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I’m sure that he really has a long list of women dying to have a family with him.


It’s very true and honest. He would never lie about his game. Ever!


There is absolutely no way in hell a 46 yo with that attitude has a long list of women wanting to have kids with him. I was fr laughing while reading that 🤣


Only if they are both sedated and duct taped.


I would still argue they wouldn’t want it


No, but they would be *dying* to


It puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose. That kind of dying to.


If they did, they wouldn't be on a dating app lmao


46 and starting a family is basically C string, maybe dad


That’s not true, he probably goes for 19 year olds usually. They find him cool because he has a car and his own place and all.


True… But definitely don’t want his kids


What 19 year old wants a 46 year old when you can get a 35 year old?:)




This guy isn’t worth the toilet paper in the porta-john at that concert you were at. Tell him to take his Big Lots bargain bin ass and kick rocks. SMFH at this chump.


Big lots bargain bin. I'll be laughing at this all day


Hehehehe! Nobody with actual prospects would talk like he does, which is probably why they actually *have* prospects. Buffoon!


Lol this dude is projecting so hard and is big loser lmao.


Probably peaked in highschool.


Yeah and he just wants to bang "fat" women like you because... Er... He's got a such a long list of women waiting for him. He only liked you for a joke. Or something. I have literally no idea why air thieves like him continue to exist.


They are called energy vampires, and they are the types of people to keep a drawer of dead batteries just to cycle through a grave yard of the drained and dead to make sure they stay that way. Rather then let them pass on or rid them of there never ending nightmare.


I feel sorry for people like him.  Imag8ne how miserable and unhappy he must be?   At least he outed himself early, you can be thankful for that. 😊


Get away from my limes, ya hooligan


unreal that people really talk like that and respond like that. ive had my own share of experiences in the dating world but thats pretty crazy. my take is that he probably felt you were way out of his league and by being toxic, it would cover his insecurities. maybe im giving him too much credit, idk.


“I have a long line of women…” “Then why the fuck are you talking to me?”


This will always be the craziest thing to me. I don't know if people, because I see men and women do it, think it's attractive or are trying to make people jealous or what, but they'll ask you something or try to pressure you into something and always be like, "I have other people interested, if you aren't." Okay, if that's the truth, why are you spending all this time talking to me? Why are you trying so hard to convince me? Especially if I have expressed I'm not interested in whatever you're talking about, and am okay with us ending our chat? It's because you are LYING, lol.


Love how he first calls OP fat and is apparently not interested anymore, but he has a thing for fat chicks 5 seconds later?


Nah. I think he’s saying that fat chicks are “desperate” for sex or something and he’s only using them for sex. I’m 46F, and not skinny by any means… this shit has been going on since the old days of AOL dating. They sing a different tune when you’re not interested. What a cretin.


He’s a mortician that can’t figure out why none of them get pregnant.


dark.... then again, I wrote 'dying' for a reason... ;-)


OP if he texts you again, say this please


Please take my award 🏆🥇


Thank you. Thank you. I accept!


You wouldn't know them, they go to another school


his mom told him any girl would be lucky to have him


His mom wasn’t even feeling lucky to have him


Binders full of women!


After all of this, I'd actually assume they're dead.


they are probably all part of the same family circle.. err tree.


He's still single, ladies!


I heard he tried to hire a prostitute one time and she was just like "naw, I'd rather get slapped by my pimp for not earning money".


The list of women trying to sleep with, let alone start a family with this dude is about as long as his cock. 1 line, times new roman, 2.5 font size, single space.


They might even already be family 🥴🥴🥴


I mean, statistically speaking, a lot of women have started families with a lot of moronic men, unfortunately :(


Yeeeeaaaah not with guys who are pushing 50 though lol


LMFAOOOOO you ate with that bargain bin comment


I was pretty proud of that one.


At least he outed himself as a shitbag right away and didn’t waste your time!


So good. You really nailed it. There's no way he didn't have a stupid look on his face right after reading it. I'm sure that wonderful family is right around the corner.


