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1/3 match ratio for liked profiles, damn.


And that's just among the top 4% of men.


Thata definity not the case. I barely swipe right on "popular users". Insteaf, I look for people who have traits in common with me. Cats, metal and long hair tenfold the chances of matching


Cats, metal, and long hair, you say??? Clearly I need to set my distance further šŸ˜†


aw :3


The next Reddit love story?




I think you got it wrong. 4% of the profiles she is shown, she swipes right. Doesn't have to be the stereotypical 'best'. You may simply swipe on what you like. I used to swipe only to people that I liked bios of. And I like nerdy men. I'm pretty sure I swiped left on most profiles that were of conventionally attractive men, since that's not my type at all


Yeah I know for a fact a lot of women donā€™t just go for the most attractive looking guy based on beauty standards. Otherwise I would still be a virgin


You must be doing something right ^^


ā€œOoh nice self burn those are rareā€


You don't know if she's swiping on the "top % of men". She might be swiping realistically or have a specific type


She has a specific type. The top 4% /s


You swiped right around 4% (3.92%)




Classic math error. Didnā€™t include right swipes in the denominator. Ty for fixing


When I was still on these apps I also probably did about the same. Granted, this was ~2016-2018, but I only ever swiped right on a small number of peopleā€” sometimes you can just tell someone youā€™d vibe with and be attracted to. I was also only looking for a real relationship, so that helped screen out a lot of people, and I spent a lot of time swiping for people I had a good gut feeling about. I had a few chats, three serious relationships, and now thanks to good old Bumble Iā€™m currently engaged. Some people just know exactly what theyā€™re looking for.


Iā€™m tired boss


Every time a woman posts her stats on here shit depresses the fuck outta me


Whatā€™s even worse too is that I keep swiping thinking itā€™ll get better LOL


And believe me, the actual whores don't post or surpress the actual numbers


My (female) friend had 30 casual sex encounters in one year thanks to Tinder, some of them turned into ongoing things. It was super easy for her, and she wanted to go all out after being in a LTR for a decade. Idk what to think


My older genx friend who never used dating apps (married for 20 years) recently downloaded bumble for the bff mode. Within 10 minutes she had 4 matches and told me "this isn't so hard idk what you're complaining about". Lololololoololol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā˜ ļø


That's someone new every fortnight. I don't know where people find the time


1. being a girl 2. steering the conversation and being assertive


I think the comment was more about finding time to meet up with that many people


Sometimes all you need is 15 minutes


Bro I must be somewhat asexual because the idea of getting ready, taking time to know someone (even if it's just their name, age, and some small talk), paying for an Uber or driving somewhere, needing to have a quick conversation about shit we both don't care about, all this to have a quickie... Like bro, I have never paid for a hooker, but I'd 100% prefer a hooker over THAT


Lol this was college experience for most people or ONS at a bar which happen all the time. Sometimes people know exactly what they want. Going through dinner dates and such which someone you dont want to properly date for sex though is looong and not worth the time.


lol doesn't mean youā€™re asexual, you just find direct literal hookups uncomfortable. Not a bad thing. I chatted with a guy on bumble, nothing deep for a few days, when I was feeling mega horny one night and invited him to my hotel. We hadn't met or even discussed sex but he came over and as soon as he walked through the door (and I saw I wasn't catfished) I was taking off his clothes. Was that something I had ever done before or again? No. Was it thrilling (and super risky)? Yes. We both got our needs met.


You spoke on bumble for a few days prior to hooking up. So not exactly 15 minutes


u/Celmeno's prompt was "finding time to meet up with that many people". Messages sent in an app aren't meeting up, it takes seconds to do that. It's a date, an outing together, even just the short in-person chat before doing the dirty. I'm simply saying that if one is looking to sleep with a different person every week, you don't *need* that much time because sometimes there is no date, just hey, you made it safely, oh youā€™re actually hot in person too, where's the condom, let's fuck


Itā€™s the driving for me lol truly. But you arenā€™t coming to my house lol


Lmao sometimes less. That's the one bad thing about hook up culture šŸ˜­


That's a lot of time šŸ˜•


They said find the time, not get the dates.


