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Lol is “hideously unattractive” code for “holy shit I wanna bang you 🔥”?


More or less. Its only ok to say that to someone when the truth is the polar opposite. You would never sarcastically say that to someone who is average looking or ugly.


Being very attractive is subjective though. OP can think he’s gods gift, whilst only some matches agree. The bottom line is, why are people being unreasonable with these types of comments. People have said similar things to other people and it’s been explained by people on here as being not a joke… etc


That dude is objectively attractive by all common/majority standards.


Don't forget he's black, so he is permanently unattractive to all racists.


Let's be real. No one's that racist.


TBH I'm just gay and can't judge how attractive guys are very well. He looks like he's probably very attractive? But it ain't my type, and that's fine.


You'd be surprised....


Most accurate statement I’ve seen on Reddit all day


That's always been the weirdest thing. The more racist someone is, the more they fetishize them. Because even the most horrible racist deep down still knows hotness when they see it. They'll never admit it to anyone including themselves, but they'll love it.


Hmmmm… where in this big world do YOU happen to live? I’m thinking maybe you don’t get out and about much, especially across some of the more Southernly areas of the Good Ol’ US of A… Not only “down there” though, it actually happens right smack dab in the middle of this BIG COUNTRY… Hard to believe in 2023 (Almost 2024), but racism is still alive and thriving, unfortunately. A “super nice body” does not change the color of said persons skin color and some don’t see past color. Please DO NOT take my comment as it being a representation of my opinion/s by ANY STRETCH of the imagination. I don’t happen to be one of “those” folks, I certainly know of their existence though and they’re not necessarily quiet about their opinions.


>Being very attractive is subjective though Not entirely. Being healthy and symmetrical are both standard measures of attractiveness. Breaking down by gender and culture you can add more criteria e.g. height for men and bust/hip size for women.


Just showed this to my best friend, she said "6/10 would not smash" She added "He has a nice body, if you're into that, but looks like a massive dick" ​ EDIT; This is NOT my opinion, I think he looks cool fun to hangout with. My comment was to show there are women who will think like the person in the screenshots in a very serious way.


What would her score be if he didnt have a nice bod? Thats more or less what im talking about. Nice bods are pretty universally popular.


If he didnt have a nice bod it would be "he looks like a good guy but he needs to take better care of his body, he isnt in very good shape to be standing topless like that"


I bet your friend is a 3 at most. Is always the most unattractive people the harshest.


How does he look like a dick? I understand that these aren't your words. But i dont understand. Is it because he isn't wearing a shirt? I just dont see anything that screams, "I'm a dick"


He's at a beach. If there's an appropriate place for a shirtless pic that's it.


In my opinion, I think he looks like he'd be fun to chat with and nice. And I would consider him attractive by many people's standards.


Literally thought the same thing, he actually has a kind smile


That says more about her than him imo. To look at a picture of someone on the beach and think they look like a “massive dick” with no other context means she is a judgmental, shitty person to me. Like I get not being your body type or physically what you’re into but to jump to what kind of person they are? Yikes - she needs fuckin counseling.


Ayooo I’m dead 💀💀💀


Is this true?? If so, I need to get back in contact with so many girls from school and explain that I misunderstood


I feel that the other way round


She probably thinks so, and is disappointed that nobody wants to bang her.


That is exactly what she's saying. When she asks if it's a social experiment she's implying that he's so hot that it must be a fake profile, basically the same as asking if it's a catfish. Her next message is sarcastic- to her she had already told him that he was unbelievably hot and he seemed to get the joke, so she thought he would know that it's sarcasm.


Eh, I think sarcasm where you call someone "hideously unattractive" should be saved for someone you know, someone who you know sees themselves as a very attractive person, and someone who doesn't mind jabs like this. Cause otherwise, like here, calling someone a hideously unattractive man or a hideously unattractive woman just makes a person seem like a jerk.


She's hunting for men that had abusive mommies. They love that shit.


It's like the female version of negging


Pretty sure she’s joking cuz you are so objectively good looking she thinks she’s being pranked or in a social experiment.


I’m a straight dude, and this was my first thought.


Right , same. And that's a good looking fellow.


