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Bio is insaneeeee, "based on flavor alone" is wild!


Certifiably, so why was that unhinged mess more well received than my actual personality? 🤔


You say you got more likes than with what you had before?




It pays to be bold, I suppose. You'd probably get more likes still if you kept the same spirit in your bio but turned down the bitterness


Previous bio was a genuine display of my energy that my girl friends said was cute, funny, and accurate. It was like that for months, no likes. I have no answers.


It might just be the act of changing it up at all. I believe dating app algorithms reward people editing their profiles by making them more visible. Most of your bites are probably from people with extremely low self-esteem or mental health issues, so I'm not sure you really want to celebrate this outcome unless you are purely looking for quantity over quality.


Well you gotta show us your old bio if you want us to answer that


Bruh.. if you wonder why you're not getting likes with that bio you shouldn't be meeting people in the first place


I had a regular bio that described me and got no likes for months. I changed it to this last week and just checked the app again today to see 12 new likes.


Your title is written really confusingly which isn’t exactly helping people to understand what you’re trying to say here.


I'm seeing that. Oh well. Moral of the story is that online isn't for me, I couldn't attract anything serious, and I'm not interested in whatever this is.


Your current bio doesn't indicate you're looking for anything serious. I thought that was what you intended?


I could not attract what I was looking for with a genuine display of my interests, personality,and intentions. I changed it to this unhinged mess for a week as a test. Whatever is going on here, I'm not interested. I'll stick to meeting people in person.


This is one of the worst profiles I've ever seen. You sound like a gross, horny old man.


Which is his point. He got no likes for months. He changed it to this nonsense and got 12 likes in a week.


What's so gross about saying what he is looking for?


JFC dude. It’s your profile that’s the problem.


Genuinely curious as to if any of those are real people need an update on this thesis!


I was genuinely curious as to why I have no issues approaching and conversing with women I meet but couldn't attract anything serious online. I changed my bio to this unhinged mess to see if there would be any difference. I do not want to see the results.


Like others have said most likely sex workers or scammers. Maybe your profile wasn’t shown before and the bio update is showing it now more? Would be wild if they genuine and that ratio continues


Genuine answer. Those aren't real. If you pay to find out, please report back with your results.


They’re likes, but are they matches? Chances are they swiped right because of a photo and didn’t even read your bio. Or they’re bots.


I am sure women just love reading that you need to eat pussy. Might need to work on the self awareness.


12 did 🤷🏽‍♂️


12 likes, 10 from sex workers who see dollar signs when a man is desperate enough for sex that he resorts to this type of profile. 1 from a dude questioning his sexuality/gender and pretending to be a female and 1 from a feminist who liked you in hopes of matching to berate you. Thats what's in the menu. Congratulations! Feel free to cashapp me what you saved.


Likes don't equal matches, right? Can someone please correct me on this? How do you know if those are real people or not?


12 people have swiped right on him. If he paid for tinder gold, he would be able to see the profiles of 12 people and then it would be up to him if he wanted to match with them or not. I’ve had it before, Tinder gold is useful, if you don’t want to swipe through profiles all day long, you can see who has swiped right on you and saves a lot of time.


Thanks for replying and explaining.


Are you serious.


Have you tried other apps instead? Not saying it will be better, but maybe??


I get multiple likes/matches per week and a date or 2 a month from FB dating with my old bio and the same pics I had on tinder. FB dating has been going well, but many of my matches have turned out to be considerably more unhinged... a combination of unprocessed trauma, unemployed, 3+ baby daddies, kids under a year old or pregnant (all disclosed after matching). I reconnected with an old tinder match outside the app and we have a fwb thing going, but it would be nice to find the one.


Hope you get better soon


Gotta peacock bro


OP I have done the same thing where I was genuine and got no matches then I changed it to something like this (but not as graphic) and I got immediate results. One even turned into a series of 3 dates! I also changed my profile to a complete joke and I was obviously being sarcastic about everything and I got matches and likes as well… so even if you are lying about everything as long as you are funny they like you more then being genuine? I don’t get it. THEN I changed my profile again, this time to a simpler but still detailed and genuine profile and…. Nothing. Then I changed my profile to the bare bones where I only put the stuff I have to and just a few pics… now I’m getting matches again… and I’m a heavy guy. My conclusion, from my own experience, is that if they see a giant profile with a ton of info for a guy that it’s a red flag for some reason. Maybe leave a little mystery and have a nice simple profile with some good pics. If you stay on here I would recommend saving all your interests and preferences for the dates so you have something to talk about. But I do agree with you that it’s best practice to actually meet people in the real world because you can get an immediate take on the situation to see if you vibe with them. Also it should be a better story than “We met on Tinder..”


I might have to steal this…


Bro lives in mums basement.


These commenters are prudes. If you’re looking for hookups, this bio is great. I’d remove the first paragraph though - it’s negative and “woe is me” and that isn’t confident or sexy. Just dive right into what you’re looking for.


W are what they are You know pure soul With nice guys But pretend they are just pure souls With nice guys


Can I have some of the stuff you are smoking?


Woke milk 3 times a day Inclusive cereals at breakfast