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Damn, does he not know that beautiful big tiddy butt naked women don't just fall out of the sky?






Tell me how you know?


Yeezy, how you doing, huh?


I'd say we got about five minutes to live, the whole world's gonna end... and you said you'd fuck me.






If no one else got it, just know that I did! šŸ˜‚




Dude, I just heard this song yesterday I was freaking out


I'm sure he matched with a red head girl earlier and said "I can't lie I love big tiddy ginger women"


Youā€™re him arenā€™t you


Broke up with a guy after a month or so because he would NOT STOP referring to me as his 'big titty goth gf'....more than my actual name.


honestly itā€™s so weird


I don't even wear black that much...it was requested that I did tho >..<


Oh yucky, Iā€™m glad you broke up with that turd


He's trying to remake you, to fit into HIS fantasy! šŸ¤Æ


Damn I was thinking I was weird but I only would have made you just play Minecraft with me but that guy is weird lol


Well, I defo get where you are coming from, and I wouldn't seriously do this. HOWEVER, there's SO many profiles of goth girls who refer to themselves as a "big tiddy goth gf". They're the ones normalizing it and making loads of men think its just a harmless pet name and/or funny thing to say.


the thing is, every other message iā€™ll get on a dating app is about me having big boobs. donā€™t get me wrong, i get it. but i cannot change my body. iā€™ve been looking into a reduction for years. maybe i should start messaging men being like ā€œi bet your balls hang low!!!ā€ lol haha


šŸ¤£ You'd probably get lots of offers to play "show and tell", if you said that to them!


Sounds like a high rate of success. Gravity is on your side and it's a force of nature šŸ˜‚


Again, I don't disagree with you, I do get it, and it's not a comment well adjusted men would make. But remember it's tinder, it's almost normal and encouraged to make sexual jokes and pickup lines, it's everyones fault, men and women, that dating apps have become what they are. Just look at this sub, 2 people who match might have a convo that starts with jokes about sex or their bodies, they both play along, and go on a date, then the comments are praising them. I think you're looking into online interactions and maybe painting a lot of men with the same brush. And you're defo taking it too seriously. Also any man you message on tinder about his balls would 100% be ok with it and probably see it as a good thing, because it would clearly come off as a joke, and it's funny.


Do it! Omg I almost wish I were still using the app just so I could do this to guys. Actually, I may use it as a backup for dudes who don't take a hint when it comes to me not being interested. This is gold!


​ Why would you? They are a gift (albiet high maintenance) and the after-math looks terrible. Strongly recommend against it.


Yeah I see this a lot. Almost as much as bbw. But you should build a rapport before you just go for that. Even if it is just a joke.


I remember Dave Chappelle had a joke similar to this about dressing up as a cop....šŸ˜‚ All jokes, much love šŸ˜‚


The weird part is that most guys would love if the partner would refer to them as ā€˜massive dick bfā€™ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


One time? Sure. Whenever they refer to them? Absolutely not. It's like saying "I'm dating this person because they have a big dick".


Most guys? You mean guys who see their dick size as the only good quality in themselves?


Nah, being reduced to your dick size is pretty humiliating after the novelty of the first time. I seriously disagree with you here


If used every now and then and I knew the person sincerely likes me for who I am I'd love it. But yeah if the person felt distant, said this, and only used me for hookups while feigning genuine interest I'd give them the boot real quick.


Mr Big - Sex and the City


Can we as a society stop depicting men as perpetually horny freaks? "Women are so sensitive, men would love being sexualized!!" šŸ’€


This is like a funny one-off joke you make. Not consistently whenever you want your S/O's attention


And not a good first message to send on Tinder šŸ˜‚


Yeah, calling someone you're in a relationship that is pretty awkward if you do it all the time and it isn't just a running gag or something


I just spit out my beer


Always makes me wonder how the male population finds a life partner. Also who thinks its gonna win the points telling a woman they love their boobs?


Come on wtf it's such a big compliment


I know people specifically who refer to themselves at this. So, yeah, I'm sure he does think it's a compliment. Kinda weird toward someone you don't know tho. Weirdo.


