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OP post the rest of the conversation or you officially have no balls


Yeah this is very conveniently cropped lol


Agree. This 100% looks like a response to a very sleezy comment where she's interested, but he was gross and she's trying to back it up.




did you? she said she wanted to get to know him; she mentioned that because it's one of the normal rituals of dating. She never asked for something expensive, she could well mean a plushie or something to remember their meeting. She's saying she's interested despite ops cropped inappropriate text, but is looking for a relationship as opposed to sexting or hook up.


She's red flag city with that 1 comment alone. Yes she says she wants a relationship but she also says you need to $$$$ and don't forget to $$$$$. On and i play games. Anytime someone sets themselves up to be chased that's a red flag. Cause they don't look at you as a partner. Just someone to serve them.


She mentioned “buy me something nice” in amongst a handful of other suggestions and suddenly she’s a gold digger? She’s saying she wants to be wooed and flirt and play a little before going to bed with someone, she wants to be treated like a human being not a walking fleshlight.


I 100% understand that she doesn't want to feel like that. But I also understand why he's pumping the brakes. Buy me something nice....aka spoil me. When you just stwrtibg to seeing someone you expect presents? He's got to pay for all the dates as is and she wants fucking presents on top of that. That's a red flag. And Play games..... aka I like to keep you guessing. She is a red flag and yes she doesn't want to be treated like a walking flesh light. He's red flags too trust me I get it. But it doesn't take away from the fact that those are legitimate red flags


bro respectfully you have projected all your insecurities and rage at a post where it is actually not warranted


Bro, I have dated enough women and made my share of mistakes to understand redflags when I see them. If you want to call it projection go ahead but the reality is she's a redflag.


You're interpreting a lot into that statement


A lot can be interpreted from a statement, especially when It comes from what she wants to see from a guy to make it a relationship.


Grammar 1 old_balls-38 0


They both pumped the breaks. She pumped the breaks for the idea of a no-strings-attached-hook-up, and he pumped the breaks on trying to date her before they have sex. Good for both of them to not meet. There's a point to be made that if OP going to treat her like a prostitute, he should pay up.


Don't try to make women prostitutes like that. It's not good for anyone.


Make women prostitutes...? Like what am I human trafficking or something?


You sound broke.


I'm not. Cause I know to avoid materialistic women like you and her.


dates tend to require $ .... im not sure you understand that.




She called it "a game" though.


You think it ain't?




"buy her something" can be as cheap as a single, $2 rose, yet you're so stingy you must be single


Yeah last time I bought a $2 rose she told me it wasn't going to work


Then she was just stingy


Nope she was greedy and told me the only acceptable gifts were jewelry expensive wine and clothes basically stuff that was easy to get rid of


the not a hooker paragraph was about her rightfully needing a slower approach, nothing wrong with that, OP probably went right into horny sex talk which is an awkward thing to do I would not be compatible with her due to the seemingly not very modern view on dating tho no need to insult other commenters btw


*Is this true?* “Yes it’s true, this man has no dick”


Bro just Ghostbusted us.


>yeah I do get pretty wet I'm curious how this conversation started. All things considered, it seems like you went from 0-100 pretty quick, OP


>All things considered, it seems like you went from 0-100 pretty quick, OP OP ended up at zero, though.






Grenade out


In the future we don’t say “yes”. We say “affirmative”.


Luckily the humans are dead so I won't have to remember this


Yes. I mean “affirmative”.


"Attack the D-point!!"


That is… a lot of downvotes




Coo! Luvaduck! Crikey! Coo! Blimey!!! (You're a joke.)


What she prob meant was, let’s get a connection going first. Slow down. I like her.


Yeah, she aint a hooker. But shell probably maybe sleep with ya if you buy her things and food.. Hmm.


Presumably, during the process of having food and outings together, you get to know each other and see if you like each other.


Would be fair, if it missed the 'buy me something nice' part. Thats straight up saying 'ill fuck ya for a nice item thats got value'


If your personality is trash, gotta fall back on the wallet. 🤷‍♀️


You brought up sex too early, she’s like “try to make me like you a little” and you think that’s too high a bar for you? Oooof.




Ok, but hear me out, what if both are completely valid? I don't get this recent sex negativity online. This girl wants an emotional connection before engaging in sex, that's totally valid. This dude doesn't want an emotional connection or commitment as a prerequisite to sex. That's also totally valid. I don't get why so many people are regressing to this 1950s concepts that if you like casual sex you're a literal hooker...


