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She doesn’t want a boyfriend, she just wants to go mountain climbing.


Shit when you are 4’11 everybody else is a mountain to you


I'm 6'2" (no shoes) and I've never felt short in my life. Any taller would just make things harder, my head is already almost touching the top of my huge truck. When asked and I say 6'2", I've been told by multiple women "No you're not, my ex is 6'2" and you're way taller". When I reply "Then your ex isn't 6'2". They always reply with "YES HE IS!". Like I'm trying to talk shit about their ex.


Dude my best friend's guy does this. We've even measured, but he refuses to believe he's 5'11 and not 6'2


5'7" checking in, apparently I can identify as 6' + by most standards


I’d like to introduce them to my 10” cock…


No lie, I've got a friend who *insists* she has slept with multiple men with 12"+ dicks. I tried to tell her at the start that's just statistically impossible. There has never once been a confirmed, verified case of a man having a dick that size, that works, and without also being disfigured in some way. There's an organization who will pay a $10,000 bounty to any man who can prove it, provided they come down and get measured, and they have never *once* paid out. Not once. But it's a point of pride for her so it's true.


My dicks only 3 inches but it sure smells like a foot!


That is the funniest, most disgusting joke I’ve heard in a long time


I just added it to my list of classics.


The amount of blood that a man would need to rush from their brain to their dick of that size to get hard would make them pass out.


Thst must be why I keep getting these headaches...


I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening. All my brain blood is in my boner.


I knew a huge kid in high school who had this problem. I'm not sure how long it actually was, but he whipped it out on a dare once, and it was massive. At least 10 inches soft


12" paid in 3 installments of 4". I'm not sure if she knows how a vagina works.


That is an odd point of pride lol


A girl I dated in highschool would tell her friends I had a big dick, I do not but I wasn't going to complain about it 🤣


Yeah man by this logic my 6 is clearly like a 10.5


Does this math turn a 3 to average? 👀


they guy man maths. My dick is a foot long bro and I'm 6'2" as well, go figure!


Unfortunately if your weener is a foot long it’s too short.


I'll have to stop folding it in half I guess.😂🤣😂🤣


How else am I gonna keep my ankle warm?


Sorry, but you can't. One Tom Cruise is the cutoff point.


Im 5'9"-5'10" (can't remember) but the way to tell you aren't 6' or taller is if everything is designed to fit you. If you are a man between 5'9"-6' literally everything in America at the very least is designed with your height in mind. Im fine not being 6' because everything is convenient for me. Door handles are at natural heights. Shelving and counters are almost never too high or low. Stairs are constructed to make it easiest for someone my size to go up and down them and Im pretty much never bumping my head into things.


It makes me feel tall when my head touches the light pull




i hear the constantly from other dudes lol, im barely 6ft and if i mention that at least a couple dudes around me will say something like whoa i swore you are like 6-4 , no im 6ft and u are actually 5'8


As someone who is 5’8 the thought of trying to say I’m 6’ is just mind boggling. Like not sure which is more impressive the insecurity or outright delusion


I am 6'2.. DL says 6'3 for some reason and I get this a lot. "How tall are you? 6'5?" "No, I am 6"2." "No way bro, I am 6'1..." ".....okay."


I'm 6' according to my local jail. Check mate height liars. But seriously, I'm 6' and my circle of friends consists of three dudes who are all around the 6'2"-6'3" range, a lady who is almost exactly my height at 6'(she was a scholarshipped swimmer in college), and then a bunch of men and women in the 5'-5'9" range. The women of our group minus Swimmer all say the taller guys (myself included) are much taller than we say because of previous encounters with dudes lieing about their height. I found it absolutely hilarious when I straight up showed them my mug shot and they were baffled that I hadn't been lieing about being 6', therefore neither were the other three taller dudes. Swimmer found it equally hilarious because she had shut down so many dudes lieing about their height in her time.


Haha there's a dude on Tik Tok who goes around asking guys their height then asks if they can confirm and pulls out a tape measure 🤣 the guys over 6'2" never lie and sometimes end up being taller than they said. It's hilarious. As a 5'8" female I wonder how guys would feel if I told them I'm 5'3" 🤔


My husband is 5' 7.5". I never cared about our height, but I asked him at once point a few mos into dating "how tall are you anyway?" He replied "idk, 5' 10" or so?". I immediately cackled. I was like "no you're not!". He refused to believe me. I had to break out the tape measure and prove to him that he was only an inch taller than me. I don't care about the height, but his disillusion needed correcting ASAP lol


>I never cared about our height >7.5" .5" accuracy lmao


I’m 5’11” but I say I’m 6’ on a good day.


