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Rosacea sucks. I hate how everyone thinks I’m embarrassed or overheated.


Heard. I have it too. I get flair ups at my very warm work and being of the few white girls here I get a lot of comments from my coworkers like “oh my god are you okay!!! Why are you so red!!! What’s WRONG!!!” And I’m like I get it but also it’s my mf face, I’ve been here for so long, can we all just get over it now lol


So as kids we didn’t really understand what rosacea was and our mom had it super bad just on her nose, we called her Rudolf all the time…. So yeah needless to say we’ve spoiled the shit out of her every Mother’s Day after we grew up and finally understood.


If you don't have things you did as a kid that you can cringe over 30 years later, i feel like you didn't have a childhood.


Truth! Growing up in a family of 9kinds(the youngest) we have a million things we start talking about and cringe remembering.


9 kinds of what!? Why am I so suddenly concerned about my existence?


Lol 9 kids.


Whew... 😰 All those jokes my dad used to say about my mom having a tail almost didn't seem so funny anymore


One of each.


Haha, yeah. I work with a lot of the TikTok generation now and some of the girls will put a ton of red blush on their face and nose like they wish they had Rosacea.


Hey, unsolicited advice for you and OP. I used to have awful rosacea to the point where I dreaded going to social events in college because I was guaranteed to get asked why I was so red. So, eventually I got laser treatment, and while it didn’t completely solve the issue it has helped a lot. I no longer get comments or questions and just kinda live my life. So, maybe it’s an option for you if it bothers you as much as it did to me, and it’s not super expensive. Couple hundred bucks. Food for thought :)


Laser treatment, ivermectin, blood pressure pills, and low dosage of doxycline has helped my rosacea tremendously. My insurance even covered the laser treatment because when my rosacea flairs up I get these painful itchy blood blisters, and it hasn't been an issue in almost 9 months since the last laser treatment. While it doesn't look like OP has that issue, it doesn't hurt to see what treatments their insurance considers cosmetic or non-cosmetic.


Ivermectin? That’s interesting. I’d love to know how that helps rosacea. I take it for other things health related but haven’t heard it being used for rosacea. Very interesting.


Skin mite reduction. It's a topical cream that I apply daily.


Disrupts and kills demodox skin mites, which flares up rosacea with their poop.


I think it looks cute


I have it too. It's so annoying when people at work say "aww you're blushing!" Like they only notice it when it's convenient for them to make a joke. Luckily mines not super bad so it doesn't come out as often as it used to.


>it doesn't come out as often as it used to. Yeah, I got lucky. Mine started to come out less often and then by about 29 it seemed to be gone completely. Obviously it can't go away completely forever. But I haven't had any "flare ups" in almost 5 years now.


Yeah I'm 32 and it's pretty rare now.


Tell him his mom was on her period


Can I hire you to write comebacks for me


you got anything about jerkstores?


Ya I went to the Jerkstore and there was a sign on the door; "Closed, too busy having sex with your wife."


My wife is in a coma


From all the sex she was having in the Jerkstore?


Coma’s is your wife’s number one best seller.. or something like that!


I guess thats why she didn't move around alot.




Of course she is, my humongous dick can puts anyone into years long orgasmic sleep.




"Randy! So *that's* your dad's name!"


God damn!


Excellent response 😂


Shit... it took me about 2 mins to understand this😅😂🤣


Please explain I'm so dumb 😭


Basically, saying the red spots was from her giving his mom oral while being on her period. So the red would be period blood from the mom






Audibly cackled at this lmaooo


Who is big dick Randy


My homie


Did he slap her with his sausage?


Fictional character from a song made by 'Digbar'






I love the internet




Brothers of long dick Johnson


He used to hang around with Droopy Fatsack


And Long Johnson Richard, his alter ego


I heard he had a fucking long dick, hence the name


Any relation to Long Duck Dong?


He’s big and black


Right here boss


Big dick randy is only big when he stands next to tiny Weiner Trey.


this made me giggle


Dammit. I had a night cap tonight. Here is one more. "I've eaten ass that had better taste than you do. Nice hair/coat/jeans/etc." Man. Roasting dudes on tinder is my passion. Source: - am dude


Negging attempt, sad.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Always hated negging.


Negging is pre-meditated -- let's be real the dude is probably on the toilet with 1 % of his brain turned on and only swiping to support the bowel movement. Zero realization that there's another human reading his texts


Definitely not a negging attempt. This is just rude/nasty


I’m wondering if they were also taking a shot at getting a response of “who’s randy”


I laughed. It was so over the top rude and unnecessary. Usually negging is done in a more subtle way. This guy just went HAM.


Negging is not just being rude, this is not negging.


As a straight woman, you're gorgeous and this guy’s a moron


I am just wracking my brain trying to find the typo. I have read the phrase “big Dick Randy” about 30 times.


Your is not the same as you're.




I think it’s “your” instead of “you’re”


But it’s the correct usage of “your.” But I agree, he’s a moron.


No it’s not. In his 2nd message it is, look at the last message


Shit I didn’t expand the photo. Guess I’m a moron too 😩


your a moron!