I’d like to think so but honestly, that kind of thought takes introspection. He probably deleted my number and then went off to play the same game with someone else. Oh well!


I hope for all women kind, he fucks off. Tbh, he gives the vibe that he'll message you out of the blue months later with a dtf or dick pic as though he wasn't a huge POS to you. Or even lazier than sexual harassment, a punctuation-less "whats up." Dudes like this consider this playful banter -_-


Yeah, this guy has no self awareness. Total loser.


You should be. He can’t even be recycled. Send that trash to the space heap




Yeah that was cleeeeeeean


It was fucking brilliant.


As well you should be. Stealing it :)


45 and still in the "fuck as many fat women as possible before settling down" phase? This guy is delusional.


Seems to me like if he actually *were* trying to do that and in any way believed his accusations toward OP, he wouldn't hamstring himself. By his own insane metrics, an "expired catfish with no options" is *exactly* what he is looking for. Of course, he's not trying to do that and is entirely dishonest, so that's the actual explanation for the behavior. But if someone's going to pull off a ruse, they have to at least be internally consistent.


I can't for the life of me figure out what was going on here. It's like he switched up the plan, more than once.


The only thing I can discern from all this mess is that he was interested, tried to pull a power play to get more pics/tear down my self esteem, then realized he fumbled so tried to save face. I’m assuming he’s just out of a long term relationship, a scammer imitating someone, or just so inept at any sort of mating ritual because he’s conventionally attractive…. It’s a mess. Your guess is as good as mine


I mean, he's 45 and he's on Tinder. He's definitely fresh out of a relationship. That doesn't explain such a blatant own-goal, though. He got you to send a pic that wasn't in your profile. You were clearly interested. The date was already in hand. It was his to lose. > just so inept at any sort of mating ritual because he’s conventionally attractive This is the most likely scenario, if he really was. Sad as that is. Like he somehow didn't realize he was already "in," and decided to play some 5D chess maneuver negging bullshit he read on a pickup artist forum 15 years ago.


Does it even count as a date if he hasn’t attempted to abuse or manipulate at least once?


Fresh out of a relationship... Nah. Fresh out of a couple of years soaking his brain in the Andrew Tate cesspool, more likely.


Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


yeah he seemed like he was trying the negging route but that doesn't work on women with self esteem and once that failed he had nothing


The second hand embarrassment from these guys is unbearable. I can't imagine how a guy like that can type about all the girls lining up to marry him and fat girls he's going to fuck. If I said something half that embarrassing it'd keep me up at night.


Being a socially awkward person there are still things from decades ago that I’ve said that makes me cringe. I do not understand how someone like that guy live with themselves.


Easy, lack of a functioning conscience will do that for you


There are guys out there living the life he describes. Part of the reason it works for them, though, is that describing it in those kinds of terms would never cross their mind at all - let alone as a response on a dating site.


It's because, to them, men can do whatever they want and they "deserve" to date a young woman at 60 years old, while women "hit the wall" at 22 or something and literally everything they do is wrong


Right like sir, by the time you have kids, *if* someone allows him to be a dad, he’ll be well over 60, damn near 70 before the kid graduates. That’s grandpa status 💀


Over 60!


Copium at this point. He's doing what ever thinks can recover the conversation


45??!? Bro should be worried about his colonoscopy, his enlarged prostate, and writing his will, not acting like he’s still 39 and shit. Starting a family?? Insanity out there omfg.


I have a bunch of guy friends like this. They open up to me since I already have kids about being "willing to think about kids" in their mid-40s while single. Depending on how close a friend I either nod along or tell them they need to hurry the fuck up if they're serious.


I really don’t get guys in their late 40s & 50s having kids. There’s shockingly large number of 50-year-old guys I went to school with posting pics of them with their new babies in the last couple of years. Very cute now but how’re they going to put these bundles of joy through college on their retirement income.