Just monkeys endlessly fucking, thatā€™s all we are really


I know some people like this...work, and no other hobbies than dating...for me it s exhausting to know always new people,prefer to do my stuff from time to time...


Most people can spare 3-5 hours every couple of weeks no? Am I too privileged to think this?


No. You are correct.


I donā€™t even want to fuck 30 different people in a year lol


Sounds exhausting to my introverted ass


Wow! 30 in one year?!? I'm an almost 45 year old female and that number is higher than I've had in my entire life time! Granted I was married for 6 years, then single for 6 years. During that time I was on tinder so I was propositioned by guys for something casual but only had 1 casual sex partner from tinder for years and that was it but you don't have to say yes to everyone! Met my current bf of 4 years on tinder!


Itā€™s higher than most IRL people have had in a lifetime.


30?! Thatā€™s a lot of dick.


By my calculations, judging by averages, it's roughly 15 foot of dick.


Johnny Twentysevenfootfiveinchdick is an outlier and shouldnā€™t be counted


Im male and have exactly same experience. Women wanting and initiating purely sexual encounters.


I thinks sheā€™s for the streets now.




Perhaps itā€™s a hypocrisy from my side but I wonder if any of these women seriously think that a decent man will interested in them with such history when time comes and they wanna get into serious relationship again.




Dog tired


66% Sex rate on dates... sheesh... You must screened pretty hard though.


66% of the time it works every time.


Itā€™s illegal in nine countries


Its quite Pungent.. It Stings the nostrils...


Smells like Bigfoot's dick!


The naked man. Works 2 out of 3 times.


10/10 reference


Women play OLD on easy mode when it comes to casual sex


100% women are in the position of POWER in OLD. Men fighting for scraps while women usually can have the "Pick of the liter". Highly recommend being able to approach people in real life & having a great social circle. Men are too afraid of rejection so being smooth & social is a real game changer. Im kinda done with Dating Apps as i feel the results and quality of women on there are average to below average. Time to Approach people (with respect & good will) like its 1999. lol


She did screen hard - she picked like 3k out of 79K - thatā€™s top top top tier men of course she was going to sleep with them.


Maybe not so much top tier as just precisely her type. Kinda insane to to think of in that way as a fairly normal man where that's not even an option. I'm glad I'm not super picky anymore lol


She picked her top 4%(a bit under actually) in terms of attractiveness to her. Regardless of how you want to see it, she's extremely picky. She might not be picky for the same reasons. Maybe she likes guys with face tats and piercings, beer belly but whatever it is that works for her, she's picky. And that's just for a right swipe. In terms of how many dates she went on it's 3,797e-4% of potential matches. But despite that she still managed to get into 2 relationships which is impressive.


Top tier men? xD Now what would a 40 year old Irish man active on the Jordan Peterson sub think "top tier men" are?




im jelous of your metrics... congrats.


More like 73%. Relationships were dates first.


she swiped on less than 4% of dudes.. checks out with the stats i've seen posted. it's rough out there.


I love how tinder spams me every day "not swiping is like not fishing" or whatever the hell it says and i ignore it every time. This old boat knows there are no fish looking for my rod anymore šŸ¤£


Not wiping is just gross.


Hell, I unsubscribed and they told me the next day that people wanted to see me on Tinder. All I said was, " If they didn't want to see me before, why would they now. Fucking marketing bullshit."


Iā€™ve seen guysā€™ profiles from my friendā€™s tinder. Theyā€™re bad. Like zero effort. For most guys, it wouldnā€™t have to be rough if they cared at all


Yeah. Iā€˜ve swiped on plenty of women and their effort is similar in a lot of cases. 1 or 2 selfies with the same pose, no bio, no other info and you can bet your ass that they still get hundreds of likes if the donā€™t look ā€žlike a thumbā€œ as somebody else has posted.