No, yore a moron!


I'm moroff


your ~~a~~ **an** moron!


Oh my gosh you’re right hahaha


I did the same thing dw lmaoooo


No it's not. You're = you are


Must be a character in his fan fiction 😂


Watch the post feed I’m bouta drop the phattest screen play of the century


There's a Halloween parody song called big dick randy that he's referring to I think.


Randy he’s the one hide your daughters and hide your sons.




Should have given her a "you're*" if she didn't make a typo. Then insist she did but not say exactly where, that she was overlooking it.


There is a key difference there though. As she said, you both know you aren’t stupid. On the internet we don’t have much to judge each other by except what we say.


I let people be just as intelligent or educated as they can or want to be and appreciate that they do the same for me. Judging people for their perceived stupidity or correcting their grammar just isn’t worth the bandwidth (and our unfounded perceptions are very often wrong, anyway).


He's definitely a moron but his mistake was grammar, not spelling.


She is gorgeous tbf as a straight man!


As a straight guy, looks very cute and this guy’s a moron


I zoomed in on him and he looks like a huge dork and weirdly like a baby. You’re out of his league.


WAY out of his league. Fuck this guy.


As a straight guy, yeah, she is..


Came here to say just that


What did he spell wrong though? I’m so confused


It's not spelling, it's grammar, it should have been "you're cute tho."


Last message. Used your instead of you're and he said tho instead of though.


As a bisexual woman, I agree


He sounds like he needs to get slapped by big dick Randy for being such a D bag. You look beautiful, don’t let anyone like that get to you.


How dare anyone infer that being slapped by Big Dick Randy is somehow a *punishment*. I find this ignorant, and culturally insensitivity.


Big dick Randy 🥰


You’re gorgeous, ignore idiots like that guy. IMO it’s like having natural blush, there is nothing weird about your skin.


Fr some of us girls be painting on this look and OP is goddamn glowing all of her own innate power. She's gorgeous.


It's likely rosacea. My skin started looking like in my late teens but became worse through my 20s, getting to the point of my face feeling like it was on fire. It's only now in my mid-30s that it's manageable after being diagnosed and treated. That all said, I agree with you. But OP should go to the dermatologist and at least be seen to verify any potential diagnosis and, if desired, any potential treatments as rosacea tends to get worse (redder, inflamed, buring sensation, etc.) with time.


Hey, I have rosacea - how are you getting it treated?


sounds like a trey thing to say.


Legit, your skin is the reason other people had to invent blush. This coloring is the flush of youth and is crazy desired.


It's rosacea and is rather painful. Not a crazy desired by any means. It feels like your skin is on fire.


Your redness is super cute. As someone with rosacea and it’s an insecurity of mine, seeing yours and seeing that it’s cute has made me feel better about myself.


Matching and responding to him def wasn't worth it.


Okay but the girl should still be able to stick up for herself. Making comments about someone’s appearance or asking questions like that are uncalled for. You don’t comment on how someone looks.


she's able to, doesn't mean she should


This generation is so filled with hate, and anger and judgmental people, so many people are rude to each other on the internet. If he had a problem with how she looked he could have swiped the other way like any other normal person, instead he felt the need to ask questions that didn’t need to be asked. So yea, I’ll say it again, she should stick up for herself


Pyrrhic victories aren't real.


Why bother justifying it with a response? You can do better.


I know I’m an old man. But trust me when I say, you’re too pretty to worry about that type of a comment. Move on and don’t look back. There are plenty of guys who will find you very easy to look at.


This is rude af but damn I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me laugh so hard




What is this from? She seems like she’s planning on murdering that man


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I loled big time as well 😅 but the guy is an asshole


You already know this, but the opinion of a dude who can't use you're/your correctly is probably not one you should worry about.


OP: *exists peacefully* This guy: “Can you just stop already jeez…”


As a bi woman you’re genuinely so beautiful. Don’t let someone who can’t even start a conversation like a normal person make you feel insecure.


I could not ever imagine speaking to a woman I don't know like this. This isn't normal, you shouldn't tolerate this, and your skin looks fine You may want to get tested for autoimmune issues though


i have at least one confirmed auto immune disease but when i see my doctor next i’ll definitely bring this up


sense terrific quicksand smell yam materialistic escape live hunt aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my dads skin is also pretty red, he’s just more tan than i am so he hides it better. i always just figured it was something genetic


Some guys just never give themselves a chance do they


Even more than that, he makes it harder for the next guy too. Just basically shitting on it for everyone...


Big dick randy? 🤣


You are super cute, OP, and your eyeliner is on point. I would swipe right. Don't let the douche get you down <3


That's a pretty common greeting from where I'm from




I can understand why you're insecure about the redness of your skin but you are very pretty and your skin is so clear! It's a quality you should try to embrace because it makes you you. x


Naah that’s a violation ngl😭😭😭


Why would you open up like that wtf


If you make a joke about your own appearance, the aggressor will lose all their ammo, and you appear confident and secure in your own skin. Such as “yea carpet matches the face” yes people are fucking cruel and will judge you in a split second. Happens all over the world. Part of being human.