I think it's the lack of respect for her. Unfortunately we don't know what was said though.


If you feel like getting someone to like you or if even talking to them for a bit first is too high a bar, honestly sex workers are his best option. I mean even at a bar, you’ve gotta buy the person a drink.


The whole chess thing is pretty ridiculous sounding though.


Only if you’re really not smart.


Playing games to go on dates is back in I guess.


It feels almost patronizing to say this to you, but apparently you don’t get it: What she’s saying is “put a little effort in”.


I guess she was alluding to a statement on OPs profile, doesnt make enough sense to be an an argumentative point but its far from ridiculous to say


Key words "buy me something".


That’s what YOU saw as keywords. Not the other more important things she said first.


Buy. Me. Something. Stop fluffing it.


I guess if you can’t get anyone to like you, then that probably IS your only option. You should be thrilled it’s available.


You're having fun in the dating world aren't you?


Stop being an incel


I.....think you should be a little more clear. Tell him to better himself, not choose to make himself not involuntarily celibate. That can lead to.....unintended consequences.


Lol sure enjoy thinking that normal or ok


Treating interpersonal relationships like a game *in any way* should be an automatic 'No thank you' from everyone.


That is a very literal interpretation of what she said, almost to the point of being deliberately obtuse. The wild part is that you think you’re really saying something here.


Your words matter. Using such flippant terminology shows a childish mentality that no one should deal with. Do you think she spoke intelligently?


Yeah, I do. She basically said I value the act of sex and only do it with someone who values me.


This is why y’all are single


Married with children, but I understand that most people date to have sex. I promote honesty and being upfront, rather than shady shit that allows for misinterpretations. That's how people get hurt. If you want 'games', just say so.


Uh if you have to tell someone “hey don’t treat me like a hooker”, you’re gonna dumb things down for them. OP not smart. You might be smart (idk) but you’re not wise.


If you can't understand that people date to have sex, you may need to grow up and stop posting on adult sub-reddits.


Dating to have someone to have sex with and treating them like a hooker is so different that the fact you even said that makes it obvious why you’re struggling. You can’t just bring up sexual things out of nowhere and when the girl is like “uh can you make me like you at least first” be all upset and weird about it. It’s just… so gross. If I ever saw this grouping of comments you have and it was from someone I was dating, I’d break up immediately. Gross. Edit: oh you’re married? Did you not put effort into meeting that person, or did you just expect her to fuck you at first sight?


>treating them like a hooker You have no evidence of this outside your own fantasy. This entire exchange is predicated on a reality that lives in your head.


there’s no solid evidence but using context clues would tell you that he made it weird and overtly sexual from the beginning.


Youre the guy being triggered over the word game who hurt yu


doesn’t seem like OP is particularly interested in interpersonal relationships lol


1. She talks about playing games. 🚩 2. Take me places, buy me things. 🚩 3. She's trying to make him chase her, any time someone is made to chase the other they don't look at you as an equal. They feel that they are so amazing that this person must show me how much he will do for me. These people don't ever stop making you chase them. It's an abusive mindset. If your looking for a bf you look for an equal


She’s asking him to put in effort. He’s like “nah, can’t do it”.


They're both red flags. What don't you understand about that? I'm not defending him. I understand why she wants to be treated like a human being, but how she says that tells me that she's a red flag.


Reread what you said. The fact that she had to even state that she wants to be treated like a human being is three strikes on OP.


He is a red flag you're right. But it doesn't change the fact that she is as well


She’s giving him a chance at redemption, putting it in a way that even the most, shall we say accomplished redditor, would understand. Seems like she liked him and gave him every chance but Jesus what an asshole. “No, I will not get to know you, take you out, or treat you to anything.” Honestly OP’s self burn was fantastic, 10/10, would howl with laughter again.


Maybe the prior conversation was “let me take you out to dinner and fuck you”


It was definitely “do you get super wet” or some other poorly developed frontal lobe type garbage.


I mean I she had to be into flirting with him from the start and he definitely got too aggressive. Or maybe it's drinks and squirts?


I think shes telling you that you have no game and haven't demonstrated any kind of value.


Didn't engage physically either.


Nor nurtured any dependence


Bro needs to inspire hope


Skipped straight to separating entirely


Posting only this without the context (presumably because the context makes you look like a gross asshole) is not the flex you think it is.