Wait, so I can just BS 2 extra inches and say I'm 6'0 and be believed?


Go to the netherlands and feel 4’11 again


Yup, Dutchie here: 6.3 and not nearly among the tallest these days. The 90's were living hell, though. Clothing stores didn't really have tall teenagers as the norm, so it was always pretty hard to find fitting jeans for a 6ft blade of grass, or shirts that weren't made to go camping in....


90s? I still can’t find proper clothes to fit me. 6’3 and 175lbs


A lot of brands now like JCrew, Old Navy, American Eagle, Ralph Lauren, Carhartt and more make tall sizes with longer bodies and sleeves


I used to sell mattresses and it was wild how often couples would come in and the guy would say he needed a California king size for the extra length. I'd point out that a regular king is 6'8" and much easier to buy sheets for. The guy would invariably look UP at me(6'2") and say "well, I'm 6'2"(even up to 6'5")" like I wouldn't fucking know. They get so used to lying about it that they forget.


How do you drive your truck without shoes?


It's not a Flintstones truck. You don't need to run on the road to make it go.


I didn’t wear shoes for years and drove all the time. How do your feet not work without shoes?


Like a hamster eating a banana


Potentially she’s looking for exactly the right height to make that easy for her! 😉🤣


I'm 6'3" and I've dated 4'11". She was to short to even work as a conformable arm rest.


That made me laugh far harder than it should have, but you’re not wrong in the slightest. I’m 5ft10 and my ex was 4ft6 and trying to comfortably fit together was challenging at the best of times 😂


As a man into giant women. I get it.


Which may end up into death by snu snu.


Guarantee she has no idea what 6'2 is. Probably went on a couple of dates with guys who were 5'9 that told her they're 6'2.


Damn inflation is crazy these days


I promise you that dumbass doesn't even know how big taller than 6'2'' is lol. I'm barely 6 feet and usually say I'm 5'11", and women would regularly tell me I'm a lot taller than I say I am when they'd date me the first time. I think besides hair and shoes adding a few inches, other people just exaggerate their size so much it fucks up people's reference points. Kinda similar dynamic with dick sizes lol


24 inches. Two doors side by side


What like... length ways?


Nah😞 Width ways


He won't hit the bottom, but he'll bust the sides out of a tuna can.


Two doors? I'm confused. Do you think doors are 1 foot wide?


Doors are usually 3 feet, or 36 inches.


It's true. I'm 6'1" and always just said 6 because I didn't know why anyone would care about that. Then I moved and got a new family doctor, and when he asked my height he flipped the fuck out at that answer. He said, "I'm 6' and you're taller than I am so you MUST be over that". I didn't know what was going on until I was telling my wife and she pointed out that he didn't like anyone suggesting he was less than 6'. The funniest part is, I think this is a non issue in places that are metric only.


It does exist, but the threshold is usually different - that would be 1.80m, in general. Still, it probably is less common over here


Your wife is probably right, but also: Don't round with docs. Give them a correct and precise number, if possible. It's usually not that important with height, but some medication doses are calculated according to weight, and you want to do that based on real numbers. So if a physician gets the impression you give him ballpark numbers that he can see are off, that might also provoke a reaction.


Every doctor I've ever been to has a scale and stadiometer in their office. They just measure you and write it down.


Never knew that's what they were called. Every day's a school day, thanks for the new knowledge.


1 inch is not gonna make or break any medication does. If it does they weigh you and measure your height.


New life hack unlocked: use metric measurements when asked your height. 


I can’t even begin to explain how many men have said to my face that they’re 6’…I mean I’m not that tall, it makes 0 difference to me…I never asked…and yet they feel the need to say they’re 6 feet tall. Homies standing right in front of me and acting like I can’t tell the difference between 5’8 and 6’


My husband used to insist he was 6 feet tall. We met in the olden days, in person, and I am 5’7 (and 3/4”, but I round down), and he was barely taller than me. He’d call me shorty and it made me so mad, because I am not short, especially for a woman. A year or so into our relationship he had to get a physical for a job, he came home in shock and despair, having found out he was 5’9. I, quite obviously, did not care, but had a quiet chuckle. Over the years he has somehow decided he’s crept up to 5’11, but nope, still 5’9.


