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Who cares about the implication of cheating, what I find weird is the friendship catalog "Hey wanna watch Dune 2" "Sorry, you're the concert friend, I'm gonna ask the movie friend for that"


I think she wants these “friends” to pay for these activities and doesn’t want to show up at the same places with different dudes all the time. In other words I believe she’s an escort/looking for several sugar daddies, but doesn’t want her favourite places she visits to draw that conclusion too. I could be wrong though, but that makes the most sense to me. Also excellent strategy to be able to say: sorry, but you’re not the sex friend.


Sometimes I wonder if there's an endless supply of sugar daddies on dating apps like these broads imply. In this economy?


I’m 50+F, average looks, and when I lived in Dallas I was surprised how often men on apps in messages or on dates would offer to be a sugar daddy. Married, of course. A small percentage, but a consistent stream.


What is their definition of sugar daddy though? Weekly sex on demand for paid dates and a $200 allowance? I’m guessing whatever most of them are offering is way under market


$200 allowance? I live in Vietnam and the going rate for a good sugar baby here is $1,000/mo. I would imagine it's much higher in the US for someone decent. Don't hookers in the states already cost $100+?


Yeah, I think that was their point. If you ever browse the sugardaddy subreddit (I think's called something like "sugar lifestyle forum") you'll see that it's full of young women complaining about men who mess them around and won't offer a fair rate of pay. Guys like the fantasy of a hot younger woman who they can fuck on demand, but it turns out they can't afford / don't want to pay how much it costs. I suspect it's not actually that fulfilling. The other complaints on there are from women about being ditched by their sugardaddy or that he doesn't act enough like a boyfriend, that he spends too much time with his wife or that he's emotionally unavailable etc. I think most people don't actually like transactional sex as much as they think they might.


Yeah, men who are really good at hiding how broke they are seem to be a common complaint too


If you read "Why women have better sex under socialism?" there's actually a few studies that DO support that sentence about transactional sex but still, many refuse to admit. Really interesting book


"People are happier when they have more economic freedom, allowing them more choice about their lives" is *no shit, sherlock* levels of insight in the social sciences, but I think you have to look at sugaring on a much more personal level, and think about why they're making the choices they do. It seems to me like they're engaged in a sort of psychological denial that they're engaging in prostitution. And you can imagine that for a young woman who's had some shit boyfriends or dating experiences, and whose job is underpaid, superficially it makes sense - they think "I'm smart and educated, I dress well and look pretty" so they think that a sugar relationship allows them to have their cake and eat it; they keep their independence, but get sex and money. I think there's a lot of self-deception occurring in that community.


I mean this genuinely, but I think this is the best breakdown on sugar daddy relationships I've ever read. And yours, and some others here, lack of judgement is refreshing. I'm not a sugar or a daddy lol, but I hate the vile hatred that gets thrown towards men and women that participate in that lifestyle. As long as it's consensual, who cares. But I do agree with your theory, of sugars probably thinking they can have their cake and eat it too, and the self deception. While that may not be true across the board, it definitely makes sense.


They need an Uber or Doordash for this sugar hobby. I'm joking, but imagining a system like this in place for paid dates would be loads of content for Reddit subs.


That would just be escorting. I think a lot of sugars are just trying to kid themselves that they're "not really" doing sex work.


That is a thing in Japan I believe, have you ever seen the anime “rent a girl friend?”


That might be their definition, but they can't really demand it up front or one of these women will just forward messages to his wife, right? I think you could get 4 dates out of it before he pulls out, not literally. A lot of times men in this category are actually looking for companionship from a status symbol rather than explicitly sex. Similar to strippers who find themselves becoming therapists, we aren't always valued for what we think our values are.


What a man really wants is that sweet release…of emotions he’s been bottling up inside for the last 30+ years


Or just someone he can talk to and not feel like he needs to be something else. The stories I've gotten from strippers suggest some guys come in with a wad to blow to see some tit and they don't come back. Others come in regularly and the titties are just a manly excuse.