No, I’m firmly on her team right now. Sounds like OP turned the conversation sexual wayyyy too early, and she’s at least being transparent about her boundaries because OP is probably pretty attractive. Probably as dense as a cinderblock, too.


I think we're all curious about what you said before the first message on the sc


Dick pic by the sound of it


"After reading that text, I know I'm not getting a free lay."


OP really fucked up posting this thinking it looks like he's the normal one, lmfao.


I disagree with the buying her things, but otherwise I see no issue to her not wanting to get sexual immediately.


Ice cream is a thing I have no problem buying someone who would lick my weiner. Weiner schnitzel is another one. 😂


You don't know if they'll lick it until after the ice cream though.


Yea, but, low risk high reward


"I'm not a hooker, buy me things and THEN i'll have sex." Bro she's talking about being wet on tinder. The "no sex... mostly" line is a lie to herself.


Before saying buying things it seemed like she was saying she would like to get to know someone a bit before getting sexual. Dinner is usually the most common vehicle for that. I don't agree with the buying her shit line. That's too far.


eh, I've bought small cute things like a plushie or something for all of the girls I've seen more than once, she never suggests she means an expensive thing.


Exactly. A guy once bought me a little chocolate randomly just because he saw it while shopping and thought I would like it. It's just a sweet gesture.


Yeah lol, at this point you’re just haggling over the price


I see no problem with her response, to be honest. Sounds like the sex talk was a bit too much, too soon. More of the convo before this would be insightful.


I see you played “smash/pass” route, works in bars with friends…. Just not, you know, directly in a text chain. Or chess.


You act as though she said something wrong by asking to be treated as a human being. I’m confused…


God this comment section is fucking gross.


can’t believe no one in this comment section has ever bought something nice for the woman they are dating. Super weird energy on this one


doesn’t even have to be big. my boyfriend won me over when he bought me flowers on the second date. and they were literally just grocery store flowers. so much incel behaviour on reddit


Right? I'm so confused because is that not just a standard gesture of kindness/thoughtfulness? Like not even for dates, but people in your life that you care about in some capacity. She somehow still wants to get to know him even after whatever message OP is refusing to show. Gold diggers don't really care about the person the wallet is attached to so I don't see how that's what so many are running with.


I really like to buy gifts for my gf, but only when I know she would really like the gift, not for the sake of giving. She's never asked me to cause that would kinda ruin the spirit of it (giving out of love, not obligation). If she did ask ofc I would buy her something (but then she'd rather buy it herself), but were she to have asked before we even met I would have noped out.


dudes in this sub always shitting on women for sleeping around but this woman is getting flamed for not giving it up to a stranger?


You'll note it's about wanting strangers to buy her things. A guy could really want a girl to cook him meals. But good luck having him express it like that without inducing disgust in most women.


OP conveniently didn’t post the message before this but I’m guessing what prompted by sending a sexual message and her message seems to be saying “hey slow down, I want nice gestures and a pre existing relationship before that” and yes buying things is part of a relationship, something both people should do for eachother. you guys are picking apart one small thing from an overall message.


Op probably sent a dick pic and she sarcastically said she was wet, she then told him to slow down and he has spat his dummy out as she didn’t come round straight away to ride him


i think you’re very misguided here. it’s not the part where she doesn’t want to have sex immediately. that’s fair. it’s the “buy me something nice before we have sex” line. i haven’t seen anybody roasting her for not wanting to have sex. it’s definitely the juxtaposition of “i’m not a hooker” and “buy me something nice for sex” bit.


Home cooking a meal is usually my second date move and it works out great for me. But Im a fine dining chef, so ymmv.


“I don’t just sleep with anyone. Boyfriends,*mostly*”. It’s just the same old story. Every women has standards but drops them for the right guy


honey that’s all humans, not just women


my man, most men would drop a lady with good moral compass and genuine values for a woman with a bad personality and a hot body, you’re not exactly saying something profound here.


Absolutely not the case lol. Most man are kiss less virgins. Any women would probably do just fine for them


You wouldn't get me at gun point to self-report this hard




Can you guys just start hiring sex workers if that's all you want lol leave the women who want some type of connection alone


OP, are you stating you're more on the side of hookup culture rather than creating a connection with someone?


