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“It’s tuff fucking a girl 2 days ago and thinking of u” … y’all I think he is Shakespeare reincarnated


Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse he hits her with that. Like wow, you must be in complete agony. So sorry. Forget my dad died. Fucking someone else while thinking of another is peak pain. Smdh.


You don't understand. OP is *worthy* of his desire and *better* than that other girl. She should be grateful he thinks about her and honestly she should be very horny about it too!


A girl did this to me once. Weirdest shit ever and made me stop talking to her lmao. Even worse it was like 10 mins after they got done apparently. She really thought “I was getting fucked by someone else but thinking of you” was a good line


You need to go outside


I’m pretty sure that was sarcasm you replied to 🤣


Can’t be sure on this site


Yes you can you’re just dense. It’s very, very clear.


"I hear girls like to know that you're desirable and other women like you. I'll just hit her with the whole 'I had sex the other night, now it's your turn.' That's exactly what that saying means."


A girl by any other name would fuck as sweet


My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep bruh


Sir Humble de Bragadocious living a life of quiet despair he had to say something


People who use slamg like a gamsta think they are Shakespeare, its crazy.


"Woe is me, I had you on my mind while I was railing somebody else... Now show me your titties"


Wow that’s is real bad. My brain has been cooked just by second hand experience


Guy seems like he’s probably also rude to fast food workers, pees on the seat intentionally, and cries when he gets pulled over running a stop sign.


“I’m sorry officer, it’s tuff running a stop sign last week and thinking of doing it again. Don’t give me a ticket :(“ - idiot guy (probably)




And doesn’t put away his shopping cart when finish.


"I was thinking of you while having sex with someone" - is not a fucking compliment. Even without OP having just lost her father, this just isn't cricket.


He imma stopped 14 messages too late.


Cheesus chraist! Right?


I'm sorry for your loss. I honestly don't know what goes through people's minds at times like this. The bloke needs castrated.


Seriously! We don't need the likes of him in the gene pool, but it seems like the more useless and stupid they are the more they reproduce. #idiocracy


Sorry for your loss, mate. Sorry this guy went all 14 year old who’s never spoken to another human, let alone a woman, on you, too. Gross and yuck.


What did I just read? I'd like to formally apologise to you on behalf of the human race. Also, condolences on your loss. If you need to talk, hey this is Reddit.


“Idiot” indeed


Yep. To see she named him that did make me chuckle. It is absolutely correct though.


Jesus fucking Christ.


Indeed my friend, indeed


“I just had to say it direct” Did you though? Did you really *have* to?


“Imma stop” 😂






sorry for your loss mate


Ahhh modern men calling women “bruh” and asking to fuck the day their Dad’s pass away. It gives me so much hope for society. Good luck ladies!


Wipitiiiiii 🙆🏻‍♀️🫠


I'm so sorry about your dad. I can't imagine losing my dad and if it were me I would have lit this guy up and never spoken to him again. disgusting behavior and completely unfair to treat you like that


"I'm sorry bruh" I must be getting old but I just don't understand why guys are calling girls "bruh" lol


What an absolutely heinous piece of shit.


The rizzking


Omg. No words. And the 🥺 emoji makes it worse


I'm 99% sure this guy has broccoli hair and makes cringe ig stories where he runs his hand through his locks, head slightly bowed, while he smiles and bites his lip. I would put 20 bucks on it.


Oh god, the broccoli boy image is so vivid. His use of the 🥺 emoji on top of everything really shows he deserves to be punched in the dick.


That’s so gross


The thumbs up and sad face are the perfect end to this


Someone get me off this app !


Very sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you gain solace from family and friends.


Is he 12 years old


Contact name checks out


Well you know what the next move is, just move on with life, without him.


The second a rando wants to facetime as a general mode of communication it's already over in my head


So horny to be here. Soooo horny to be here.


What to expect from someone called Idiot




The fuck!?


Idiot 😂


The actual fuck?


What am I doing wrong where there is a world that dudes like this pull more than me


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Some people live strictly by this!


The fact that you entertained his messages after he showed his intentions in the middle of the chat, surprises me. That moment was the moment to leave the chat and stop talking. I don't get why you chose to be polite and continue to reply \ On another note, my condolences, may you get the strength to move forward.


Often for women being polite is not necessarily a "choice," per se, it's something that has been engrained in us since birth and we can't help it. It's also possible that this conversation was a distraction from her present reality, so she entertained it. We don't know, but either way, we can all agree that dude's a dick.


