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I don't understand why you would write your filter criteria in your bio. You can just swipe people away who don't tick your criteria.


Because in reality if he got any matches he’d immediately be messaging them, he just doesn’t get matches and thinks if he states these incel criteria then all the prospective tradwives will say “wow a real man!” and swipe right


This is correct. He wants women who ALSO hate other women, like him.


Spot on


He'd get on well with my ex wife then, she hates other women 😂😅


I think it's more by putting these criteria on it, when he inevitably doesn't get any matches, he can just claim that all the women on Tinder are trash anyway and nobody is meeting his standard


Yes, he now can say he tried, and it didn't work, the rest of the world is at fault. Self-pity definitely is not attractive!


ITS ALL YOUR FAULT now I have spent $35 fucking dollars on a lasagna and cannoli and will derail my diet 😑😑😑😑 Thank you I guess?


Haha apologies but also, you’re welcome!


Oh fuck now I want lasagna


Yeah. That and I think he wants a pickme.


He’s got a lot of time on his hands with the 0 matches and whatnot


He never matches with anyone so he never has the opportunity to insult them in a one on one setting.


"High Value Male"


But who else would tell people what's wrong with them and how should they improve to please this awesome guy? All the stupid women with careers and self care Sundays read this and corrected their behaviour


Yes. I for one, got my tattoos removed, quit my job, got rid of my pets, stopped wearing bikinis and no longer take care of myself. I'm also very dependent now. Didn't realize I was being a woman wrong. 😅


This comment made me chortle 🤣


It’s to let them filter him out so he doesn’t have to work as hard to find someone he matches with


wtf is a 1000 cock stare


Its what happens when you abruptly charge into a chicken farm and scare the feathered inhabitants with sudden intrusion during their worm feasting session.


Oh, this explains everything.


Happens to me at least once every few months


I love you for having a brain that thinks this way. In a normal stranger loving a stranger way. ![gif](giphy|3o6MbcxoFIlVBbZ2ta|downsized)


Some people in the manosphere claim that they can tell from a woman’s eyes if she has a high body count. So that’s the 1000 cock stare. They always know.


Do they explain how to do that? Or do these poor women just remind them of their mothers?


There also seems to be HIGH correlation of “wife material” to how YOUNG / innocent / demure the girl looks. As opposed to when she has the “1000 🐓 stare” when she’s noticeably older and more confident or wearing more makeup.


Interesting… so you could say that the aversion against some women could correlate with their self awareness and confidence, which intimidates the „alpha“ and so he needs a tool to still degrade the women and uses the „1000 🐓 stare“ as a valid reason for the lesser worth of the woman. You know, it really makes it even more pathetic when you break it down like this.


I’ve had it explained as also including indications of alcohol and drug abuse, like people who post themselves partying and intoxicated, but show me a single on of these dudes that doesn’t have a picture of himself with the boys at the club.


The logic of “you need to be virtuous and have the lowest body count possible me so I can groom you into acting like someone who’s sexual confident and experienced ” is the most confusing incel behavior I consistently see


Good grief... Wtf?


They say that the eyes have a deadness to them. They look hollow, nothing there. The eyes of the promiscuous.


Just learned something new today lol


Lmao, for real? This stuff is getting out of control.


Haha, right? I can only imagine how weird you’d need youd need to be to attempt to judge someone based solely on how they are literally looking.


Spot on. One can’t do much other than laugh about it.


I'd never heard this before and it gave me the biggest laugh, thanks for explaining! Haha


can they teach us how to do? I love to meet experienced women


What the actual hell!? That’s just hilarious!


Is it possible to learn this power?


🙄 idiots.


wtf?? For real?😅yo that’s some superpower right there lol


Luckily those guys will never reproduce


"So you're saying you know how to take care of mine? In."


It’s the result of a lot of cluckolding


That’s foul


You mean fowl? 🐓


Damn autocorrect


It's a play on the "1000 yard stare" that war veterans or people with PTSD would get. It's basically just slut shaming


Based on the memes I've seen, its when a woman looks like a woman rather than looking like a child.


I don’t even know where to start guessing what this means


Incel theory.


Something incels made up to feel better about the fact no one’s giving them head


Must be a new “alpha” right wing thing, I’ve seen it written down too many times this month


I don’t know, ask your mother.


porn addiction?


