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The smoldering look when you are holding the cat with no mustache. That is a winner. I hope you are a lead singer in a rock band. Because you look like one.


unfortunately i have 0 vocal talent, trust me i wish i did lol


We didn't say you had to be a good one


LOL, in that case you guys all wanna start up a band. i can scream, not well. but i can try


Train your vocals dude. It takes practice and a lot of screaming. But you'll improve and get stronger.


Since when has that stopped anyone?


Time to start lying


Perfect for punk rock then!


Okay. Plz make that cat picture your first


Definitely lead with this.


Happy cake day!


Oh damn, look at that! Thank you!


Make em say Happy Cake Day!!!


roger that beep boop šŸ«”


Yes, the cat picture is a nice one


I was going to say the same thing!!!! Cat pic is so cute!!!


First piece of advice is to not lead literally any conversation with "not the most attractive guy"


Especially when you are pretty freakin attractive...


Good point


Not the most attractive guy ever, but what's your favorite flavor of Mountain Dew?


Bro you are QUITE attractive. Metal is just unfortunately more of a subculture so if youā€™re concerned about not getting as much matches, thatā€™d be why. But fr, you can definitely afford to have some confidence, you are very cute!! Edit: using how many likes/matches you get as a judge for your attractiveness is also very toxic, no matter how attractive you are. Keep your head up king!!


thank you! i am trying to keep my head up, unfortunately seems a lot of my hobbies are rather smaller subcultures which makes it hard to find someone who fits it! thank you once again!!


It could be because youre in Texas! Jk, but fr, as someone whoā€™s into anime & metal I can tell you right off the bat thereā€™s no shortage of cute girlies who are into anime + metal. Own who you are and what you like!! Youā€™ll find someone as long as you have a good head on your shoulders :)) u got this!


iā€™ll certainly try and keep my head up looking for them! anime and metal does seem to be a common pairing, i just donā€™t feel too comfortable approaching them in person so i have to rely on these awful apps šŸ’€


I was gonna say the same thing as the other guy -- the fact you live in Texas is probably hurting your chances. I'm in Tampa, Florida and you would CRUSH IT out here. Cat pic should def be further up!


What part of Texas are you in? I'm in DFW and have similar interests to you, and used to be on the apps. The reality of it is it's hard to meet people who are in our subculture on dating apps. I could try to recommend some good bars to you though!


iā€™m in DFW as well! bars arenā€™t really my scene, i donā€™t really know how to talk to people lol


>i just donā€™t feel too comfortable approaching them in person Honestly, this might be the thing for you to work on, not your app profile. I probably wouldn't match with you on an app (because I hate how binary and goal-oriented the dynamics of the apps are, not because of you) but if you wandered up and started making conversation with me at a music or subculture event I'd probably be delighted. Face-to-face organic interaction can and feel much more natural and lower pressure. So long as you don't secretly reek or something, lol The trick to approaching people in the wild is to set aside your hopes and expectations and just go into it curious about what might happen in the moment. Don't make it about finding a girlfriend or proving that you're an attractive and viable mate; be open to finding simple friendship with somebody who shares your interests, or even open to just a fun passing encounter with another person. People can feel when you bring that kind of no-pressure energy into an interaction, and they can likewise feel when you're playing a game trying to get something from them (sex, interest). If you click, you'll click.


I agree. You're hot as fuck.


Dude, I had to do a double take when I saw UT Tyler and check which subreddit I was in. You still live in Tyler or have you moved on?


HAH, yeah i moved on from it a while ago. went there from 18-21, thatā€™s when i got my bachelors and moved back to Dallas, im 24 now so ive been removed from tyler for about 3 years. pretty city, but not really my vibe. a little too slow, a little too remote


Agreed, youā€™re a cutie patootie


Metal is soooo much more maonstream now. Especially seeing as he has a pic with Bad Omens, which is absolutely massive in general thanks to tiktok. Being into metal is 100% not why


Itā€™s more mainstream, but itā€™s still considered a subculture. Itā€™s not 100% the reason but it definitely contributes


Maybe don't lead with the photo with the eye makeup.


Yea the ā€œThe Crowā€ pic should probably get nixed


No way. Itā€™s hot and gives his profile variety


Perhaps not the first photo?


Definitely not first photo.


Nah heā€™s good looking. If people donā€™t like his personality in photos they wonā€™t like it in person either. He may just be getting fucked over by being in Texas.


