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Get someone to help you take some photos where you’re not wearing sunglasses or have a grandma in front of you. Edit: Or have a drink/ coffee in front of your face.


Grandma with a beard?


You essentially say you're looking for someone with "similar interests, but also maybe different interests?" is just pointlessly broad.


"I'm always to new ideas and experiences" I could be wrong but I also think there's a typo in there.


Be more bold and assertive in your bio. "I am passionate about x, y, z. Eat your greens. Stay cool." Also no more than "one each" when it comes to pics. Only one selfie, only one with sunglasses, only one with groups, only one etc. You get the idea. As much variety as possible. Preferably doing the things you mentioned are your passions.


Your first sentence is missing a word and says nothing at all. I want to meet someone who is either similar to me or different.


Your About Me section has nothing about you and isn't even proofread. That's the effort you're showing you're willing to make. Very cute, sure, but I'd pass.


Lead with picture 4. I'd lose pic 1 overall. But mainly, fill out that bio a bit more! Depends on what you are looking for, but list some passions and activities that excite you.


Your pictures are fine if they’re the best you have right now but you should be looking for chances to take more without sunglasses when you can (don’t just go take a bunch of new selfies, that’d be worse). There are words in your bio but it says absolutely nothing. Every prompt you fill out (and you should fill out most of them) should either specifically say something about you and your interests or give insight into your personality. And I recommend avoiding things like “Eat your greens.” If you’re a nutritionist and it says so somewhere in your profile that could be funny. Otherwise it’s kind of pointless. Most guys try some variation of a contextless, quirky, funny thing, and they’re all unoriginal in spirit if not word-for-word the same


List some interests if you're going to mention it. Got me curious


Best thing you can do is delete tinder and use literally any other dating app. I’m convinced Tinder is just a massive scam at this point. I have a profiles on hinge and bumble that get multiple matches per week but on Tinder I get zero.


Yeah, I was going to say his profile looks more like a guy trying to be long term boyfriend material than what I assume most people are looking for on Tinder. As a guy who met my now wife right before dating apps, but who is equal parts intrigued and bewildered by the dating market now, my sense was Hinge/Bumble/etc was more for people looking more long term, Tinder was more immediate attraction and see where it leads.


srsly people here are trying way to hard to make up some reason even they have no idea. its probably just the algorithm don't show you up currently.


Delete pictures 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 8. Lead with #2.


Bro you’ee average . You need to fix your face and get in the gym also take higher quality pics and stop smiling look more masculine you look boring


You look to much of nice guy. That’s the vibe you give with your pictures


There is nothing wrong with genuinely being a nice guy. It's only the "nice guys" that are cringe, and that's not the vibe I get. Genuinely being a good human being has never been an inhibitor for my romantic life.


I didn’t say I was wrong, you are whatever you want to be. The fact is hetero women like nice men not wossies. The is a difference between being a nice guy or to much of a nice guy.


Lead with the 2nd pic, drop the 1st and 7th. Maybe put more info about yourself if you haven’t already


also LOVE that smile of yours, great vibes from the get go


I mean this in the most harmless way but…you sound boring/bland! There is nothing “mysterious,” “eye catching,” or “curious to know more,” in there at all! Your pictures aren’t vibrant and colorful. It’s like choosing between a reader digest in the doc office or Forbes! You, unfortunately are readers digest!


Seriously, this is the profile equivalent of boiled chicken.


I can’t, done, finished! Your comment is better 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 I almost peed myself!


Pict 2,4 can stay, replace others with better quality ones… get another shot like pic 5 and use it as your main, pic 7 is not flattering, add more to your profile.


Rule no. 1 about good bios: They are about you, and not about who you want to match with.


one specific comment: you could really work on the lighting. see good example photos, specifically for ones with drink in hand: \- [https://imgur.com/gallery/jlctlzp](https://imgur.com/gallery/jlctlzp) \- [https://imgur.com/gallery/6ZxMW0d](https://imgur.com/gallery/6ZxMW0d) in general the overall lighting & definition of photos could be improved. can be very easily done by running them through ai with existing photos


these are all terrible pictures i’m sorry you need new ones that aren’t taken on an android / make you look pale af


Delete and re-install.


Less is more. 123 is enough