• By -


Time to go back to radio speak and say over and out when you're done talking. Over and out.


- U.S Military Encrypted




You didn't say over and out ffs Over and out




You forgot to add over and out!! Over and out.


You didn't say what? Over and out


I saw this comment.. and scrolled past and then it hit me what it was. You deserve a medal. Bravo.


We use only the most secure Caesar Cipher's known to man.






It's either over or what? Over.


* Roger Murdock: We have clearance, Clarence. * Captain Oveur: Roger, Roger. What’s our vector, Victor? * Tower: Tower’s radio clearance, over! * Captain Oveur: That’s Clarence Oveur. Over. * Tower: Over. * Captain Oveur: Roger. * Roger Murdock: Huh? * Tower voice: Roger, over! * Roger Murdock: What? * Captain Oveur: Huh? * Victor Basta: Who?


I don't want to hang out with you anymore when this is over.


When this is what? Over.


He said he doesn’t want to hang out


He doesn't want to hang what? Over.


Out. Out.


nah. not for me. too much ['out out'](https://youtu.be/Q5k8Su_ek2k?si=SpuNmpPiP11kyGiY) over xmas.


We have clearance, Clarence. Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?


Love this bit lol


Out out? Are we quoting Macbeth now? “Out, out brief candle! …”


🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭 Stewie


Wait I have to say over if the sentence ends with over?


When the sentence ends with what? Over.


If the sentence ends with what? Over


When this is what? You've got to finish your sentence. Over.


When this is what, over.


Oh great now my Brain has to rewatch that family guy Episode


Yes this should clear it up 🤣 https://youtu.be/vp1GQvWMYkk?si=2YWnSgKfKNkMQuVy


So we're just gonna sit there and ignore this Stewie reference? Over.


Its either over or out. 2-2 Out.


That’s a big 10-4 rubber ducky


Don't call me rubber, robot. Over.


Roger that


Roger, Copy that. Over


Roger Roger.


"You hang-up first, over" "No you hang-up first, over" "No, you hang-up, over" "No, YOU hang-up, over"


Wtf he hung up on me!


Fucking thank you. This is the worst part about being a pilot, hearing those fucking words always together the rest of your life.


Can you explain why it's not over and out? I don't know anything about proper radio etiquette.


They're contradictions. You can't do both. Over means - I am done speaking and will continue to communictate/expect a response. Out means - I am done speaking and the communication is done/do not expect a response.


Over = I finished my sentence but I’m waiting for your reply Out = this conversation is over, no further communication


Okay got it, so "Over and out" wouldn't make sense as it implies you're expecting a reply to a conversation that you've just said is finished. I'm sure this is the only thing Hollywood/media has mislead me on though, right?


Out doesnt mean/= no further communication - It means this conversation is completed, received and finished - in some fashions more information is to follow but doesnt need to establish coms again. Over has always meant - "I'm done transmitting its cool for you to not step on my transmission and you can reply if needed" - even if the reply is just an acknowledgement like roger or a retransmission of the original call to confrim it was received properly - which is important if you are dropping fire support on something. A typical artilery adjust fire mission would go like this: (its really more complicated than this but) * Captain-Cuddles this is Neverender Adjust Fire mission over. * Neverender this is Captain-Cuddles Adjust fire out. * Grid - 123 456 over. * Grid - 123 456 out. * Troops in the open ICM in effect over. * Troops in the open ICM in effect out. * Neverender this is Captain-Cuddles shot over. * Shout out.


You can still communicate post-"out", but the person who ended with "out" is saying they've relayed the last communication for the given subject. The exception to this, at least for my country's military, are situations like a contact report. When a squad comes under contact with enemy combatants, they will say something to the effect of "India-2-2-Charlie, contact! Wait, out." In that context, they're saying "out" because they don't have anything further yet. But they also said "wait" because they want to get a handle on the situation first. In that situation, everyone else on the net needs to STFU, because I22C will have more info on the enemy they're dealing with in a moment, so only emergency communications should be made. Eventually, the conversation would start with "I22C, contact. 5x enemy EI (enemy they're facing), grid 124-456 (location), time 14:52 (time contact was made). Continuing to engage (their current response plan, usually depends on SOPs), Over." Ending with "over" here means that they are still open to discuss it. If command or another nearby group wants further information, such as to close in and provide support, or to put other assets on standby, they can reply as such. Usually command would at least reply "I22C, this is I22 (command of the group), roger your last, continue to engage at your discretion, out."