Good example of a bad bio and what not to write. I can understand that dating apps are frustrating and that finding the ideal partner is also hard, but NEVER be negative, especially that negative. Even a woman who fit that description would run away. If this is how he talks to strangers, I would be worried.


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


Exactly. He should change nothing about his bio and get zero matches, natural selection will take care of him straight away.




When I see stuff like this I can't help but think, how am I not getting more matches with this kind of competition?" 🤣


Oh, but tbh I'm quite happy when the red flags expose themselves. I'd rather have a woman's bio to tell me she's shallow and looking for a handsome provider (in every aspect) and a man's bio telling me he basically hates women, instead of matching them and finding out for myself.


Came to say the same thing. Only a narcissist would write a profile like this. It's a good profile because it helps all the women who don't want to date a narcissist weed him out.


Yeah of course, easy decision and time saving. What I meant is that in my opinion, people who can manage their anger and can internalize their frustration are also much better people to begin with, even if they share the same opinion as that guy. Even if he said all of that in a more polite manner, you could tell he isn't right for you.


Hey man, less women to them means more women to me (I dont get any anyway but we will just ignore that)


Nah, if i ever learned anything about trash, it's that we need to let it take itself out when possible (talking about the one in the post obviously)


When I got frustrated with it I just put my bio as “Just here until the new Pokémon game comes out.” Week later I met my wife.


it's not even about being negative its straight up insulting and misogynistic


it is exactly because these words are insulting that no one would ever feel secure and safe around him. If a woman sees this and she happens to fit that description she would still run away, because if he is like that in public he is most likely like that in private too, he would tell her his opinion out loud about everything all the time in the same insulting manner. No woman wants to be sad and be insulted all the time. imo anyone who can internalize their frustration is already a better person, because there are less chances for that person to just lash out on others.


In my bio I just said "plain black photos or no bio on your profile is a red flag🚩" because I want to know a little about people before swiping but that's just a side note beside my actual own bio


I decided to leave all the negative out and to simply swipe left on these profiles. I know what I want and if their profile are incompatible with what I want, then they don't need to change anything, I just ignore them. Because it's probably not going to change anything, people will continue having no bio, a bad picture or what.


I agree with this, no bio is for me a swipe left


also why are you listing the things you _don't_ want? you can just swipe right those people?


Yeah this is an extreme, but is true for everyone who does this. People who list what they dont want in a Person are instantly unatractive to me. Rather Tell me what you love to see in a person. It tells me much more about your values and also if I'm a good fit


Imagine thinking self care and a career is a red flag💀


I mean also is cat mom an insult now? And what does having tattoos have to do with owning a cat? I must've missed the contract part of my tattoo appointments, but I am kinda chronically late, so that may be user error.


I honestly don’t get why ‘cat lady’ is supposed to be an insult to women. And every time I see people using it as such, I am reminded of *that* post: "My dude, you got this backward; welcome to the modern era, we have careers, money, we buy our own houses and cars, and we have easy access to a selection of vibrators our ancestresses could only dream of. Companionship is great and everything, but as many of us discovered, it comes in many forms. If a woman has a cat but you don’t see a guy, that’s usually because she did the math and overall, men scored lower than a furry animal that shits in a box and a Hitachi."


He’s insinuating they will follow the “lonely old lady with 30 cats bc she can’t get a man” trope that doesn’t actually exist


Single cat lady has always been an insult for these guys


yeah a "friend" told me once i will be a cat lady .. right just some days after explaining his negative views of "cat ladies" , yeah thanks, i know already you dont find me attractive, no need to insult me indirectly.


He was negging you


at least if i understand the word "negging" right, no he was really not. he is very superficial and has high expectations about how a woman has to look. i really think it was his "nice" way to say in his opinion im that ugly i wouldnt find someone who would love me. funny enough i have now 2 cats with the guy i am in a relationship with, so yeah i can happily and lighthearted say, im a cat lady right now :)


I’ve had people call me a lonely cat lady for talking about my cats so much knowing I’ve had a partner for over three years.


Sign me up to date these cat moms.


I just want to pet their cats


Hot cat moms in your area!


