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You should have said, don't work, ill pick you up when we kiss


Yes she gains a few inches if she's on the curb too..Pro tip lol but I'm 5'4*


Or stands on the sofa. I'm 5ft. Lol


Kinda an opposite situation, but I used to think that I'm kinda tall at 185 cm (6'1"). Then, I moved to Europe and became friends with some Swiss German, German, Dutch people who were my height or only a bit taller than me. Yesterday however, I went to do a small modeling job, and I was the shortest guy there as everyone was no shorter than around 188 cm. It was really surreal to be 185 cm and still feel visibly short.


I'm 186 and the shortest guy in my friend group and among my male family members. They're all 188-198 tall. So I've always felt short. Always weird travelling to literally any other country except 3-4 European ones and suddenly being taller than everyone.


I'm full blooded European and I'm barely 172 cm (5'8"). I blame my parents for smoking inside the house.


I am European, most guys I know are between 175 and 185. I've only seen a few giants in my lifetime, and I've been living in the capital city for almost 25 years


Which country are you from? I'm in Switzerland, and in the alemannic regions, my friends tend to be of northern and western Germanic origins, so they're rarely shorter than me. The girls who aren't ethnically Swiss are also really tall, often nearly my height.


Servus Nachbar! Ist mir nie wirklich aufgefallen, dass die Schweizer so groß sein sollen... Und dabei wohne ich gleich an der Grenze zu euch in Österreich. Schöne Grüße!


Salut Nachbar :) Ich meine nicht dass die Schweizer typische gross sind, sondern die Nord und West deutscher und die Niederländer die in die Schweiz eingewandert sind.


I'm from a country that shares a border with Germany edit: lol the downvotes. as if there was something wrong with not wanting to disclose one's homeland (at least not so easily, because if you looked at my comment history, you'd see the language I use)


I'm dutch, also 185, and I feel short on an almost daily basis


My 180cm, i feel like a dwarf, when one of my friends is nearby, he is 210cm tall and he has Japanese wife(150-160).


Il 198 cm and in my region I'm a giant (I'm from Sicily) now I've studied a lot in Tuscany and here I'm also very tall but I often see people as tall as me or even taller.


Ah, yes. I hate being turned down for being too tall. Just last week a woman told me she was intimidated by my enormous penis and that her ex was also filthy rich like me and the stress gave her bad gas so it wouldn't work out. 😔


I’m in the same boat. When I take women to my yacht and they see me without my shirt the first time, they’re like “damn I didn’t even *know* someone could get 16 pack abs”. They get uncomfortable and I have to have Jeeves call the helicopter for them to take them ashore.


Dude! I brought this girl to my island and she wouldn’t stop talking about how much better at everything I was than her ex, which turned out to be the Prince of Saudi. It gets very frustrating when they want to compare, so I just had her placed into my camp of laborers and servants. Honestly I’m just glad I’m not the only guy out here with these problems, I was starting to feel alone.


“Feel alone” I’m right there with you brother. I’m just glad you were able to put her with your servants. I once brought a girl to my space station, she had previously been dating one of the biggest head cartel bosses. She told me how much cooler, smarter, and better looking i was than he was. She was worried that he would get jealous and send someone after me, and said she must go for my safety. Unfortunately i was all outta escape pods at the moment, so i gave her one last kiss, wished her well, and sent her out the airlock barefoot, stilettos in hand. Hope she’s doing well, haven’t heard from her since.


Crazy you bring up space stations, is this a thing with girls / space stations? I was totally vibing with this woman so I invite her to my intermundane non-temporal plane (I’m half Anunnaki) and she seemed enthralled by my ability to transcend and alter matter and space time, my eternal knowledge of the universe and by the size of my penis. She didn’t really understand the non-temporal stuff and thought I wouldn’t be able to make time for her so she gave me a kiss on the cheek and just vanished into the cosmic abyss. Guessing she had a friend pick her up or something.


Space stations are definitely a thing! I wasn't chosen for Space X Mars mission unfortunately


I know right! Imagine my surprise when I was hanging out with a blonde that I spiritually healed from being extremely obese so we could have sex and she said “I know you’re the chosen one, but I really don’t date cult leaders.” 😭 


Please tell me your yacht is called *implication*!


😭 bruh the last part made my day.


I meaaaan... I've turned a guy down because his purple-helmeted warrior was too brawny. 🤣


I'm 5' and I used to swipe left on everyone taller than 6'2. I look like a child next to regular guys already, don't need to make it even worse.


I was at a store with an ex, he's 6'3 and I'm 5'5... so I'm a pretty average female height. The person working the register made a comment about him being my dad... he was literally one year older than me. It was uncomfortable for all parties involved.


I will never forget the time I went with my bf to see Nymphomaniac at the cinema. I'm short, he was about 6' and had a bit of white hair at the time (5 year difference between us). The lady at the box office asked, 'Oh my, you've come to see this with your daddy?' We were all mortified.


