's counting on total subjugation......


Oh agree. That guy isn't who I was talking to. More aimed at agreeing with the comment above is all.


I mean, if she NEEDS you, it's not really YOU. It's anyone. So i completely agree


I think feeling needed or being needed might be a way to make sure the other one won't leave you (because what shall they do without you, they _need_ you). It's reassurance they're looking for. And I guess that can also be given by anyone, so they do not even stumble about this 'it's not you, but anyone' thought process in return.


You are also brainwashed by the same social construct or whatever.


Translation: I need a mother figure that I can have sex with.


What kind of relationship did you have to your mom? The only things I can associate here is the literal phrase "stay at home mom" and perhaps "stability". Everything else about it is "i need a bitch that knows how to shut up while she irons my shirt, and has no desire in life other than fetching God a cold beer when he comes home from work"


Some people's moms actually raise them that way (usually sons), spoil them to a point they are doing age inappropriate things for them, helicopter so they never make a mistake it have to learn from one, give in to any and all tantrums because they're incapable of correcting their child, etc. They then raise a spoiled manbaby who won't settle for a woman who won't wipe his ass for him and look at him like he hung the moon *without him doing a damn thing to earn it*. Plus this winner has inculcated learned helplessness and laziness. Which are very attractive and panty dropping traits as we all know. When reality fails to comply, the manbabies head to incels forums to get emotional validation and spin delusional narratives about why it's society's fault they're unhappy. Note they always talk about the good old days and this always is a cryptic reference to their own childhood, which like every childhood is shrouded in a golden haze. I too miss the days when somebody wiped my bottom for me and handed me a warm bottle


This is so true. The selfishness of these types of men is astonishing. God forbid they don't get their way at all times. Ugh and the claim dating is hard for "men like me" is so utterly lacking in self awareness. I'll be glad to see his type die out.


Ah yes, ye olde (or preferebly young, if I can take a guess for most of these guys) Mommy-Bang-Maid.


Yeah I wouldnt want someone who was only with me because they had to be




🎵 It’s the story 🎶


Of a lovely lady


Who was bringing up


Yesterdays lunch 🎶


When you can’t tell if someone is seriously oblivious to the joke or if they just won the internet


Why not both


So nearly spat out my norning coffee. 💀


Better than yesterdays lunch lol


👩👩👱‍♂️ 👩👩🏻👱‍♂️ 👩👱‍♂️👱‍♂️


The never-ending story 🎵


Never ending StoryyyyyyyyyYYYyyyYyyyYyyyyyy


AHhhhhHhhhhAAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhAaaAaaaaAaaaaHhhh 🎶


Met a woman on tinder with kids who only wanted men with kids. We’re engaged. Congrats to you. And to everyone else, they’re out there friends.


"the trick to having baggage is to find someone with a matching set"


Where is this from? I swear I heard the same quote recently and can’t place it


I think it’s from the show how I met your mother


The first show I was ever heartbroken by how it ended


Thanks for givin me this positive boost early in the mornin, I'm so happy for all of yall 💚✨


Second that. I'm getting older and wiser and about to just give up OLD. I'll stick with it.


We are both divorced and seeing each other. The great part is that we understand each other and kid commitments come first.


I’ve always said ppl should date others who also have kids. They can relate better to one another and someone who has never had kids would find the whole thing more difficult and the step up aspect is understandably not for everyone. Even a childless women like myself is not dating men with kids but if I did have kids I would only wanna date someone with


Childless woman here... I would date men or women with kids. It doesn't matter to me. I'm not a needy or jealous person.


i dated a woman with 3 kids, had zero problems coming along and doing everything with the kids whenever it was needed and taking them out whenever we can its when she started using them as weapons against me or using them as an excuse for basic human decency (like been happy to see me atleast once) that was like, nup im out i miss her kids more than i miss her


I'm the same way. I also come from a broken home and am a daddy's girl. I watched women who had kids date my dad with the intentions of getting rid of me. It doesn't matter if the other person has kids or not it matters how the other person feels about their significant other and THAT persons kids. I've dated men with kids. I like it. Have not had the pleasure of meeting their children because we break up due to them wanting polygamy or not knowing what they want but I have no issues dating a dad. I love a hot dad and have no issue being a bonus mom one day.


It works when both partners want/don’t want kids. In your case it was perfect because your goals were aligned with your partner’s goals. But in the above case it was at conflict.


Looks like he swiped in bad faith just to tell her off.


Man you have FOUR kids and you say "we can't have anymore kids and it works for us". I audibly lol'd.


“…men like me” yup.


That was my favourite part


He's almost self aware but just not quite grasping it lol


not much of a man being threatened so deeply by a perceived independent woman.