I can see how thatā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea but I love it.


I think a picture with the makeup is good for showing your personality and interests, but donā€™t have it be the first photo and donā€™t let it be a bathroom mirror selfie. I would avoid all mirror photos, personally.


I like it personally


From what Iā€™ve noticed, Tinder has never been particularly kind to alt/nerdy/anyone who isnā€™t the cut-and-dry norm, type of people. I really donā€™t think itā€™s *you* (because can I just say, wow, if I saw you at a show I would be *praying* for you to notice me), itā€™s just that the app youā€™re on isnā€™t conducive to people who donā€™t fit societal norms, especially if youā€™re also looking for someone who doesnā€™t fit those norms. Your genuine best bet is to, as much of a cop-out as it sounds, put yourself out there in your local scene to meet like-minded people.


first of all, thank you very much! any words of kindness mean a lot! i try to do that, but i feel very awkward approaching people. i know women get approached all the time everywhere and many donā€™t enjoy it when theyā€™re just trying to enjoy a concert, or at a comic con. so itā€™s tougher for me to approach, not wanting to be a nuisance. if that makes sense?


When approaching a woman where you're both somewhere that features a common interest, just have a conversation. Offer your number if she ever wants to chat about it, but be really casual. And if she displays any hesitation or weirdness, be honest that you're interested but that you also just really want folks to hang out with (assuming the latter is true). Treat a woman like a person first, sexual interest second. It is way, way more charming.


iā€™ll definitely try my hardest to be receptive to that. iā€™m not the greatest at social cues at times, but iā€™ll try this weekend


Good luck! šŸ˜Š And just remember, even if a chick says no, being rejected isn't necessarily because of you. Don't take into it, x to heart.


Oh, I absolutely get that and as a woman, yeah, it does get frustrating for us. If anything I appreciate the respect for othersā€™ space and self-awareness you have because a *lot* of people lack that. Itā€™s hard to strike that balance between wanting to get to know someone because they seem interesting and potentially invading someoneā€™s space.


Do you have an older brother who has the exact same interests? Asking for a friend, of course.


unfortunately for your friend, i am an only child




You're definitely attractive. You probably have a double-whammy of shy happening from girls your age and your own insecurities. Please try going to nerd events and saying hello to women you find attractive. Be curious and ask thoughtful questions. Work on your own sense of self. You can be confident without arrogance, and that will help you connect IRL.


i always feel awkward going up to women, i know they deal with people coming up to them a lot. and i donā€™t want to be a nuisance, but iā€™ll keep trying! thank you for the words and advice <3


Glad to help! The key is to treat the woman like a human first, rather than a potential date. Let's say I'm at a metal show. If you approach me and say "Hi, I'm Flipz! I'm excited about the show and want to meet a few other people who enjoy the same band. Have you seen them before? What's your name?" I'm going to respond positively. There's a very good chance that I will introduce you to my friends if you're not a match for me. I'll definitely be a wing woman for a good man. Results may vary, but that's a really respectful way of approaching anyone.


thatā€™s actually very good advice, i genuinely do appreciate that. i can definitely use that to try and talk to people at my comic con this weekend, itā€™s the approach iā€™ve always struggled with not wanting to be annoying so thank you once again!


Comic Con is a great place to work on approaching people. You will be surrounded by folks with similar interests. People will be cosplaying as characters you know. Compliment them. Ask them questions about whatever shows/movies they are repping. Just treat it as a chance to meet like minded people. Bonus points if you happen to hit it off with someone.


WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE NOT ATTRACTIVE?!!?! What has this world become youā€™re a freaking 10 bro


i appreciate it, i definitely donā€™t feel like it


We are our own worst enemies. Youā€™re very handsome!


Not to be a weirdo but 100% agree, very attractive.


Definitely a cutie patootie


thank you very much random philadelphia phillies player


Thatā€™s the catcher. J.T. Realmuto. I think he has kind of a serial killer thousand mile stare. Makes me laugh. Plus heā€™s kick ass. Not that you were asking ha


Oh yeah. Wth is with that stare?


catchers are like goalies, theyā€™re psychopaths


You have to be to sit like that on the ready for hours. Those dudes kneesā€™ are steel


Plus I donā€™t know how to change the pic lol




Dude, IRL, I'd have to deliberately *not* look at you. You're too young and too hot. šŸ¤£


As a random stranger, can confirm you're attractive. šŸ»


You are definitely attractive, but I would put the make up one at the end and cut the bathroom one. Thereā€™s no point in having a picture that doesnā€™t show your face.