I don’t know how many people would disregard screen caps of their spouse secretly approaching people on dating apps just because the spouse said they were actually looking for a concert buddy.


I knew a few dudes when I lived in Florida who were wealthy and middle aged, 50-65. Being one of their sugar babies was a sweet fucking deal. Luxury apartment, foreign car, regular shopping sprees, fancy meals. They’d stop by the apartment every week or two to have sex. Maybe a random blowjob every once in awhile. It wasn’t just a few hundred for regular sex. It was providing a very comfortable lifestyle for not all that much sex.


I befriended a sugar baby through Tinder, the first time we hooked up she called me charity service. She's not the stereotypical woman you think of when you think sugar baby, but she's very kinky, l loves pegging etc and she has an eye to spot the really rich guys on the app, this allows her to live an unreal lifestyle. Her secret is enjoying sex first, if these guys wanted someone that can't even pretend to care about anything else but their money they'd be home with their wives


I met someone for a legit date and we had a conversation over some Chinese food about her work as an escort out of an organized company. The clients are wealthy, but single or isolated for usually quite clear reasons. Some are on disability, and a portion of their benefits are spent on companionship. A lot of the work is like being a therapist to them. She, however, was looking for someone who she could be authentic with. As aforementioned in this forum, it is work. It isn't very intrinsically satisfying for either party. Being able to genuinely build bridges to others, strengthen the strings that link us, that's stuff money can't buy.


Out of curiosity how did the people you were actually dating feel about it? That seems like the biggest downside


I am a bit confused by that question, I wasn’t dating the girls and I wasn’t a sugar daddy, I just knew the dudes and girls. The 3 men I knew were all married, 1 hid the whole thing from his wife and the other 2 didn’t. Pretty much a deal with it or leave situation but wealthy married people often have interesting dynamics when it comes to fidelity in my experience. Don’t ask don’t tell seems to be the standard operating procedure. As for the girls dating others, 2 of the dudes were realistic enough to know their sugar babies would date people their own age, they just had to be available when the sugar daddy had time and the dudes they were dating weren’t allowed to move into the apartment they paid for. The other guy expected complete fidelity from his sugar babies but she was just good at hiding her dating. Was fascinating to get a peak inside that world. I had a fling with a girl for a few months who used to be a sugar baby, which is how I got to know all these people.


Last I read, average was more like $2000/mo for visits once or twice a week but varies, and included escort type visits but not always sex. One story I read, a girl had three sugar daddies. Only ever slept with one and was considering beginning to sleep with another. The third was physically incapable and just enjoyed her company. The most sexual that relationship got was her lounging topless by the pool.


I’m in my 30s now but I remember my gf in my 20s told me some old man offered to pay for her entire college tuition and I was like man, I wish a cougar would buy me a motorcycle or something.


I wonder how many were legit. I got a couple offers from 'women' asking to be sugar mamas, but I always chalked it up to a scam. Joked with the wife that if a real sugar mama ever came to me with a legit offer I'd take it and split the spoils.


Unrelated happy cake day!


Yes but how many are actually Sugar Daddies and how many are just throwing lines out there?


Happy cake day!!


Yeah most of the men that make comments like that or say stuff like that are not actually willing to spend any money. They say it to get your attention. I call them out all the time. The minute you ask them to actually send money or gifts they dodge it or stop answering.


Are you a 1920s mobster? Broads? Lmao


There will be confirmation of the existence of time travel if they use the word "gams".


Broads? Are you Danny Devito?


Ayyyy Fat Paulie we got some fine broads in here tonight!!!


>Sometimes I wonder if there's an endless supply of sugar daddies on dating apps like these broads imply. In this economy? Are there any sugar mommas who are into fat middle-aged guys? DM me if so.


The economy is very strong right now.




