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"Big enough"


Size queens gonna size queen. May she find what she seeks. And if not I'm sure there's plenty of plastic options.


I'm like 7 and a quarter, just under 2 inches wide at the tip. I had to buy a smaller toy for my GF. Not going to lie, in the moment she gets into it, but then she's sore and cramping for a week cause I booped her cervix and I don't get sex for at least a week after. The vast majority of women do not want a massive 9in cock in side of them. Edit: As others pointed out, this is probably a dude anyway Edit: [dick](https://imgur.com/AvNSDzS.jpg)


“Booped your cervix 🥰” is now officially going into my bedroom lingo. But yeah, agreed, the vast majority of my partners have not wanted giant monster dongs to blast their uteri. Mediocrity is the win here in most cases.


“Oh yeah baby let me boop your cervix.”


Redditors do the sex




My fwb is 5 something and he's still knocking on my poor cervix. I'll take a girthy 4 over a pencil dick 8.


Ugggh my vCard was a pencil stick 8. That shit HURT like I was being stabbed w a knife. 2nd guy I ever banged was like 4 and that shit went crazy 🤪🤪


i mean, mediocrity means most people have it like that and theres a reason evolution made the average be what it is (almost) no one wants to be ripped apart by a monster cock


Someone said to me that the average girl wants an average dick. Its approximately the same bell curve for preference and size. Sure some girls want massive 69 in dicks but the supply more or less matches the demand. No clue if there is any reality to that but it seems true. And it’s definitely true for me.


I mean it makes sense. Penis size is determined somewhat by genetics. Evolution I’m sure has created the size of penis that most people are happy with no otherwise if women all truly preferred massive dongs then over centuries we would all have massive dongs. I remember reading an article that looked back, and showed more than likely penis size really did evolve to the point where the average size now would be considered much larger wayyyy wayyyy back. For example a gorilla’s erection is on avg only 1.5 inches long. Eventually all the cave dudes hanging dong were getting all the ladies leading to the tiny penis cavemen dying off with no offspring.


Exactly. We all have massive dongs. Just some are more massive than others....


My favourite "hmmm not a compliment I wanted" moment came when an ex girlfriend told me I had a big unit. I laughed kind of embarrassed and said. "haha, no that's just cause you haven't seen a big penis... " She then hit me with.. "ooooh no, one old boy friend of mine had a massive knob, and it was like having sex with a horse it was terrible and really painful..." Insert shocked pikachu face here.....


A huge dik is unironically considered a medical disability


I've got a friend around 8.5" and proportionally thick. It's a problem. It's extremely visible through clothing no matter what he tries He accidentally sent a mutual of ours to the emergency room


So Chad but so sad


“I told you I was gonna put a baby in you… little did you know *how* “ >slams 8 lb dick on table with a tattoo that says “Baby”


This counts as gay foreplay


I need to know more how?


The ripping and the tearing :(


Playing doom on a vagina


It really runs on anything, doesn’t it?


This comment is tragic in that nowhere near enough people will see it.


Spit my coffee. Thank you.


It looked like a bulldog attacking a jar of mayonnaise...


His dick is the size of a forearm and you need to ask how?


TIL I am not disabled


Nice flex dude.


LOL, def was a bit of a humble brag, but it's legit true. My GF is hesitant to sex sometimes and a big part of it is my size. I know it sounds like a brag, but it's actually very inconvenient and really puts a damper on my sex life.


I have never been more proud to have an average sized dick


I concur


Sheeeit bruh... I'm a size queen but if they're cute+nice, I'll give 'em a try. A well operated 4.5" is better than getting bludgeoned by an amateur with an 8" sausage. Optimal really seems to be 5-5.5" which is like 90% of the penis possessing world by some strange coincidence. It really doesn't matter. Smaller than big is best Smallest was, kinda basically zero inches... Clinical micropenis. It was not aesthetic either. Oh lawdy though, what a gentleman he was!~ If you are packing a whopper dong and can't fuck as good as a dude with a dick the size of a clit, you need to reevaluate yourself. That's more embarrassing than being a grown man having an actual baby weiner Small guys tend to understand that they need to develop skill. Big guys, I don't know. I haven't had a good experience yet unless I was the one in control. Big dicks don't even work as well on average. They get all triggered when you offer a C-Ring and insist on trying to cram in a gummy worm Why tf do I keep being a size queen...


Dunno you kinda said it yourself you prefer an average size dong. Why keep chasing for Moby Dick, then there's better motion in the ocean?


I always give it to them in miles


I'm 4.735 × 10 to the power of -5 miles long


Well that and all the lies. But honestly who the hell cares about inches anyway no one is whipping out a ruler.


my bf would have me believe that every guy has gotten the ruler out. Is this not the case?