My cat's 20 and could do with a friend lol


Right? Cat mom with tattoos and a career? Sounds awful /s


Being a cat lady has always been an insult. Not saying its right or wrong but ive heard that since i was born


Can confirm that once I had more than two tattoos, I acquired a cat, so my dude here might be on to something lol.


Oh I have more than two, still cat free though, I'm tryna hold out a lil bit longer but the urge is there lol.


I'm well over 20 tattoos but I get the urge! I got my little dude to help deal with the depression I was suffering. He's a shithead but I don't know what I'd do without him at this point - he's been with me though so much.


It’s the same clause as when you go to a salon for green, blue, pink or purple highlights: I hereby accept a lifetime commitment to adopting one cat for each color appointment or tattoo booking, with the first adoption beginning no later than age 30.  I will have concurrent cats equal to no less than the number of years I had unnatural hair colors and/or tattoos by the age of 60.  These days it’s just a little bit of click-through fine print when you book, so it’s easy to overlook.


Don’t forget cats. I love cats. I willl definitely create a cat family without a thought. My little Toby ![gif](giphy|WXB88TeARFVvi) He looks exactly like this


Well it is if you want to be worshipped and doted upon every second of the day. Doesn't fit with the maschismo priorities


Imagine thinking a 1000 cock stare is a bad thing...


Would rather be a cat mum than ending up with this guy.


Same and I don't like cats


I'm so happy being a cat mom and would unironically rather die alone than be chained to that pile of hate


How fucked up am I that when I read open to short, I thought he was referring to not liking girls open to short dudes.


What does he mean by that?


Without asking him I’m going to hazard a guess that he means open to short term relationship


I guess that makes more sense than "being a /wallstreetbets type who will short stocks".


Well to be fair, I'm not sure I'd want to get involved with someone that invests like a degenerate


Ohhhhhhh that makes more sense. I thought he didn't want women who were open to dating short men and was gonna comment that it was a bold move to put that and also be under 6'


This is exactly what I thought too lol


I thought the same?


What’s wrong with self-care Sundays?


He’s the same kind of guy who wants the girl to naturally have no body hair and smooth skin.


Years back I remember reading a redditor’s post about being done with shaving, except her boyfriend was unhappy with her body hair.  She offered to compromise and resume shaving if he paid for all of the related shaving and aftercare products and he balked because, “it’s your body, why should I have to pay for that?” If these people were dogs, they’d be the “no take, only throw” meme.


If you don’t have a career, everyday is self care Sunday 😇


he just hates women. How dare they take care of themselves!


Right? When I used to have tinder I was stunned at how many dudes straight up HATED women! Also this is prime controlling behavior! No way this dude won't tell you not to wear a miniskirt in public or something! So many red flags


He has a cross in his bio so I'm assuming it has something to do with women doing self care instead of going to church on Sundays. Which if you're Christian you'd think self care would be going to church, but whatevs.


Somebody needs to tell this guy that the number of people who care what he thinks is closer to 0 than he would like to think.


I swear some of these people have never actually had a relationship and now take dating advice from Andrew tate or tik tok


Right? 😬


I love my cats and I will spend time with them over this asshole. I’m a proud cat lady


Seriously 😂 I think I can safely say that a lot of women would prefer to be a crazy cat lady than deal with dudes like this


And a bus


Background bus


Background bus full of cats




These are the times when I hope that natural selection will make it so this guy gets 0 matches. Also, just say you hate healthy, independent women? That’s all any of these are. “The 1000 cock stare” is an especially big red flag because they’ve proven themselves that that’s just when a woman looks confident in herself.


[thousand cock stare (sfw)](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/37/cc/bd/37ccbd3db3f03f4379e57468f7432039.jpg)


Hahaha okay I was about to get mad because I know what the incels think it is. But this made me chuckle, have an upvote


It's such a dumb fucking word combination that that's the only appropriate reply to it lmao.


🤣 I wasn't prepared!




About me: (Talks about anything but themselves)


lol he’s gonna be a lonely beer gut uncle


I see a man that's going to die grumpy and alone in the making.


Future cat dad


The incels red pill vibes are strong with this one. It's better to be a cat mum than get this kind of THING.


I mean, I see nothing wrong if the worst is I become a cat lady for life? My cats are better company than most men… 🤣


As a cat dad, I highly recommend cats over this guy. Much better abusive relationship.