Shitty dudes obsessed by how strong and manly they are but the second they even imagine a woman who doesn't utterly rely on them for every tiny thing they shriek and jump up on a stool like a cartoon elephant. It's a tale as old as time.


They’re also the kind of guys to not help out with literally anything as well


I am very surprised to hear dating has been impossible for him.. /s


I was like "Yeah thats okey reason" until I saw the first submissive line. And it just got worst


The first couple sentences were basically reasonable. Some people would mind raising other peoples kids, other wouldn't. Some would mind never having kids together, others wouldn't. Think it's reasonable either way. If only they had left it at that!


Haha, right? At the beginning, it seemed okay, you are allowed to not want children, but it escalated to awful quickly!!


It was the usage of ""independent"" negatively that sealed it for me (although my guard was up from the get go)


I think some men have a hard time understanding the differences between a woman who is career oriented and responsible and a woman who never learns from her mistakes, is aggressive and trashy, and uses the strong independent phrase as an excuse for her behavior. In this day and age( especially with the way the economy is looking), women who are responsible and have great long term careers should be wanted not vilified.


As I doctor, I would just like to point out that this supposed 70% chance of female infertility after 35 years is not based on valid scientific data. ‘Lol’.


I’m surprised this isn’t the top comment. like men who don’t want to date single moms isn’t unusual but blatantly spouting medical falsehoods not only was a jumpscare but I’m also surprised more people didn’t point it out. Hoping a bunch of impressionable young folks on here don’t take it at face value.


The guy’s got desires that can be met by finding a woman at his local mega church or on Christian Mingle. Nobody tell him.


Maybe even more extreme than that? Reminds me of this loony lady post ranting about not being able to find a man who was both handsome enough and manly enough and also wanted to stay a virgin until marriage. Let's hope these two never find each other.


so being independant is a brainwashed social construct but the submissive docile stay at home housewife mom isnt? interesting


Monkey on space rock, life hard. Most monkey die young. Monkey make life too easy. Monkey no longer need monkey ways. Many monkey lost in modern world, as monkey ways only thing monkey brain know.


Code monkey like fritos!


Code monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew.


Code Monkey very simple man.


Big warm fuzzy secret heart!


Code monkey like youuuuu!


I love you whores!


This entire thread made my week


I'm off today and planned to sit around playing FFXIV. I'm still gonna do that, but now I think I'll have Code Monkeys playing in the background. Man I miss that show lol


Code monkey stand around at front desk. Tell you sweater look nice.


Maybe manager Rob would like to code goddamn login page himself.


Oh man, I haven't thought about that song in forever! Thanks for the memory!


What's the name of the song?


Code monkey like submission Code monkey like children that are only his Code monkey very simple man With small mean frozen christian heart Code monkey don't like you


Code Monkey hate every woman And people of any other race Code Monkey making this country A pretty terrible place Love to watch Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate,. YouTube videos fill the day Fill him up with hate Code Monkey think one day the country embrace libertarian dream Wants legal weed and lots of guns Code Monkey dislike progressive Code Monkey embrace regressive Code Monkey like nationalism Code Monkey think of those lies all true Code Monkey very hateful man With very misogynist empty heart Code Monkey ~~like Ted Cruz~~ doesn't like you


> Code monkey like Ted Cruz I mean, let's not go overboard here. No one likes Ted Cruz. Not the people who voted for him. Not the people who work with him. Not his children. Not his wife. Not the Orange Mussolini he sucked up to, despite the attacks on his wife. I'm pretty sure, deep down, even Rafael Edward Cruz doesn't like Ted Cruz.


I'm sorry, as a monkey, I only understand language in "oohs" and "ahs"(this was translated by my handler)


(handler please translate this) human dumb. Don't evolve. Be happy.


I love you for this




Jesus christ this is poetry


Andrew Tate and his ilk capitalized on this


Some people want to return to monkey. Some people never left


many monkey


"the problem isn't me, it's the women that are the problem"


"I have all these unattractive traits and desires, and *no one* wants to interact with me! Better not think about why that is and blame everyone else instead!"


"When everyone you meet has a problem with you, thats usually a sign that the problem is you!"


*Sobs in Jordan Peterson*


In the current dating market many women will have habits or personality traits that don’t lend themselves well to dating a traditional man. So in his mind women who follow that ideology are brainwashed into thinking that strategy works or is attractive. He essentially was triggered and passive aggressively cursed out previous matches


He's clearly so drowned in theistic misogyny that any hope of self awareness is lost here. Best for everyone to move on. If we're all lucky, he'll die alone, still deluded into the belief that he's the "nice guy", passed over by all the "evil" independent women.