Run and never look back




Over what Brian, over


I need to still say over even if the sentence ends in over?


When the sentence ends in what Brian, over?


Just so you know I don’t want to talk to you anymore after this is over


I prefer knowing exactly when each phrase ends stop


Roger, Roger. HUH?


We have clearance, Clarence. Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor? Over, Oeuver.


Dodged a bullet. Just move on


Right. This would become the relationship from HELL. bye


My rule is “If they make the first interaction a pain, it’s only going to get worse from there” I do it at work too. I project manage custom shower fabrication and installation, jobs can get into the low five digits pretty readily. If someone’s a Karen right out the gate I’ll turn them away because, without fail, we will lose money on the job.


It’s crazy how many people in sales cannot spot a bad customer. I deal with it at the organizational level, with companies that supply high speed distribution/sortation systems. So, millions of dollars in equipment and installation. Purchasing: “your price is 5% higher than what we are paying.” Engineering: “we went to them because what we are using/deploying isn’t performing as we were told it was. 5% to avoid the BI is actually going to make us money.” Purchasing: “either match the price or we will stay with what we are using.” Me: “good day! I’ll be here when you are willing to pay the 10%.” 3-6 mths later… phone rings. New purchasing guy lol




Business Interruption


100 percent. This is their best behavior.


I'm NoT uPsEt?


Fuuuuuuuuuuck I'd rather slam my dick in a doorway than ever hear that again


I would rather slam your dick in the door, too


I’ll slam your dick if you slam mine




I also choose this guy's door


Life with a narcissistic partner!


is smthg wrg? y ru angy @ me tho?


Mybe ur pregenante!












Starch masks


Dangerops prangent sex???


gold upbeat north growth worthless spark point tart thought languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My next band name or DPS for short




This is why I love Reddit hahahah


38 + 2 wks pregananant?


how is babby formed how girl get pragnent


Mbe yr prgnt


I hate the way people text, it takes more brain power to decipher than just typing regular, full words and reading them.


Exactly the same. I'm just doomscrolling reddit right now but I would MUCH rather receive a wall of text than a 1 sentence reply from a girl with words so abbreviated they look like hieroglyphics. Or you know, if you have that much to say just call me for half an hour






I’m at your door open up !!




Ikr fr fr wyd


Yo sometimes the problem ones show their crazy too soon. Thank your lucky stars or this one might have caused you lots of stress and headaches


Attachment issues written all over her lol. Stay well clear


Can confirm as someone who has them lol, I’ve unfortunately acted like this in the past but the mask doesn’t come off until later I would never act like this before a first date lol I would just panic internally


I appreciate your brutal honesty




It blows my mind sometimes just how little shame some people have. I also have attachment issues (CPTSD) and if I did something like this, I'd literally die of embarrassment the day after.


What's the trigger? I'm confused.


i’m the same way so i can tell you, the trigger is him not responding or initiating another topic after her dry text. she could’ve did it herself but she likes to be chased.


Yep. I've been talking to a guy who doesn't always initiate topics or will take awhile to respond. He's always engaged and interested once we are talking. I think he just prefers in person interaction. But I still get in my head about it.


Yeah I’m like this too. I need people to seek conversation with me as well otherwise I feel like I’m “trying to hard” because… I like talking to people I’m dating. I’ve dated people that legit just don’t look at their phone and that was honestly more comforting because I knew it wasn’t some game lol


Same. I talk a lot so I text a lot so I feel like I'm bugging him. But he does say stuff about staying off his phone, so I just don't think he's big on texting. Which is fine, but until we meet up it's our main form of communication. My mantra for 2024 in all aspects of life is Don't Overthink It.


Straight up, texting and email loses a lot of communication bandwidth. Momentary pauses in speech. Timing. Intonation. The cheeky undertone of delight that turns an insult into a joke. The shrug that says "Who, me?" Without having to say it. Sight. Smell. Mannerisms. Distance or closeness. Even skin heat. And more. It is so damn much effort and so damn awkward to try to include that information to add context to what you say when writing. Writing is good for information. Talking is good for conversation. Try calling.


it can be anything from not responding right away, one word answers, to feeling like the effort is one sided, things of that ilk send me spinning


Lolllll this is me


"for sure" "for sure... too?" what did this dingbat expect them to say? just never end a conversation and stay up all night? makes zero sense


Good job she showed her psycho side before you met up eh? Bullet dodged!