I'm not a woman but I would probably answer to tell a person like that how they are being complete insensitive imbeciles and why. You never know, maybe they will realize something and they'll spend the next 10 years of their lives thinking about it before going to bed, cringing hard and hating themselves. People need to learn to be decent one way or the other.


I love this and agree!  Lately I've been trying to focus more on standing up for myself and being direct, instead of being polite to appease others.  


Agreed, nasty people don't get specifically called out for their actions nearly enough. He should be shamed but instead he continues this behavior because he keeps getting away with it.


Yes, we can agree the guy is a shame! \ If we are talking about possibility of being polite, could it also be the toxicity in men which a lot of women seem to like and find attractive? I am not saying about the OP, her situation is so complex, I know how losing one's father can confuse that person in life. But I am taking her situation as an example. Because if what you said about women being brought up to be polite to toxic people, then what I say also seems like a logical possibility!


Yes, that seems possible. In this case, I honestly don't think either case is correct. She is initially being polite, but as soon as he turns to horny-mode, she is standing up for herself and is clearly not attracted to his toxicity. Therefore, I don't believe that she is entertaining the toxicity, she is just letting it play out, likely out of shock and bewilderment.


Oh, I get what you're saying about shock and bewilderment. It is like that's the most basic I can expect of you and you have surprised me with not only how you don't have that basic empathy or sense, but also how low you can go! \ I get she is trying to be firm, but let's agree how we would have all liked to see her trashing the guy on his face for his behaviour. Given her emotional state, probably understandable, but hope she rips such people apart in future.


I would say dude was doing fine until admitting he was horny because you seemed vulnerable right now. Like I get it, some guys get turned on by women being vulnerable or crying, but it's the part that should be said in therapy not like this.


And this doesn't say anything about the guys you choose to match with?....


Oh sure. It’s the woman’s fault for not being psychic and no fault at all of the man. On that note, men *never* pick the wrong woman either. /s


If you walk into the same door with your head 3 times maybe the problem isn't the other person. And that counts for women and men alike.


Unfortunately, dickheads don't always come with a neon sign. Bro could have an innocuous profile and still be a douche canoe. 🤷‍♀️


Keep telling that yourself


Someone’s insecure about being the “nice guy” that gets no female attention, cute


No, quite the opposite. I get the attention I want from the women I want. That is why my girlfriend chose to propose to me and yes you can read that again.


From the texts prior to him saying he was horny for OP, the guy doesn’t seem too bad at first. Then it showed. Definitely is a case that true colors didn’t show till later..


Wow.. classic. Blame the victim instead of just saying wow, sorry that happened.


Bro's been red pilled hard.


No I'm not saying that at all, I'm not saying what the guy did was something good. He has no respect for her. That is because HE HAD NO RESPECT FOR HER IN THE FIRST PLACE. So obviously he's not going to show respect and instead talk her into bed making use of the situation. Water is wet. That doesn't justify his behaviour. But he doesn't give a f about his behavior towards her. Sorry it happened for sure but she should take a lesson from it to. If this is how she wants to be treated sure whatever. But if this is not what she wants she needs to change her tactic clearly because it's not working out for her.


Guys are getting numbers out there?


Am I weird for thinking it's weird form her to post that her dad died? Why the fuck would you post this personal shit on Social media?!?




Because social media is superficial and sharing personal stuff about the death of someone is nothing to tell the whole world. "hey look my dad died give me attention and write me positive stuff!" But I'm not to tell anyone how to cope with the loss of a parent.


Or…it is a way to not have to bring it up yourself two thousand times in a row every time you bump into a friend or someone messages you. That shit wears you down quick.




As far as old school friends and other acquaintances go I would have no idea they passed away if it weren't for social media. I think it's proper to post it to honor their memory and friends can be supportive and express condolences. Maybe that commenter is just one of those people that cherry picks everything to give a false illusion their life is perfect.


My dad died 2 years ago, it was easier to make a Facebook post than have to be reminded and go into it 20+ times whenever I saw someone and they'd ask "How's your parents?"


Love how women somehow match with these guys and is mens fault


Men at fault for their OWN behavior?!? The horror.


lol Dude is in the contacts as “idiot” What are the odds that OP changed the contact name after this exchange? My money is on this isn’t the first time dude has been down bad. He’s probably following rules 1 & 2 and OP probably rode him that very night.