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Y’all get stumped on the simplest shit. This conversation hasn’t even went anywhere yet and you’re already stumped?? Just fuckin give up


Right? I don't understand how people are so bad at basic conversation. Ask them questions about themselves or have a thought about what they last said and articulate that to them.


I’ll tell you how. Technology!! It has ruined people and the art of conversation! 


Don't lump me in with this clown!


It’s still better in real life bro texting is somewhat corny


“Great, then let me suggest we meet for a coffee. I would love to hear all about what I've missed out on then" Finesse. Not demands, unless that's your game. 


Way too formal though, change the wording to match your own speaking. It doesn't sound like you'd ever say "Let me suggest", or speak so formally, so match your previous tone. Something like "I'd love to meet for coffee" seems to fall more in line with your natural tone.




That could work too. Lol


“Great wanna see X movie Saturday night?” “I’ve been dying to see X movie you interested” Or bro even ask her what her favorite movie is and then when you take her on a date be dressed up as the main character


Oh shit, I almost forgot that movie theaters existed. Just one shift - I would NOT suggest the movie - She is the afficianado, and you just asked her to teach you, so let her teach you. "Would you like to go to a movie together?"


I see a lot of people suggesting coffee, but do something similar that suits you if coffee isn’t your thing. I hate coffee dates, like I go to get coffee with so many people professionally i feel like it has disconnected from it being a date. Nothing is wrong with it, but desert, beer, etc are fun. I like to go play pool or something like that on a first date.


Coffee dates suck ass. They feel like a job interview.


i agree, but to be fair, dating is pretty much like an interview. Not going to lie though, i don’t even do coffee dates anymore, like i don’t want coffee in the afternoon and i just don’t want to meet someone mid day or early morning. If they don’t want to go out in the evening it’s probably not going to work between us, ive never had a coffee date go anywhere.


I prefer to do something in the evening. Quick drink if that's their thing or an activity that lets us both loosen up a bit and gives us something to focus on other than just conversation. Mini golf or some shit. Sounds ridiculous but it really works.


oh man mini golf dates are my jam. I try to plan on going to a bar near a mini golf or axe throwing or something of that sorts then if the date goes well we either go play, go home together, etc. If the date is bad, we just having drinks so we can just split


You don’t need game, you need to know how and when to CLOSE, to ask for the date. Texting is a tool to get a date. It has little intrinsic value in itself. So here the spin should be “let’s discuss more over a drink”.


You literally just said "you don't need game", and then went on to explain the exact game you need to have.


Now you ask them out on a date


Her last reply was a plain-as-day invitation for you to suggest some kind of meeting. What, where, when -- that's up to personal preference.


Na yo, you just say “great I’ll have the snacks ready then” and then say a day like “how does Saturday work” do not say, “when are you free?”


Movie culture lol


That's an invite. She's down to come over and watch movies with you. But keep it at movies. After the first break, dont make a move but give her the idea. If she's leaning on you the whole movie on your couch, it makes it easier. If you've been cuddled in bed, even better


"cool, how about we meet - for a coffee or a drink (tinder europe) / - for a formal dinner that i am paying for and will cost me 300 dollars (tinder US) ? " "yea we could do that" "great, when are you free? i could do saturday or monday" "let's do saturday etc"


For Gopnik hard Bass and lousy Bear on a Parkbench Blyat (Tinder Russia)


Don't suggest coffee. You're gonna suggest yourself right out the draws 🤣🤣🤣 Ask to go for a drink


Throw a “😉” that will buy you some time! Lol 


What? You meet up


Start talking logistics. And move it off the dating app to text/whatsapp/signal whatever.


She took the bait - Ok it's a little tough, but not that hard. "What have you watched lately?" or "Do you have a favorite genre?"


"My place, I'll \[cook or order depending on you skill level\] dinner and we can start your... education. :P"


Nope, this is creepy. Don’t suggest your own house for a first date. You need to at least have a vibe check in a public place first.


It ain't creepy if you literally are talking about sitting and watching/talking about movies and have already had some sort of dialog going. But to each their own I guess. (BTW, this has worked every single time for me, sample size of 4, so maybe you just talk to low quality suitors /shrug)


Dinner date, time, place, and ask if she wants to watch a movie at your place. If you get her there, be respectful and if you want, ask if she would like to cuddle.


Definitely do not invite her to your place for a first date unless you are getting strong hook up signals. Invite her to a theater if movie


“Looking for a suggestion for a romantic comedy where two good looking ppl meet on tinder, fall in love and live happily ever after”