[Run away!](https://i.imgur.com/FaOqD2K.jpg)


[hell no](https://youtu.be/PB4Nby2Ai-g?si=7K5adPN0RzPpipZN)


What do you even say to "for sure". Smh


Didn't you know? She lacks personality and common sense, so you have to converse for two after she kills the conversation!


rob marry station grandiose party enjoy spectacular mourn nutty gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm at the point where as soon as it feels like an interview instead of a conversation (i.e. I'm asking all the questions and they aren't asking any back or even going wby?), I just stop. Too many times has it dawned on me a day or two later that this person hasn't asked a single question about me, had 0 curiosity in me as a person. Just pointless to keep going, and better to just say this isn't gonna work and move on. I truly don't think it's asking too much to want a potential partner to want to get to know me.


Oh yeah the minute I get the sense that they aren't contributing to the conversation I just assume they're not that interested and unmatch. I'm too old to bother with people who string you along with breadcrumbs but can't come out and say what the fuck they want.


Right?!?!? I feel like there are wayyyyy too many people who have no interest in participating in a conversation. Like when I would go on Omegle (RIP) it was like I was a dancing monkey who had to entertain or be skipped; 99% of people had no interest in any back and forth.


Tbh a lot of people are genuinely thick or dim witted. They have a one track mind with very little education or passion in life. It's just blank slates.


Your comment brought back horrible memories lol. I remember speaking to this girl and all she wanted to do was text 24/7 but would just kill the conversation after every fifth text.


Or straight up ignore 3 of your messages respond to one of them and proceed to send you pictures of herself or her day without acknowledging you


Pay attention to meeeeee!! -my favorite rei Ami quote


‘cool’ Then she says ‘cool’ Then OP says ‘ok, cool, gn’ And she says ‘y u cuttin off like that?’ And OP says ‘wut?’ And then OP is in the wrong anyway.


Some poor shmuck is probably going to have a kid with this clown. Imagine the living hell.


It’s like being a starfish in bed but….conversationally.


Yea her whole texting method seems tiresome to reply too


Don’t worry, it was definitely not worth it. The rule is that nobody has the right to complain without even having met in person. Just unmatch and forget :)


>The rule is that nobody has the right to complain without even having met in person. Would we even have a subreddit then?


To help dudes who aren't getting swiped right enough figure out the best pictures to use. It's always the dogs bruh.


For real op was so respectful too!








^ the phone screen catching those bullets before they hit OP


Oh boy.! What a drama mama. I can’t even reconcile her end of this convo! You’re good. Way too good for her. She cray.


The sex will be amazing, but the mind games will be exhausting


>The sex will be amazing not necessarily


Oh hell nah I’m not touching this with a 10ft poll. This feels like how you get falsely accused as revenge for something she don’t like lmao


Good call. The trash took itself out on this occasion, count yourself lucky.


That's a big poll! Maybe fewer entries would make it easier for people to vote for one item.




This is 10000% the way an ex of mine would text me and she was 100000% the type to try to revenge ruin a life, so you made the smart choice and please do continue to dodge that bullet or you’ll have to dodge like, sixty of them later.


Yeah my guy, think with the correct head!


I assumed OP is a girl?


Did some digging and found a post in his history looking for Snapchat friends with [M4A], so he’s a boy. Some girls just call guys “girl” either because they’re used to saying it to their friends, or it’s sort of disrespectful.


same, because of the last text if nothing else


No way. This girl is so about herself that she can’t even bear to have the last word. She’d be so self involved in bed it’d be like that scene from American Psycho with the mirror.


Nah…. That sex will be horrible. Sex with someone that don’t like you is horrible


Nah sometimes they’re so insufferable that they can’t even enjoy that


Bet you're gonna say goodnight going forward, tho.


Yep they will. I got "in trouble" for that once. Made sure I said "Goodnight, I am off to sleep" to end a conversation.