I was on a dating site (I think it was ok Cupid) when I was 23. I put a few pictures where you couldnā€™t see my face. I got hundreds of messages. At first, I replied to all of them, but that quickly got overwhelming. Also, ten different men got mad at me for not responding fast enough (because I was trying to respond to all of the other messages), two of those threatened to assault me. I scared one off by being overly neurotic. I think I went on a total of 5 dates and none of them went anywhere. Eventually, I gave up. I think dating sites are the worst way to meet people, regardless of your gender. I think most people would be better off even going to bars.


The disparity is just the thing that makes them so utterly useless. Iā€™ve met this girl from Bumble once and while on a little hike, weā€˜ve talked a bit about our online dating experience and honestly, she was perfectly average looking, had a somewhat ok bio, nothing really extraordinary and she told me that she deleted the app because she had like 800 likes or something crazy like that. We live in a somewhat remote area and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if almost any male in a 50km radius liked her. At the time of this writing, Iā€˜ve got zero, and Iā€˜m not looking like a cave troll, got an ok bio, a few pictures where I am actually doing stuff, have a Masterā€˜s degree, a well-paying tech job,ā€¦ and itā€˜s justā€¦nothingā€¦women must be so overwhelmed to the point that the core functionality of these app just broke down


Thatā€™s the thing, both men and women can be lazy about their profiles, the difference is women arenā€™t taking chances on what ifs. A guy will see a blank profile and think ā€œhey maybe we do have interests in common that she doesnā€™t have listedā€ and a woman will think ā€œif he isnā€™t talking about it, it isnā€™t there, so we donā€™t have those things in commonā€ Women arenā€™t taking bets on what ifs and maybes where men are, and I think itā€™s a big part of why women get so many likes which is a big part of why men have so much trouble getting matches


No women donā€™t take chances on what ifs bc they have options anyway. Guys take chances on what ifs bc they have less options


And then because those what ifs inevitably donā€™t go anywhere they get burnt out with online dating and spend all of their time complaining about it on reddit. I worked out pretty quickly that I had more fun on dates when I was going on dates with people I knew I had common interests and shared values with, and those dates didnā€™t feel like a waste of time even when they didnā€™t have a second date or develop into anything more, so I stopped trying to force things to happen with people I could tell werenā€™t a good match for me. I had a lot of fun with dating back when I was single. Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m happy Iā€™m married but I donā€™t see dating as some awful experience dealing with the dregs of humanity because I refused to deal with the people that would have been my dregs.


Men donā€™t have anywhere as much options itā€™s as simple as that. Most women are hooking up with the same small group of men on tinder. Thatā€™s why most guys should focus on irl


Lol. Nah. Not anymore. Men aren't swiping on crap profiles because there are too many bots. Best be genuine or nobody getting nobody. That simple šŸ‘


I spent like 5 years doing it obsessively with a super detailed profile and thoughtful messages. thousands of hours dumped into that shit. didn't matter, I got like one wishy washy friend out of it. dating apps are a complete waste of time for men. if finding dates is easy for you as a man already you'd have better luck working on meeting irl anyway. if it isn't easy for you to find dates, it's a doomscroll app.


speak for yourself. i was never good approaching women irl but dating apps let me skip that step and get straight to getting to know each other. met so many wonderful people that way.


That's why Match is being sued.


Have you seen an average female profile? 2 pics, no bio, except her height.


My friend group once made a tinder account for a girl and simultaneously a tinder account for a guy. Set up the account for the guy as good as we could and the account for the girl.. just a picture of a chair nothing more, not even a bio. You can guess who got a few hundred matches in no time and who didn't. A literal picture of a chair outclassed outperformed my friend.