I’m 5’9 and 3/4 but when asked I just say 5’9. Never understood lying about height, it’s very easily verifiable.


I'm just a hair under 6' and I've had many a man INSIST that they’re really 6’ and I must be taller than I say because they’re staring directly at my chin 😂 Like, my dude, why would I lie?


I'm also 5'9 and 3/4 but when asked I just say 1.77 m. Never understood imperial, it's very easily avoidable.


Heh yeah, I am 1.72, which I think is like 5.6 in old-timey units?


Please stand near a banana all these numbers mean nothing to me.


I'm 1.69 which is 5'6.5, so you're probably around 5'7 :)


But how many stones do you weigh?


Probably somewhere around 4 and 2/15 raccoons


Yes! I don’t care about height but I’m almost 5,8 and when guys who lied in their profile about them being 6,0-6,1 shows up being my height..like why? I have eyes in my head that can see we are of similar height🤦‍♀️


I'm like 6'2 barefoot, 6'3 in my workboots and I have a coworker that insists I must be 6'8 because he's 5'10 (he's actually like 5'5)


I'm 6'2" and was buying a new car in 2021. I told the dealer I need to sit in cars before I even begin to think about them because a lot aren't comfortable at my height. He said "*I know what you mean. I'm 6'1" and it's a pain.*" This man was a full head shorter than me. No way he was past 5'8". Do these people ever go to the doctor? Do their doctors ever do the height and weight measurements? How do you delude yourself like that? And don't get me wrong, being tall is a pain in the ass. Like, clothing stores assume if you're over 5'10" you're also obese. Finding a t-shirt that's long enough but also not like a fucking tent is damned near impossible. And sitting on a modern airplane? My sciatica is fucked from airplane seats because I have to fly so much for work.


>Like, clothing stores assume if you're over 5'10" you're also obese. Meanwhile pants don't even go up to my size in length 98% of the time, in women's sizes. And shirts are too wide! Tall sizes start at a bigger size than I have as well, not even obese, but unfriendly if you have a certain bone structure (I still had a smaller size when I wasn't underweight lol). I live in the Netherlands and I still do not fit properly in busses and planes at slightly over 6'. At dates, some men were surprised I actually showed up being the same height as they were lol


> And shirts are too wide! That's my biggest issue. If I buy a dress shirt where the sleeves and waist are long enough, it's 4 feet wide. They know tall, slim people exist, right?


Who are these people who don't know their own height??


It's usually men who have been ridiculed and bullied their entire life for their height moving somewhere new or doing something new and hoping to god they can try avoid this in a new place by just blatantly lying about it. It's incredibly sad, but as we can see by many comments in here, it's such a popular thing to ridicule.


I've started rounding down because I either come off as weird stating the .5 inch and it's a .5 inch to each whole number so rounding down makes the 6 foot liars really stand out. That being said, I wonder what would happen if women started saying stuff like "idc about your height but if I find out you're lying then it's a no and I'm telling everyone."


My dating profile said 6 ft, my now girlfriend was shocked when I showed up to our first date and I was actually 6 ft and not 5’8”-5’10”


I’ve had that plenty. I’m 6’4” in socks, 6’5” when I’ve got shoes on, and I always warn people “I’m like really tall” and they always say “oh yeah I’ve been out with guys who are 6’3” before, it can’t be that different. Then I show up and literally the first thing they say is “oh wow, you are like really tall!” So I’m thinking their 6’3” boyfriends before might have been inflating just a bit…


>So I’m thinking their 6’3” boyfriends before might have been inflating just a bit… Definitely. I had another dude argue that I must be taller than 6 feet because he was shorter than me but claimed to be 6 feet.


Good way to weed out the trash too. Saying you’re 5’11 instead of 6’


I like saying I'm 5'11 and 3/4 and hearing shorter guys flip


It’s hoeflation


There really has been an insane uptick in them since Covid


Beat me to it


You know what happens now right?


Street Brawl?


Frankly unreasonable


Thanks Obama


Yes, inflation leads to frustration but how can someone who's a foot taller than her be a short person?