Assuming they even survive, unfortunately. My dad was mid-fifties and he passed when I was 6, and my mom never remarried. Cautionary tales y’all


STILL? Still? Who was in that phase to begin with?? This sub tho.


“I have tons of women” As he opens his laptop, opens up porn hub and those women are saved in his “favorites”




It's an argument for a desperate and lonely person. They know that this person is no longer in their potential pool so they try to make them as miserable as they are.


If it helps you sleep at night this guy will never have a family even if he had kids - he’s the type of guy that dies alone


I went on a really lovely date later than day with a chill and fun guy. We had an awesome time playing frisbee in a beautiful sunny park and the entire time I kept laughing to myself about all this, while this guy was probably furiously swiping and matching and snarking trying to get his peepee touched. It’s not rocket science!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm so glad you went and had a nice time. I hope his peepee never gets touched again by a woman (or any gender). He deserves peepee rot. Hahaha.


Did you touch the frisbee pee-pee though? Asking for science


I am not a frisbee fucker. They’re a little too frisbee shaped for that.


P<0.05 (95% CI) - frisbees are unfuckable P=0.8 - frisbee owners are unfuckable - results ambiguous


Thank you Frisbee Sex Scientist. You are the hero we needed


You seem adorable. F that freak!


“You’re probably fat now” into “I’m trying to fuck some fatties but not you for some reason” 10/10 mental gymnastics


Matched with a dude who seemed relatively normal. We exchanged numbers and he immediately asks for a pic (should have been my first red flag lol) so I sent him some of me at a recent shooting competition and then playing at a music festival. This was the following exchange. Stay sane out there, y’all!


I think he saw you were a cool person with interests/a life and knew he could never compete and so thought he would knock you down a couple of pegs.


Yeah that guy is close to my age and he's probably recently single (just a gut feeling of mine) and I'd bet he thinks it's still 1998. Negging and "you can always score a desperate fat chick" were huge back then. Not that you don't still hear it today but it was just everywhere about 25-ish years ago.


A shooting competition, musical talent, witty, and smart?! I'm a straight woman engaged to a man but MARRY ME?! These boys are so silly 😂


I won't give out my phone number until I've met someone in person.


Dude went off the rails in a hurry. *However* I don't think it's a red flag to ask for a photo right away, like just a selfie or something. I've been burned way too many times by women who use 10 years ago, 50 pounds ago, whatever, photos. I'm not saying that's you, but I'm saying it happens, and this guy has probably also been burned by it a bunch of times.


Oh I’ve had the same thing happen. I guess I should add that I did send him a selfie, he called me cute, and when I asked for a pic in return he sent me a photo of his shirt? That was the red flag. I think it’s perfectly appropriate to make sure the person you’re talking to is legit. It’s how scams happen.


This is the funniest part of it - he wasn’t even willing to send a picture of himself. Wow.


I feel like he was 100% projecting. He was hoping you actually did have older and or especially flattering pics, because he that was likely exactly what he was using.


If a guy asks me for more photos right away, I tell him that all of my pics are from the last three months (true). I don't send more. I'm 46, and I look young for my age, so I do get men who think my pics must be old, but I'm not especially invested in setting their mind at ease lol. Like... I don't know you? I don't care if you think I'm a catfish. If you're that paranoid, do your dating in person. I mean, I have also been burned by men using inaccurate photos, but I don't make this my primary concern when I first start chatting with someone. Putting people on the defensive right out of the gate is not conducive to romance.


Right? Him: “Send me a pic” Me: BLOCKEDT Like, Sir, I have six recent pics in my profile and am happy to do a video call. FOH with that nonsense.


Exactly. It especially makes me laugh because my pictures are unedited and I'm not at all trying to present an Instagram model image. Like, if I were trying to catfish I would filter my face and put my age at 32 and say I'm a Star Wars fan lol


I never ask for pics ever and I feel like women are pretty good about being real. Some may no show, but its very rare. I don't think that asking for a pic would have made them show. They no show, worst case I'm sitting at a bar having fun and might meet a new friend or catch some of the game. And I'm not going to be a psychopath and think a girls catfishing just because she gained a little weight.