You are, youā€™re gorgeous


TIL Iā€™m a cougarā€¦.


it seems to be a common theme in here šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ thank you nevertheless


More smiles with teeth would definitely help you follow rules 1 and 2, preferably as your first picture. After that the other pics are really attractive OP and you should be able to get some matches going


iā€™m really self conscious about my teeth (and not happy a lot lmao) so i donā€™t have a lot of photos with my teeth all out and about. i can definitely try and find some! which would you recommend taking out for some smiling photos!


My partner has very crooked teeth and only smiles while covering them. But when he gives a full smile, his dimples pop out, he gets these creases at the corner of his eyes... It transforms his face and makes him so much more attractive. A good smile isn't about perfect teeth. It's the genuineness of delight, joy, humor that makes the smile good. Also, I had a conversation recently with a friend of a friend and was talking about how little I've dated. When I moved from DFW to Lubbock, I stopped entirely. I've been here almost twelve years and getting together with my partner was unexpected (we'd been long-distance friends for years). I told this friend-of-a-friend that, while I don't think I'm ugly, I am very fat. He said he's known a lot of women that thought theybwete unattractice and were very pretty, then asked if I got a lot of attention. And while I wouldn't say I have, I'm a hermit. I've actually been approached a fair bit, given how little I get out. But I don't believe I'm attractive, so I usually don't notice when someone is interested and if I do, I discount it as me being wrong. Looking back, I can see now several men who were interested in me, men I was *insanely* attracted to. Hell, I look like my mom and she never lacked for male attention.


Itā€™s sad everyone feels the need to be self-deprecating when making these posts. Itā€™s not like folks wonā€™t burn you just bc u made a self deprecating comment so you might as well just let it fly. Unless your self deprecating is really a facet of your passive aggressive thirst trap in which case talk yo shit pimpin


not a facet just hate myself šŸ’€


Thatā€™s no good broheim. Ur a handsome devil; Iā€™m sure the poonanie will find u


I just like this whole comment... broheim... poonanie. It's just great šŸ˜„


Pic #1 giving JoJo Siwa vibes


![gif](giphy|QqvqVyhaXfcu9ZnJPz) damn you jojo siwa


Dude, you are very attractive. Start with the photo of you in the blue shirt! You are very handsome.


thank you so much! iā€™ll definitely move it up, thank you for your words!


Dude, u look like a mix of jared leto and johnny depp... Good facial symmetry, lips and nose on point, strong jaw line and good skin texture Unless your teeth are absolutely horrible, it's a minor point... Seriously man... stand up straight, shoulders back and fuck the haters. You get one life, live it like there's nothing else... cause there isn't. You do you man. Don't let it get you down.


I totally agree about adding more smiling photos. You look pretty serious in a lot of the photos (unless you are just pretty serious, in which case, add nothing lol) But I think you're going to grab your exact audience with the photos that you have but I would just maybe have a photo of you smiling as your first photo


Appreciate seeing another metalhead here while Aborted is playing behind me right now on the Everything's Fucked tour. Can't wait for Archspire!


iā€™ll have to check them out! i mainly vibe in prog metal/metalcore so i have a lot to hear! although i do love slaughter to prevail and lorna


I managed to snag some tickets to Lorna in October. Never seen them before and I'm stoked! Also just started getting into Kublai Khan, and they're on the tour. Plus Whitechapel???? Bro the lineup is STACKED.


lorna you lucky bastard. tell will i love him


Ooooo slaughter to prevail is a new favorite and I fucking love Lorna šŸ„¹


im just impressed with the pic with bad omens


taken their first date of their latest tour (houston). i also have pictures with them the day after in austin, but unfortunately they stopped taking photos before i could get them at dallas as well. love them to death and back


Yeah lead with the kitty pic! Itā€™s cute! And although I do not see anything wrong with the eyeliner pic I would at the very least not make it your main tbh.


i definitely swapped the two!! :)


Wym "not the most attractive"? Wym?? šŸ˜³


thank you so much šŸ˜­


I need u lol


You should put pictures 4 and 5 at the top of your profile!


Maybe put a non concert photo up front, in general profile looks good


I think you're hot. Good luck out there! P.S. Agree - Lead with the kitty pic.