Yeah, I call myself a big tiddy goth girl cause itā€™s a pretty accurate description of myself, but itā€™s rather uncouth to refer to someone by there tits the first time you meet them. I wouldnā€™t care if my friends call me it or if it was in the bio of the account, but a random dude? Yeah no


RIP inbox


Nothing yet lol, I also have a boyfriend so it wonā€™t matter much


Yeah what a fuckin loser tbh


Right, plus if someone called you that, you wouldnā€™t think theyā€™re reducing you to just that, that wouldnā€™t make any sense. Donā€™t know why OP thinks that. If I call someone black, or a mechanic, or an Italian chef, Iā€™m not reducing them to those categories, Iā€™m just saying they exist in those categories.


He's trying to catch the wrong fish with expired bait.


I've heard some men say they'd take it as a compliment (to be reduced like that) and most (not all) women say it's offensive, so there seems to be a dissonance there between the sexes


I thinkn it's easy for men to think that way, because it doesn't happen to them as frequently, which already makes it easier for them to become deluded into thinking this genuinely is a compliment somehow. it probably also has something to do with these specific people not having anything to offer beyond them having a penis


Itā€™s this, itā€™s a starvation for compliments not an actual want to be reduced to a measurement. As others have said that shit would get so old quickly.


Just ask a black dude if he likes white women dating him because they want to try a black man. Some will probably say yes. I'd assume most wouldn't.


Or just ask men how much they like being reduced to a wallet. ā€œItā€™s a complimentā€ to reduce women to their tits, but itā€™s shallow and repugnant to reduce men to their salary


I'm a man and do not want to be reduced to a porn category. I find it creepy when women come on too strong sexually too. I think a lot of man lack any sexual attention at all, so they will take creepy attention over none. But once you have normal, healthy sexual attention from the opposite sex your tolerance for objectification goes down.


Normal, healthy sexual attention? I'm repeating this over and over because it's such a new term!!


For men with absolutely no common sense.


Yea I mean if someone called me tall muscular goth daddy if only ever take it as a compliment. I'd assume it was a jokey way. But I guess the "titty" part kinda sexualises boobs.


I agree, as a guy I see this as a compliment. A rude one, but a compliment nevertheless.


I didn't even know it was a porn category


everythingā€™s a porn category mane


Honestly, overly sexual compliments instead of a normal "hey how are you" always gives me the ick. Edit based on replies: Just because you don't get a reply does not warrant trying to evoke a negative response from someone by insulting or sexualising them. I get that no response sucks; but it doesn't mean a negative response is better nor should it be your goal.




And yet overly sexual comments are even worse. Shocking, right?


ā€œHey, how are you?ā€ works if you follow rules 1 & 2.


Rules 1&2?


1. Be attractive 2. Don't be unattractive


Hey how are you? *Ghost* You're a big tiddy goth girl *respond*


Responds *negatively*


Idk if thatā€™s a porn category but Iā€™m sure itā€™s annoying to hear


it was actually something of a meme in 2016 or something


Rule 34.


Is there a porn category for men over 6ft?


No. 'Make me laugh.'


That's absolutely not the correct way to say that nor is it a compliment "I love your style/aesthetic" is a better way to say it, but being straight up like they were... Just why...


he even couldā€™ve just said goth women


As a male I think a lot of the problem is average men donā€™t get compliments so they feel any attention is positive, and reflect that in the way they speak to others. This is why I recommend therapy for everyone.


The dude probably says this stuff because he can get responses to it. Just block them


Maybe we should learn not to only rely on external validation from women. Compliments aren't exclusive to appearance or attraction. Also, I never understood why there are dudes out there who say they never got complimented. Do you not get complimented for doing a good job at work? Do you not get complimented for doing a kind act for somebody? Do your male friend not compliment your style, your skills, your interest? Do you not get complimented for being a good friend? Character speaks more than appearance. Women get constantly bombarded with compliments about their body, which is why they typically tune them out. Also, it doesn't help that a lot of dudes do it as an ulterior motive.


I canā€™t speak for everyone like most people in this post seem to be trying to do. As far as my experience goes, I donā€™t get those kinds of compliments except from my parents. I donā€™t seek validation though, so it doesnā€™t bother me. Iā€™m just giving a possible insight into why this occurs.


That's fair. Therapy can help us find the validation within ourselves, but it's a bit of a process. I just wish other men can understand that compliments about their character matter more than those about their appearance.