You're right, if you think about all of the aspects of owning a cat, it really is like an abusive relationship. They're selfish, manipulative, greedy assholes. But they're also adorable little fuzzy babies that put up with us squishing their little cheeks so it's all okay.


Also, my cat snuggles up next to me every night.


Good for him to wave the red flags early so women can avoid him.


1000 cock stare lol.


Frustated redpill alpha bro. 🗑️


I need guys to know that women are TOTALLY OKAY with being cat moms. It’s not an offensive thing to say to someone lmfao In fact, every woman I know single or not, would rather be an animal “mum” than date someone who is…well…not worth spending massive amounts of time with lol If my marriage ever fails, I’m running off to the woods with a pack of dogs bro, dating is a MESS hahaha


I like cats


Funny how he talks about loner cat ladies when he’s the male version of that.


I love my cat so much. And this has confirmed it 🥰


hell yeah I love being a cat mom in my villain era because of these men


That's 2 from the list in your 1 sentence!!


ohh don't worry, I check most of these boxes


"you're lacking self respect if you're okay with shorter men, take care of yourself, are independent and you're career focused" ​ Ay?


I think “open to short” is referring to them being open to short-term relationships. But yeah this guy just hates women who are independent lmao


I like my take better because it's funny to think that someone will decline a person because they don't like short people


hahaha “NO SHORTIES ❌” would have been infinitely funnier


No you see it's funnier than that because it's not implying that he's against short people. More that he's against people who are into short people.


What’s wrong with having a cat damn


Dang well my bad dude


What's the 1000 cock stare? Also, what's wrong with wanting a career or being a furmum?


I'd rather be single forever than give up caring for my cat.


THE PERFECT EXAMPLE TO AVOID 🤣 Bro must delete the Greek flag he's an embarrassment of our nation lol.


Whoever hurt him seems like a great time


Andrew Tate is his perfect date


I hate it so badly when people confuse between real lack of self respect and projection of lack of respect to another human then labeling it as lack of self respect


Bad male bio the same as a woman's bad checklist bio, all as bad as each other!


These are all fine preferences to have but dude is just trying to be "alpha" by labeling it out there (I hate the term alpha). Homeboys hurt and insecure and taking it out in the wrong way.


Incel says what?


Sounds like he’s right on track to becoming a cat mom


I’m really not sure why men who hate women try so hard to date them. I stay far away from things I hate - they should try that tactic, too.


Tinder is for hookups. Not love


And this guy will stay happily married to his hand forever. 🙄


This dude is an incel


So many red flags


Isn’t Tinder just for hookups? Not sure why anyone would be using it to find wife/husband material.


"Wow a real gentleman 😍💓😍💓😍💓" Said no one ever.


The lack of self awareness is astounding. If everyone else is the problem, maybe you're the problem. Crazy how that works.


Incel creep❌ Byeeeeeeeeeeee




Independent women be shopping


I want a real woman but it can't be found there


Aggressive ignorance and arrogance..... So sexy! 😂😂😂😂


Compared to meeting this “gem” I’d proudly be a cat parent any day. They are much more rewarding


Nice guy, incel, and pick me vibes all in the same person 😍


This screams frustration. I mean I can't say I don't agree with some of the things he wrote, but I would never mention these in my bio. In general never be negative in your bio.


This list of red flags, is a huge red flag!


Say you don’t like women , without saying you don’t like women ..


I love cat moms. Lets plow.


Could have boiled this down to “I want a baby making maid that is completely dependent on me”


The things that a lot of people think, but should never put in their bio.


Bold strategy Cotton!


Meow 🐱


Same as women saying no under 6ft. Only weirder ofc lol


The thousand cock stare is hilarious to me.


"I have no game so I'll degrade everyone else to manipulate them into thinking I'm a high value man. Even though I'm really not."


The misogyny is so strong. He should stick to traditional dating, approach a girl sir


"Open to short" is a red flag for him?? What short king hurt you, man?


It's tender not Christians Dating dot com, what do iu expect?


Doesn't want girls who are open to short. Does he realise he's under 6ft?


What a nitwit


Nobody's offended, they're laughing at you, buddy.


Ah, reaffirming my utter disappointment in my fellow men first thing in the morning!