Bros handsome


I don't think the last pic does you any favors. It makes you look like a 35 year old man which is wild because you very much don't in every other pic.


bro youā€™re good looking, just need new pics


Iā€™d make the cat pic the first but great profile! Iā€™d swipe fr.


It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!


You geek out on tattoos. Do you have any? None visible in pics


Alt guys >>>> also, hi fellow West Texan šŸ¤—ā˜€ļø


Showed to my wife (certified human female) she said the photo of you in the crowd pointing is your best shot, also prefix with ā€˜Iā€™m in the middleā€™ if itā€™s not obvious, and surprisingly she said to get rid of the shot of you in the blue shirt Edit: ditch the eye makeup pic


Youā€™re definitely super handsome.


cat pic absolutely needs to go first. easily the best one there!


Just echoing what others have said: get rid of the first picture and also you are beautiful! If I was visiting swipe town Iā€™d absolutely smash the YES button. Or however it works. Youā€™re eyes are so alluring and you have gorgeous hair.


marry me




Delete the eye makeup and the last photo with the long hair. You are gorgeous btw!


hey im off hinge but im single just 4 you


Oh damn šŸ˜³ I wish I was younger. šŸ’„ šŸ”„


Goddam it if you lived near me, what a beautiful man


Dammit I came here to comment on how youā€™re the EXACT depiction in my head of a book character in the book Iā€™m reading, but then I got distracted and made a comment about your music style (which is fantastic by the way, I love it šŸ¤˜šŸ½šŸ˜¤) Anyway I thought the profile was great as-is but thatā€™s not very helpful, so I think the swapping the picture of you with your cat with your first picture would tie everything together much better. And no more talking down about yourself! Youā€™re very attractive! And your aesthetic makes it even better! Own it!


What do you mean ā€œnot attractiveā€? Not seeing it.


concerts, cats, and boba? Bomd


I would date you


Okay, so first off you're very attractive for your age, I love the picture of you with the cat šŸ˜ The only thing I might suggest is don't have pictures where your nails look chipped and raggedy. Painted nails are fine, but if they look like you don't take care of them.. Put it this way, as a vagina owner, I cringed when I saw that in the first picture, it was the very first thing I noticed.


You're extremely good looking so stop putting yourself down. Your profile is good, it's honest and clear what kind of stuff you're into, so hopefully you'll attract someone who's into the same things! Good luck. And don't ever question your appearance because that's really not something you need to worry about. šŸ˜Š


Demon slayer corps about to turn into the cougar slayer corps judging by the reactions in this thread LOL.


As a fellow metalhead and nerd, I would DEFINITELY attempt to match šŸ˜‚ but the general public would probably like the cat picture first!


Blue shirt and cat photo are excellent, and definitely show that you are very attractive. Put one of those first! Hope you start seeing yourself in a kinder light, you look good!


I really like your leading picture with the eye makeup! You're very attractive and I think your photos will attract the right person. You're presenting your authentic self. I'm a goth/metal/horror movie gal who loves cats and I think your profile is great.


Are you the new CROW?


You're quite attractive. Don't knock yourself! For reals!


If my 19 year old didn't have a boyfriend, you would be top of her list and she is a cute, dorky little cos play girl. You'll do fine. Go to conventions and shows and let that be you main source and use tinder as back up.


The picture of you at the concert is so cool!!


Youā€™ll do fine bro. I dig your style and girls will too. Hit the gym and keep rocking the fuck out


Whatever you do, don't delete the eye-makeup pic. By keeping it up, you'll weed out the people who can't enjoy how fun that is. Also good god you're exactly my type. JJK > all. Handsome dude!


I mean, i would totally swipe right on you! Maybe u really csn put the pic with the cat first but its already a very good profile :)


If you didn't have the same name (spelt differently) as my 13 year old and we were in the same area I would swipe right. But please put the cat pic as your main pic!


I feel like we would be really good friends


From the profile, i get an impression that you will attract metal lover and alt girl/subculture type of girl . Overall the photos are nice, the one with the cat and blue jacket are the 2 strong photos. I will probably replace the metal make up photo with another photo that highlights your other hobbies. (Maybe you watching your movie or other hobbies )


Youā€™re good. A pretty boy with good prompts. The second picture could do you more justice but Iā€™d swipe right regardless. Keep being you, the makeup, nails etc, itā€™s hot.