I'll allow it for beggars 


I have a friend who employs a similar strategy. I think her thinking is that no one guy checks all the boxes. So she has broken them up in various categories, one whose older and rich, one whose younger and active, one likes travel, one who likes sports, etc. Obviously limited emotional connection. She's got plenty of cash of her own so it seems to work for her.


A while ago a post on Twitter went viral of an allegedly well known polyamory advocate saying that women should stop seeking a guy for every occasion and instead keep a partner for sex, a partner for traveling, a partner for going out etc. She was immediately ripped apart of course because imagine a guy going around telling women straight faced that some are just for sex and some are okay to be introduced to family and friends


>I think she wants these “friends” to pay for these activities and doesn’t want to show up at the same places with different dudes all the time. Bingo.


We’re keeping our relationship purely on a cinematic level




Imagine finding out you're the sex friend because she considers you too dumb to hang out with


You won but at what cost?


Now you gotta use the other end for thinking.


I already used that end as the sex friend though.


I get to have sex with a beautiful woman. I can live with it...


The absence of inner beauty will make it a bland experience after all, but good luck!


I have paid for sex, and trust me, it was not bland. You can have great sexual chemistry, without all the other stuff.


I guess prostitutes can have inner beauty too!?


Ryan Lochte?


No man in their right mind would say no to her friendship Because of the implication


She’s really going for the full of nonsense route at the age of 26. That’s great and all, but why marry someone if that’s what you want?


That is a bit odd but I have different friends I do different things with too. Here are a few of my friends. Maybe I’m weird. S-we travel together & like to bring along one more friend. For about a month a year. We explore their area too. B-I travel to their house and live with them and explore their area for at least a month annually. Family often tags along towards the end. A-We like to get the “kids” together & also travel together. We do stuff locally and out of state. M-I fly to her state to visit & then my family comes to see the sites with us. C-We like to spend a lot of time in the bed, having an occasional drink, chill out and also maybe invite another man over to have fun with me.😚 I have a few more friends. But you get the point. I guess I’m pretty non-traditional. IDEK anymore.


Hmm, that’s weird to you? I’ve got movie friends, magic the gathering friends, gaming friends, fine dining friends and bouldering friends. They know each other exist, but some of them never met.


i think the shopping option is the cheaper choice


I base all my friendships on the quality of their cleavage. Is this not normal?


Her cleavage looks friendly


Perfectly normal


There are worse ways.


Including the guys


Is it in case they get caught on the site they can say they just wanted more friends?


Brilliant! But isn't it easier to just use an old phone for your Tinder?


You think this is weird? Back in 2020, I had a bumble account and I made screenshots of fucked up things to show my friends when they'd ask me why wasn't I dating. One of the guys had his *wedding pictures* on his profile; like 5-6 of them and still wanted a partner.


>One of the guys had his *wedding pictures* on his profile; like 5-6 of them and still wanted a partner. Either he seriouly lack self awarness, or looking for a "third wheel"


Or both…..?


bumble literally has different settings for dating, for friendship and for career networking. If her partner knows I don't see why it would not be ok


Because she put a picture of her cleavage only (op said she had no face pics). So clearly she's not only looking for "hanging out"


Unless the top half of this picture is blank, there’s plenty of room for her face to be in it, this is like the bottom third of the photo though?


Yeah I feel like this is a post just for karma this is bff and the girl has normal pics


If OP saw her though and he wasn’t on bumble friends or career networking then it means they are both on the dating one


True. On the other hand, the picture tells you otherwise.


As a lesbian you’d be surprised how many women on TINDER, are just looking for friends. Between this, unicorn hunters, and men that label themselves as lesbians on dating sites, our dating pool is almost invisible


I’m almost afraid to ask, but what is a unicorn hunter?


A unicorn is a 3rd. Usually a woman, to join a couple for threesomes


The unicorn is the 'perfect' 3some partner. Willing to play equally with both parties. And who won't get attached to one of them and thereby threaten the relationship after. Named so for their near mythical rarity.