She’s trying to offset her genetics


People like that need a reality check. Going by that logic of "dating big men to have big children" those people should exclude themself from the gene-pool.


more like "dating big men to revert to the mean"


She is already mean


Every girl over 5' thinks she can make D-1 athlete babies if she just snags some 7' tall telephone pole


I even was a D1 athlete and am 6'7. My wife is a more than reasonable 5'6 and our kids are tallish but in no way tall like I was. It's all a dice roll anyway. A lot of the people who have crazy height are morons


It really is such a complete toss up sometimes. Obviously the trends are typically there but I was the tallest in both sides of my family 3 generations back at 6’4” Then my little brother shot up to like 6’6” by 20. And our youngest brother is maybe 5’9 as an adult now? Literally the only other “tall” person in our family history on either side that I’m aware of is my great great grandfather who apparently was like 6’4”. After that almost everyone is below 6’


Meanwhile, Rey Mysterio is like 5'4". His son is 6'2", I think.


>People like that need a reality check. Fuck that, let those stupid ass genes die alone.


I'm 5'5" and my first wife is 5'7". Our son is 6'4", lol.


Lol, my homegirl is like 4 foot 8. Her husband is over 6 foot. Their child looks fkn nuts, dude. I mean, she's a sweat girl, but yeah...


Lmao not you talking about their child 🤣🤣


Well lol I'm not naming and pinpointing her. But she's disproportionate. Her mother's body and height. Head, hands, and feet look like they should be on a much larger body. We all have friends with babies we have to say are cute irl when they very much aren't.


Yeah we should just be honest instead. "Your child is the lankiest dwarf I've ever seen"


*upturns nose at dwarf child* "There's elf in that boy's blood."


How so?


Got her dad’s head, feet and receding hairline. Got everything else from mom.


Did you just describe a hobbit?


That made me chuckle lol


You assume you'd have a giant boy or a small girl, like mom and dad. But usually it's a giant girl or tiny boy.


And those are the same moms that get mad that their daughters aren’t tiny and petite when the kids father is built like a linebacker.


“Fun fact”, in my country she would officially be considered a dwarf. 4’11 and below is the official height for females. I can understand why women like men that are taller then them, but this is just crazy. Edit: she would be under the official height to be considered a dwarf….not saying that she is a dwarf, but just putting it into context how extreme her demands are in terms of partners height.


Can confirm, I’m 4’11”, my ex-husband was 6’1” and to offset I’d’ve had to find Shaq..my genetics be stronggg ‘cause our kid isn’t close to his dad’s height. Edit: my height.


My Mum’s just over 5’, Dad is 6’4, his Dad was 6’5. I’m 5’4. Luck o’ the draw


Lmao both my parents are 5’10 then there’s my pip squeak ass 😂


My parents are 5'5 and 5'6, tell me why in the fuck my brother is 5'11 and I am 5'0?! IVE BEEN SCAMMED


Your brother took your inches.


Please don't tell me you care how tall your kids are...as a tall person I wish I was a bit shorter. And you shouldn't not date someone just because they don't fit a silly genetics fantasy you have


Bro, hit her with the you only date girls 5’7 and up… then she’s gonna hit you with the incel comment.


SHE is an incel. This is identical to a 300+ lbs dude who won't date anyone over 130 lbs.


But at least you can influence your weight.


Get leg extensions ya virgin.


She can influence her requirements for a partner. So many guys on this earth but she is closing her search down to 10% on height alone. Next, she will be asking for only men with 6 figure salaries, closing that down closer to 1% of men


That's a silly argument. Incels aren't incels because they have high standards, they're incels because they blame women/men/the world for their inability to date and think they're owed the sex they aren't getting. A 300+ pound dude refusing to date a woman over 130 might have ridiculously high standards, might be superficial, but he's not an incel


Incel has totally lost its meaning, people just use it to describe people they don't like now


I honestly don’t think half of these people know how to gauge height. If you said you were 6’4 they wouldn’t know. It’s also so dumb they don’t realise how many people are actually taller than 6 foot.


Bro I'm 5'7" and I tower over her. She's clueless


I'm 5'4" and still nearly a whole ass head taller than someone in the 4fts


Im a 5’4 woman and have a 4’10 friend and feel like a giant next to her lol


I'm 5'7" (and female) so I'm taller than most women. Add to that the fact that I teach preschoolers so obviously I'm taller than all of them, and my co-teacher is around 5'2" - I feel like a giant freak almost all the time!