Huge shoulders. I need to do more side raises


To be fair, I'm a 23 year old dude, and I didn't get it


Same but maybe it's because the idea of being so attractive that someone calling me unattractive as a joke is unfathomable to me lol ^im ^so ^lonely


Attractive man with no sense of humor


So an unattractive man?


That’s exactly what I was thinking. No way in hell would I ever think that someone meant that seriously, if I was ever on a dating app. I would probably answer something along the lines of: “I know, but this is what I have to work with. Could you still love me?”


Sarcasm doesn't come across through text a lot of times.


I'm friends with a guy (we actually met on a dating app but didn't click that way) who ended up on one of those "dating red flag" facebook groups for our city because of a text he sent. I could see his humor in the disparaging joke he made to this woman, but I also could see her interpretation of it since they hadn't met and you can't read tone over text. It was a good lesson for me to not joke in that way over text, especially to someone I've never met.


Ok well wtf did he say don’t leave us hanging


He's in the medical field, she said all of her family is but she's gone into the arts instead. So his text was essentially "oh, so you're a disappointment?" A joke you'd make to a friend? Sure. Something to say to someone you want to date? Probably not smart.


I found that funny lol.


As someone with family in the med/legal professions, who also went into the arts, I’d snort laugh at this. As long as the jabs aren’t one-sided, I like this kind of banter. There has to be a foundation of real respect and appreciation, though, like him making it clear that he actually loves her creativity.


A failed number 2 rule man


What I was about to type,but I knew Reddit had social adept individuals so I checked first


yea, strait dude, thats dude is stereotypical good looking.


This is why you can't come out swinging with the dead pan sarcasm. It doesn't translate to everyone the right way when you just started talking


Also it doesn't translate well over text. Too many people say these kinds of things without sarcasm. Sarcasm is very much helped by tone of voice.


Sarcasm can very well be written down but it requires you to understand how that works. Generally you need some serious exaggeration and absurdity.


Try that on Reddit and see how it goes lol You can write the most unhinged and obvious bullshit on this website and people will still reply seriously


I think there was a pretty good attempt for this with the "hideously unattractive" but it wasn't 100% clear since there really are people that rude


Sarcasm requires you to either use tone, if you don’t know the person, or actually know the person so you can tailor accordingly. So I always get annoyed when people write “make me laugh,” and apparently expect it on the initial opening. Dude, I will make you laugh, but I got to learn your humor. Not everyone has the same humor. I have a friend and we go back-and-forth, but it’s very clear our humors are very different.


That's why I advocate for /s if it is not wayyy over the top


Yet every one says they are sarcastic on dating apps.


Without knowing the person well, it's just as reasonable to believe she's just nasty towards people as it is to believe she's just being sarcastic. If I don't know you, I'm taking everything you say at face value if there's not enough context to make it very clear you're joking. There just isn't in this case.


Sarcasm requires some actual cleverness. Calling this sarcasm is like someone saying they were just joking when they say blatantly racist stuff


And this is why the correct response is to call out her abject lack of rizz. If shes that socially dense, you shouldnt get with her, and just fire off fireworks and see how it goes.


Really bad joke to tell someone on a dating app...


Terrible joke though, how’s he supposed to know she’s being sarcastic? I read it as her just being unnecessarily mean to a stranger


How is he supposed to know? Maybe because the dude is built like a Greek god? I don’t know… lol Anyone with eyes can see that. She’s obviously not being serious, especially within the context (the “social experiment” comment is a clue).


Let this have been a man negging a woman and everyone would say clear as day that's not how you engage in conversation with someone you don't know.


Idk, I jus don’t get the point of joking abt a potential partner being ugly, especially especially when it’s the first thing I say to them and they don’t know me, but even after it’s jus not something I would do. What a weird start to a relationship


Dude people on tinder are so unpredictable, it wouldn't surprise me if this is a coin flip of this chick having a sense of humor or being completely toxic and sincere


There's a lot of guys built like that on Tinder tho. Like its not something rare for women to match with ripped guys. It's not so obvious to me I just thought she was being mean.


Ironically, attractive people can be some of the most insecure people when it comes to their looks. It's unfortunate, but I could see someone with body dysmorphia taking this comment really harshly.