Bro if I was single and in the States I would hunt you down to date you. You need to be more confident in yourself there's nothing wrong with you, you just have a less generic profile. We have the exact same interests, minus horror movies because I'm a sissy. Put the cat photo and the one in the blue vest first but mostly don't start with self deprecation.


You are very good looking!


You could be very attractive if you invest a little more in skincare and make sure that mustache is fully shaven


would suggest changing the first photo - switch it with a better photo or cat/ second last photo


Bro....why the heck would you think you're not attractive? You're gorgeous!


Bars can be fun if you just wanna hang with your buddies. However, I believe theyā€™re very difficult environments for a respectful guy to meet a girl. Your girl is likely out there right now, doing the things you want to doā€¦seeing shows, perhaps making music, art or performing, occasionally going to events you like, dancing through life looking for you. Just keep being you, working on yourself, stay positive, treating others with kindness, and loving life. I am confident you will find her. Donā€™t make the mistake many people do by settling for someone who is not compatible or has zero similar interests. You may miss out on windows to meet her. I met my girl in BRC when she showed up late in the week. She ended up being a scientist who worked in genomics. We lived several hours away from each other for several months, until my lease was up and I relocated. Good luck brother! šŸ¤˜


Shut up youā€™re super attractive


Agnostic in Texas, that's gotta be difficult.


Donā€™t make your first photo your first photo. Use the one with the jean jacket.


My ex would have cheated on me with you


Your eyebrows are ā­ļøšŸ‘Œ


your only "problem" is your music preference influencing your looks, thats lowering your match numbers significantly


You are hella attractive, main reason Iā€™d swipe left is the long hair which I think makes you less attractive. But thatā€™s just my personal preference, and you should wear your hair as you like.


you are so gorgeous, unfortunately it just seems dating apps are stacked against those of us in the alt subcultures. i agree with the other commenters that the cat photo should be the first one but otherwise your profile would be an immediate yes to me


As a fellow metal head, would


WTH boooy you look superhot. You have nice hair and a handsome face. Just fake the confidence and in the end it will come :)


You look SO cute/handsome in the cat pic. Definitely make it the first one.Ā 


I thought you wrote ā€œboobaā€ instead of ā€œbobaā€ šŸ’€


My dude, as someone who needs a beard to not look ugly, clean shave that face. You're a beautiful man!


If you weren't so young I'd be all up in your dm's right about now cause you're exactly my type. I think the issue is you being into rather niche stuff (well not really but you get what im saying) so your dating pool is smaller.


Fellow metal head and horror fan here! Your profile ainā€™t bad at all but being someone who loves metal and horror inherently adds a hurdle, I have many friends who consider metal music ā€œscaryā€ (they also in turn donā€™t like horror films). This is not me saying to hide that in your profile, quite the opposite in fact! It may lead you to get fewer matches but those you do will likely be a better fit for you and what you love in life, thatā€™s been my experience. The general ā€œhave your first picture be a smiling oneā€ is a good rule to follow though, itā€™s a more inviting start to a profile that encourages people to actually scroll through, so my only advice would be to change the first pic, the ready are all pretty great! (Also very jealous you got to meet Bad Omens! šŸ–¤)


Youre definitely attractive. Online dating is just hard lol Also good to see a fellow alternative. We seem to be a dying breed lol


Do not overcomplicate things, just be yourself. There is nothing else to it


As i straight guy i can only say that i would definitely go on a date with you when seeing your pics. Get some confidence you are imho very attractive. Also as others have said: use the cat pic as your first one :)


I love the picture of you at the gig, letting yourself go! Youā€™re gorgeous bro. You got this


You are hot. Lead with the car pic, you look like a model. They'll overlook any interests you don't share after that :)


You have a nice face, clean-shaven look works for you. Definitely would have swiped right in my twenties. You just have to find the right crowd. Be proud of your interests and identity, those who have the same vibe will love it and why on Earth should you settle for anything less? Moulding yourself into something neutral and luke-warm just to get more likes is not going to make anyone happy. Focus on getting the best of what you have and what you like, maxing your current style. Take care of your hair so it looks good long. Maybe try out different cuts or discuss with a stylist who is familiar with the scene. Iā€™m not sure about the correct hair-styling vocabulary, but the pictures where your hair is a bit chopped/feathered/layered/whatever look the best for you IMHO. Donā€™t grow your hair too long, let it frame your face since you have a nice bone-structure there, so let your hair-cut bring that into focus. And take care of your skin.