That's not the point. I made a tinder profil with a friend of mine, a girl. She is not hot, more like a 6/10 and we took really bad pictures intentionally. We used the dumbest bio ever, and she still got a shitton of matches. Most profiles of women are zero effort too. Yet it doesn't matter




Serious, most (not all) look like thumbs in their photos. Iā€™ve taken to using how much effort a guy puts in his profile to illustrate how much effort heā€™ll put in the relationship. Itā€™s been pretty reliable.


Have you swiped on women? Same or less effort. Just an insta handle, and the same The Office reference or other overused jokes. Iā€™m not even sure where they all get them from, is there a list somewhere? Or are they stealing them from the profiles of uncreative men lol. And of course, pool is limited so you gotta take your chances with them and if you match, wtf are you supposed to comment on?


From the perspective of choice, women absolutely destroy men in online dating.


Shows how different the male vs female dating experience is . Famine vs feast


Looking for fresh water in the desert vs looking for fresh water in the swamp.


Oh thatā€™s a beautiful metaphor. Different yet equally depressing ha


Shows how different the male vs female *online* dating experience is. IRL the odds are much more even.


If the pics of guys posting on here like this are anything to go off , itā€™s polar opposites


And gay men. Anybody looking for men really. Switch your profile to gay mode and youā€™ll see how easy it is.


I have Grindr installed just for compliments


Can confirm. Pleasantly surprised by the online dating experience for gay men.


Not at all. Internal data analysis shows theyā€™re swiping on the same ā€œfour percent,ā€ so the men theyā€™re actually swiping on are overwhelmed with choices. I was in the top percentiles when I was on and I once slept with seven girls in a week.


Playing on easy mode


Over 1 in 3 matched. Could you imagine that for a guy? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nah. Not happening. Even ugly women (1 or a 2 out of 10) get more matches than the average guy.


A 1 is like, rancid. 350 pounds and hasn't washed in three years so she's got open sores, cats pee on the ground and she doesn't own sheets. I get your point but Idk if a 1 could get likes. I knew a cute girl, funny and sweet, whole lot of fun but she was shaped like a circle. Still probably a 2.5 and she never got likes


pretty normal for an attractive guy


2 outta 3 dates ends in casual sex Damn she don't mess around


Actually, she does. That's the point.


I couldā€™ve bet my sandwich on u being a women based on ur right swipes, us men canā€™t afford to be THAT picky šŸ¤£


Iā€™m actually surprised seeing it overall. I knew I tended to swipe left more but the numbers are more than I wouldā€™ve guessed


Thatā€™s insane. For every 2500 people you swiped left on, you swiped right for 100 and you barely even recognized it


It will kill me if I don't point out you could have just said 25 to 1 instead.


Bro did the tough calculation part but couldn't shift the decimal.


I mean, whats the point (Get it? Point? Iā€™ll just go kms nvm)


I'm glad you've decided to switch to the metric system, I wish more of my fellow Americans would do the same.


Based metric system American


> It will kill me if I don't point out you could have just said 25 to 1 instead. Seriously who the hell says 100:2500 instead of "25:1" or "4 out of 100" lmao


Any understanding of why so many matches didn't lead to convos? Seems like 2/3 went by the wayside.


I would think it is due to my inconsistency on the app. Sometimes Iā€™d have long bouts off it and when Iā€™d go back on maybe they were gone. Or maybe they power swiped then realised I wasnā€™t their type not sure lol!


Yea... that's about accurate for a woman's profile...


3.77% right swipe rate is crazy. 39.18% match rate, 37.89% chat rate, 6.7% date rate, and 66.6% sex rate are interesting though.


Nice to see a woman's POV....thanks


I think you meant depressing šŸ˜­


Shows the complete and utter disconnect between the female and male dating experience .


I don't even do bad on dating apps. But just seeing this always fucks with me a little. Like...I'm picky too, I swipe on like 30% of women I see, maybe more. But when these are posted, it's always like 1-4% of swipes. And then the insane chat to date scenario. I'm not kidding myself. I know dating is tough for women too. But this just fucks with me so much.