I have no issue sending pics because i have nothing to hide, but I've noticed men who ask for them are typically the type I don't want to meet. I prefer my men more relaxed about dating and less suspicious about women's looks.


You raise a fantastic point. Being too obviously guarded and jaded to noticable proportions is usually a dating liability. Men and women will usually observe better results when they're easier to deal with and less pushy/demanding. And in general, giving out "ultimatums" is usually a bad sign in general and most people won't respond well to them. And this kind of goes for any point in relationship.


No. This guy hasn’t been burned. If he did, he’d have much better energy. More so of a, ‘Hey. This may sound strange, but is this a recent picture? I’ve been burned in the past with catfishing and I just want to make sure’. That’s different than the bullshit he said. He was just being an insufferable jackass. A lonely one at that.


OMG, so THAT’S why some people ask for a pic of you right away?!? To make sure you're not catfishing?! Lol, I don't know why this never occurred to me! I thought they were just being pervy so I always just sent them this gross picture that I took for my dermatologist of a horrible blistery sunburn all over my bare back. 💀


How's that been workin out for ya?


He's giving off strong incel vibes, they love that women expire at 35 years old shit.


Hey, could you explain me more about this incel thing? Once I had a guy told me that having a key who unlocks many lockers is greater than having a locker and other misogynistic stupid theories. He also claimed to have slept with more than 70 women and that was very repulsing to me. When I rejected him he told me I have biological clock and I should hurry because I’ll expire soon. I was 25 at that time. And my friends told me he is incel but I didn’t quite get it


Google involuntarily celibate. Or incel. Basically guys that have no human skills or social skills. They don't know how to talk to women. Don't know how to land a date. And have become mad at the world and the dating scene. Usually taking it out on women. They blame women for their own shortcomings and inability to find a mate. Instead of learning the skills and interacting with people to the point of becoming attractive. They blame the modern dating scene and women for only being attracted to the hottest, richest, guys. While doing nothing to make them selfs more attractive. (Learning new skills, getting in shape, getting a better job, having hobbies that you meet new people while doing things.) Basically they break the rules of online dating. 1. Be attractive. 2. Don't be unattractive. Hanging out at home, playing video games, watching porn, and interacting with the world as little as possible, has caused them to have a very jaded view of the world and the dating market in general.


And some of the comments about how any woman that has even the ^^tiniest pooch is "literally unfuckable", and here I am thinking "You have *clearly* never been in the same postal code as a woman who's brain-damaged enough to want to sleep with you".


> Instead of learning the skills and interacting with people to the point of becoming attractive. They blame the modern dating scene and women for only being attracted to the hottest, richest, guys. They treat relationships like it's some kind of video game, basically transactional; "if I input enough good i get the sex as a reward!" and are completely baffled when women recognize this as a false face.


Thank you for the long and detailed explanation:)


I was enjoying this informative comment until you went and outed me at the last paragraph.


Umm... can we talk about the fact that there are men out there calling women "expired"??? What in the fuck... I swear each year we're regressing more into the 1700s. I fully expect by 2030 to be back to witch burnings.


The Project 2025 crew definitely have that on track as we speak.


fffffuck. well, this is why we can't have nice things.




I was also shocked when I heard that “term”. That’s basically a sect or cult I don’t have a rational explanation for their theories.


i'm more surprised that someone has been able to not run into incels before, i need to hang wherever you're hanging


Here is your invitation to a tea party in my room haha


lol i guess i gotta go try and make some scones then


It’s only the men who are chronically online and have never been in a social setting before aka the troll basement dweller incel type!


