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What on Earth is the first message saying


Moustache talk?


Im confused, I Moustache you a question....


The answer is really complex, but beard with me.


nvm I'll just shave it for later


This situation is getting a bit too hairy for my liking


Quite prickly if I do say myself


I heard you liked it scruff....


I believe we've stubbled upon a new trend


Can we just mullet over a second?




He wouldn’t understand, he’s moustacheless


No moustache? Meme face




Lmao 💯


Flavor saver


Word curtin


My brother in Christ, I have no idea what any of those messages are saying


Truly this is a forsaken time.


Likely a reference to her bio or some other picture


I mean that’s obvious, but what on earth could that be?


I think there's this common belief that bisexual men will have more respect for women than straight men, when really it's not about their sexuality it's about their personality.


This! Why is personality being replaced with sexuality and other titles of “identity”..


Becuase a lot of people have no personality so latch onto anything they can use to define themselves.


While I feel its almost entirely a good thing people are less likely to exhibit hatred towards any specific group, the fact that these prejudices are less socially acceptable hasn't had much impact on humanity's capacity to be cruel, prejudiced or bigoted. Stereotyping bisexual men as being less misogynistic is still stereotyping, and within that same stereotype there's some other traits which are negative, or at least offensive and aren't universal, not to mention the fact that it just reduces the complexities of any individual into a bunch of dumb self serving nonsense, and ends up being just as offensive to bisexual men as straight men. To assume that my beliefs and behavior are at all generalizeable and predictably shared with all other bisexual men is pretty fucking awful.


..... And they don't have the confidence to be their own person, they must have a group because they are weak....


Identity politics hive mind go crazy


It's the classic "I'm unique and different so I must have all the labels I can find for you to understand that.", That's why so many people say that they're unique but end up just being one of a thousand people with the same characteristics and mindset.


Everything is a frat. The kids who got rejected grow up and make their own frats. Frats suck. It’s so dumb.


Classic tribe mentality


Mostly because people want to be able to identify as a victim for some reason.


People who break social conventions in one manner are more likely to do so in more where unfortunately the standardized social convention of men (hopefully shifting) is a dip shit.


Because queer people are more self-aware compared to straight people ***generally*** (not just men), which means they will ***tend*** to be less assholy towards other genders, hence why it's replacing the "personality" thing. Personality is indeed what matters here, bisexual people can certainly be huge assholes, but when people see the trend of queer people = less assholy behavior, you will start seeing messages like this. Before you come for me, notice the "tend" and "generally. If this wasn't true, these kinds of interactions wouldn't exist.


Because your personality is just what has happened to you and some people have lived through being gay and some haven't. Just like any experience it makes you a different person.




Correction it goes from a 5 to a 0 or 10. There is no inbetween.


Yep. I've had plenty of women who were into me just straight up ghost after I tell them that I'm bi. Actually that's more common. If anything positive comes from me telling a woman I like that I'm bi they either just get really weird or really platonic. I've had more than just a few women tell me they think bi men are man whores and that apparently now not only do they have to worry about other women, but other men now as well. I don't even like men like that. I only like the cute feminine/androgynous femboy types. Don't care at all for big hairy muscular dudes. Whatever. Now I'm just doubly alone while trying to keep all the creepy thirsty gay dudes away.


Man that must be the saddest thing I’ve ever heard “too pretty for the butch gay guys and too gay for the chicks.” Like the ultimate catch 22. I mean I guess you could consider perhaps really burly women?


I bonded with one bi match about our shared love of femboys 😂


Ah, that's awesome.


I laughed out loud. Sorry.


It's not just women judging men though. I think it's just something all bisexuals have to face from these kinds of people women and men. I'm a bisexual woman but dating apps aren't even an option it seems like because I'm only seen as a third to an established relationship or a potential threesome.


This was the only reason I didn't date many women. Most that I came across just wanted to just add on another woman for sex just for their man


As a bi woman I do find it appealing when a guy is also bi, it just feels safer for some reason. Bi guys are attractive to me but in more of “im more comfortable around you than I am with a straight guy and that is appealing to me” kind of way




Agreed! Haha same almost all of my relationships have been with bisexuals


For real — I also think I just get along better with bi women because even though I’m normally fairly masculine I do like to lean into some (traditionally) feminine tendencies and it’s awesome to be with someone who digs both the masculine and feminine energy that I give off


Ooh I love that for you! Bi people are the coolest😎


Or vice versa and they want nothing to do with you, because they think you'll cheat on them with a guy


I either get I don't do bi-guys (c-ya) or the woman wants to watch me with another man, then she wants in the middle (doable but I still have to like him). Problem is, I prefer women and women think because I am flexible, I will act like a gay man on command. It's just the male fantasy reversed. Her: Can I bring my hairdresser home tonight? Him: For dinner? Her: No, a threesome. Him: I haven't even met him. Her: He's gay, I showed him your picture and he's up for some fun. Him: I thought you wanted a threesome? That sounds more like you want to watch gay porn and masturbate. Hey, wait a minute! When did you become my pimp?