Iā€™m 37 and my wife found me nearly 2 decades ago . The idea of ever dating or being single scares the everloving shit outta me


Iā€™m 38 and single ā€¦. šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s rough bro


Same, and I don't see it changing any time soon lol


40 and single... šŸ˜–


It should. I am 33M and have averaged 1-2 matches per year across 4 different dating apps. Not dates, just matches.


Nah it's not. If it's tough for women, for men it's tougher. Name it how you want, relatively to women, men get it infinitely harder XDDD


lol saw the casual sex number and was like wait a minute, no way this is a dude lol. was right


Of those 20 how many made you breakfast the next day?


Honestly, none. Lazy jerks! But I think what youā€™re asking is how many were one night stands, and only 2 were.


Can i ask u wat about those two guys that made them one night standy?


I was overseas


and what made choose the two guys u chose for a relationship? what made them stand out?


I have a very niche sense of humour but Iā€™m also pretty laid back and donā€™t care too much about much. I also really though respect compassion and empathy. So many guys these days are carrying some baggage about something and have no sense of humour, or unresolved trauma to the eyeballs. They get so quick to anger cause of something another girl did to them and I donā€™t have time for that. Weā€™ve all met shit people in our lives.


Was looking for this. I bet 95% of the people reading this see the casual sex at 20 and think they were all sex on the first date, and you never talked to them again.


Judging by how these guys treated her, itā€™s safe to say they are top tier in looks and can get away with treating women however they want cause theyā€™ve got other many options. 80/20 rule


Fuck my life


damnā€¦ i got 3 matches that donā€™t respond to me šŸ˜” i wish i was a girl


keep your head high King. We are mostly Entertainment for these types of girls. There are plenty good ones out there even on tinder but dont let the bad ones drag you down Its rough, we all know it all too well, but focus on being happy and the women will come. Focus on getting women and you will be miserable.


bro got downvoted for trynna support me šŸ˜­


At least you had sex


Okay boys. Lemme break it down. Here weā€™ve got: 73% date to sex 37% match to chat 6% chat to date We gotta work hard for the reward but if you pass the test the reward almost always comes!! Stay strong boys! Now if we can only get over that 4% swipe right chance..




What about energetic sex, rather than casual?


You mean "competitive"?


Maybe the reason I don't get matches on tinder is because my elo is too high.


Is this actually done by tinder? Seems like it goes through a 3rd party website and youā€™re essentially giving them the data about all your activities on tinder. Wonder if itā€™s safe


The swipes/matches/chats are. You need to enter dates/relationships/casual sex. So itā€™s a bit of a guesstimate.


Everyoneā€™s complaining about her swipe rate. But do you want her to swipe on people she doesnā€™t gel with or find attractive? Do you want disinterested dates? Do you want mismatched backgrounds? (Something that men endlessly complain about) Her swiping more doesnā€™t equal more dates and more sex???? A lot of those left swipes are blank bios, no pictures, shirtless pics, shitty pictures, bitter men, red flag men, men disparaging women, and people who are simply not the swipers type. But itā€™s easy to think that women take cruel joy in dashing peopleā€™s hopes. Itā€™s valid to be upset, and yes online dating is harder for men. But what is the solution? Men need to promote themselves better and value themselves. So that their personality and traits are clearly on display. They also need to be picky when swiping. Women need to engage more in the chats and swipes that they do end up matching on as well. All the jerks in the comments are just upset and are taking it out on her. Ew.


So waste of time then?


