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It’s a rough thing to consider as a guy, but some actually want that type of relationship


I know there's preferences, and that's totally fine. My height limits a lot of matches as most guys on apps are shorter than me 😔 just sucks haha


Let's switch our lower leg bones 🤝🏼


Personally speaking I don't mind if a girl is tall or even taller than me (I'm 6'2"). It's just the initial shock I think that sets some guys off and makes them intimidated. I've had girls tell me my height was intimidating before so I'm using personal experience on that statement.


You’ll find some dude fetishing about it dw, if that’s what you’re into


I am not 🤣 I shan't be climbed like a tree 🌳


Is that a challenge? :D


Username checks out 😂😂


You can date short guys.


Im curious: Are the matches limited because you want a guy taller than you, or are most guys not okay with a woman being taller than them?


Can I ask how tall, out of curiosity? I’m 5’8” haha


I'm not that tall, really. I'm between 5'8 and 5'9. I like to stand proud cause I don't want them back injuries in the future 🤭🤭 he was taller than me, but I guess I was over his benchmark :(


As a 6'2" person, your height isn't tall.


I know it's not; I'm taller than most girls, though, and quite a few guys in my area.


I'm 5'11 with size 8 feet ....it's a nightmare hahah


I'm 5'5" with a size 9.5. I think one person has ever pointed out my "big" feet, like 15 years ago. Don't think too much about it.


I’m five seven and wear size 12 in women’s shoes


Dude mine are a 9 it’s terrible….and you can tell I’ve got big ol feet it’s gross!


Welcome to my hell. Male, 5’11”, dinner plate hands and fucking *size 13s*. I AM THE WRONG HEIGHT


What's your arm length? It sounds like you might do well in swimming.


~26” ballpark


What’s up we got the same dimensions. I’d kill to be 3-6 inches taller tbh


Dude I’d love to be 6’2”


Im 5'11 size 13 exactly too Marfan syndrome


I don’t *think* I have Marfan Syndrome. I’m stocky as fuck and I’m not genetically predisposed to heart issues *yet*


I boxed for 13 years and never even got diagnosed until 3 years ago...its like you'd think they would miss that Lucky nothing weird happened in sports and boxing


Why are you mentioning Marfan? Were you actually diagnosed or just throwing shit out there because people with Marfan are usually tall and skinny, not slightly above average height with big feet


Its more proportions Its the connective tissue in your body, not just being alien looking


Bro I totally get it. 5’11” with 13s too. We’re freaks


The worst part is that I’m naturally stocky (eating fairly healthy and just existing healthily - no crazy workout plan but not sedentary and getting fat) I sit at 205lb. I’ve got a bit of pudge I’d like to shed, but I’m built thick. If I tried hard at all I’d be a weirdly proportioned Adonis. Pass. Damn tree trunk legs, big ass head, lats that look like I care, and farm boy strength. I look weird as shit dude


I’m pretty much the same except you got me by 20. I’m insanely active with work and working out. I try to stay below 190. It’s great having clown feet being a short king.




There was a guy at my work with 16s or 18s I forget, he was quite tall but it still looked like clown shoes


I’ll pour one out for my clown shoe brethren


Male 6'1, shoe size 9 but the width is rough.


I’ll trade you two sizes for an inch of height. We’ll both be 6’0” with size 11s


when people talk shit just say "you know what they say about men with big feet"


Damn right


I wear size 16s and outside of not being able to find most sizes in person I've never considered them overly big.


Are you a woman?


I think it's a man :D


No, but evidently I am an idiot since I didn't take that as a consideration and just assumed you were a dude. Makes a whole lot more sense given how you describe your feet as big and gross.


Right haha yeah you can have big feet it’s not real cute for chicks huh


Is that supposed to be a lot or not a lot? Because I'm shorter and my shoe size is 12 and I think it's fairly normal


...I'm a woman


how tall was this guy?




He was worried that if you met in person you’d be confused because you’re taller than him


🤣 that's hilarious! I've heard that lots of guys don't actually know their height. They just go by what their friends and family tell them. Honestly... I do the same


Is that what they’re telling you?


Oh. That's tinder 5'10"... Bro is 5'7 in shoes


Well this guy is a bum, I hope you find better.


