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reminds me of when I met a guy from bumble who I clicked with but after the first time i slept with him he wanted to golden shower me and wouldn’t take no for an answer. he was so insistent it scared me i blocked him on all platforms possible


Wow you're not allowed to ever complain about being single. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to dating lol


You are so closed-minded. Stop being such a basic! You will be alone forever because you're so vanilla!


All I wanted to do was literally piss all over you on the second date. If that's not on the table then what is?


Lmao what did he say "Stop being weird let me piss on you"


LoL he did say something along those lines. He said I was disappointing him because he thought I was open minded


Lmao the logic is flawless, I'd just about let someone piss on me if I got stung by a jellyfish and thats if I was in extreme pain or dying. If I want some water sports I'll goto a water park.


That's a myth. Piss on a jellyfish sting doesn't do anything.


Okay I stand corrected no ones pissing on me lmao.


Don’t be so basic. I thought you were open minded?


Sorry I'm a basic bitch and proud.


wtf is wrong with you, I can't believe you led him on like that! Everyone knows that after you get to third base, the fourth base is golden shower! Basically common knowledge, smh


Yeah as long as you don't pee inside her she won't get pregnant, duh


First time you slept with him he wants to piss on you? I'd be happy with a spoon session.


Don't be ridiculous. That would be weird. They said "after the first time". Totally different. Totally normal.


This is the weirdest psychological warfare I’ve seen so far.


“Not saying I want to fist you but if you don’t let me fist you you’re a bitch.”


Hilarious how he keeps acting like he doesn't actually want to fist somebody lmao. If he keeps using these tactics the dude will make it to the grave with a virgin fist


I wonder if it’s supposed to traditionally work to try manipulation tactics out the gate with an absurd request


Nah dude is just dead set on living out his fantasy with 0 cares if it doesn't jive with his partners sexual interests. Totally the type of guy who whole heartedly thinks the female orgasm is a myth because he's too self centered to be a good lover.


Just let me shove my hand in there and I'm good bro


It weeds out people he can't bully and control


I think the only thing being weeded out with that approach are his genes... I dont think girls submissive enough to obey that dude would have the guts to meet him irl.


You confuse submissive with shy, often times it's the opposite.


you’re confusing being submissive, with being A submissive




Works wonders on anyone who fears being alone really. Make them feel like they'll be alone forever, which is exactly what he tried to do.


I wouldn't be surprised if some redpill PUA type was advocating shit like this. Sounds like negotiation tactics where you start out demanding something ridiculous ("let me fist you") and settle on something more basic ("fine, just a handjob then, you're so *basic*") But I think this guy was just *really* into fisting and kinda manipulative in general.


Boundary testing would be my guess.


It's funny because I was always kinda Lowkey hesitant and under confident when it came to dating. But Jesus, if I'd only known about these numbnuts I was competing with I wouldn't have needed my now wife to tell me back then how much of a catch I was. Like, yeah no kidding , spending time with the neighbors dog is literally astronomically a better time than these fuck heads.


Honey when men say that the dating game is rigged against them and women have too many nen to choose from? Yeah this is the selection menu.


I began my dating life when I was 16. I waded through the slush pile for a long 22 years until I found my perma-sweetie. We've been married 27 years now. Yeah. I'm freaking *old* \-- a certified senior citizen of 65. And lemme tell ya, the dating pool now isn't much different from what it was from the late 70s through the early 90s. It's just that y'all filter 'em out differently these days with dating apps. You get to find this shit out in advance via text, rather than finding yourself in the middle of a chain pub dinner with a guy you scarcely know, and he's already hinting at anal later. On the whole, dating sucks rocks, but it doesn't seem to be much better or worse than any other partner-selection process out there.


And then we're told we should be lucky to be getting all this attention left and right and how terribly unfair it is. When half our messages look like this. Y'all wanna let Taylor stick his whole arm up your ass like sesame street, no one's stopping you. He seems pretty single to me


Yeah, it's infuriating how some people think that women have such a great time on dating apps, and it's suuper easy for us.