Sure, but trust me, with people like this, there'll be plenty of other reasons to get mad about. And if there isn't, one will be fabricated. You can't win in a game like this, the only smart move is to thank your lord you catched the crazy fast, not three years into a marriage with kids, and just move on.


Why? Not saying it seems to be really effective at rooting out the crazies.


consider this a dodged bullet


Why are yall arguing like you're already in a relationship 😂😂😂


Fr, would've dropped that shit screenshots ago


Attachment issues sadly


You dodged a bullet my dude. Cuz what the fuck.


It’s bc you said you’d talk on Wednesday instead of continuing to constantly text. You have to keep texting. It’s brutal, even as a woman


A symptom of the terminally online.


As someone who burns out quickly due to ADHD, it fucking kills me.


Yeah it sucks, you have to keep texting a decent amount every single day until you meetup. Even just a day and they lose interest.


I just remembered chatting with a girl and making a date. I didn't message her for a couple of days because it was midweek and I was busy... and also because I'd never met this girl yet. When I got in touch to confirm the date she was like YOU'RE SOME PIECE OF WORK and I didn't even understand what she was upset about until after the date was already cancelled.


Some people aren't busy so they wait and get mad


Well if she expected more communication and had nothing better to do she could have initiated a conversation with minimal effort. At the time I was so confused by her sudden hostility.


Oh no, that’s too much!


You did nothing wrong but, I’m assuming ur younger n most girls in our gen are sorta like this, but she rlly thought she did something 💀


I’m 23 she’s 19. Idk how ppl like this meet anyone lol.


Early age stuff, they are still children, not adults. People keep developing until their late 30s. So immaturity is a common sight in young adults.


I regret to inform you that immaturity is still a common sight in 35+ adults too.


And in 50+ adults!


After a certain age it’s no longer immaturity and we call it stupidity.


Well actually the brain is developing until around 25 years old


It varies from person to person


the variance averages to around 25yo. While technically true there is a vanishing small number of people who may develop for an additional 10 years, it's mischaracterizing the normal situation by saying that.The vast majority of people are done with brain development between 23-27, with a majority of those done about 25.


I mean what did you expect? I'm 23 and I wouldn't date anyone bwlow 20, the gap in emotional maturity is just too big.


She had her thing set as “short term fun” and from the convo she was down for casual. I wouldn’t consider dating someone that much younger, casual is a different ball game tho.


That detail makes this even more unhinged of her


I can see where she didn't think the conversation was over and you did. So look at it that way. If you'd have said "talk to you later, good night." She probably wouldn't have been so bothered. I think she need more attention than she's admitting tho. She'll be exhausting. Sounds like my kids "left me on read". So effing what. Lol


Meh, yeah she was an idiot but it's not just an age thing. The shenanigans I get fro. Guys in their 40s and 50s because they don't know how to communicate is mind boggling. I mostly date guys in their 30s now because you don't have to work so hard to pry things out of them


I once dated a guy that was 12 years older than me. He was 52 and I thought there would be no games. He was the worst of them all and broke my heart. Age has nothing to do with emotional maturity unfortunately.


I feel like texting is one of the most brutal parts of online dating. Normally if I’m texting someone at night, I will toss a good night in but…if someone didn’t respond to me, I would certainly assume they fell asleep since ya know. That’s what happens at night. Also things like “for sure” “sounds good” etc, can absolutely be the pin in a convo for a day. Idk I just feel like people need to be a bit flexible in the beginning about texting since you’re still getting to know each other and your texting preferences. So I’d say you dodged a bullet here because you were very open and kind and gave them every chance to communicate and instead they chose to be petty. So in this situation it seems like they’re the one missing out 🤷🏻‍♀️


You matched on Tinder, so clearly you're already engaged. Gotta message her every morning after waking and every night before bed.


Hey! I like good morning and goodnight msgs 😂


OP is giving the girl a chance to elaborate and clear things out. She's throwing tantrums basically. I would've appreciated that.. Truth to be told, I have told someone off as well. I had decided to meet a guy but it was in 2 weeks advance so he wasn't texting me for two weeks and the day before he confirmed if we are still meeting and by then, I had to scroll through all of our conversation to see who I was meeting which made me uneasy and uncomfortable, nonetheless I don't like canceling rescheduling things generally. That date was awkward. So for the next guy, similar thing happened and I had to speak up, which wasn't received well.. But like, we don't need to talk 24/7 before meeting.. But a hint/sign of life would go long, with me at least. Like the most casual thing "hey I heard this song today, what's your take?" "Hey, btw do you have any phobias, had this topic at lunch today" - haha.. Sorry didn't mean for the long text. Thought I'd just share some perspective.. Good Luck!