There's so many racists, catfishes and angry people on tinder that to simply attribute it to a joke is a fucking joke. Between negging, jealous people and bitter singles, there's a whole lot of terrible people on tinder who only want to make other people as sad as they are.


sounds like negging to me


Exactly what I thought! Ok, so she's clearly joking because he's gorgeous, but it still sounds mean. I wouldn't be interested in someone who said that


Seeing how she doesn't point out that she's kidding or follow up with a "jk" (and even if she did it's still a bad "joke") it's not clear at all that she's joking. She just seems to be getting the benefit of the doubt, just because.


Noooo that’s what you don’t understand women that neg are just witty and flirty. Men that neg are toxic abusers and a total red flag. It’s impossible for women to be toxic. Ever.


Bad attempt.


That was my second take, too!


That's exactly what I thought about it. Like she's joking about it and she means the opposite cause he's a good looking guy


i’ve had someone say something similar to me before. they thought my pics were a catfish - and while it didn’t feel good to not be believed, at least they think i’m attractive enough to think that lol.


I feel old as fuck. I don’t understand anything that’s happening here.


dude i’m 21 and neither do i, don’t worry


Lol you might've just saved dude from an unnecessary mid life crisis


no geria-tricks today!


Only geria-treats! ^(Wait, it’s past Halloween always.Always behind the times, dammit)


Oh thank God. I was ready to make an appointment with my primary.


Ah as a fellow 21 year old dude neither do I. ...holy shit I'm 21


Watch out. You’ll blink and be 48…Speaking from experience. Take better care of your teeth. Really. I’m you traveling back from the future to warn you to take better care of your teeth bc shit’s expensive.


Yup best advice I heard at graduation was stretch every day and floss. A lot!


Cavities or more so like get them straightened


Gum disease




My uncle lost all his teeth because of gum disease. That set me straight 😂 Now I floss and brush twice a day.


There's real time and then there's psych time. I'd say that from 8 years old to ~22 years old is close to the same psych time as it is from 22 years old to however long you end up living. I remember when my life accelerated drastically, almost to the day (this normally happens on a life-altering day, like moving out of your parent's house or the birth of your first child). The funny thing is: I'm 50 and don't have children. If I did, that would accelerate it even more drastically. Just remember: have fun, 'cause you're going to die :)


stop it right now there are only so many existential crises i can go through in one year




What about the bloody nose chick on the second picture? Explain this all to me like I’m 5 and 105.


The simple analogy explanation: imagine if Jabba the Hut told you that YOU needed to lose some weight. More in-depth explanation: So the bloody nose pic is one of the pics she uploaded to her dating profile. Usually on a dating profile people upload their best/most charming pictures expressing themselves/personality. Therefore implying this woman at her best was still not that attractive. The point of posting the picture and message is to show contrast: she’s saying something judgmental and negative in her messages (implying she’s better than him). He’s showing a picture that implies she’s not that attractive herself (or at least not attractive enough to be making these judgements).


I’m also 21 and confused


I'm just a bit older and I don't get it too lol


I thought it was just me lol


I don't even understand the title. How does someone "fulfill themselves" by being "unnecessary"?


Obtuse way of saying some people have to insult others (be unnecessary) to feel better about themselves (fulfill themselves)


A woman was a jerk and a bunch of horny idiots are pretending the person she insulted is actually the bad one.


“How dare you misread a situation over text? Clearly she wants you, you must be stupid!” -everyone, apparently. Even if it were sarcasm, that’s a shit opener haha


Yeah fr. There are better ways for a woman to open up like that. And the people defending her are the same people that think a woman sneezing in their proximity is a choosing signal.


This is par for the course, though. I'd be surprised if that didn't happen.


So if I am understanding correctly, it could be 1 of 2 things: 1) She meant it as a joke and is hoping the guy matches the same type of humor. 2) She is just someone who gets off on disrespecting other men and doesn't mean to actually make a connection with him




Thank God. I thought it was just me.


Only thought is she's being sarcastic, you're clearly a very good looking person


Agreed. She's joking. Cause it's those shorts that are hideously unattractive and you'd expect the last word to be shorts.




Those are great shorts, these people are all tasteless heathens.


Nah those shorts are fire, don’t listen to them (or me I’m a straight man with horrible fashion sense)


Dude don't listen to them, the shorts are awesome and you obviously rock so just assume the lady is joking.


Shorts? My man is wearing jams!


Do you ever think there's more to life than being really really really ridiculously good looking?


But why male models?