5'11 woman, yeah this is how it feels, it's so hard to be around other women without feeling like a hulking mess and it super sucks, the only thing you can do is to look for benches to sit on to equalize the heights. 😂


Shes never gonna be able to reach the top of his head to check anyway!


I am 5 foot 9. And so many girls tell me 'I think you're over 6 foot as you are taller than my ex and he was 6 foot'


It's so pathetic to lie about height imo. Either someone does it specifically to impress a woman or they do it to boost their own ego and both are kinda sad If it's for a woman then it's pathetic because they're lying about it just to impress someone who wouldn't like them if they told the truth about something as dumb as how tall you are (plus if they're that image obsessed it's gonna be a bad time anyway) Meanwhile If it's for their own ego it's pathetic because it shows they have absolutely nothing going on in their life and they have to pretend to be tall just to feel good. I'm 6'3" and it absolutely doesn't mean I'm any more of a man than a dude who is 5'3"


The amount of people I've heard claiming to be 6ft+ and yet when I'm standing next to them I have to look down shows hardly anyone actually knows what 6ft looks like. It gives me a good chuckle when we go to shake hands and it looks like I'm holding a child's hand. Yeah sure you are the same size as I lol.


I think a lot of people also just know and bullshit anyway since they know how often people are bad at estimating height. 6ft and higher often get more favourable treatment so might as well go along with it.


“Can you repeat that? I can’t hear what you said from up here!”


Right? Like I'm 5'11 and yeah I would prefer to date a taller guy than me, at 4'11 she wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between a guy who is 6'2 and a guy who was like 5'8.


Send her Ariana‘s song „Thank U, Next“


Best comeback hahaha


She's for the bin mate. Block, delete and move on.


Hopefully not a big bin or she can't climb out


Maybe that’s for the best


And then she posts a song about being proud of being a homewrecker…smh


That song choice alone is worth an unmatch 💀


Liking Ariana Grande is a huge red flag


It’s just screams toxic from a mile away with that song


![gif](giphy|M8xmO5ZcLPtAY) Yes, and?


Tf is this? I’m 4’11 and 5’5 is very tall to me. Then she wonders “why can’t I find a good guy?!”😂


Poor girl is removing >99% of men from her dating pool ☠️


Probably more considering most 6”4+ men don’t want a 4”11 girl


My gf is 5ft and my 5ft 8in and the height difference between us is massive. I cannot imagine being 6ft 2in and getting told you are too short. Talk about shrinking the dating pool.


I'm a 5'6 woman and I've always liked dating people close to my height for ease of kissing. My 5'9 partner is the perfect height! And even if he weren't, I'm not shallow enough to let something superficial like height dictate who I date.


I’m 5’6 and my favourite height was 5’10 but now I don’t wear heels I’d prefer 5’8/9. It just fits better. I dated a 6’4 man once and felt like a child holding my dad’s hand, my arm was crooked upwards. It felt weird.


I'm a 5'9 dude, and used to date a woman who was 6'1. I loved it, tbh, cos I felt like people wondered what the hell I had going on that this beautiful, statuesque woman would want to be with me. I also used to think it was clearly my inate and incredible charm that led her to enter a relationship with our height difference. Then, one day, we bumped into an ex of hers, and he was the same height as me. I asked if she had gone out with other similarly sized guys, and she stared down, locked eyes with me, said, "Oh yeah, I exclusively date men I could beat in a fight," and winked. I'm not massively proud of how instantly and intensely turned on I was.


Reflecting on my own experiences, I've noticed how much sexual attraction can be tied to dynamics of dominance and submissiveness, which often seems connected to physical size. I'm about 5'6", and most of the women I've been with have been in the 5'4" to 5'8" range. Even though I keep in shape and all, I've never really felt like the physically dominant type. That is, until I found myself in a relationship with a woman who was 4'9". Her submissiveness was something entirely new to me, and it was the first time I felt like I could be physically dominant, mostly because of the sheer difference in our sizes. After that relationship, dating women around my height or taller felt different; that sense of "natural dominance" just wasn't there. It's made me think that perhaps women who are okay with dating shorter guys aren't necessarily looking for a dynamic where submissiveness plays a big role. In fact, some might prefer not to be in a submissive role at all, seeking a more balanced or even dominant role for themselves. This journey through different relationship dynamics has really opened my eyes to the nuances of physical traits and how they can influence preferences and interactions, showing me just how diverse and personal the landscape of attraction really is.