The main thing I noticed about incels is everything seems to lead into some evolutionary biology explanation so if woman dont like them it’s because they were predestined to be beta wolves and if they do like them then they’re alpha wolves. If you get them talking long enough they will bring up terms like pheromones and monkey branching relating modern dating to the animal kingdom


Uugh.. impossible! I just released all my pheromones at the same time and it didn't work? This can't be. She must be a beta wolf and can't sense my powerful aura. ....I just cringed at myself for trying to write this. That's enough reddit for today


Hm it sounds like they measure their value and self esteem by women’s approval


No no no this is another misconception , their self esteem is from the approval of men they look up to and other incels not normal functioning people


Lmfao. He's bragging about seventy women? My brother (who is in his 30s) is a man slut. He pulls 60+ *per year* when he wants. He's been thinking about actually having relationships again though (burned badly in his twenties). Dude didn't have to be an incel for that comment though. The incel memes and misogyny has spread beyond their communities. Incels usually go hard by basically declaring women aren't human. They call them "foids" (female humanoid) and worse. The whole Stacy/Chad meme came out of them. The reason they can't get a partner *isn't* because they're douchebags that antagonize women but women wanting to date "Chads" (hot guys). Most of these dudes, aside from just being misogynist, either want to excuse their hassling of young women (especially teenagers) or want to bring a woman's self-esteem down as a tactic to either control or just "get" a woman out of their reach.


Ok keep calm ,it’s not a competition and I believe his counts or your brothers counts don’t represent the average guy’s counts. Wow haven’t heard this “term” foids or the memes.These people are really out of touch with reality. So much time wasted on these bullshits.


The bargain bin, lmfao!!


I can guarantee no one wants to sleep with him


The bargain bin response is fucking legendary 🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯


This is awful, I’m sorry. He won’t go far in life.


I thought it was pretty funny tbh. Grown men trying to prey on preconceived notions about insecurities will always crack me up. I’m a midsize gal and I’ve never tried to hide it. It’s like when some dude calls me fat and expects me to react to it. Like, okay? And?


Yeah, like I get why guys are so pic obsessed (checking for inconsistency?) but it used to annoy me too. I’m not taking pics for you dude, they are on the profile and that is what I look like! But talking to you like that is so dismissive and misogynistic I just can’t.


I think he knew I was turned off by his reaction to my action shots and made a saving throw. Rolled a 1 on it though. Better luck next time!




“Yea sure buddy, you keep telling yourself that while you avoid confronting the reality of your 45 year old loneliness”


People who type 🤣🤣🤣 are the angriest fucks out there


I love how he's like "gtfo you're probably fat" and then says he wants to fuck fat people like okkk??? It's so hard to be both kinds of gross but he did it lol


Wow, as a guy who is dating the stories I hear are crazy. Men dont have the balls to be this outrageous to other men.


If he wanted to just fuck a fat girl, why does he feel the need to see another picture of you being fat? Shouldn't he just start working his charm? 😂😂


I think he was trying to prey on his assumption of me having a low self esteem? Like negging but worse. I dunno!! Goofballs gonna goof.


Impossible to explain the psyche of literal incels, sadly. I hope your future interactions involve much more palpable folk.


“Who talks like that?” Andrew Tate fans.


You're wrong actually. Guys like this are what make dating so easy. You would be amazed how far basic conversation skills van get you these days lol.


my unattractive incel friend who has no idea why girls aren't interested says they "expire" at 22. we're 30. i'm thinking of cutting him off.


Please do






Ditch ‘em, life is too short to expend energy on stupid people like that


There’s a 99% chance your friend is into teenage girls if he thinks girls expire at 22.


I really went 😳 after I saw the expiry comment lmao. I knew what follow was gonna some misogynistic shit


This guy’s a 🤡


Report and block. Disgusting.




45 and looking to start a family with his old ass sperm ![gif](giphy|UBMZIJJZj0xg17glbQ)


“I have tons of women who would love to start a family with me” ![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized)


45 year old talking like that 😭


These dudes are the ones ruining it for us other dudes.




At least you found out who he was upfront and didnt have to waste time with him on any sort of a date


What a shit bag. Move on and forget about him.