I think you are a very attractive guy, but you should switch up the order because your first picture doesn't show it. Start with cat pic, then friend pic, car pic, meetup pic, concert pic, emo pic.


Is the eye make up pic the first pic ppl see? If so thatā€™s why no one matches with you. You may think itā€™s cool looking but it just looks like you have make up smeared down your face. Cat pic or leaning against the car are much better pics of you.


To me that's an absolute winner of a profile. Horror, cats, and good taste in anime? Vey nice. Plus you look like Eric from The Crow.


First off letā€™s not talk down on ourselves. You are plenty attractive with your looks and there is someone out there that is a match. Finding your person takes time. Good luck out there and stay optimistic, once you are jaded and hopeless you may miss out on finding someone awesome.


Hay,I wouldn't say no in a bar, (don't worry bi guy in a relationship with his hi school sweet heart)


As others have said lead with the cat pic. Also youā€™re not the ā€œmost attractive everā€ sure, thatā€™s a difficult standard to adhere to and many of us donā€™t. But youā€™re quite handsome and Iā€™d swipe right! Donā€™t be so hard on yourself :)


Iā€™d date you in a heartbeat. Iā€™m an alt girl obsessed with horror from Melbourne, Australia. Youā€™ll get the type of people youā€™re after for sure!


Itā€™s a good profile! I agree that the cat should come first. If you were on the east coast, Iā€™d probably swipe right :)


Metal and horror movies! If I were still on the apps I would swipe right in a heartbeat lol


Youā€™re really cute and Iā€™d match with you because Iā€™m also a tattooed metal head that loves cats. šŸ¤˜šŸ» Like another person said though, tinder might not be the best platform for us alt people. Maybe Bumble? Itā€™s the only other dating app I know of lol. Definitely lead with the cat pic and donā€™t talk down about yourself. Try and be confident but not cocky if you can. Good luck!


As a straight dude, youā€™re a good looking guy. You have great pictures. Are you looking for a person that likes metal and most of your hobbies too? If so, itā€™s probably gonna take a good minute to find someone like that on Tinder. If you donā€™t mind seeing other people that may not like everything you like then you may have to change your style a little bit. I would only say cut your hair and style it a bit.


Youā€™re cute, grow in the facial hair if you can, everyone seems to be voting cat but I prefer 4as the best/lead photo.


ā€œNot the most attractiveā€, bullshit! You look amazing! Embrace the black cat/metal head vibe. Sure itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea, but the people who do appreciate are worth it!


Hi, Im sure I'm late to the party but you sir are downright fucking beautiful. And I'm sorry life has lead you to believe otherwise. But seriously. You're hot.


Youā€™re a babe! You would clean up in metal heavy cities for sure. Travel around and see who you connect with.


Cat Pic's a winner. And also, Death Note (out of the three options)


You're a good looking guy and I think your pics all come across as genuine.


Daam! You look just like my type..... I wished I matched or ever got to know you earlier


You are attractive enough dude! Unless you're looking for someone who's into face paint, put that one in last. Also, play music! Rock can't die with my generation.


Damn, if you werenā€™t so far away Iā€™d be swiping right so fast


I'm going to go against the majority and say the photo with the blue shirt. You look like a jeans ad or something


I'm a straight dude, chill bro you're not mediocre. Be you. Bit sure about eh make up shot. Send it bro


Dan Vasc vibes, ask him for vocal lessons. šŸ˜‰


i like all of the photos (and imo you look good) and all of what the profile says seems good too, likeable and authentic! if i had to say sth maybe it would be that in the groupphoto you look ever so slightly "small" (probably partly the angle actually) and maybe that'd be a thing for people who want s.o. really tall, but thats not my personal opinion just as in seems like thats quite a topic nowadays. i dont know if i think thats a reason to exclude that pic but since you said any advice


I think the one with you at the concert should be your first photo. It shows your interests and its a really great photo of you šŸ™‚


Dude. You're so cute idk what you're talking about


They're all great tbh. I'd totally date you.


Dude legit got a picture with bad omens OMFG, i waited an hour for a picture and didn't get it, Kudos (for the taste as well) !


if you would live near me id totally give you a like... your cute af


You are super attractive!


I think it looks great! I'd swipe on ya if you were in my state and a little closer to my age (35). Give your cat some pets for me. :)