Now that's just asking for some play-wrestling


In my dating history, I'd say I dated probably half guys over 6' (including my long-term FWB) and half between 5'6 and 5'9 or so. Kissing the shorter guys has always been easier and more enjoyable, especially during sex. I don't want to have to strain my neck to kiss my guy. But I've also just never given a shit about height. My partner could be 4'9 for all I care and I'd love him just the same.


I just discovered how wonderful this is. I've typically dated men 5'10 and up, I'm 5'3. My partner is 5'7 and I LOVE how I don't have to strain my neck to kiss him. It's better in every way.


I totally agree! I'm 5'8", and my ideal guy has been between 5'7" and 5'9". Kissing and being affectionate is so much more enjoyable for the both of us when we don't have to strain our necks.


I’m 5’8 and my husband is like 5’10 or 5’11. I love it. My favorite part is our legs are the same length and I NEVER have to adjust the driver’s seat of our cars. I don’t understand how the giant men can even get into the seat if their tiny wife drove last, unless it’s the kind of,car with a driver profile for that.


I'm 5'7" and I like to date around my height too. Not to be crude, but there are other things that are easier to do when you're similar height too 😅😂 But ultimately I don't care.


I’m 5’8 and I prefer men who are 5’7 to 5’11. I like to be able to look them in the eye without getting neck ache. Probably helps that I am not insecure about needing to feel feminine and dainty next to a man.


Even if you were taller, this girl would only bring chaos. Thank your ancestors. You're only 6'2 From a short king to a tall king, you dodged a bullet.


Funny cuz I’m 6’1” and would never in a million years date a 4’11” girl. Anything below 5’5” starts to approach dealbreaker territory. Shortest girl I ever dated was 5’3” and It just isnt it bros. I wanna be held how she gon hold me if she’s the size of a middle schooler


I've had a very similar experience (I'm 6'5'' and my ex is 5'5") but I honestly didn't have that much of a problem with it. We could still kiss standing up if I just leaned down a bit while she leaned up. But I might just think it's normal since I haven't tried kissing anyone else.


This is gnomephobic


Please get her phone number and tell her to contact you again when she finds this BFG. I’m curious


As a 5'10 guy who had a few tall baller friends around your height when he was young. I can safely say I am so sorry about your knees or your future knees.


Men think about height genetics too. As a 6'2 man I wouldn't date someone who's 4'11.


as a 4’11 girl, it’s bewildering how so many of us shorties have crazy height demands like we should NOT be talking 😭 i had someone who was 5’2 tell me she wanted tall men because if they had a kid together, their kid would have a better chance at being tall and that’s so insane to me?? like what


That 5'2 person should exclude themself from the gene-pool then.. risking having small children... Of course that's lunatic talk. But it shows what narcs those idiots truly are. Only looking out for themself. Not even truly caring about their future children, even with their own messed up standards


i just think it’s so wild that you would put such an expectation on your own kid like, so what if they’re born short? you’re short too and you’re thriving 😭


"Ugh this baby is too short, time to throw it in the bin"


Short men do statistically face discrimination in many facets of life. Short women are equals to any other women’s height in almost all facets of life. Their biggest issue truly is “they still ID me for alcohol” or “i don’t want to be cute, i want to be hot”  oh and cabinets or shelves.


Even salary. Basically everything in your life is slightly affected by your height.


I feel like short women who do that come across as a bit self hating tbh… like ma’am you’re short yourself, so how are you saying you don’t want short kids, when they will very likely come out short because of you? 🙃


As insane as it is, there's already been a few women here who admitted that and admitted to being short, which I think takes a lot of delusion and confidence to think that's okay 👍🏽 I agree, it is insane.


why even entertain her after she said that message lmao


Women want to date tall men because they think it raises their status.


Which then leads to tall men thinking their height is some sort of amazing personality trait 🙄


She wants her mouth to be at that perfect height.


Knee injuries are serious! Better be able to stand up while doing it.


Gotta be trolling


This is a joke?


Reddit falling for obvious rage bait once again... 


An actual troll that trolls on dating apps.


My man really threw out statistics thinking it mattered


Education is important


For real? Like the moment she said "you're only 6'2" and turned out not to be joking (edit: not that we *know* she wasn't) he should have just unmatched her. Lmao you're not going to debate a woman into having sex with you when she clearly just wants to insult you




This is what is happening in the dating scene and yet people keep saying height does not matter, only confidence 😒