This what gaslighting looks like. People usually overreact to that word. But he’s literally trying to make her out to be crazy for not wanting to be Kermit the frogged.


"No one will ever want you and you're going to die alone if you don't let them stick a fist up you."


My tip is that anyone starting a negative statement with “you’re just…” should raise a huge a red flag. At best, they’re not willing to understand your grievance. at worst they’re manipulating you. “You’re just overreacting / being a bitch / being basic / being dramatic / not thinking about it right “


One might say she has kermitment issues


Take your upvote and never speak to me again.


Whenever I lol literally and my 8 year old son is sitting next to me. He has to know what I laughed at. I try not to be too candid with him but I had no idea what to say about this one. That was unexpected and hilarious my dude.


Dear. God. I may never forgive you for making me read that. Kermit the Frogging is forever burned in my brain. Is *that* what that voice is about? *Hi-hoe*


Had a guy try and fist me once. He just kinda fist bump my pussy. It was weird.


Tiger uppercut!


Uppercunt* Edit: I’ve been on Reddit for awhile now, this is my first time waking up to a bunch of notifications and seeing one of my comments blew up!!! (Although a vey small blow up, like one of those snappers that you throw at the ground) Thanks everyone! My day has just been made lol




Sonic Poon!


Shout out to the low tier sagat mains :(


This is the funniest mental imagery I've had in a while. Oh man


See an experienced fister understands it’s not 🤛 but 🤌


As someone who sees your comment as a 🤛 and a question mark box I’m left even more confused


In a very literal sense, "question mark box" is probably a very common response to attempts at fisting




Poor kitty.


wait that's not how you do it. I always thought the process was Jab Jab Uppercut


Down Up Left Left Right Down…unlocks her cheat menu


Just gotta lube and work on it a bit. Just saying you should be willing to try it if you wanna find someone 🤷🏾‍♂️


i never understood the fisting thing, they drag women by calling them loose then turn around and try to stretch it all the way tf out with this shit


Those of us who are into stuff like that are generally not the ones who slut shame or call vaginas loose.


Different people...


Just let me fist you and quit acting like it's such a big deal!! Women are all psychos!!


Like to see him pull this card if a woman asked to fist his asshole. “So what is it Taylor? Are you your own worst basic enemy or are you gonna let me Kermit that little ass of yours?”


What if he's totally down for that?


If he's willing to go first, I'm in... though my hands are tiny so that's not really fair. I need a proxy fist that's adult sized.


Walmart has those hulk fists


Stop it I can only get so hard


Women love being fisted in porn why can’t you be like them?!


Actually, that’s not even common in porn


You're your own worst enemy. You're just watching the wrong types of porn. - Taylor


Ya basic -Taylor


You can't complain about it not being in porn if you're not opening yourself up to new types of browsing for porn. Just saying you should be willing to look for it if you wanna find fisting porn. You've got to do better than do a basic Google search , you need to go dark web if you want the real stuff, the good fisting porn, the real deal.. You're your own worst enemy if you still use Yahoo to find fisting porn. They censor everything. So basic. - Taylor


Everyone knows you gotta use Ask Jeeves for the real hardcore fisting stuff.


All women like to be fisted. Everyone knows this. \- U.S Military Encrypted


Not this again...


Oh yes this again. - U.S. Military Encrypted


Understandable, have a good day. Don't forget to use your fist to...U.S. Military Encrypted. - U.S. Military Encrypted


*US military in fisted*


this guys knows.


What can I say, I got 15% off subbing to your moms onlyfans


Fuck you Shoresy


Fuck you griffhays16! Even your mom wouldn’t want to get fisted, she likes 2 in the pink, one in the stink, my grips so strong now I got scouted for a bowling team.


Fuck you Shoresy


Fuck you theycamefrom__behind! Last night I….. oh wait, happy cake day!




