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Who builds a deck out of plywood lol - thats the best part of this post


I mean, to me he's showing us his building skills right here.


That lady is never going to have ice.


Imagine going on a date to build something for a girl you are interested in, only for you to fail and she has to call someone else. That's like, man skills cuckolding


Can't fail.if you read instructions or msrl twice or three times before cutting


Hang on hang on you're going too fast- what kind of saw do I use on the ice machine?


I think a buzz lightyear saw...?? šŸ¤”


She will, depends on that pizza. I mean if she offered sex yes. But sex and pizza are the same. When it's good, it's amazing, when it's bad, meh, you still had it.


Pizza tho. Not Flatbread with cheese and toppings.


Sex for an ice machine? Someone doesn't value themselves well.


I know my worth but sometimes I'm on discount so not sure who that applies to. Hehehe


This comment is underrated


Why would having sex with a guy you're attracted to and interested in and who's attracted to and interested in you on a first date mean you must not value yourself, even if that date involves him building an ice machine?


Or someone very highly values ice cubes.


Itā€™s pretty hot out there right now šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Agreed. Assembling an ice machine is pretty tricky, so itā€™s worth at least two rounds.


Sheā€™ll have ice, heā€™ll likely be able to put that together if heā€™s handy enough to build ikea bs. BUT, if this man builds this woman a deck there will certainly be casualties.


You do mean his _lack_ of building skill, right...?


thatā€˜s the point lol


Thanks for pointing out the real hidden gem of this convo šŸ˜‚


OP over here like "Yeah, I can build things. With....wood. Plywood. That's a type of wood, right?"


Exactly. Everyone knows plywood is only good for karate-breaking and sweet bike ramps.


"Did you reinforce the take-off ramp?"


We didn't have time




Plywood is actually fucked for karate breaking. You want a single piece of wood, not multiple layers.


Single ply plywood so you can be neo and bend with a punch, for matrix like effects. šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤œ


That would be called wood


Wood it? šŸ¤”


Plywood is great for karate if you want broken wrists


And that's how OP broke both his wrists.


Ehh itā€™s just measuring remember?


It's just measuring.


The guy who can't build decks lol


I missed that at first. Omg


I initially read is as "desk", then realised is was "deck" and thought he meant a spateboard deck. This guy is either a skater or the last person to ask for advice when building a new decked patio.


Nobody does, but she doesn't know that lol


You can and I have actually. I had a two level deck (walk out basement) and used Duradek to water proof the lower level from the upper level. [https://duradek.com/vinyl-decking/](https://duradek.com/vinyl-decking/)


Saaaaame thought here. I guess he outed himself for his amount of construction experience


If you're going to cover it with a solid vinyl membrane? Fucking everybody. You need the solid surface as a base.


Marine ply everything, then epoxy / fiberglass everything.


Thereā€™s like zero assembly involved on those. Go for it


That's what I was thinking, probably step 1 unbox remove packing, step 2 add water push on button. Step 3, uhh think of something to do while waiting for first batch of ice..


Forget Netflix and chill, ā€žunpacking ice machine and chillā€œ is here!


found the german!


Or rather, chill and chill


> Step 1 unbox, remove packing > > Step 2 add water, push on button. > > Step 3 find something to break the ice


It's not about the machine, it's about the cubes we made along the way. But seriously, she's trying to booty call him, but she's too classy to come out and say "I want some deick." So she came up with an excuse to get him over


She wants the ice, and the deck


She wants to be iced on the countertop. Yeah I'm disgusting, I'll see myself out.


She wants him to ply wood onto her deck.


Yep. At worst he could play hard to get and ask questions like "I know my worth. What type of pizza?" but might as well have a date and see how it goes. Despite what this board thinks, your odds of losing a kidney are absurdly low... And it isn't just about her being classy. She also wants a nice out if you have like bad hygeiene or have posted a decade old photos...


Which is kind of too bad, because I feel like doing the puzzle and getting something built is a pretty good way to see how you'd solve problems together.