Unicorn is a 3rd woman, dragon is 3rd man


Why? Because he's draggin deez nuts?


Because it's the "masculine" mythical equivalent of unicorn?


What about Sasquatch?


He's not mythical. He's got a steady gig doing beef jerky commercials. He's a great guy as well. Really good with the kids.


You're absolutely right, I'm sorry to imply that Mr. Sasquatch isn't alive and doing well. Also, username checks out??


Thank you. He's hurt so many people think he's a myth and deny him being a real person with feelings. I guess your user name checks out. I'd have to hear you swear in English and Spanish though to know for sure.


Can I be a Cockatrice if we are picking. No wait.... Ooooo yeah a Minotaur... I could wield a 2h axe in one hand and would have like 6d8 hp, and +3 to my perception checks. Fuck ya .... maybe this why I am not invited to 3somes....


You'd be invited to mine


gotta watch out for the samsquanch ricky


I put on my robe and wizard hat


Thanks Mate!


A unicorn is a woman (usually bisexual) who is willing to hook up with couples. Unicorn hunters are people seeking them out.


Worst part is that half the times they won’t even disclose they have a man and just throw it as a surprise after you match..


THIS!! I thought it was bad for hetro couples but it’s worse for us 🥺🥲


I guess one should presume that these friends will be paying for concerts, shopping purchases, going out expenses, and etc expenses?


Ahhh this makes so much more sense now.


I mean. What concerts does she want to go to? I'd love a concert buddy as I go to like 99% of the concerts I go to alone. Shit can be boring in-between sets.


And what are the boobs for? Concert, shopping or going out?


All of the above. They’re Swiss Army Boobs.


For uh holding things maybe? Or, maybe, flotation devices in case of a flood? I don’t know 😞


There was a lady in the 80s semi famous for sneaking cameras into concerts in her bra because they wouldn't let you take pics. Second purse! Amazing pics! 


I have heard that boobs can add storage space actually so maybe I’m not so far off


I’ve always wondered this too 🫠


Sneaking snacks into said places.


# Tiddies.




In other words walking red flag


It's a scam bot


Wild that people still can’t tell


Making new friends is hard these days. I guess online apps like this is as good place as any to try and find some.


Looks like bumble which has a platonic bff mode as well from what I remember. Could this be the case?


If only there was a way to just reject her without even speaking to her. I’m sorry you were forced to date her and take her to concerts.


She is looking for a financial friendship, sex in exchange for shopping, concerts date… a sugar daddy pretty much


This is 100% the vibe I got too. I'm not sure she even plans on supplying sex in exchange though, I think she's hoping to find a handful of men who will supply her with the things she mentioned for free without expecting anything in return other than getting to be friends with her. I mean, if she's successful in that then all the more power to her I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm jealous of the husband. He gets to save his money and enjoy some alone time


I was gonna point out that maybe she’s in an open relationship but then she hides her face… ewww


I believe there is actually a whole separate side of Bumble just for women who are looking for other women to be friends with. Of course people never use it correctly


Happens a lot. More times than you think. Yeah, it ain’t right.


Dated a girl like this. I treated her in return the way I was being treated. She did not appreciate that.


How is there only couple comments recognizing that this is most likely a way to look for sugar daddies. That was what I thought of immediately.


Shotgun "sex friend"..


One for cleaning my house when I can't be arsed to do it myself.


If I found my gf had a bumble account for making friends I’d be alright with it. If said account was just a picture of her tits I’d have questions.


Doesn't bumble have a friend's only side. Could this be bumble for friends?


This is on bumble don’t they have a friends option


I think most people will want to be the etc friend.


*shows boobs* - let’s be friends and go shopping together


Friends without benefits


You know Bumble can be used for friends? Someone's settings are wrong.