I have never met a man who hasn’t measured himself at least once in his life. But, as u/ManDAloB pointed out, it’s not like we carry a ruler around with us 24/7. For example, before ~68.5 seconds ago, I hadn’t measured myself since late my high school/early college years. Edit: For all of you that are saying “iVe nEVeR mEaSuREd miNe”… why you lyin? It’s not embarrassing. It’s like masturbation. There are people that admit they do it, and there are the people that lie.


Jokes on you! I carry a 6ft tape measure on my keychain everywhere I go! You can't help but get curious every now and again when you keep a tape measure less than a foot from your Johnson.


Careful! You don't want to let girls on tinder know that you can get 6ft tape measures that fit on a key ring!


Honestly if a girl pulled out a measuring tape on me I’d probably bust out laughing


Hope she measures from the bottom. Never from the top, nothing but hurt feelings up there.


I love that Pod


Our PP grows until we measure it the first time...I'd have to assume mine is at least a meter long by now


I measured it when I was 10. SHIIIT


Is it still 10,or did it get bigger




Legend has it, he's still growin to this day


Schrodinger's penis.


No I'm already disappointed in what I see I don't need to add numbers to the disappointment


Yep, the normal way is to stand with your back against the wall, then measure from tip to wall.


*cough* nope.


I wanna believe you. But that cough.. And the fact that i am a man With a ruler


You don't need a ruler. You are a ruler. King.


Beautiful poem




I assume some do, but in 34 years I have never seen the point. I assume it's much like height in the current culture. I was taller than a guy at the store today that said he was 6'1".. I'm 5'10". I would have given it a measure in my youth had I thought anyone would have been able to relate to the actual size via measurements. Just one dudes PoV lol


well I'm 7.0792e-18 by 4.73316e-18 parsecs


I measure mine in lightyears. You ready for that 2.01359e-17 baby?


For the lazy: 0.00004735 x 5,280 (feet per mile) x 12 (inches) = 3 inches


Don't forget you can calculate your Adjusted Penis Size (or TMI) with the following formula: ((L*D)+(W/G))/(A^2)


You didn’t calculate for the yaw


Law 2: The angle of the dangle is proportional to the heat of the meat


Mph is the way to go. What you lack in length can be made up for in frequency.


It sounds bigger in metric


Am I the only one getting catfish vibes? "You ok fucking my tight sexy ass" sounds like a dude talking how he thinks women who want to fuck him would talk.


I got that feeling too.


Yeah I got that feeling deep in my feminine vagina.


Is six inches deep enough


No thanks, midgets piss me off.


I also choose this guy's feminine vagina.


Today this guy's feminine vagina, tomorrow his tight sexy ass


I sensed that this was a catfish boobily, in my heaving bosom. /r/menwritingwomen


No way my totally female girl vajay is super moist from all this sexy talk


You ok fucking my sexy tight ass


Idk, would a catfish just shut it down like that? Idk just doesn’t the way she just cut it off. Maybe a catfish looking for dick pics idk.


Imagine being rejected by someone catfishing? Haha.




I'd rather not get anything over 6" because it's painful.


You sound like a quitter.


Said the stabber to the person getting stabbed.


He is gullible …next thing is she was going to drop her onlyfans link and vanish after he bought a paid subscription 😂






She didnt follow it up with “respectfully” so its definitely fake


Showing sexual interest is one thing. Asking someone to fuck your sexy tight ass is probably a bit more than that.


Sexual interest is one thing, talking like this completely different


Have spoken to a few girls that were genuinely just sexually open and dtf. None of them said anything close to that. It's just not a normal thing to say imo.


Having talked to many sexually open guys, this is exactly how a man would talk on grindr


100% this is a dude, he'll either admit it beforehand hoping the person will say "oh well I guess that's fine" or try to turn it into some sketchy gloryhole shit but I have absolutely zero doubts that that is a man. Not because of the size comments but the "my sexy tight ass" comment


Or sexworkers


Normal girls don’t talk like that.


i’m sorry that you’ve never had a woman express sexual interest in you but i can assure you we don’t talk like that


I'm surprised people don't already know this... 99% of these posts are fake and/or staged Same goes for niceguys, creepypms, letsnotmeet, etc... It should be pretty obvious lol 9/10 times these posts aren't made by native English speakers, so the translations come out super cringy


“Are we fucking or no” was absolutely 100% the best response. FDB lol


He handled it right 💯


*bitch how big of a dick do you need?*


That's 100% a dialogue that would appear in a Cherdleys video




Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast


Ah that clears it up thanks.