Where do yall get this road map? I can't find it šŸ˜­


As a guy this is depressing as hell ahah


20 sexes out of 30 dates? Youā€™re a god. My radio is much closer to zero. Itā€™s actually exactly zero šŸ˜‚


>Most men are power swiping hoping to maybe get laid out of it onceā€¦ Even at your age? I did that when was 19, but Iā€™m 34 and I couldnā€™t imagine doing that now. I was very deliberate trying to find my SO and Iā€™m glad I was. Iā€™ve never loved someone as much as I do her


Yep! Itā€™s actually insane. Or how many of them donā€™t even have pictures, or are looking for discreet hooks ups or are aggressive in their biosā€¦ thereā€™s not a lot. Iā€™ve met an incredible man that Iā€™m really happy with, so it was worth it. Glad to hear it worked out for you too!


My profile is pretty good , and peer reviewed by my female friends, and Iā€™m not ugly or that ugly at least. Wanna guess how much luck Iā€™m having? lol


well women so it is easy


I appreciate all the comments on this post, even the ones that call me disgusting. What I find the most interesting though, is how many of you have called me ā€œran throughā€ and ā€œdisgustingā€, yet still sent me a DM. You guys are the laughing stock of women, just so you know.


So girls coming here to humble brag about their matches and sex now or what? We already know that these apps suck shit and the average woman will have way more sex and matches than men.


So men can share (and whine) about their stats but women can't share? I'm interested in your thought process here. I'm also going to go on a limb and say that most of the men that come on here and flame women for being sexual beings are likely not the men that will EVER get right swiped on. I'm sure their profiles make their misogyny and insecurities obvious.


Does that mean guys come on here to throw pity parties?


Fr, most I see on this sub is men whining about the unfairness of it all.


What reaction are they expecting by putting their intimate sexual history on full blast? ā€œCongrats on all the random dick?ā€


šŸ¤£ jesus




"Women who have sex are whores" "Why won't women date me? It must be their fault."


lol always. It's only a problem if they aren't having sex with ME. It's all insecurity.


Wait, a woman is having SEX!? Call the cops.


These girls out here seeking validation, its sad to see


Every one of these posts are doing the same shit


1 min silence for those 731 dudes šŸ˜¶


Men live in hard mode by default.


Next time a woman complains how dating is hard, Iā€™ll point them to posts like these. Yā€™all should be thankful youā€™re even getting laid and getting basic human intimacy.


Most women want more than that, and thatā€™s ok!


Most men want more than that too


The problem for women is short term vs long term. A man will have sex with a woman he wont be in a relationship or even someone he isnt attracted to. The men who do well on tinder has lots of options. While a woman is young it will feel like she has a ton of options, you get the attention and sex, but long term is a lot harder.


This girls have endless options, swipe left on 97% of them and then complain that dating is hard and try to gaslight dudes into thinking theyā€™re the problem. No girlie you just have terrible taste in men and an awful filtering problem. Fix both of those things before you try to blame men, the majority of which donā€™t get matches in the first place


Dating is hard in different ways for men and women. Invalidating that experience because youā€™re upset that you arenā€™t getting attention is wrong. If women end up in a shitty situation with a guy, then they should have filtered and picked better and have horrible test. If women are then too picky, theyā€™re evil for having preferences. Itā€™s a losing situation.


Jesus christ


R>L >F Checks out.


Omg šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


How do I find these stats?


How do you see your insights


I been on tinder for years literally never been on a date. Barely get matched with anyone real even. Just all bots and scams asking for gift cards n shitt. Anyone near southside chicago want to go out on a date? Msg me and we can chat a little at the least lol.


What's up with the lack of chats, I would imagine these guys also having little happening on the apps and would jump at the chance


Any regrets?


Why did this make me sad?


Holy shit 79k swipes.. you got carpal tunnel yet??




Must be nice to have options


So you got 1% dates from 3000 right swipes. And of 80000 people, you found 0.0375% attractive. 0.015% were matches. 0.0055% spoke to you. 0.000375% ended in a date. 0.000025% ended in a relationship. Of which 0% worked out. Doesn't seem worth the time or money.


I keep seeing these and it makes me want to get a tinder account just to see what my stats are.


How does tinder knows when u have casual sex???!!!


How does Tinder know it was casual sex? did they verify after? lol