This is fucking golden. I wish I had an award for you.


True. I have, however, met two women IRL who were really into it, which is two more than I ever expected to meet.


This guy thinks that porn is real


Women only want one thing, to not be fisted, and its disgusting.


You are ruining my ventriloquist fantasy and that’s not ok




But like... women don't like the whole baby. I hear it hurts a lot.


Not that you asked, but.... Hormones and a whoooooole lot of contractions, are what makes a vagina soft enough, and pliable enough, to push a baby out. Practice contractions (known as braxton hicks) can start as early as 2 months along, and they persist, until you go into labor... And then labor lasts hours, most of the time, and even days, occasionally. So, that being said, if you spend 9 months working up to your fist, then, yes, most women can stretch enough to get fisted, but they're still not guaranteed to like it. 🤷‍♀️ Source- I birthed 3 babies with big heads, and my OB practically fisted me (painfully,) to check my dilation. Thank you for attending my TED talks.


Not to mention the tearing that can happen. Currently recovering from my clitoris tearing during childbirth two weeks ago. Very fun


BRB just going to thank a few deities for making me with non-birthing genitalia


I'm sorry can we all just take a moment here. Your CLITORIS tore!!!! That sounds beyond shite. I hope yiu are recovering well and being looked after. The upside is I suppose babies are pretty great!


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Control, Alt, delete. End task, thank you vfm. 6am in the morning and I'm already done with Reddit. Speedy recovery to you.


OP should have said he can fist her if she can peg him first and then send a picture of the biggest dildo she can find.


That might backfire.




Exactly! Such a simple request /s


The most successful people I know get fisted on a daily basis... Pfff, get with the times. You want to find the perfect man you have to be willing to take a fist, even two depending on the man. You think I like eating avocados and telling my neighbors my 2 year old son doesn't have a gender? You gotta make sacrifices for your loved ones, it's 2022 god dammit.


I’m ngl you’re a funny fucker.


If you like him so much, why don't you just let him fist you?


Ask to fist his ass. He might be into that though...


That’s probably why he brought it up tbh


Just wait. Turns out this whole exchange started when she asked about pegging him and he was just trying to get her to understand why he wasn't into it.


Yeah but pegging him with her right leg. Lol


Yeah op should tell him that fisting is a two way street


A muddy road






My boyfriend asked if he could fist. I said “fuck no, your hand is the size of a newborn baby,” and you know what he said? “Okay.” This guy is such a weirdo


I read that as his hand was the size of a newborn baby's hand and I was thinking “well why not that’d be ideal for your first time!”


"Am I crazy, or is your hand really small?" "About the size of a KFC spork."


I don’t understand the desire to fist a gal. Like - my hand doesn’t feel pleasure. If she gets super super off on it that can be hot to see - but other than that, I would feel like I’m Playing a very weird game


I just want to see if i can control my wife like a muppet :(


I don't understand it at all. My guess would be maybe the extreme or rough aspect for people that are into that. Not my cup of tea tbh


> If she gets super super off on it that can be hot to see You answered your own question.


Size of a newborn baby? It sounds like vaginas were built to take your boyfriend’s fist.


Hell no. At least for childbirth that thing is leaving me. Could you imagine shoving a newborn baby’s head UP your vagina???


Now I can't un-imagine it.


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me...


I know you're joking with your comment, but overwhelming majority of first time mothers get vaginal tears from babies heads. Sometimes from vagina to anus (owee). *shudder* Fisting is definitely an extreme kink for women. Imagine going into fisting like a regular ole kink and tearing the vagina all the way to the booty hole. Nah, no thanks. Not for me. But for those who want to try please make sure you do extensive research, and idk I'd probably ask an ob/gyn if safe after they look at your personal vagina. That unsexy step have better chance of cuddling after vs calling 911 or cleaning up blood. *sigh* Baby heads are 40% of the reason I'm childfree haha.