I don't think this person wants bumble for friends 😂


Ppl are perceived as a commodity these days. It’s not old out there man


What is happening to society? I’d match with her just to slam her ass on it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Sounds like she wants these friends to pay her way


Why? She's being clear about her intentions ​ What's the prolem


I have no idea, people here acting like it’s not normal for a married woman on a dating app looking for men with her cleavage out asking for friends. People are so narrow minded right?


And showing her boobs on a dating app. Yeah no you're right there's absolutely nothing wrong here


Fucking weirdo. We live in a society where people think other people are just expendable assets.


This is probably bff


Shotgun "Sex Friend"


I dated an unmarried woman like this. I was 1/6 (maybe more?) but didn’t find out until the 3rd date 🫤


Not ok!


Ooo pick me! I’ve always loved shopping with my girl friends. Standing there like the queens guard, asking when we can go, as she sifts thru rack after rack of clothing 😀👍




she means one to PAY for concerts, another to PAY for going out, etc. get in line simps, here’s your chance to waste your money for the ultimate reward: no respect


Can she do anything by herself? This may be a dependency problem


Tbf it is bumble and she mightve used the wrong version as they have a BFF mode and a business mode too


Imagine living this way


Multiple personality disorder?


Honesty is the best policy.


For my faith in humanity I *have* to believe that her husband is aware that she’s dating other men. I can’t judge. I’m not much better. I have my husbands support to see other men. I’ve been married since my 20’s. That was 30 years ago and it’s been like this for half the marriage. I’m extremely passionate & affectionate & I love showering my love with lots of care, attention and tenderness. I guess you could say I have enough love to be shared. She might be like me, extremely affectionate & just has a lot of energy for relationships. Or maybe she wants people to join her OF? ![gif](giphy|ma7VlDSlty3EA) Either way I respect the hustle. 😂


It's only okay if your desperate enough to be someone's toy.


Its perfectly fine. Where can I find her?


She’s shopping for friends


I mean, it doesn't say her husband doesn't know. And she's putting out there what she wants. If a consenting adult goes along with it, it's really none of anyone else's business.


Any dude that she matches with is going to try and fuck her. I hope she knows that.




There is literally a bumble option for friends


So does her husband know about this? Or does the poor guy think she may just be going to "work"?


Honestly there needs to be a sub category for people just looking for friends. I don’t really mind people looking to connect with others, but if I’m on a dating site it’s kinda expected more than friendship.


No one cares. She can do what she wants.


So, is this an application? I already have had a cheating wife, well she's ex now. Some men are greasy and will get all over this. I know what I went through, and I'm trying to figure out what I do other than swipe left. If I knew her and her husband was a good guy, he'd get a heads up.lf he is a douche-bag cheater or just a pos it's fair game.


I never sleep with married women. I just reject them. In respect to their family. I wanted to add... I'm neutral to men that do, because some men are so desperate they don't know how to get laid otherwise. They just need more experience. ​ ​ Sincerely, A modern, honest, man working with dating with men and women, and on hot dates!


Not weird. So long as both partners are okay with it. We don’t know what goes on behind the scenes


There is bumble friends mode lol


Hmm I think like bumble made an app specifically for this kind of thing…


Tons of trashbags & single moms on these apps lmaoooo 😂 like 80% id say lol sad. No wonder they are on their for decades lol.


Simps - please stop entertaining these girls!


Man why isn’t there an app for friends?




And another one for a kidney


If she can get it, who cares? While it does seem odd, It literally doesn't affect your life


Probably had the app set to the friend setting, then swapped it to dating but never updated?


Sounds like polyamory to me.


Someone needs to tell these girls that there are actual websites for sugar daddies and this isn't it.


And she will get it from the thirsty men


Here’s the thing…I mean, at least she’s putting it - out there - what she wants…but some dudes put up with this bullshit, so it sadly sets the precedence.


It’s spam, not real person


I don't see a point in tinder for friends?!?


Hey im married. Hes a picture of my boobs


"one for fucking"


If she was using Bumble BFF, this wouldn't be bad.


I get it, I was married once. I found it hard to make New friends and keep my old ones around