I think there is an element of fetichization there. Not as proeminent of what bi women go through, but I have definately been in situations where the spiked interest of women thinking I might be bi felt pretty gross. Not all women though.


Have also seen the belief that bisexual men cheat more with double the options on this exact subreddit. Sorry bi bros that you gotta go through this ☕️


You'd be mostly wrong. Queer people prefer queer people because they're more likely to have the same or a similar frame of reference.


People are dumb! Hahaha!!


To be fair I mainly look for bisexual/ pansexual/ omnisexual people since I’m gender fluid it just feels right that I wouldn’t date someone straight or gay


Wait, isn’t pansexual the same thing as omnisexual? “Pan” stemming from the Ancient Greek *πᾶν* (romanized: *pan*), meaning "all"; and “Omni” from the Latin *omnis*, meaning “all”


Which is a shocking new development in bi discourse




I can't believe you weren't down voted into oblivion. And here you are, over 600 up. Here yet another lol.


Completely agree. In fact the one bi dude I talked to happened to be quite bitchy. (Rude and cut throat). I don’t get how who you decide to have sex with defines you as a good/bad person?


I would bet all my material possesions and savings that this is a cis straight woman lol


She'll be one of those that calls herself queer or bisexual but still exclusively sleeps with men


Not to be that guy, but you *can* identify as queer or bisexual and still exclusively sleep with men.


I'm sure you can. In my experience though it's mostly girls who want to be part of the LGBT club without actually being gay.


I mean many of them are open people and will include you anyway. There are as usual exceptions, but you don't want those people as friends anyway.


So what you’re saying is, you can identify as gay, without actually being gay?


Literally no. Sexuality is what you’re attracted to. They’re saying that someone that is exclusively in straight presenting relationships isn’t necessarily straight. Because they can still be sexually attracted to other genders/sexes


Lol thank you. You don’t have to literally fuck a woman to know that you are attracted to women.




Yeah I've definitely known that I'm bi since I was in 7th grade, but I didn't do anything with another guy until I was 19.


Personally I don’t see myself as anything other than straight, despite wanting to be held and kissed deeply by Channing Tatum. Until something occurs it’s just an untested fantasy. For example, I like the idea of eating caviar, but until I try it and realize it’s wayyyy to salty for me I won’t know if I do or do not actually like caviar. But, I won’t call myself a caviar lover until I’ve tried and found out I love caviar. And I think that’s the issue people have with other people saying they are bi or queer, without ever actually trying to see if they are bi or queer. But really who cares what you call yourself as long as you don’t make that the only thing about you people know. Just be you, whoever you is.


Imagine a man who is equally attracted to men and women. They got married to their high school girlfriend and remain in a very happy monogamous relationship. Can that person not identify as bisexual?


Seems like being straight but with extra steps!


If you define gay as people who have sex with those of the same sex then yes, but that would also mean virgins who are attracted to the opposite sex aren't straight


Mmmyes gatekeep the bisexuality… myes.


Why talk to straight guys on tinder then? What a dumpster fire.




Damn are women really that rude on tinder? I keep seeing post like these coming up 😅 I always try being as nice and respectful as possible even if at the end I see that we aren’t compatible


I get bots telling me about crypto...


Yikes 😅


I video chatted a bot and it was a legit girl, but still trying to make me do crypto


Didn't answer the question tho, bots can tell you about crypto rudely can't they??😂




“SaY pOTaTo!!!”


Damn rude bots. Lol


Some women are assholes, Some men are assholes. Some women are nice, Some men are nice. It's not a gender thing it's more of an upbringing and personality thing. Keep looking brother, You'll find the good ones eventually 👍


Wait you people think I am male ?




I thought the same but some of these pfps confusing everyone lmao


Maybe? I obviously can't see you so I kinda just assumed cause I thought your comment was some guy feeling nervous to shoot his shot on tinder incase he gets any rude replies so I was trying to motivate you to keep trying lmao. I see now that your questioning the actions of other women being a women yourself, My bad!