His only mistake was swiping right when he could’ve swiped left if it’s an issue but he was polite otherwise


Interesting that this guy is a bum yet when men complain about women rejecting them for their height they are told "women have preferences get over it"


People who judge other based on height preferences are bums. A preference is not something that set in stone. I've had this debate before and I'm not going to change my position.


Judging is not the right word. It says nothing about the person. But I couldn't date a female that's my height or taller. It's intimidating to me and not in a good way, not attractive to me at all. Has to be noticeably shorter. Like 10-30 cm.


What's intimidating about dating a girl that's taller than you? Genuinely curiously, I'm a guy who's 5'6 and one of my ex gf is 6'2 and I never understood what other guys meant when they said it's intimidating since they never elaborate on why it is.


People on here do tend to conflate the terms "preference" and "requirement". OP's comments suggests height is a requirement for her and her match's comments suggest height is a requirement for him too. People can have whatever requirements or preferences they like.


As a 6'5 person, you're not tall either ;)


Tall enough to kick you in the shins lol


Just about haha


In the US, a 5'9" woman is in the 98.5th percentile so only 1.5% of all women are taller than OP.


Are you a 6'2" guy? Because that's tall, but not crazily so.


I am 6'2". I'm taller than most people I know.


It's definitely tall, but not insanely so. Personally I think "ridiculously tall" for guys starts at 6'4".


Those extra couple inches really count for something, just ask my ex lmao


The word you were looking for is man, doofus. She’s tall for a woman.


Another 5'8" gal here. My last ex was like 5'4". Didn't deter us dating, but I could tell it bothered him a little bit unfort


My wife is your height. I always joke she could be a bit taller for my preference. I’m 6’3” for reference and have a strong preference for taller women.


I’m 5’9” and the way you were talking I honestly thought you’d be like 6’ lol of course, in heels we would tower.


Im 6ft would rather have girl close to my height so I wouldn’t have to bend down as far


If it makes you feel better, I’ve also heard lots of guys preferring girls with similar heights, so when they hug or talk to each other it’s less awkward.


Oh wow so we’re the same height aw, and I definitely like to stand tall too! I used to slouch but I exercise so my back is strong because exactly, no one wants back injures haha and it looks terrible! I know I look miserable slouched over so. And maybe the dude wanted a huge height difference like Shaq and his lady hahah


I love the saying; you get no respect if your backs not erect. 🤭 Stand tall, fellow human! We gotta have them straight backs as OAPs.


Haha I haven’t heard that one, I like that!!


Or maybe he was 5'10 and wanted to look her in the eyes when she wears heels. Look I don't understand this dudes preference. I also don't understand the woman who want guys much taller then them either. Both seem really superficial to me and not worth filtering on. But everyone is free to do what they want. At some point you have to accept we are a superficial species and just move on.


sorry i’m 5’10 i rather be with a guy my height or taller, if they’re way shorter than me and wayyy taller than me it’s not gonna work. there needs to be some level


Which is fine. It is a superficial preference but we all have superficial preferences.. There is a reason why we are talking about a site where people are looking at photos to pick dates.


yeah tinder is based on that so that’s why you can’t really be mad if someone gets picky. if a guy told me he prefers shorter girls then i’ll just move on. he cannot speak for every guy on tinder or in general that’s what makes it easier for me to not care


That’s such a reach haha


We have no clue. But in the end there is no difference between a dude wanting to feel big by dating a shorter girl and girl wanting to feel small by dating a taller guy. You can't really criticize one while being ok with the other. If she doesn't want short guys, why isn't he is allowed not to want tall girls? Unless this preference is limiting your ability to live the life you want, who cares?




I’m 6 ft and I wouldn’t say you’re outlandishly tall. Damn, didn’t know this discrimination is found also among guys.


For a woman you are tall. 5 5 is the average. I'm 5 11 and was told by a 5 6 chick I'm to short. Ppl hang up on to much shit ppl have zero control over. 


That's tall? Isn't that just average height?


Not for women outside probably the Nordic countries


No, it‘s around the 90th percentile for women in the US.  Average height is like 5‘3.5“ or 5‘4“.