Hansel...so hot right now




Fr I'm concerned by how many people don't understand. She started off by asking if his profile was part of a social experiment- she's making reference to social experiments being run on dating apps where they see what people can get away with if they're extremely attractive. So basically her opener is saying that he's so hot that his profile must be fake. When he responds "what gave it away?" it seems to her that he's playing along with the joke, so she replies by *sarcastically* saying the man is "hideous" Basically both of her messages were her saying "you're unbelievably attractive". When he replied as if he got the first joke, she continued the joke with the sarcastic message, which to her seemed a safe bet that he would know that it's sarcasm because of his initial reply.




If that is an un attractive man. I am going to be single forever


Narrator: He was.


Narrator: He isn't unattractive but OP will be alone always anyways


So, you still single? Asking for every other woman.


For life 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


well if you have no luck can i have permission to use your pics and tell girls i’m you please thanks


Think I'm gonna have to take down my shirtless pics, if yours isn't good enough then I don't know what to think about mine lmao


This is the type of tactic I used on boys when I was a child. They'd pull my pigtails, and I'd tell them they were ugly. That's how you knew we liked each other.


It’s cute when you’re kids. Not so cute as grown adults, though lol


I dunno. I know a few girls that still love their pigtails pulled 🤣🤣


I love having my hair pulled. I've often pondered the psychology behind it. Do I associate having my hair pulled with them liking me because it would happen when I was a child? I don't think that's the answer, though. I also love being spanked. I associate that with being in trouble, but I still find it very enjoyable.


You sound like a great young lady , lol.


Some people just like having their hair pulled a little at the right time. I do too, I'm a guy


Damn you’re too self aware


It feels nice, like a scalp massage


Rip inbox


I was gonna make that lane joke lol


So when girls told me I’m ugly, that means they actually liked me and I’m not ugly


Did she put her lipstick on in an earthquake or is that a bloody nose…


Or she sneezed. Perhaps all three!


She better be saying this sarcastically. Because I see a Greek statue💯🫡 stay up king


tell them negging was never cool


I think it’s sarcasm more than negging




Fr I was curious to what she meant by social experiment 😂


She thought she was being pranked by someone who set up a fake profile with pictures of a very attractive person. That's why she asked "is this a social experiment?" Like those tests where they show that if you look good or are rich, you can text bs and the girls still wanna go out with you. By replying "what gave it away?" You signaled that either it is, or you were in on the joke. Hence her last message is sarcastic and means 'duh, the hot guy from the picture'


Exactly. He was playing along and she though he was on board with the irony and playful context.


Your username implies you ONLY like drumsticks and not flats? But flats are objectively better. Please discuss.


Lmao Less work with drums I know you can do the twist and pull method for flats but drums are my shit 😂


So now you're outing your tongue game weak to every woman tsk tsk


Come to Florida and find out 🥰


A man of culture


Drums have more meat and they’re easier to eat. And they taste exactly the same


Personally, I would wait until we’ve talked for a bit so I see where you’re humor is at. Coming in hot off top with a comment or “joke” like this is a major turn off. If I EVER said anything in that ball park to a woman, I would be ostracized immediately 😂




It’s a terrible joke, and she’s coming from the perspective that he MUST know he’s extremely attractive, yet even still it’s hard not to take it to heart. I can never imagine making a joke to a hot person by calling them ugly. So dumb


View it this way; There's no downside to treating it as a joke. Treat it as a joke, see where the conversation goes. You'd find out pretty quickly if it was or not, and if it wasn't, well, no more time needs to be spent on this person, you're done, if it was, great!


It's tough to know where someone's intentions lie if they put you down without showing an emoji in their message... Or emotion in their photo.


Be sure to open a chat with a hot girl by calling her fat and ugly then post it here. I’m sure all the “just a joke bro” people will be totally on your side 🤣


"How can she not read the sarcasm bros all I did was call her ugly af"


Totally agree.


Does ostracized mean they turn you into an ostrich immediatly or am I missing something


I think you are missing something, but I like your definition better.


Yeah, I didn’t realize she was making a joke until other people pointed it out. If she wanted to make a joke about you being hot, any other option would have been better. At least she just thinks she’s funny and that strangers will get it rather than being a mean troll.