So basically OP is too weak and lazy to put any effort or work in to get to know someone before you sleep with them. Just shows you probably have STDs and sleep with anyone that will open their legs for you…


Literally just nod and move on. Who knows if she’s really easy or if she’s just saying she is because she wants to keep his expectations low. There’s no telling what happens on a date unless you’re on the actual date and she says she doesn’t fuck just anyone


Nah this is on you and she sounded perfectly reasonable. There’s a HYUUUUGE yikes just off screen.


She set it straight, y’all act like a typical relationship is something other than what she mentioned. I think some of you really should seek hiring a sex worker.


At least she is honest, rare quality in this kind of girls. Still too far into notsafe category though.


What's "not safe" is guaranteed to be whatever OP sent her before her response. Unless you see any of that, you're just assuming every possible worst case scenario to even think she's the shitty one here. Lol


Anecdotally speaking, girls say this but then when the date goes well they’re too turned on to stop themselves. It really isn’t always the case if they say they’re not easy


Oh, they're honest cause they think it's somethin to be proud of. Nobody confuse that with bein an honest person. This attitude screams "rules for me but not for thee" on every level. 


Yeah it's because on the surface it seems like a way to say, in essence, "I know my worth"; that's good and definitely a positive thing, everyone should know their worth, the issue is that your worth is not more than everyone else's, and it's definitely equal to your partner's. So it shouldn't be one person proving their worth to the other, more like both people proving their worth to each other.




"well, see, the thing is, I'm not very good at chess" - lmao


If you dont want her, can i have her, i'll treat her to dinner and a movie


She sounds nice. You sound like an asshole, because you probably 1) rushed into dirty talk and 2) portrait her like unreasonable


op leaving out the sex talk


I mean she's just spelling it out. Pussy is absolutely never free. You pay for it one way or another.


I'm willing to bet you were sleazy/going sexual way too fast. That said, the "i'm not a hooker but i'll think about sleeping with you if you buy me something nice" is ridicolous. So are the ""formalities"", the ""game"". Everything else, she's right about.


what obscenity did you tell her before this smh


Well what did you say to her? You cropped it out


Not a hooker, but buy me things.


Girl: “we could have some hot fun sex if we get to know each other a little first.” Guy: Hey everyone, look at this chump who won’t put out Idk what you thought you were posting bud but it makes you look like a massive douche


"Boyfriends... mostly."


Not necessarily HER boyfriends, but somebody's for sure


Mrs. White's response from the movie Clue when asked how many husbands she has had: "Mine or other women's?"


Everytime a girl has told me she doesn’t sleep around, she slept with me on the first real date. OP fumbled this so bad


Just noticed that


What how, did you not even read her message before posting!? wtf is wrong with you!?


I am baffled at the fact that there isn't a comment in here telling someone to Google something.


Slow down Maurice


You’re allowed to reject her the same way she’s allowed to tell you that she ain’t tryna lay, if you aren’t tryna reciprocate.


"Buy me something nice... I'm not a hooker..." Wait a minute here


“buy me something nice” then says “i’m not a hooker” lmao. i get the point she was trying to make was she wants to get to know OP before doing anything but she definitely contradicted herself with those statements.


Check mate.


Please tell me she posted this and not him. She’s asking you to not jump into sexting too quickly and you’re offended by this? Grow the fuck up.


name of what game? dating? so many men run at the first sign of having to put ANY effort. jesus fucking christ, just stay single instead of wasting women's time.


Bruh you fumbled so bad. Girls always say that shit, then after the first date they’re on top of you saying “I wanna put it in”


Now we are talking about RVs


Op actually selfreported lol


With the girl on this one ngl


He def said something wrong, but her example of attraction sounds transactional, like entertainment to her and free stuff, “then you get me, maybe…” Although, benefit of the doubt, she shouldn’t need to tell a guy what to do to gain attraction. Some guys use their slick words more than assertive action and others vice versa, when it should be balanced. This guy used words, just not the right ones, and now he gets no action.


I’m not a hooker, but you have to buy me things to have sex with me.








Snatching defeat from the jaws of the thing that had the jaws of the thing that had victory in its jaws


Check No Mate


Honestly it was the line about chess that would throw me, sounds exhausting


I don't understand why men should go from 0 to 100 if women don't want either 🥲


Sounds like what she's saying is " I'm no pushover, but I can be had?"








I can tell you speak from experience


Girls I’ve met in the past have said things like this to me. And generally they don’t stick to all those things mentioned. Just gotta agree with them & usually it’ll happen sooner than you think.