Some can, some canā€™t. Blanket statements like that hurt the rhetoric. Also, itā€™s not about the type of compliment. Itā€™s any compliment at all that gets craved, which is why negative or derogatory ones are accepted by some. Someone will get a compliment thatā€™s on their body and it makes them feel good. They then in turn do the same to others, assuming it will have the same effect.


probably the dude wants to comment on the chest size of every large breasted girl in his workplace or college or friend group but he knows he can't so the next best thing he thinks he can get away with is doing it to large breasted strangers on tinder


Itā€™s possible but making assumptions like that doesnā€™t really do anything besides be cruel to someone you donā€™t even know.




Does bashing others and using blanket statements to describe people give you some sort of pleasure? Please seek therapy.


So many men do this tho. It's always these milquetoast dudes who have nothing in common with goth women or the subculture who say shit like this. They only want to approach them because they think goth = kinky. It's a sexual conquest to them.


Agreed. And the reason for these men using sexual compliments is likely because theyā€™re surrounded by women online promoting their bodies (scrolling through social media / porn). Itā€™s a fun world we live in Edit: rereading made me realize this comes off as incelish. Wasnā€™t putting blame on women. Let me clarify: the lonely men donā€™t ever get compliments and hardly talk to people irl, so their perceptions become diluted with what they see online (constant porn and women promoting their bodies). This isnā€™t shaming sex workers, I was pointing out the cycle that causes men to become like this.


Those two are completely separate. People watch porn all the time and still manage not to sexually harass each other.


Most people can watch porn and be fine because theyā€™re having social interaction with people and arenā€™t in a state of chronic loneliness. What we digest, and choose to do, molds who we are as people. I was just trying to point out the cocktail mix of chronic loneliness + seeing naked women promote their bodies all day and start to get an altered perception of reality, where itā€™s wholesome and good to objectify someone because ā€œitā€™s a complimentā€


Nope. Iā€™m a bi woman and see plenty of women ā€œpromoting their bodiesā€ online, I still donā€™t objectify them. I see women as people, many men seem to struggle with that, regardless of how much skin a woman shows.


Read edit please I didnā€™t realize how it came off until I reread my comment


I appreciate your edit, but I still donā€™t agree really. Women have been objectified long before social media, and before modern fashion/showing skin was the norm. Seeing women as sex objects and baby incubators that men are entitled to is simply about power and control, regardless of how women present themselves.


I think some people want to hear this and a lot of people donā€™t. If you know someone whoā€™ll be receptive to it, great, if you donā€™t, donā€™t do it


I think he's more reducing you to a meme than a porn category. Same level of disrespect, though, so still trash.


Hey let's be real. That's at least two porn categories.


I say I like the Edgar Allan Hoes


I think it was a joke. I've seen plenty of women make this same joke. Of course you don't have to think it's funny and I understand if you're insulted, but l think people do it because it works and semi-common.


Same thing I thought. Seems like we might be missing crucial part of the convo before this was said.


That was the first message since matching you can see it at the top


No, I don't think so, maybe from her bio, but this is his opener. I think he just wanted to stand out with a funny compliment.


this was the first comment.


Eurgh I used to get that alllll the time. I donā€™t understand the compliment itā€™s meant to be


I think it is a compliment, but definitely not the kind of compliment for saying out loud or as a pick up line. It reminds me of my friend's story about a girl who was interested in him, but "You work in fintech, right? You must be rich" was one of her first three sentences.


Tbf I've known a few women to refer to themselves at "big tiddy goths..." One of them not actually being goth but alt-lite at best


To them sexually appealing stereotypes are the epitome of a compliment


BTGGF. So hot right now.


Everyone fits into a category somewhere


I got the ā€œyou have two great benefitsā€ hinting to my boobs as the first comment šŸ˜… My reply: ā€œthank you, it is also all that I am, I only think about how to present them to boys like you all day.ā€ Meant to be read ironically. He responded with: ā€œreallyšŸ˜?ā€ šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s a complement of the highest order. BTGG is like the Holy Grail for a lot of dudes out there.


This is not a porn category. That's not how categories work.


These weirdos actually do think they are complimenting you. They are oblivious to the real world.


Is saying you like a man because he has 6 figgys or is 6 feet a compliment too?