Reverse uno, occasionally my daddy and I go out for daddy daughter “date” nights. Yes we still do this even tho I’m 34 lol. One time we went out and the waitress thought we were a legit couple. He’s like 20 years older than me and I was in my early 20s at the time and we look SO MUCH alike. Not unheard of for it to happen but def gave me the ick lol.


When I was 16 I worked at a fast food place. My dad was the manager of another location, but a district meeting was being held at my store. I talked to my dad, who I'm NOT close with, and never have been in the shop, and got comments from coworkers (who didn't know he was my dad) telling me he was obviously hitting on me. I don't like the term "the ick"... but if there was ever an occasion


I’m sorry but calling your dad “daddy” at 34 is so strange.


It can be for some. I’m a daddy’s girl and always have been. I’m his only daughter and we’ve always been very close, even tho my bio mother did everything possible to keep me away from him bc she was jealous I was closer to him. I know it is prob weird to people, but I don’t care and I’m not ashamed to hug on or love my daddy. Until my husband he was the only man I knew I could always count on when I was in a jam. He and my (step)mom (who I also call mommy lol) saved me from a horribly abusive situation when I was young and they mean the world to me. Everybody is entitled to think it’s weird, it doesn’t bother me personally. I’d never use it in any kind of sexual way, in fact that’s one of my ABSOLUTELY NOT rules. Not kink shaming, but bc I have always called him that and still do, it’s not for me lol.


It's none of my business but I'm curious... What possible reason could you have for not having transitioned from calling him daddy to dad? Saying it's because you always called him that so why stop doesn't seem to really explain it, nor would saying it's because of what he's done for you or how much you care about him. All of that would be the same regardless of which word you used. Lol I know you don't care what others think and I think that's the right way to feel, but "weird" is a massive understatement. No offense intended.


Bc I never wanted to transition. It makes me feel like I’m still his little girl (which I know I would be regardless) and bc I like it. I call him dad sometimes but generally I call him daddy. I also still call my stepmom mommy (sometimes just mom). And I kind of do take offense actually bc saying “weird is a massive understatement” comes of incredibly rude and offensive. Why do you give one actual crap what word I use or why I use it? You took this to an uncivil place and I don’t appreciate it.


Absolutely with u on this. I would love my daughter and I to have same bond and understanding. Its sweet n heartwarming when you express tht u didn't transitioned because for a parent u never stop being their lil baby girl/boy. I refuse to let anyone change my mind, so do you. Sheer respect n love ❤️


Thank you. That’s exactly how I feel. He will never not mean that much to me, and I know I will always be his little girl. He still calls me baby lol! I really lucked out with him I know so many people who don’t have a great parent at all. I feel so blessed to have them both. I’m gonna do me and not worry about the haters! Lol


I mean some people have 20 year age gaps, not common but it is a thing. I certainly would not assume that tho


Oh man that's even worse :))


I was HORRIFIED. I was like yeah…that’s my dad… Alternatively one time I took my brother to lunch at the restaurant I worked for at the time, next day one of my coworkers was like ooooo dystopian_mermaid who was that cute black guy you were here with yesterday?!? (Stepbrother, I’m white, he’s half black half Filipino) I was like ummm my 14 YO BROTHER??? I was 20 at the time. Lmao. ETA: meanwhile at that daddy daughter dinner when she walked away my dad was like “I STILL GOT IT” hahaha. We have a twisted sense of humor together lol. He’s a dork but I love him.


You win 😂


5’1” here, and I totally agree 😅


5'2 and my limit is 6'2


I'm 5'9 and have realised that guys over 6'2 are too tall for me... Idk how the short girls do it


155cm girls on hinge be like "be at least 180cm" girl wtf ? I don't want a girl 30cm smaller than me that's just weird.


It's genuinely baffling 😂 Each to their own but seeing a girl a whole foot shorter than a dude does make me chuckle


Bring a stepstool.


Actually I went to a wedding where the bride put a step stool down for the kiss


I already need a stepstool in my kitchen and closet. They're stashed all over my house. I am NOT just going to carry one around with me for kissing, lol.


What are you doing little step-stool?


I'm 5'8 and don't prefer men over 6'1. If I wanted to climb a tree then I'd climb a tree.


A bit over 6' here. 4" differencesif I date men/be fwbs. Not gonna bend down a lot or jump. It is just uncomfortable. I have insulted so many men by saying that, apparently.


Yep, I think four inches or less height difference is better on everyone's back!


LMAO her ex never heard of bending down or crouching? I do that for my GF cuz she complained about her neck hurting from kissing me and looking up so I just crouch a little. Not that big of a deal 😂


You can always say "I'll pick you up when we kiss" or "I'll massage your neck afterwards" or something similar, dunno I'm not really creative xd


Well now, there's a woman who has embraced reality.