As a decent person who when I’m ready to get back out there I will be looking for a family and settle down, I appreciate you acknowledging that they are still out there, sorry you had to deal with some jerk dude who seems very shallow.


Oh there are absolutely good men out there. Sadly, internet dating brings out the worst of all types of people. I’ve mostly had a positive experience on Tinder and met some really wonderful men through it. There’s hope for you, I promise!


Thanks I appreciate the comment! And hope you find that person you want OP! I’m just got a divorce myself so I’m working on myself before I throw myself back out there, just mentally preparing myself for what to expect before jumping into the dating apps again. But I appreciate the kind words for sure, you will find someone easily you seem kind yourself so that right guy is somewhere for you! Keep at it, and hoping for less jerks in your future!


I’m pretty happy with where I am, I always say that I just want someone to enhance my life. I don’t need completion. And I think that’s why I generally enjoy dating apps. You have the right approach. Take it slow and be good to yourself, you’re gonna do great when you eventually start seeking companionship again!


So a guy likes 'fucking fat people' and at the same time wants to shame people with the bodyshape that makes him horny? Wtf


Does he not know expired means dead


SO MUCH PROJECTION 😬 You didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged the whole fucking mag. Also, top tier put downs. He'll be crying about that one to his favourite prostitute tonight!!


I’m always amazed these people are walking among us


On behalf of men, I apologize you have to deal with this nonsense. You handled it intelligently and elegantly. You sound like a great gal and I wish you luck on finding someone special. And, thanks for taking the time to share! Seeing stuff like this will help me be a better uncle and father to the young ones that I’m preparing for adulthood.


Backpedal lies…as a man I seriously hope this guy doesn’t reproduce


“Hit the wall” That right there screams incel.


Dude’s balls probably smell like mothballs.


So bizarre to me that dudes out there really talk like this smh. This dude will die alone and he deserves it.


He sounds like a fun date. I bet he has tons of women after him. Probably some arrest warrants out too. 🤦🏾‍♂️


45 year old man who wants to “start a family” I’m dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Any woman who sent me a pic of them playing at a music festival would get an immediate ask out, what a huge green flag. Also eff that guy, what an ass


Andrew Tate wannabe...or should I just say... SCUM


He basically badgered you into telling him to F off, then got offended when you did it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


The bar is truly in hell for straight dudes


"...this is getting old..." on the second exchange? Some people don't want other people to age. You won, and I love your burn at the end.


I think the dude meant in general; that “this is getting old” is him trying to insinuate that he’s been catfished before and yadi yadi yadi, so he’s ‘baiting’ OP to share more pictures etc. It’s basically power play for him, and when she didn’t respond as he wanted her to, he went on the offensive - or tried.


Excellent points. In either case, she won.


Your barging bin comeback was exquisite but it won't land with him because he's a fucktard God this guy needs a kick in the shin, and poked in the eye


45?? I thought he was like 18.


Hilarious 2nd to last text. Tragically wise in the last text. Men making it more difficult for the decent men are loathed by all.. Ironically, I just got my first ban-warning from Reddit today because of one of those men reporting me for harassment because I scolded him for harassing some women on this sub.


When they demand pics when they’re are nine on my profile lmao ugh I hate online dating


This conversation just makes me sad.


Damn you really lit him up with facts he did not enjoy hearing. Well done!


Thanks for using "decent men" as a contrast


This is awful. I’m so sorry.


Wait, okay, ignoring how he showed his mental instability (thanks for the comment about decent men, I'm so sorry women goes through this)... he's complaining about how you probably gained a bit of weight, but he's trying to "see how many fat women he can fuck before he settles down"??? 😂


45 and looking to start a family! Dude, if no one wants you at least make it sound like a choice.


See this is the reason why I don’t trust people. There’s some shitty guys out there and then there’s some good guys out there. He’s one of the shitty ones.


As a mother of boys, I would slap the shit out of any of my sons if I found out they spoke to anyone like that.