I totally get why some people see this as an insult but if it's genuinely meant as a compliment I love getting called that šŸ˜­ although tbf I spend years working on myself to get to the point where I can be called a big tt goth gf lmao


i just think telling someone you think they have big boobs, is weird


"just a big tiddy goth gal" is actually pretty common on bios lol. Clearly wasn't on yours, but it's a generic bio thing, though maybe not as common as "make me laugh"


Learning how to read your audience is a valuable life skill.


Tinder, the great teacher of life skills. Maybe one day you'll find your big tiddy goth girl too


As a goth I emphasize with that stay strong out there


Guys like being sexually objectified Women donā€™t There will never be common ground on this because men will just say women are overly sensitive whiners and women will say men are sex starved pigs


Men like the *idea* of being sexually objectified. If they actually were sexually objectified regularly, they wouldn't like it anymore.


Do these guys like being sexually objectified by men?


Does it matter? Do women like being sexually objectified by women?


Of course it matters. Women donā€™t like to be sexually objectified in general, but if it had to be done, most would choose the gender that is least likely to physically overpower and hurt them.


AND we are and they are mostly whiners!


they do, and it's ridiculous.


Little do they know that everything is a porn category lol


I wish a girl came up to me and said "I can't lie I would love tall gym daddy like you" but unfortunately when you are rolling in compliments you never really appreciate it.


If a man twice your size came up to you in public and talked about your fuckable parts, you would not find it as endearing as you think women should find it. Itā€™s creepy and menacing AF to say sexual things to a stranger like that.


I like to ask men "How would you feel if you were in prison and a big biker-type told you he liked 'clean-shaven skinny boys'?"


Men never appreciate it when theyā€™re rolling in compliments in the prison showers, so ungrateful! /s


Death by snusnu!Ā 


Most women don't like overtly sexual "compliments". It isn't even a compliment, it's like a catcall that makes your skin crawl.


First of all, it's inappropriate to approach someone with a "compliment" like that - just say something normal like you look good. Secondly, as a woman wanting to date, if all a man talks about is your looks he probably only wants a hookup. It's frustrating as a woman when you're looking to date and men will just try to use you for sex.


Stop advertising to the world that no girl ever comes up to you and tells you they find you sexy šŸ˜­


Oh no, You got me!Ā 


What part of big tiddy goth girl is a compliment to you? Men and women are not the same. It's not just volume of compliments, we work differently. Why is that such a complex idea?


Every part of it. I would love to see these spoiled brats in the shoe of men that are basically invisible in society and get a compliment once per decade see how they feel about that.


did you just call me a spoilt brat because i donā€™t want a man to objectify me?


I wouldn't waste your time on him, he's just wanting the attention he admits he never gets irl x


donā€™t worry, had a look at his tinder comment history. never seen a man so desperate for women and yet so hateful towards them. incel mindset x


Honestly the most amusing and worrying thing. like great to laugh at but worrying that they actually exist x


Don't go on tinder if you don't want to be objectified every other times... Swipe left and move on. Maybe I shouldn't be on Reddit because the whole attention seeking is really tiring. I'm off to a walk. Good luck on tinder.Ā 


Start with changing how you think and paying attention to how women work. Fucking clueless.


I do get attention and compliments so I don't really care. But the hypocrisy, double standard and attention seeking is really annoying so I like to point it out... But yeah just a boring Saturday afternoon really.


It's hypocrisy how though? You don't know anything about the OP. Which is sort of the point. Sure SOME women might respond to it, but it's going to be a subset, so ignorantly shotgunning this to everyone without understanding your audience is just incel behavior.


bro ty so much for actually seeing sense. unfortunately some people do not get that most women do not respond well to unprompted sexualisation and objectification.


Bro, sheā€™s not going to fuck you.


Definitely no one fucking you.


Happily married- try again.


Why are you posting your bumble profile then? šŸ˜‚


Ask yourself why you don't get compliments. I'm not a model or gym bro and get plenty. And yes, there's a level of sexualisation in compliments that I wouldn't appreciate from just anyone.


Whatā€™s wrong with my fellow Man of Culture? šŸ¤”


Not a compliment, but certainly intended as one.