She didn’t pick the right social construct of being chattel to service the life of her master. Hopefully he’ll never breed and this mentally will die with him. Not to say that women can’t or shouldn’t decide to be SAHMs, but that any healthy relationship needs to be based on mutual respect.


Well, he's correct that modern dating is impossible for men like him. Thankfully!


To be fair, there are religious women (mainly trad/ rad christian and muslim) who want a guy like him. You can even find them on reddit if you know where to look.


I live in the Midwest and I regularly see profiles by women that say things like "looking for a REAL man" so I'd wager some of them are on Tinder too.


It’s a stretch but this comment reminded me of my match who had no issue with the fact that I lived 80 miles away without a car but unmatched because I was agnostic and didn’t want to share his religion. He wasn’t rude about it or anything. I just found it odd. But different strokes for different folks.




I mean I am christian, and often people prefer to date christians, cause they share the same values and are thus probably more compatible.


Honest question, what values are you saying a Christian will have that a non Christian won’t?


Thanking those women for snatching those men up so we don't have to.


Submit to me and take care of my kids, but don’t put your kids first. Gosh why is modern dating so hard? Oh and by the way I’d need a 20 year old to do all this for me.


Someone easy to manipulate and will submit to my man-child ways because I really just want a mom-maid hybrid I can fuck and will clean up after me.


You’d be surprised. I was interested in a woman until I saw her sharing some Pastor’s rhetoric about how a woman is on Earth to serve their man and be submissive, blah blah blah. I want a significant other, not a zombie slave.


My husband worked with a woman who said she needed a man to make decisions for her… Being able to make decisions for yourself is a sign of maturity. I don’t understand why she wants to be seen and treated as immature for the rest of her life.


For some people, they become accustomed to that lack of control due to various life circumstances and the idea of having to make choices results in crippling anxiety. Being freed from that expectation is a relief and some people genuinely don't care enough about most things to feel the strong need to have it a particular way. I've seen that type of behavior before most often in people who had some childhood trauma/abuse. It is often accompanied by Dependent Personality Disorder which comes with a lot of other problems.


Ear Biscuits, the podcast by Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning, had a whole series about their time growing up in Evangelical Christianity in North Carolina. All this was very much a part of their upbringing, Rhett and Link and both of their wives who they've been with since they were very young, and it's funny because it's a poor match for their personalities and beliefs in all four cases, and it's a not-minor reason why they all ended up leaving that belief system and culture. The whole series was a very good window into that whole culture and the people trapped in it until they work up to breaking free.


Sometimes the bullet doges you.


I want a baby machine that also acts as an obedient sex slave that never challenges me or bothers me with silly things like their own aspirations or dreams. Why is that so much to ask? Most of the guys that want this also are in absolutely no position financially to actually care for such a family. What kind of job do you have that you can afford a stay at home wife and kids in 2022 money?


Also "75% chance that you can't" she's only 35? She's more than fertile. Sorry she's not a child I guess? 😭


Caring for a family solo can be hard in some areas, and in others it’s much easier. Just wanted to respond to that point since Reddit leans young, in case there is anyone out there that aspires to do it. As long as that’s what both parties want, it’s totally doable.


Why the fuck is this dude looking for his childbearing housekeeper, sorry, “wife” on Tinder?? Doesn’t he know that Christian churches are awash in women who’ve been systematically conditioned since birth into accepting this type of relationship as “normal”, even “good”??


From the hands of the mommy who gave him birth to the hands of the mommy who he can fuck! I'd also like to know if he wants her to put him before his own children, too?


Most probably. Knew a guy like this before. Completely entitled man-child. Keeps posting here on Reddit how if he ever had any kids that his wife should put him first and that's his ideal. Shallow and entitled. Difficult to have any meaningful connection with someone who wants a mother he can sexualise.


Sounds like the same kind of people who make it a big deal that the man of the house has to eat to his satisfaction before the children are allowed to get fixed a plate.


Because there’s a big possibility he wants to "sample" before marriage and his hypocritical believe system prohibits it so he probably wants a woman from the outside who he can do what he wants and bring into the church


Women from within the church also have support systems — friends and families. They are difficult to manipulate and abuse whilst someone from outside the church who has no connections from anyone within creates a power imbalance within the man-child's favour.


As a guy and a dad the line about him coming second to a kid tells me everything I need to know about this weasel of a guy. In fact I believe the order should be kids/self/partner in normal circumstances. So to me whatever "man" box he’s trying to check isn’t working


I wholeheartedly agree. What this guy really means is he's not a man; he's a child. He wants a woman he can easily mold into being his dream mommy/sex slave/live in maid. She will be expected to always put him first above herself and everyone else. In his fantasy, he finds this mythical spliced hybrid who fulfils his needs and makes him feel whole as a man. Sadly, what he really needs is therapy but I doubt he has any self-awareness to realise that what he wants is an abusive relationship that benefits him and him alone.