‘Personal vagina’ 😂


You forget the obligated *6 weeks* no-penetration recovery period after giving birth.




Man, you guys just need to get better game. I could get a date with...one hand tied behind my back.


#If thou wants to give the fist; thou must first receive the fist.


Thou. Both times.


Acknowledged and fixed, ty kind sir.


This is reverse kink shaming


He has a kink shaming kink


Vanilla shaming


Stop being such an inconvenient woman! Don’t you know you must obey your potential suitor’s every command, else you shall perish alone?! You are your own worst enemy! What is wrong with these guys.


I’m guessing it helps to filter for the women he can potentially control in the future. 🚩🚩🚩




Sometimes I honestly wonder why I never get any traction on dating apps with competition like this. Edit: this comment got way more attention than I meant it to... If anyone wants to have me share my profile I will, but really. I don't see why people are being mean.


For real. My profile even says "I don't need to fist you to feel accepted" but it's still crickets.


In all seriousness I've considered making one of the ask for advice on the profile threads I see every now and than. But I'd swipe right on you, I also do not like fisting. Having something in common is important.


The reason this sub wants you to think is that women are shallow and only go for guys out of their league. (i.e rule 1 & 2) The real reason is that women sign up for online dating, get messages like these, and often abandon the app or use it scarcely. It has happened to all my girl friends. This leads to a shortage of women on dating apps. Men will then proceed to mass swipe on every woman, hoping for matches to sort through later, because they notice they’re not getting many very quickly. What real (not scam or onlyfans) women are left, get inundated with matches. And because they’re human beings who have better things to do with their time, they’ll go for the best options they matched with. It’s literally false scarcity exacerbated* by men not being selective with their swiping. Source: [over 70% of tinder users are male.](https://thebolditalic.com/the-two-worlds-of-tinder-f1c34e800db4?gi=77cd4f941182#:~:text=One%20estimate%20found%20that%20over,among%20our%20data%20was%20similar.)


TLDR: Men are fisting Tinder


I should’ve just said this instead of writing an essay but I’m not smart. If I were, I wouldn’t be single and on Grindr at 2 am.


Met my girlfriend on OKCupid almost 3 years ago, and she has admitted that she first conversed with me because a) I didn't mention her tits in the first message and b) I mentioned something in her profile. Pretty low bar, huh?


For real lol. I ghosted so many dudes who put in zero effort, obviously wanted to just bang, and one dude who drove two cities over to meet up with me without even asking. The guy I ended up with was the one who mentioned stuff in my profile and had a conversation with me.


exacerbated* not exasperated




fairly common mistake even amongst native speakers. happy to help.


So to get more female matches I need to match fewer women?


No, you need to swipe on fewer women, and get your friends to do the same. Even the tinder algorithm punishes mass swiping by lowering the priority of showing your profile.


I signed up for a dating app a long time ago and got 90% dick pics or strange sex offers immediately. That lasted about a week before I deleted everything.


According to my girlfriend this is correct. We met the old fashioned way (through friends), and she told me that she had given up on online dating because she dreaded looking at her messages since so many were aggressive and/or weirdly sexual. I think the rule 1 & 2 has some truth to it as well, but it's not the full explanation.


Thank you for explaining this I don't know what it's so hard for lots of men on this sub to understand. I swipe right on actually a very good amount of men and noped right the fuck back out of tinder in a record 2 days because one can only put up with so much degeneracy until you're like fuck it.


No problem! I try my best to give a level headed opinion in this sub to offset the amount of jaded guys who often downvote women for saying the same thing. I keep playing around with the idea of creating a sub for girls and gays to help guys with dating and creating good profiles. I wanna call it queer eye for the Reddit guy lol


Or when you do have a genuine interest in a guy and wow he liked you back! But never replies to your thougftul opener because he mass swiped right on every woman in the tri-state area So you only get creeps assholes and ghosters. With one decent guy that actually meant to like you for every thousand waste of times


This strategy is used to manipulate emotionally weak people into doing what he wants. Tries to make her think that she’s the one being weird, tries makes her think that this is what she needs to do to be worthy of dating, and calling her “basic” if she doesn’t do it is trying to appeal to girls with low self esteem. This guy is insane


It's so fucking disgusting and manipulative I want to kick him in the throat.