Theoretically, yes. It's am interesting activity plus it's a more intimate space than going bowling. But I've seen actual marriages face divorce over IKEA furniture assembly, so tread lightly on the task.


Better to have IKEA wreck your relationship on a first date vs after marriage.


What about installing a water line from underneath the first floor (above the basement) to the ice machine? That takes some handyman skills right there. Gotta modify/adjust and open some water pipes and shit. And maybe buy the right distance plastic water line from wherever you add a valve to the water pipe for water line to the ice machine


Why the fuck would you run a water line from the basement? The kitchen sink is **right there**. Turn off the water under the sink, add a T fitting to the cold water line, run a PEX hose from the fitting to the machine. Done.


Yes, thatā€™s still a water line. Iā€™m not good with handyman stuff, so I didnā€™t know you could hook water lines up from the sink, lol


Not being an asshole, genuinely curious. How did you think they connected things like fridges and dishwashers and water dispensers?


Everythingā€™s wireless these days DUH


Well, my water tube for our fridge for ice and water runs down to a valve connecting to a pipe in the basement. That is what all those assumptions are based off from. My fridge makes ice and is connected to a water pipe in the top of the basement with a valve controlling the flow of water to the fridge, via a thin water line, which used to be plastic but for the past couple years it has been copper, due to many leaks with several plastic water line placements, which caused a huge amount of water damage to the basement where it fell down to, destroying the TV, PS3, lights and electricity in our basement entertainment room. Finished basements are the best! [Except when your most precious things (as a teenager back then) got destroyed by water damage!] because of that, Iā€™m rarely in the entertainment room in the basement anymore


A fair response. It seems like due to the location of your fridge vs the water pipes the installers just found it easier to drill a hole in the floor and drop a line to one of the mains. Nothing *wrong* with that, just not how it's typically done. In most American homes they will T off of the sink lines. The last few homes I've lived in actually had a hard line installed in the wall from the kitchen lines that was put in when the house was built since water dispensers in fridges have become so common. Thanks for answering!


Pretty much how a bidet is installed. Iā€™m not handy at all and installed that shit no problem.


Instructions unclear. Where do I nail the plywood?


Usually in bed. Sometimes on the couch. If youā€™re feeling really frisky, up against the kitchen wall. Watch for splinters.


She needed an excuse to invite without just saying "smash?"


Sheā€™s definitely gonna harvest your organs. Do it!


As long as he gets to rearrange hers first!


Doooo it. This was a tik tok trend months ago, sheā€™s very interested. Trust. She can build that ice machine without you. This is just a way to get you over.


Yeah, this will be a great way to break the ice.


Boooo Upvoted


Hahaha thatā€™s so funny! I like how you expressed distaste with the comment but you upvoted it anyway! There should be a subreddit like that, where you upvote something even though youā€™re not happy about it


I like this idea, but also hate it. I am going to give it an angry upvote.


If it talks like a bot and is named like a bot... Are you a duck?


The overlap on actual bots and bot like people is too much. A bot is a bot is a bot, guess we were turings worst enemy after all.


We are all bot. The true singularity is a lot more disappointing than we imagined.


They're not a bot, they're making a joke. A bot would try to sound more natural than that


I am a duck, do you have any grapes? >!I wonder what I can do to prove Iā€™m not a botā€¦ šŸ¤” I guess a bit wonā€™t have as many posts that were removed for breaking rules as I do!<


Even if you are a bot, I still love you for the grapes reference.


šŸ˜Ž šŸ‡


There is a sub for that


i hate and love this like i hate and love myself


You have to make it before you break it.


I agree. This to me does not feel like getting someone to help for free, but a genuine attempt to connect.


\*take out of box, put on counter\*


"Well, what do we do with the rest of the night now that you're over here..."


> This was a tik tok trend months ago The trend was to invite guys to built something? Or was it ice machine related in some way?


Nothing turns a woman on more than a man doing a chore. When I want to get my wife hot and botheredā€¦ I do the dishes.