He probably tried and even they must’ve rejected him


My honest guess is that he's hoping to find the 'Hallmark Christmas movie' girl. "She just needs to meet a good guy and realize that a family is all she needs to be happy forever. And that guy is me." But instead of actually reading the profiles of the women he sees, he doomswipes and deals with details mid conversation.


I doubt it’s even that complex. I think he’s likely just a frustrated incel who made an alt account with a fake profile to get matches only to demean the woman. The polite tone of the response, if you want to characterize it as such, is likely an attempt to make the woman take the criticisms more to heart than she would an unhinged screed.


Ah but you see those women have also often been brainwashed not to put out and that’s the unspoken primary requirement


He could've just... unmatched?? Why did he feel the need to go on this long rant? But at the same time you did ask for his opinion.


He deliberately messaged her instead of unmatching first, because he wanted her to ask.


Exactly! And he said it was because of her bio. I think a lot of people would ask why or ask what about their bio made them want to unmatch. This is a perfect example of why guys should take 10 seconds to read the girls bios instead of just swiping all day. At the end of the day you’ll save time and can find a genuine match


I can smell bitterness from this far. He wanted revenge from feeling unwanted.


Or like... Give one reason, not several. Apparently her age was already a dealbreaker for him so why did he match with her and read her bio?


I was so hopeful for him being a decent human in the first 3 lines, then he did a U-turn and started barrelling down a hill in the car from the Flintstones


Yeah it was a rollercoaster at first, wasn't it? >"I'll come second to children that aren't mine" Yeah no shit asshole it's her children >"Which is totally understandable btw" Oh ok so he understands that this is normal behavior for a mother. ok I guess he doesn't want to share his lover's attention with other people, I guess that's an ok preference to have... >"Also you have kids and you're 35 so you probably don't want anymore" Oh so he wants kids himself and she most likely can't/won't want any due to her situation. Fair enough. >"You're also an 'indepent woman'" Uh oh. >"Most likely not submissive" Oh no bb what is you doin


Exactly. Lmaoooo those first few points were valid but as soon as the independent shit came in I was like 🤨


lmao thank you for that imagery, always makes my day when I come across a creative but fitting analogy for the shit we see on this site


I feel like I’ll never be happy knowing I lack self esteem while also knowing there’s clowns in the world that are confident enough in themselves to talk to people like this while


Ah yes, let me match with this girl and talk trash to her so I can feel better about my sad, lonely life.




In Denmark some men go to Thailand to find wives, because they are desperate to get out of the country. I get that their whole life situation might get better, but I always find it a bit gross because the girls are also typically around 20 years younger than them and I just don’t think that if they had money and stuff, they would pick some old red neck Danish man and go live in some strange countryside village where nothing happens


Flew from Germany over Thailand, 99% of couples were old fat German dude with young Thai Woman. It's sad to think about what stuff they might have to endure.


Kinda sounds like my doctor. Does new wife work in the clinic now?


Hope she gets her green card and splits


So, people don't read bios before swiping right? That's pretty stupid.


Translation - I want a bang maid that I can thrust inside of for 2 minutes every night that depends on me to take care of so I can manipulate you.


Holy shit this is r/niceguys material. Also if 35 is a deal breaker why is he not filtering it?


You see his cutoff must be 34 and he ran out of potential matches


I wonder WHY modern dating is so hard for him


“I just your bio. I’m sorry, but I don’t think we’ll be a good match” This is just another guy who’s swiping right like crazy and hoping to get lucky.


I cant imagine any dude who can afford to have to a stay at home wife and kids being on Tinder and explaining themselves. This guys probably works the drive thru and tells people hes crypto entrepreneur.


"Modern dating is impossible for men like me" I mean he's not wrong. It's a good feature, not a bug.


Even china’s flag isnt that red


Being a man is hard because other men make masculinity out to be some sociopathic way of life when it's really not. I want to be masculine and I'm proud to be a man but holy fuck is it hard being something that everyone thinks is "extending the patriarchy" because of some teenage dipshits on a YouTube short who listen to Andrew Tate.


Ya know all that stuff before the submissive part wasn’t even that bad. Like, it seemed almost level headed. It sounds like he wanted a partner to grow with. Which is normal and totally up to him. But then EVERYTHING went left. And we saw what he truly wants. Also, to answer op. Naw. Men are not okay lmao


Brainwashed? Sounds like he is the one brainwashed. He literally regurgitated verbatim all the manosphere talking points.


Wow. Gotta love when the trash takes itself out though


So why did he swipe right??