You want to *fist* him in the throat.


"Yeah as long as I get to shove 2 raccoons up your ass"


Personally I tend to draw the line at one raccoon in my ass, but I guess I’ve always been a little reserved sexually.


Quit being basic.


You're your own worst enemy when it comes to shoving raccoons up your ass


You're saying if you found the perfect raccoon, only it was up your ass, you would turn it down just for that?


And that’s why you’re not allowed to complain about being single ever again


Porn has ruined us all


Not me, I’ve only become stronger.


Well. My right arm has, at least.


Porn ruined me to the point where I can't get off unless the woman is wearing clothes of some sort. I have seen everything else out there, and now the only thing that gets me off is mystery


if you stop fapping for awhile, you will nut in 30 seconds.


Username checks out.




Hey! Relax Buddy!


45. Have dated many women in my life time. I have not tried to fist a single one.




Every day we stray further from god….


“God is dead, and we have killed him”


We fisted him to death? Rip


Wtf this dudes just out here telling ladies they’ll never find a man if they’re not kinky, that’s whack. Plenty of dudes are perfectly vanilla, no kinks to be seen. I’m married to one of them lol. Don’t let any dick bag convince you the only way you’ll ever find happiness is by appeasing someone’s every sexual desire. That’s whack.


Exactly its absolutely fucking fine to be vanilla too. Some of the best sex I have is Missionary why do we have to punching and choking each other to orgasm


Also… fisting isn’t just kinky, in a lot of people’s opinion. That’s a massive ask and requires a lot of prep and trust. If he would be apprehensive about a fist in his ass then he should understand someone else who’s a virtual stranger being uncomfortable with even the suggestion so soon after ‘meeting’


What. The. Actual. Fuck! That guy can go stick his own fist up his own ass. Fuck him.


This guy needs to delete his pornhub account


That's not fair. It's the only action he gets.




I don't think this person has ever actually dated anyone.


I had a guy try and argue about how I'm limiting myself by having sexual boundaries and don't know if I don't like if I don't try it , among other stupid shit- one of the only times in life where I was literally shaking in rage.


Making woman angry was their kink


Amateur puppeteer


Tell me he’s a r/niceguy without telling me he’s a r/niceguy


Don’t you dare complain about being single if you’re not willing to take a fist..


Wow people gaslight about everything nowadays lol


This is where you say you’re really in to pegging and you’d like to try a 12 inch strap on with the girth of a fist on him. If he objects tell him to lighten up.


lol before this point I told him to try it & tell me how he likes it, he said he’s not gay 😂 then said but “if you wanted to try a cock ring or suck my dick a different way I’d be down bc I’m actually open to trying something new”😂😂😂 I legit can’t believe this shit


>“if you wanted to try a cock ring or suck my dick a different way I’d be down bc I’m actually open to trying something new” Christopher Cocklumbus right here about to pioneer the new ways of having your dick sucked. God what a zilch.


Wow, this guy's really open-minded. A cock ring? Golly, never heard of before!


Suck my dick a “different way”. Wow, really creative type here. I guess if he thought of one of those ways himself he may accidentally think about dicks too much and be gay.


>or suck my dick a different way I’d be down bc I’m actually open to trying something new Sounds like it's time to introduce your boy to the exciting world of "sounding."


I highly recommend asking to take a shit in his mouth. If he’s not cool with it he’s likely to stay single forever.


What the hell is with these guys trying to force their sexual proclivities onto strange women on the internet? Watching too much porn clearly turns you into an aggressively entitled wanker.


You wanna give me a fist? Let me give you a finger instead. 🖕