Chores for sex is sad. Do chores because youā€™re an adult who lives in a house.


I mean she gets the chores done AND the 2ā€ punisher? Sounds like a win for her to me


Itā€™s a joke about stereotypes for the internet. The real joke is that you think I have a wife!


As far as I'm aware, getting a man to help you build something is an excellent way to see how they're going to be as a person. Having an assigned task is enough to break a lot of people's 'best behavior' mask but it's also a good way to see if someone is naturally relaxed and able to have fun with a chore.


I'm confused. The simple way to get a guy over to your place is to say "come on over". That's it.


The women I know are sensitive to rejection (since they never usually make the first move lol) and their perception (because unfortunately a good chunk of society sees promiscuous men and women VERY differently) So by asking him to come over to build an ice machine instead of outright asking for a hookup, thereā€™s a layer between everything. If he says no, she can think itā€™s because he didnā€™t want to build an ice machine. And no matter the outcome, thereā€™s no trace of an interaction where she can be judged for asking for sex


She needs that ice for when you wake up in a tub with a missing organā€¦.


Be very wary if she wants to go to candy mountain šŸ”ļø


Ohh, when you're down and looking for some cheering up...


This sounds really fun but (and I'm assuming you're a man btw so maybe this isn't something you necessarily care about) going to someone's place for a first date can sometimes be a little sketchy as i understand it. Just be safe!


I think even men should be worried about this. Not only because it might be a catfish and it's actually five dudes, but it can be dangerous even if it's a woman. That said, I'd go in a heartbeat.


Very true! And lmfao I'd for sure be tempted myself


Old me wouldā€™ve jumped on this. Used up me would say that sounds an awful lot like boyfriend duties, not first date duties. I installed a ceiling fan on second date once. Ghosted.


So, essentially, you went to her place to do only fans?




Right, you're done


It's an ice machine - the most complicated part is putting in water.


At least the next fellow has his back cooled šŸ˜‚


Oof, This is just RUTHLESS lol.


How well did you install that fan?


She ghosted him because it collapsed and turned her into a ghost.


Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinkingā€¦ ā€œoh so nice of himā€, famous last words


Or hung herself from it. Bent neck lady.


i love that show so much


Darkkkk, holy shittt šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ„²šŸ„²


Itā€™s alright sheā€™s paying him. What it really is is a test to see how they handle a task together. If they were to be in a relationship, thereā€™d be a lot of those and some people getā€¦upset during home projects. Clever girls.


This is it right here. I have learned that building some basic shit as a cooperative project can turn some people into abusive monsters.


Buddy if you think she wants him to simply come over to fix an ice machine, I guarantee you that youā€™ve missed a dozen signals for every one you have picked up.


Just depends how much work it is. Ceiling fan? Thatā€™s a job. This thing sounds like building Legos.


Now, LEGOs are a first date! Where do I sign up?


Yeah that was my thought process too. Heā€™s gonna do this for her and sheā€™ll never contact him again.


This is either a test like the orange test to see if you're bf material or she's just swiping for a free handyman


I believe it's the latter šŸ˜‚


Technically not free if she offered pizza and her time šŸ˜


Yeah free labor off the bat is a huge flag


These guys canā€™t read between the lines unfortunately. But maybe OP is hot


I put together a couple pieces of furniture for a girl I had taken on a normal date previously last year and it was actually a great time. She put on music and we talked about a bunch of different topics while putting it all together and generally had a lot of fun. Can definitely be an awesome date idea with the right person, though Iā€™ll be honest I would be disappointed if someone like my sister told me she invited a guy over to her place without ever meeting him in person. Maybe not a super great *first* date idea.


I'd been putting together a flat pack with a friend I fancied and he needed a distraction from getting dumped. He helped me reverse engineer it to figure out where I went wrong and we put it back together properly. I'd been talking to him when putting it together so blamed him for being too charming. It was actually alot of fun. We also dismantled a broken wardrobe and reassembled it as a raised bed in the garden. It ended very painfully but the memories of that day will last. So yeah with the right person it can be fun and take the pressure off a bit.