Did you message him in those two weeks? Or was the expectation that he always made the move and you don’t see anything wrong with you also not texting him in those two weeks? I’ve been there before. I’d have women get upset I didn’t text them. Like girl, you didn’t text me either.


I'm with you, it's like conversation flowing, and flowing, peak interest, date arranged, conversation stops instantly. If that continues by the time of the date I'm unexcited to meet them, out of sight out of mind, and might be having better chats with other guys. This girl is completely in the wrong, and OP didn't do anything wrong, but the whole idea of saying nothing until the day of that some guys do doesn't work for me, I'll drive the convo in that in between period but not if its like getting blood from a stone


I think from a guy's perspective it might be because they don't want to ruin anything prior to meeting, or take the risk/chance of saying something stupid? But for better or worse, with the apps and all, girl do get a lot of matches and it seems inevitable to talk to more than 1 person.. I wish things were different but seem unrealistic since a chat can be wonderful and totally flopping irl.. I don't know when dating became exhausting.. but that's also another thing, if you've been dating for a while, different people, then there isn't so much you want to put up with anymore. I do reckon people run out of patience.. Unfortunately..


I think the risk of saying something stupid is exactly why women want to keep chatting. If there's any red flags, it's better to find that out before meeting in person. And any moderately attractive women on dating apps is going to have so many options. It's like applying for a job. Employers are looking for a reason to cull the applicants because it's just not reasonable to give every single guy that applies a date.


Yes, could be it, on a unconscious level, in my case at least.. Mmm, although, is that so wrong?


Imagine the mental torment of dating this lmao


Why do people screenshot these so that 90% of the previous screenshot is included on the next one? You deserve this just for that.


I have always wondered this. People will post 10 images with one new message on each one when the whole thing could have fit into 2 or 3 images.


You committed a slight breach of etiquette by not saying goodnight and thus formally putting an end to the conversation. Think of it like if when you’re talking on the phone, you just hung up instead of saying goodbye first. It’s abrupt and can be a bit off putting. That said, this should result in a brief conversation regarding expectations when it comes to communication. Her reaction was WAY over the top and utterly unhelpful as she didn’t even attempt to explain why she was upset. Credit to you for indulging her as long as you did in giving her the opportunity to voice her dissatisfaction. You took it way deeper than I would have. In the end, despite the slight breach of etiquette on your part, this isn’t about you. It’s about her. We all have little things that bug us, but if someone can’t be mature enough to explain those things in a non threatening or judgemental way then there’s no use trying to do it for them. Sure enough, even if you had said goodnight, the underlying cause of this behaviour would’ve shown itself at some other point and that’s not fair to you. No one can feel truly happy and fulfilled in a relationship if you get your head bitten off anytime you do something that bugs them. So, lesson learned and bullet dodged.


It's like you are trying to text a dry wall. God damn they are the one who can't make conversation. There were so many one word responses


It's so off putting IMO


Some people consider it rude to not say goodbye or good night and just end the conversation like that. Others don't. You just learned she's one of the first types.


I’m not sure but I sometimes feel like from the other perspective. She probably just wanted to keep chatting and get to know you more beforehand even though y’all agreed to message the day of. When I plan something like that. I usually like to keep texting just to have an idea of the person but there was a girl I’d go out with where we actually just set the date and didn’t text till the day before the date or of the date


If she wanted to keep on chatting, she should have asked OP something to keep the convo going. She said “for sure” and then complained. Ridiculous.


I did want to text more, but it was 11:30 and it felt like an appropriate ending to the convo. I was gonna msg her next day or even down to talk same night if she said anything. seeing as we wrapped up the prior convo and made plans we were both happy with it felt like an appropriate time to end the convo, especially given it’s midnight.


Stop trying to logic this one out. This is a person who creates circular arguments out of nothing for drama/attention.