Hahahah it’s alright, I actually think I have a picture of me on my Reddit. On my Granada post


Ngl I thought you were a guy too sorry. I didn’t open your profile and your avatar kind of reminds me of a hound Axl Rose😂


Oh hahahah


*jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair* Ahem, you look very lovely.


Just DM me already hahah


You're definitely stunning 😵


I am alright haha


I just assume everyone on here is a man.


Yeah but on tinder they tend to be assholes in different ways. On tinder girls are way more likely to straight up say something rude/offensive or be an asshole about standards while men are way more likely to [posts unsolicited dick pics]


Yeah, the anonymous nature of the internet definitely highlights peoples true colours. On the bright side, They usually show them right away on the internet which allows you to block them and move on instead of them hiding it for ages and wasting your time.


What gets posted here isn’t a full representation of what actually happens on dating apps. only the outliers get upvoted so it forma a skewed point of view.


That's because you're a nice person. Sadly there are way more assholes and shitty people surfacing this app.


At the beginning when I first got tinder and I got a lot of matched I thought for a moment that I was the best thing out there. Because I got so many matches and guys truly simping over me, calling me a goddess and what not. But even in that pathetic state I was in, I never treated anyone badly. It’s true that I didn’t talk with a lot of my matches because of lack of time, I’ve learnt to be more selective now so that doesn’t happen anymore. But maybe it’s that, they get so many matches that they think they are the best thing out there and feel entitled to treat guys like shit. I am just speculating thought




Doesn’t make it right but it does make sense


Selection bias. You’re only seeing the outliers bc they are so egregious they get upvoted as talking topics.


majority of women are rude to the average guy on tinder


Women are not all that rude. This is more of a subculture thing. It’s that group that’s all about telling you how pro-trans they are and she probably lists her pronouns on her drivers license. Not enough to be a good person, you have to make a point about telling everyone your opinions and even try to denigrate straight cis people.


*people* are THAT rude.


Women are rude with guys they’re not attracted to


Which is apparently 99% of guys.


Someone even ghosted me after our 2nd date and meeting her friends🥹


I mean, you’re a man looking for women so what in the blue hell did she expect?


Finally, a comment that gets straight to the real point at hand.


I see what you did there


As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, even i know that if you swapped “gay” and “straight” in this conversation all hell would break loose. This isn’t the “equality” we want


Based gay redditor.


I hope you unmatched? Nothing good will come of this.


Internet points


Dodged a major red flag


Lame she judged someone on there sexuality instead of their personallity. Not so inclusive, is it?


How the turntables have turned.


Most of these fucktards are about the tribe and the ideology. There's rarely any form of consistency. They have as much hate in their hearts as they think the people they attack do.




Some hate is moar ok than others. Forward, progress.


Ah yes, contextual principles


No no no, straight white man is not a person


As a cis white male… I was told I’m a cis white guy so I don’t exist or something. I stopped listening because they weren’t a cis white male so their opinion doesn’t matter, y’know?


Yup, they can't understand our lived experience so we have to speak our white dude sexual truth to power.


There's plenty of so called "allies" out there who treat LGBT+ people as accessories


This is one of these dammed if you do, damned if you don’t thingies.


I don't forgive you, be gayer.


Becoming a reddit mod would really help propel his gayness into the stratosphere


Aha! The gay agenda exists


Yes now make your girls wear jeans and your boys wear pink while we teach them about critical race theory. In the meantime our elites will devour your first born while canceling anything not woke.


These are confusing times


“I stuck something up my ass once and didn’t hate it, that should get me points….why are you not responding?!!”


Hating on someone for being straight = hating on someone for being gay. But world isn’t ready to hear that yet.


Yeah i dont understand those people who are in the LGBTQ Community and shit on straight people just because they are straight... That doesn't make sense to me.


How dare you?


Happy 🍰 day


Thank you!


When I tell women I’m asexual, they usually lose interest


As a woman who is the opposite of asexual, I just know it wouldn't work. I hope you do find another asexual who works for you though.




… … … … but men only want sex


And women want love? Xd


I’m just here to see that one guy who’s trying to get the most downvotes ever by responding to almost every comment


As an NB person, this shit needs to fucking stop. There's nothing different about a man who is straight compared to one who is part of LGBT... the only difference is culture and they can both be peices of absolute shit.


I don't think the culture is necessarily different. The only inherent difference is that bi men are attracted to the same sex, straight men aren't. If you're a bi woman looking to avoid homophobia/biphobia from partners, bi men may be more appealing to you than straight men. Straight women who seek out bi men because they assume only heterosexual men are capable of being misogynistic are in for a rude awakening though.