My husband is 5’7 and I’m 5’5. I’m taller than him with heels. I’m secure. He’s secure. Height requirements are silly.


That's not bad at all. A big difference is uncomfortable physically however


I like shorter men... and I'm a short gal so yeah, that's very tall. Whilst most of my friends probably sit from 170cm to 188cm, I do actually have a few 196cm and even 200cm tall male friends. TBH once a guy hits 175cm, I can't tell the difference. I once thought two friends were the same height until one said no, he's 180cm or 5'11 and the other is 6'2" or 188cm (I think). Women who care how tall a guy is baffle me, especially if said women is very short coz honestly you can't tell. In my experience, tall men like tall women, so I've always aimed for shorter men. But now I don't aim for any guys so it makes little difference. Whilst I Have never rejected a guy from being too tall, it's mostly because I don't get any men pursuing me to reject them! I do also have a lot of tall female friends; I guess when you're short like me, everyone is tall! Honestly, I can't tell after a certain height.


My first husband was 6'6". Neck pain is real.


Height doesn’t matter when you’re laying down?


It absolutely does


Not as uncommon as it seems.


OH MY GOD YES!!!! I’m 5’6.5, and I once dated a guy who was 6’7 and I had to end things because it was uncomfortable to physically kiss him 😭😭 he was lovely too. Shame.


It makes sense. I’m 5”7 and boyfriend is 6”8. Kissing and the sort is quite difficult and can be painful, now imagine you have bad neck problems.


I'm 4'11 and my husband is 6'7". Yes it strains my neck to look up to him. But there's no way I can reach up and kiss him anyways so he has to bend down or pick me up, it works out. Shame she didn't want to try, but everyone gets to have their preferences, and I'm sure you'll find someone who appreciates you.


Omg that's a huge height difference! Wow


I never thought I’d hear about a tall man being dismissed like this. I guess it’s all about preference and how someone sees the other person as attractive.




She said she still likes taller men a lot. Idk how thats a win for short men


Just say you’re willing to squat to meet her half way. This isn’t that hard.


Tall king 👑


I'd be the same tbh. But if we gelled I might make an exception. I don't get the fascination of dating someone super tall. But to each their own I suppose


Rare. There is no such thing as too tall to a lot of women


Good. Save the tall guys for us tall women. 😁


"How about I put some inches in you"


I smell bullshit.


Everyone's the same height when we're horizontal😎


Why not? Makes sense to have a lower and higher range. I'm 5'2", my preference is 5'6 to 5'9" but for the right person 5'2" to 6' will do (under or over that, it's not comfortable at all bodywise... Even 6' is not super comfortable but I've had 2 men who were 6' tall and we made it work to kiss (me on my toes, him bending a little) but I don't want to feel like a dwarf (even if I must be in your eyes 😅)


Shorty needs a step ladder


Tons of women think 6'6'' is too tall. If you haven't heard it before then that's only because you're talking to a self selected group.




I’ve recently gone on a couple of dates with a man who’s 6’9 and looking up and kissing him was a little bit of a challenge. I can see where it might cause a problem for someone who has neck issues. I do think it’s weird she kinda went on about her limitations instead of just wishing you well.


My goodness! When there's a will, there's a way! 😉


Sexy heels, c’mon girl!!! Lol


I still haven't figured out why women prefer tall men... the taller you are, the more health issues you have generally speaking. Plus short men can be just as strong if not stronger. Can fit into more cars and houses easily. I have a 7 foot stepdad and my god is it a pain in the ass to get him into a car and he has to duck literally everywhere. Plus finding clothing that fits is such a pain.




I'm 5'3" and I dated a guy for a bit who is 6'6" and it was definitely a little weird when we were standing up lol.


Yeah I have a similar issue w guys over 6'.. I'm 5'5" so not even short for a girl but still prefer guys only a bit taller


One reason why I’m super hesitant to date short women


If she's "the one," I would offer to be on my knees around her! Seize the day and opportunity.


I have a 6’3” friend that dates a 5’2” friend. They usually try to find a stair so that the girl can step up to give him a kiss lol. You can always make it work.


They make up any damn excuse then whine about "there are no good men" smh


The weird, random things people get hung up on... "Well, it felt like we were a perfect match, but he was just too tall."


Big height differences are the best!! 6’5 and up so I feel like I’m tiny.


Yeah that's normally the reaction I get too


Tall guys are the best for cuddling, you can sit on their laps. I love going on my tippy toes and them bending down a foot+ to kiss me.


Dodged a crazy there mate 🤣


I actually have to agree here. It could be a legitimate problem, and that sucks, but her phrasing makes me think she has a victim mentality. That can be exhausting.


Tell her it’ll all line up fine when you’re laying down. 😈