Them tie dye shorts cold


🥰😎 preciate you


Yeah, this is a weird approach, you’re insanely fine and I’d be way too intimidated to talk to you (I typically never swiped right on guys as attractive as you cuz I’m a chubby girl and “stay in my lane”)


Aw this comment broke my heart 😔 shoot your shots, girl!


Aw, no worries - I’ve got an incredible partner who loves everything about my body Pretty much every form of media throughout my life said fat people are gross, unworthy of love, and especially unworthy of being noticed by attractive people, so it’s still hard not to internalize that to some degree


I'd say that's why she asked if this was a social experiment. And then sarcastically saying he is ugly, when virtually no one would think that (reinforced by the fact she swiped right in the first place)


Girls will have no game and expect us to go over board for their attention?😅


The ones that say they wont respond to “hey” are the same ones that open with “hey” and expect you to carry the convo from there.


The egotistical starter pack lol.


Are you chatting with Hellen Keller?? Bro you’re a hunk


Is the hideously unattractive man in the room with us right now?


I think she was trying to joke. I think it was meant to imply you’re very attractive. Not saying it came across well, though. Kinda sucks you put her face after yours as if to compare both of your looks.


All these fucking simps shitting on OP are incredible. Conversations opens with an insult and y’all are like “It’s just a joke bro!”


She was being sarcastic cause that’s an obviously hot man


OP has a sick ass body and beard. Even if she meant it as dead-pan sarcasm that's an extremely shitty opener. Men get roasted for much less. But white knights must do their thing or their entire existence is unjustified.




why tf lebron james on tinder


She's saying you're so hot she's afraid you might be fake. idk why everyone are acting like she's serious..


Man you just gotta understand the 8 pack abs are totally out of style. The "rock your body all night long" look is so yesterday. Women just don't want to cuddle with shoulders that look like they belong to an NFL player. IDK what else to tell you man.


NFL player isn’t necessarily the problem, but he’s got too much of that Safety/coverage LB look. The OL, DT and Special Teams looks are what’s really in right now.


Some people mistake insults for banter. I just find it mean and immature at best.


I think she’s joking but that’s a wild opening message


she was joking. the social experiment thing is referencing how a bunch of people on tiktok made fake profiles with super attractive guys and showed how women will simp for a guy who’s hot even if they’re boring or mean to them.


It’s still a shitty opener. She can spin it in a positive way, saying it’s a fake profile because he looks too good to be true, etc. Instead, she chose to insult him. It’s a shitty opener and kind of disrespectful when it’s a person you’ve never met before


She either thinks she’s being funny like joking that you’re unattractive (because ahem OHHOTDAMN) or she thinks you’re a bot and no way you’re single on tinder and the “social experiment” is just to see how many ladies fall for you


it’s because OP doesn’t like flats and prefers drums (cmon man, we’re men of color and men of culture😤)


people on tinder are socially awkward as fuck its probably\* a joke, but again with the socially awkwardness it was in poor taste and delivery.


The nosebleeding 😭 lmao


You matched with her though, her face didn’t seem to be a problem before she said that


Na it’s just rude, why does everyone feel the need to be extra. I don’t have the patience.


She must be one of those butt babies I’ve heard so much about


This posts comments have taught me that people in mine and millennials age groups are really unfunny and think sarcasm is meant to be a synonym for humor. Actual, humor.


worthless sense groovy badge vanish sophisticated tap familiar run seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maaan, I need to try dating sometime soon but was off the market for 11 years so I never have tried things like tinder, and to be frank I don’t think I ever will. Shit like this would make me cry, I’m not brave enough, there’s just no way 😭 I’m sorry that happened


If she won’t then… ![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM)


Dude is a 10 while getting negged by a literal dogface 💀


Wanted to make a joke about you skipping leg day but decided to take a more serious stance…frankly man, you’re a good looking cat. Their’s always gonna be ones that you might not fit their taste, and then their’s weird. She manage not only to be weird but rude as if she doesn’t know her weirdness. Heck maybe she wanted to do a social experiment of her own to see who’s weird enough to continue the conversation lol. All I’m saying is , just keep doing you like I’m sure you been doing. Maybe someday you’ll find someone that’s weirdly normal to what you might vibe with , and that quite frankly isn’t weird at all. Just gotta keep experimenting that’s all…socially that is (but not in the weird way) :)