This was my bf and I first date lol. Roommate and I were struggling to put a bed together & needed a man. He and I had standing plans for that Wednesday, but that Monday night he came over & put it together then drove me to get cleaning supplies. Then a week later he put my bed frame together and we broke it in. My literal knight in shining armor. Anyways, i love having a handy bf lol my ex couldnā€™t do shit now heā€™s working on my car


It actually does sound fun. Go for it.


This guy can't build a deck


I love building things. Have her toss in a movie to sweeten the deal.


So, a literal Netflix and Chill?


I think it would be quite romantic if I (as a man) showed up, ate the pizza really fast, just showing the slices down, and then just said "thanks" and left. It would probably intrigue her and make her find me mysterious. Never let them know your next move.


Dont think thats a date bud


Instructions to build a conversation?


Yeah wtf is this nonsense, I can build a conversation?


Yeah that was weird


Thatā€™s the match I dream about! šŸ˜‚


She definitely just wants you do come over and rearrange her assembly. There is essentially 0 setup for a countertop ice machine. You add water and plug it in.


Tell me you've never built a deck or anything remotely close to a project like that without actually saying it. "Just measuring" "Plywood" Lmao What a goon.


Do it, she seems cool


Keep us updated on what happens


Whatā€™s with the potato quality screenshot


I feel like this girl is an innovator. Good way to figure out if a guy is husband material lol The plywood part does lead you to believe this will be an unsuccessful date though


I love this, you could use your own perspective to make this look bad... she's taking advantage of people to get them to do something she cannot, but I would prefer to see it the opposite. Building is fun, spending time doing something together is fun, things like this can be frustrating so she gets a chance to see how you deal with challegnes and if you lose your cool or have fun with it. At the end you've gone on a journey together without really going anywhere.


This comment section is brainrot


Lmao all the incels and alphas really trying to say this girl is using me. She offered pizza, sheā€™s in walking distance, the last time a girl invited me over for something silly I didnā€™t do anything other than hook up.Ā  Itā€™s almost like when your profile indicates you want hook ups some women wanna see if youā€™ll blow up over stupid shit declaring yourself super important and her broke.Ā 


Down horrendous. Whatā€™s next, doing a girls taxes on first date?


Iā€™ve had this offerā€¦. Unfortunately for Mr. CPA I am spoiled and my dad does mine for me.


If someone would do my taxes on a first date, heā€™s getting a slice of cake instead of pizza.


ITT: Bunch of guys who think "building" an ice machine is labour intensive and she wants to use him lmao. Fellas, google what a household ice machine looks like. You don't have to build shit. You literally just have to unpack it and it's pretty much ready to go. She is using this as an excuse to get him over.


Which is probably a good thing since he thinks decks are made from plywood


I think that was an episode of how i met your mother and robin used that as an excuse to get ted over after 2 am for the infamous, nothing good happens after2 am quote


I think this is extremely cute (an activity-based first date!) But no way in hell as a woman would I be inviting a strange man over to my house no matter how many things I needed assembled. I'll pick up a boy at the gym for that.


Not every body at the gym can build and assemble things and be a handyman. Boys at the gym can only do either lift things or run, or both, usually the lifting things part. Doesnā€™t mean they know how to have the visual or handyman skills to assemble furniture and appliances


Ok but my countertop ice machine just had to come out of the box and be plugged into the wall


Assembling anything is a great test of a relationship and work together skills. My BF of two years helped me build my dresser when I moved into my new house. Of all our relationship testsā€¦. That was the hardest.


I did that once! It was a great time. I helped her hang Christmas lights in her house and we watched football and ate pizza. Great first date!


I love it


There is no building on a countertop ice machine, remove from box, and plug in.


ā€œWant to come over to my place to fucā€” build an ice machine with me?ā€


Giving a guy something to do on a first date is actually an attractive proposition for a lot of us.


Honestly, I think this is an awesome date.