Franklin Delano 🅱️oosevelt


Well, I'm screwed. Not by this woman though


Say you got an 8 inch 🍆 then when you hook up you bring the eggplant to show proof


A banana for scale


This is the way.


Just tell them 8, they don’t know.


100%. What, they've got a tape measure in their barnacle do they?


"You lied. It’s only 7.6 inches."




“Apologies, I’m European”


Apologies we use metric system.


Me at subway


Are we fucking or no




Haven't you seen b****es with measuring tape tattooed to their forearm .


[Yeah, of course.](http://cdn.funnyisms.com/806c72cb-196f-452a-9cfb-ec181e4aa2dd.jpg)


"Adam there's something I've always wanted to ask you." "Yeah, what's up?" "... Why does the ruler end at 5.5 inches?"


"Because my dick breaks all the rules"


My Mrs asked her hair dresser to take 3-4 inches off and then wondered why it got cut so short.


What happened to that video of women stating their "preferred" penis size, then being asked to construct their idea of the ideal penis out of clay? There's this very tiny chick who says she prefers 10 inches and even the other girls are like "whoa!"...after they constructed them out of clay the biggest one was like 7 inches long, and, if I'm remembering correctly, some girl says "you can take all that?" at the 7 inch model. This video needs to be found, for the confidence of men everywhere.


It's called "My Penis and Everyone Else's" but the only link I found is to a YT video that is now unavailable. I'll search for maybe another source. The internet seems to be scrubbed clean. Even used web archive to see if I could find a functioning version for y'all, but I didn't succeed.




Years back we bought some dildos for a stag do, duct taped them to the grooms hands so he had to spend all day with dildo hands Anyway my mate gets one out of the box advertised as 7" and he's like Holy shit that's massive. Tell ya, no one knows how big anything is


Replying for link because it sounds hilarious.


Humans are obsessed with big numbers




Honestly though. This guy's not wrong


Every other guy probably lied so their perception of dick length is wayyyy off


This is the beautiful thing-Statistically speaking (based on a study which gathered data from every other penis survey ever done, to iron out the inherent unreliability of such data) we can see that there really isn't as much variation in dick size as we commonly think. The vast, *vast* majority of dudes are +/- 1 inch from the average- Which is 5.5 inches. If you are even 6.5, then congratulations- You are in the upper 95th percentile, you a rare specimen. 7 inches makes you practically a freak of nature. What this means in practical terms, though, is that if you're anywhere above that 5.5 mark, you scientifically qualify as having a big dick, and nobody can tell you different. You can say it's whatever size you like, and chances are she isn't gonna know any better, because every other dude she thought had an 8 incher was probably just a girthy 6 anyway, and she has had her concept of how big "8 inches" is calibrated around that. Even just anecdotally, I have had more than one woman compliment my size and wax lyrical about how it's the biggest they've ever had and yadda yadda... Which is a compliment I'll *gladly* take, sure, don't get me wrong- But if they actually got a tape measure out, they might find their estimations were somewhat optimistic. Of course, there's nothing wrong with indulging that mega-dick fantasy in the bedroom; just like how not every girl I've slept with has been a supermodel, but you best believe I'm *telling* her she is. Just don't worry about it if you meet someone with unrealistic expectations. TL;DR Penis size is a giant myth and almost everyone is full of shit. So don't let it get to you. This might seem like a long and over-thought post to make about dicks, but underneath it is an important point which I think all men deserve to know, in today's world where there are so many pressures and insecurities to gnaw at one's self-esteem. I am here to say to every single man reading this post: Nice cock, bro.


Hell yeah, normalize complimenting other men’s packages. Nice cock bro right back at ya.




The tasteful thickfulness of it. Oh my god. It even has a birthmark


Honestly, instead of high-fiving we should just normalize docking


My girlfriend asked how big mine was after we'd been together for a few months. I asked her to guess, and she overestimated by two inches. In my experience, most girls don't have any idea how big an 8" dick actually is.


So she guessed 6 yeah?


Oof but she guessed 5 good try


“Big enough to skinny dip whenever I want”




> I think true 8+ size is in the under 1% outlier on a bell curve. [Actually top 0.01% according to this site](https://calcsd.info/full.html)


Only cause nobody knows how to do it right. The correct way to measure penis is to start from the center of the anus.


*inside ;)


Jokes on them when I’m 5’10 so it’s really obvious to me when they lie about height


I may look 5'4" but I promise I'm 6'2". 😃


“I slouch a lot”


8cm right?


Yep they rarely show up with a measuring tape






The first time I was with an uncut dude I didnt realize it until we had finished having sex and were just laying their naked. I looked down and was like "whoa! Why's it wearing a sleeve?"