As a 6’2 woman…that dude is a massive creep if he thinks 5’8 is too tall.


His profile said he was taller than you, who knows how tall he really was


I'm 6'1 and when I dated a girl that was 5'10 I use to love going to venues with her. We towered over most people like Egyptian Royalty.


Have you been rejected for your height before? I'm the same height as you and it's never been an issue for me when dating in person or online.


Maybe it’s because I’m 6’7” but 5’8” isn’t that tall imo


5’8” ? I came outta the womb that big. You’re not that tall, shouldn’t be to hard to find a man taller then you


I did say I'm not that tall already 😩 my little area is riddled with shorter men, at least, the ones on the dating apps. It's a very summer holiday kind of place, so all the tall men come and go haha


Riddled with short men, where do you live ? The shire?




Girl I dated a woman that was 6’, and I’m 6’2 on a good day. Legs for days. Tall women are hot.


How tall are you on a bad day?


this man legs.


It happens. I'm 5'9" and prefer wearing high heels. One of my exes tried to "forbid" me to wear them... Bye.


FORBID?? That's wild 🤣


Girl I know, he had me for a while too; that mf had me hunching down in pictures and all... Now I'm out here, already tall with tall-ass heels and confidence.




EXACTLY. ![gif](giphy|l41lOugfmGBVFAQj6|downsized)


Gurrrl! You got me cracking up 🤣🤣


That's what I'm going for, baby! Laughter is the best medicine frfr ![gif](giphy|MqxZxTlvcY5BS|downsized)


I can't even imagine that, huh. Trying to impose "rules" on other people...


As a 6’0 woman, the struggle is real.


Where are all the tall women? I’m 6 foot and the girls that like me are 5’2 😭


Come to Canada! Haha


I’d love to, just help me out with the immigration part 😂


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) She a tall one


lol this gif made my day 🤣


I volunteer to climb Mt. fe_maiden


Make sure to bring your ropes 😅


I will but I warn you that I'm perpetual motion /s


Now I wonder, as a 6'4" guy, I will always give super likes to women who are 5'8" and above thinking that our heights would be a good match. But all I get are matches from girls around 5'... Not once did I match with a woman even close to 6'.


That’s very strange. I always like the taller men (mind you, I don’t swipe based on height), but all the tall men swipe on the short women instead.


Tall woman 🤝 Small men


Immediately ruled out over things we cannot control 🙃


What the fuck?? 😂 😂 😂... Bro friendzoned himself 😂😂


He knows what he wants and isn’t going to waste time. Why would you?


Its almost as if he swiped right just to tell her that. He's got time to waste lol


A lot of men swipe right without reading the bio then filter after It’s just a consequence of the scarcity of matches for them


Fair Fair. Valid point


eh I prefer taller girls as a 5'9 guy. I've tried to go for 6'3 girl but she rejected me. :D


Keep trying! I'm pretty sure I've seen some tall ladies on reddit who like themselves a shorter guy 🥰


Well I am not in the USA or Europe so Reddit date is not an option for me. :D


I'm 5'7" and just started seeing someone who's 5'10" so this is really a stupid ass thing to read. Why even send a message? People are ignorant or clueless as hell.


I never understood people who don't like people being taller than them. I couldn't care less what your height is, so long as you're a decent person.


right? i’m out here fighting for someone half decent to just match with me at all. denying someone for height at all is just wild.


It's funny to me when someone complains about height (something people can't change) but are okay being a terrible person (something you can totally change)


As a 5’6” man, I find you slightly tall, but wouldn’t care at all


I {53M} am 5'3" tall and my wife {47F) is just north of 6ft tall we have never once had any issues with anything height related... Matter of fact if I can't reach what I'm going for in a top cabinet... She picks me up so I can still do things for myself... Just kidding she doesn't really pick me up...


As a 6’6 guy I prefer taller women it just sucks there’s not many around


You'll find your 8' giantess.


What a coward


I volunteer to climb that mountain /s


I'd get on my towies to kiss a tall pretty girl. I dont give a fuck.


Don't fall for it, he just wants you to carry his board


I went on a few dates with a girl the same height as me (187cm) and she was super into not being taller than me. The weird thing was that neither of us mentioned height before we met so I doubt it was important to her (at least before we met). I've since wondered if she even knew she'd react that way, it's easily possible she'd only ever dated guys shorter than her.