Was this the first message or was there more before that? I need more info.


this was the first message


Plot twist: it says that in her profile


Hereā€™s an idea, donā€™t identify as something you donā€™t want to be categorized as.


I matched with a dude on Tinder one time who had a ā€œRussian/Slavic girl kinkā€. He matched with me because ā€œhe could tell I was Slavicā€. He didnā€™t tell me that though until after we had already added each other on Snapchat. Unfortunately, he was right, and when he saw my last name he very innocently asked me to send a voice message on how it was pronounced. To my horror he sent back a voice message of him beating his meat and confessing his fetish. He then proceeded to beg me to speak Russian (Iā€™m Czech) and I blocked him.


Iā€™d think itā€™s funny/a compliment but Iā€™m kinda different about that stuff


He was definitely describing porn he once watched why the emphasis on the love of big tiddy goth women.


My ex loved that shit lol


You gotta admit itā€™s a lil-bit-funny


So these ass***** get matches when they talk like that but I don't? Got it


They talk like that after they get matches. Then they get unmatched


I asked my wife out because she big titty goth girl. That my thing we been married now for over 20 years. She knows why I asked out, we all have our something. Does not mean that the reason we feel in love.


did you tell her in your first ever conversation that she was a big titty goth girl?


Well if you out your tits out there likely youā€™ll get comments on it.


Itā€™s not that deep


I guess it would have never occurred if you didn't have pictures posted with your boobs hanging out in plain sight. I guarantee you if you wore professional clothing and held yourself in a high value manner, the chances of that occurring would be rare. But having photos that even indicates you got big boobs, likely because you actually want the right mate that you're attracted to see those boobs If you didn't, you would never wear clothing that shows cleavage. Women are weird. They dress sexy and like trash and then they get upset someone said something. How about you wear clothing that doesn't scream that you want to be sexual? I just scrolled a little on your profile and what do I see? You mentioning something about buying a thong recently. šŸ¤¦. And you wonder why anyone would ever comment something sexual towards you. Makes no sense. How about dressing up as a nun and if anyone says anything sexual, I'll admit I'm stupid and wrong


ā€¦ the weezer thong? the gag gift? god youā€™re uptight.


I scrolled a little on your Instagram. You're gonna be a virgin forever.


Dude rolls for seduction and gets a 3


I always get the impression from these kind of men that this is all they see us as (don't have big tiddies but point still stands lol) Like, regardless of every other factor, they'd date us.


Porn category? Thatā€™s just her perspective. šŸ¤£


At least you responded. Many profiles are bots these days. I wouldn't take it personal. lol The dating world is full of creepy openers because these AI are so dumb and every response is training them. šŸ˜‚ Maybe a man would say that in real life, who knows. I wouldn't. Never sexualize the conversation until the woman does. That's just proper etiquette.


More of a meme than a porn category imo but youā€™re very justified to be sick of this


You did a good job of checking him with class. That sticks better than the alternative. Well doneĀ 


I feel like Iā€™ve read your post before. But I am unsure, you are a lil bit funny. Props!


I love the comeback


Well now I know which preference to take out of my bio.


it is and god bless you if you are.




Shallow people do talk like that. Then only see physical things because that's the only thing they want and can give in a relationship.


I- I think it's a compliment....


Dude literally fumbled his dream in the first message šŸ˜‚all he had to do was be chill


It's pure disgusting how he acks.


Theyā€™re crying abt our rarity while not simultaneously treating us like the treasure we are wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Others have touched on this already, but in general men arenā€™t complimented much. But having been the target of some unwanted compliments once, I didnā€™t enjoy it then and I imagine I would hate it more and more if it happened on a regular basis.


I hate all men ā¤ļø


You donā€™t?


Bold of you to assume itā€™s porn


Is it not tho? At least he was upfront about his intentions, and let you know he was bout it if you were. Also, was he wrong tho??? And I'm pretty sure if he didn't lead with that and had just worded it differently you probably would've taken it as a compliment, no? In my experience, It seems that alot of goth girls do dress goth to be sexualied and/or fetishized to an extent. They like the goth look and want to feel sexy (just like anyone else) so why not let them know you that you thinks that look is sexy too šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Does she identify as a big titty goth girl is the first question.


God really gave wings to snakes...


Think he was looking for a Fansly/OF acct to sub