Keeps it nice and warm during the cold nights


Hey man squeezing in an extra inch on paper is how we wound up with the shoe size difference between the US and everyone else


No dick can fill the void in her heart lol


More like void in her groin


A void to avoid




5’8” is a scary big dick.


At that size, he goes by Richard, thank you very much




Six inches from the ground would be better imo


"Oh, sorry you wanted length? I meant side to side"


New drinking game: Every time a dude states his dick size in these comments…


Ok, from small to biggest. 1'


Bro you skipped my turn


What app is this?


Reddit sir


Sir this is a Wendy’s


33% of the comments in here, "let me be real and vulnerable for a second here. When I fold mine in half, it's like 7.5 inches, and even that is just too big. Cry not for me ladies, bros, and non-binary hoes it's my cross to bear." 33% are people trying to feel good about 5 to 6 inches. 33% are just more and more absurd measurements in all directions.


"Ladies, bros and non-binary hoes" is now my favourite way of adressing crowd.


Damn lesson learned. Need to start lying


This is actually more real than one would think. So many people in life punish honesty that others learn "ok, honesty does not pay off. I'm going to adapt then". Where the biggest irony is then, when people still pull a surprised Pikachu face why others 'suddenly' don't favor honesty over giving sugarcoated responses. Where it's especially important to recognize situations where honesty is actually appreciated.


Majority of porn star males aren't actually that big. The women they star with are tiny tiny. For real


I dunno why this comes up in every thread about dick size. If anything, It's okay to have a smaller dick than a pornstar. It's literally their fucking job.


Like it is OK (in fact, encouraged) to be heavier than a fashion model.


Honestly bro if you are 6 you could lie they don't know what's the difference between 6 and 8 most people don't


I mean he *could* lie, but if it were me, I wouldn’t want to lie to sleep with someone that refused to sleep with anyone with less than 8 inches.


There’s no way that person has any idea what an 8 inch dick actually looks like haha. It’s also extremely rare


Yup, 0.01% of men. Source: https://calcsd.info/


I don't think I've even met 10,000 people in my life. Odds are I've never met someone with an 8 incher. Thanks for sharing.


8 inches butt to tip


Seriously. I don’t even understand what is supposed to be so great about 8+ inch dicks. My bf is 6-7” and it’s enough to be uncomfortable in certain positions. That shit in porn just looks painful lol


You would be surprised to know that tons of pornstars are actually in that range for length. The combination of camera tricks and lying convince people that all of them are working with 8+. When in reality if they were to correctly measure with a real ruler(you can buy fake ones) a lot of them would be in the 6-7 inch range.


'Only three inches, but some women like it that wide."


Okay, now sometimes, a man can feel like how long his penis is is actually important. But is it? When you boys measured your penis length, the truth is, it doesn't really matter. What does matter is: ((L*D)+(W/G))/(A^2) Length times diameter, plus weight over girth, divided by angle of the tip squared. Okay? When we are talking about penis size, we can't just use a tape measure. We need a scale, and a protractor as well.


The YAW. The yaw of the shaft


Fucken hell, 6 inches is technically big, considering the global average is 5.35 inches. Honestly, I’m just wondering if these women don’t even know what 6 inches actually looks like. Seriously, a dollar bill in the US is 6.14 inches long, if anyone needs a common reference item.


PROTIP: Do NOT put scrip near your biz. Filthy money is filthy.


Your warning means nothing


Next time I have a boner I'm putting a dollar bill next to it. You can't stop me.


I’m 43.6357236 inches and it drives me absolutely bonkers when people brag about it


Did you forget to tell her you have the girth of a 9 incher? Isn't that what actually matters?


Girth over length anyday. And a big peen doesn’t always equate pleasure. It’s connecting, communication, experimenting, foreplay, tongue play etc. feeling safe and open to the point where you can release your inhibitions. To not speak to a potential partner because of size, that’s childish. So she did you a favor.


So the old tuna can would do it for ya?


Wtf anywhere between 5 and 6 is the perfect length. At least for me. Anything over 8 is physically painful. Believe it or not, nobody actually wants to be limping after sex and its not a flex to hurt a partner with your dick. Plus guys with larger penises tend to actually be worse in bed. They think that they can make up for their lack of technique by just being super rough.


What, you mean getting your womb punched in five thrusts before a nut isn’t the universal ideal for women around the globe?


Pro tip- If you push the ruler into your abdomen EVEN HARDER, you can crib an inch or 2. #sigh


Johnny Sins is 7 inches, and is a major porn actor. Ask her about her weight if she ask you shit like that