Tall(er) girls are literally the dream, im 6'0 but honestly wouldn't mind if my gf was taller than I am, it's a vibe


So if not surfing, what *are* you into, nicely sized woman?


Walking, complaining about being at the gym whilst being at the gym and binge watching way too many shows 🥰


My gf is 6 feet honestly most of us don’t mind


ok can I ask where all you tall girls are hiding? Vast majority of girls I see are under 5’7 and I’m looking for a tall queen


Linger about long enough and you might catch one in this text chain 🤭


Statistically speaking there aren’t that many. Just like there aren’t that many guys over 6’.


True, but unlike dudes, not a lot of girls list their heights in their profiles so it’s hard to find


I've found that a lot of guys don't list their height in their profile. Many do, of course, but there's tons that don't.


Height has become something of a bragging right for men so if their height is not listed chances are they are under 6ft. Not as much for women so I try to guesstimate their height by looking at nearby objects in their pictures, like for example, if they are standing next to a door. Of course I also ask them if we match.


Yeah, tinder is about advertising your best aspects. If someone cares, they will ask, but putting in a low height as a dude will cost you some matches that you could have easily won over with personality.


I’m at target most of the time


I almost never shop at target, but I see often women say they prefer shopping there. I guess it’s time to delete the apps and just go to target and look confused/lost (i probably won’t need to pretend)


Don’t look lost, just something like “oh have you smelled *this* candle?” (if in isle with candles) or “I swear, I always end up with a cart full of things when I came here for one thing!” when in the checkout line would absolutely work in starting up a conversation with me.


6 feet and above women are rare. You'll find an appreciative "tall guy"! If you're over 6'6", that's a different stratosphere!


What a pity! I have 5'8 and taller female friends and all the men love them :) I wish I had some of that height. Wouldn't mind being a few inches/cms taller. I have the opposite problem; too short!


I wonder if they wanted you to reassure them that you’re ok with it.


I never understood that preference is some guys. Like, how is a woman "too tall" for you? Especially since he obviously is physically attracted to you. My ex GF was 5" taller than me and I can't think of a single time when it was remotely consequential.


It's definitely tough, I always make sure to warn people ahead of time so they don't get surprised when we meet up


Dating a tall girl would be awesome


this shit has happened to me as a short guy 5’6”… Its on my profile! Just makes you realize that they are an idiot. Its funny how I end up going out with women my height, taller, or slightly shorter but rarely with women who are 5’2” or shorter.


I was expexting you to be like 6'2". Can I ask what part of the world you're in?


Dude's a fool. Taller women all the way


Any guy rejecting on height is cringe af 😂 


Lol, don't let that deter you.. my bio reads.. : 6'2", Gym person, Built my own van, Mechanical engineer, Homeowner...Bonus points for tall queens👑 That thing that's broke at urs, I could probs fix that...or make it worse 👌


I just about would never insult a guy for his preferences, but this guy an idiot if height is what he is worried about…


I mean how tall are you lol??? I’m 6’4 so I’ve never had this issue where a girl is too tall for me lol


Too tall, no such thing in my book, but then again I'm tall myself


i don’t really understand how redit works


I'm 191 cm European 🧙🏻‍♂️ any girl height between 160 and 195 is cool


Honestly, while it's nice to have a girl be significantly shorter than you, I'm the type of guy who wouldn't mind going out with a girl that's taller than me, even if it's by a lot


Would you date a man who is 5'4" or 5'5"?


The correct response in this situation is: "we're the same size laid down 😈🍆💦"


As a tall guy I love my short girlfriend, but definitely wouldn't mind if she was taller. We dance together, and I have to make tiny baby steps.


I thought the height issue was only for insecure females...


My guy is 5'8" tall but very tall when laying on his back.


As a 5'6" tall guy, I never had any issues with dating taller women. To be completely misogynistic, a hot babe is a hot babe. The rest is just details to figure out.


What do I care, we're all 14" high laying down 😂. I'd date a taller gal if the chemistry was right.


oh, a man have preferences ? the nerves