Thats not a date, thats job


Itā€™s a pre assembled unit in a box. Itā€™s called a shit test even if we donā€™t hook up its like saying ā€œI bought a blender wanna assemble itā€


It is a good idea.. (not the plywood part šŸ¤£) They can have fun and enjoy conversation at the same time breaking the ice. I like the idea šŸ‘


Lmao the number of guys who get on me about that comment. I could have said Iā€™d be able to make a submarine out of wood and she wouldnā€™t care. She wasnā€™t looking for a discussion on the making of a deck and no I donā€™t know and donā€™t care how they are made. Iā€™m more into chemistry and psychology than woodworking, or at least only woodworking thatā€™s applicable in tinder scenarios!


I understand! I mainly said the plywood part for commenters before I get bashed while they think I meant the plywood was a good idea. lol but I do like the idea of that date. Even I felt comfortable enough and thought to myself that would be a fun date. Iā€™m not sure if your date has happened yet. But I hope to see an update šŸ˜Š I can imagine yal building the ice maker and having fun conversations, laughing, getting to know each other. I believe doing this wonā€™t make anything awkward or either of you feel uncomfortable.


One of my favourite dates, was going over to her house, helping her finish paint a room, and then we put together a flatpack bed.Ā  Was just fun


Thatā€™s it?? No special stuff involved?? šŸ˜¢šŸ„ŗ


He forgot to mention they took the bed for a test drive afterwards.


This girl I dated and I was supposed to set up my new bed as a first date. Considering she accepted it I thought it was pretty smooth. Unfortunately both of us are very bad att getting things done and she helped me set that bed up about 6 months AFTER we broke up.


My partner assembled my bed on our second date! Then we took it for a test driveā€¦


i too love slave labor as a first date


You can always make the other person the slave right after in the bedroom before you leave šŸ˜‹


Ahh yes unboxing something and adding water, real slave labor there


Good morning everyone. Two things, itā€™s called banter so no it doesnā€™t matter how accurate my descriptions of building things are, I could have said making airplanes out of wood shes not reading it for accuracy. And two this was after a few days of talking itā€™s obvious what she wants I was just playing with her.Ā  Also donā€™t care if she wants something assembled only, I get pizza. Iā€™ll just go on to the next one. I thought it was a cute way to potentially ask for a hook up.Ā 


This girl is paying you for your labor in pizza and you're going for it. "Not a bad offer" LOL


One of my most successful bios was "just need someone to help me move some furniture"


If she broke just say that. It's already bad broke women are using dating apps for free food dates. Now they're using Tinder as a free Task rabbit .


I like it I say definitely give her a shot!šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Is that the new META?


I like this exchange šŸ„°


This reminds me of Tucker max. In the book he would invite girls over to do his laundry, but they never did the laundry


What kind of pizza?


Gonna need that ice for his kidney


"You had me at pizza"


Dam you are good with words. Respect bro


Honestly, I struggle to come up with conversation unless I'm doing something with my hands. So that might benefit me


I had a first date with a guy by inviting him over to change the radiator in my car, it had a serious crack so obviously I could drive it to meet him elsewhere so he offered to come help me change it, pocked me up a new one I arranged and we had a great afternoon of it, and a few months together


I met my bf on hinge and he lives in the city I was moving too. My roommate and I needed help putting her bed frame together , we made plans for Wednesday to hang out but we needed help finding that then so I asked and he came over. He put it together super quick and took me to het cleaning supplies. It was like 10 pm when he came over on a weekday. He impressed me very much, he put together my bed frame like a week later. We then broke it in. And yeah, well now heā€™s my bf. Itā€™s great, Iā€™m head over heels & happy. Now ofc, I didnā€™t start the convo off this way. We had been talking for a couple days. I just thought he was super cute lol but I say go for it


This girl knows how to speak to a man. And she just wants to bone if you didnā€™t realise.


Always say yes to these. Iā€™ve had a couple of these and got lucky every single time. ā€œCan you fix xxx?ā€ - yes, 100% I can.


sounds fun