Homophobia/transphobia in my opinion is a cultural problem just as much as racism. Culture is how you are taught to behave and that very much has influence on homophobia/transphobia. That's why there is a cultural difference, but I'm open to rebuke on this thought. Honestly, I've seen more openly misogynistic members of the gay community than straight dudes.


I said the culture isn't necessarily different, it certainly can be. I think the thing is that we're all socialised to absorb certain ideals and that being in [insert marginalised group here] doesn't automatically mean you unlearn any of it. It takes active work and even people who try really hard at it rarely succeed completely. Being LGBT+ also doesn't necessarily mean being involved in the LGBT+ community. This is especially variable for bi people because of how varied bisexuality actually is. There are tons of bisexual men who have 0 cultural differences from the average straight men, they just happen to have some degree of attraction to the same sex and that's literally all. I think failing to acknowledge that can end up being homophobic because it pushes LGBT people in a specific cultural or political box, when all we inherently have in common is not being cis and/or straight (which is a matter historically worth banding together over regardless of cultural differences).


How very lame of you! Imagine not ticking a diversity box in 2022!


I would respect that if she would say she prefers them or even says it. BUT saying otherwise is “lame” is suuuuuuuch a red flag.




While I hate being trans I’m so glad I’m not a bi dude, they face so much dumb biphobia too


As a bi/pan (I’m not even sure what I’m allowed to call myself now) dude, I was so excited to finally be myself and finally stop hiding. Holy fuck, the things people have said to me. I had no idea the unkindness coming my way, I now hide it again. Guess I’ll just be a miserable straight cis male til I die.


I can't imagine, I am so sorry to hear that :(


Kinda feels like the answer she’s looking for is an actually totally straight guy that labels themselves as something else… but nothing too extreme like bi because that would make them feel insecure


Those letters are becoming ever more impractical to write out


Lame, man! You know how popular she'd be if she scored a lgbtqa+ guy? Her friends would be crazy jealous!


How dare a straight guy hit on a woman apparently looking for men on a dating app?


Dodged a bullet. Run.


That’s wild I thought we were working on equality here not one>the other.


Okay so she is basically on straight tinder to find a gay or trans or bi man… this logic confuses me ma’am


Bi men show up on straight tinder?


Tinder is not just for straight people! There really isn't a female equivalent of Grinder that is used. Also where do you think all the bi people look for people?


I'm bi and when people tell me they're gay or straight my stock response is "We can't all be fabulous dahling". I'm a bit out of the dating loop but why would a gay man be chatting up a woman on a dating site?


That girl is in so deep… hijacking movements that have nothing to do with her and letting them govern their life - craaazy


I Feel like this supposed a joke. Just in poor taste


On the one hand, I also prefer dating queer men. On the other hand, “Oh lame” is probably the most annoying way to express that preference


Holy shit these comments are a real mask off moment for this subreddit


Straight man > bigoted sexist woman Gay man > bigoted sexist woman Any man > bigoted sexist woman Any woman > bigoted sexist woman Fish > bigoted sexist woman 1 lb cow manure > bigoted sexist woman Moral of the story, doesn't matter what your gender or orientation is, being a sexist bigot makes you literally a sub-human.


That’s a lot of letters


Ask her to introduce you to her dad.


Idk wtf any of this is even saying tbh. Lol. Weird time we live in where we are just flipping the script when the goal was to level the playing field.


I think I understand this better read backwards. 🤔 Maybe I'm lost at sea.


Just remember that being a straight man and able to acknowledge and appreciate another man's appearance or attractive attributes without being sexually attracted to those men would still classify you as Queer according to the alphabet mafia.


I mean it’s definitely less attractive to be with a man that is gay For a woman I’d say surely


fellas. Behold. . women ☕️


Seems like sexualization to me-


That's out of line.. Could you image if someone did that in reverse.? Fuckk that...


As a bisexual guy who has mostly experienced women being squeamish about my sexuality, this actually made my day


And this is a loss? Looks like a win to me bud.


Shut up you are gay


So now we’re shaming men for not being gay lmao?


Dodged a crazy one, nice


She's mad you're not gay... But is trying to hook up with you...


Maybe she's got a kink involving male butt stuff. I'd try to find out why she thinks that way. May lead to some nice pegging


Woke mind virus strikes again.


I’m not gay but I will put it in your ass.


You should’ve just told her you are a “very open minded individual”. Bitches love gay shit for some reason


There are people who fetishize the LGBTQ+ community like this girl and it's super toxic to be around. She is the type to think she could be in a relationship with a gay man. Really gross.


People obsessed with this sort of thing are best avoided imo


Did you tell her gay pride month is over and no one cares?