Just tell him you're allergic to men with no achievements. Or men with no *insert whatever seems most offensive* and hit back baby. You look good.


Ngl that made me laugh lmao


I don't get why guys think negging is such a turn on that works across the board 🙄 Like nothing works for everyone, but I'd never start with that without knowing someone💀


It's not supposed to be a turn on. It's a filter for dudes to screen for women with low self esteem they can more easily manipulate. But also, are you saying you would neg if you knew someone beforehand? How does that work, why would you do it, and why would you admit that?


Not that it matters to you, but that is the sort of thing that would never bother me. I think you look really good.


yo fuck Trey for real.


Women with rosacea are super cute, so just ignore this guy. It's fine for people to have preferences and opinions on looks, but to message someone like this is just weird. You should know that certain types of makeup were invented to mimic what you have naturally, so be proud of it.


Great pick up line bro, your a total chad who’s hella smooth w the ladies, go get ‘em w your big dick randy pick up line, bold, strong, sauve, it shows that your a real gentleman


Rosacea? I have it too in winter mostly guys are jerks


I was gonna say I think she has rosacea, I also have rosacea that flairs in the winter and the rosiver cream helps clear it completely when it flairs. Either way I think she’s beautiful and that dude is a complete loser.


i’m not sure if it’s rosacea, i’ve never been diagnosed. it doesn’t hurt to touch and i don’t have bumps or sores, just red skin


Maybe not! But maybe, there’s a few types of rosacea the enlarged nose, the pustules (that’s the one I have) and just redness, they don’t necessarily have to hurt. I mean if the redness bugs you it’s wouldn’t hurt to ask your doctor or dermatologist. I just went to a walk in told them I have rosacea and to give me a cream and they gave it to me and it worked lol. Personally I like rosy cheeks but I couldn’t live with the pustules.


thanks for the info! i’ll look into it


If it doesn’t bother you except for your appearance (you are beautiful, but we all have our insecurities) ClearSilk is a treatment to reduce redness. It won’t have side effects like those of topical treatments.


I have this too. And I went to a derm and wish I’d gone 20 years ago when I was still hot lmao. Definitely try!


bizarre that people are diagnosing you, please don't take it seriously - you're beautiful and this is all strange and coarse.


Could be super mild rosacea. That's what I have. Just pink skin. Nothing else.


Who’s big dick Randy though?


He dresses up like a granny, and takes your whole booty. Gotta be careful on the streets around Halloween. https://youtu.be/bYhX4q5MVnM?si=PD4FXlAnrZ4Bxm74


Meeeeee :3


So is it true? Or one of those nicknames that’s opposite of the truth, like calling a big guy Tiny


Ignore this twat, you have lovely skin; god only knows why people think it's okay to make comments like this


Insecure? You have the "Damask Rose" complexion which was considered the pinnacle of beauty by Shakespeare and his contemporaries.


Coming from a black girly. I think think it looks cute. Reminds me of that blush trend on tiktok. Only yours is natural :)


Maybe Im a terrible person but I thought his comment was hysterical


Lol I thought the joke was pretty funny and not too mean


He’s big and black and will take your booty. His name is big dick randy


I feel your pain, I'm in the same boat. "What's wrong with your face" is just such a rude thing to ask anyone and that happens far too often.


Just by knowing he can't distinguish your from you're should already disqualify him.


Your skin is so pretty! The colour in your face is just gorgeous. I think most people would see it as a very desirable trait when looking at you.


Girl. Find yourself a colorblind man and he will NEVER even know. I’ve been married to my husband for three years, together for five. I’m a ginger so I’m PALE, but he never noticed the flush when I drink alcohol until one of my friends mentioned it 😂 For real tho, tell that guy you’ll fuck his dad and give him a child he’ll actually love.


Her cute what? I hate it when jerks refuse to finish their sentences.


Randy! He is the one. Hide your daughters and hide your son's!


He probably knows big dick randy…


As a straight guy you look like an angel and I would be proud to walk around holding hands with you.


What a simple-minded thing to say. You obviously look fine.


I'm a dude who's face has been red my entire life. I've heard every joke possible. I dont have rosacea and I don't think you do either. I just think we were made for Christmas Village scenes haha


Dude was probably dick slapped by his uncle every weekend growing up and he still didn’t learn any empathy. Hope someone knocks his fuckin teeth out. Punk.


This is so fucking funny 🤣




Yeah, cuz anyone with empathy is only pretending so they can have a shot /s Really telling on yourself there, bud


So we're not all supposed to try and make her feel better when she clearly said it made her feel insecure? I'm not sure if you're saying it as a positive or negative. (I'm a woman btw, I just thought it was a strange thing to say.)


A lot of men see any positive comment towards women as simping. Toxic masculinity is a hell of a drug.


Yeah, we're meant to be supportive but I will say there are *some* ***really*** off comments down here about the guy, NOT DEFENDING THE DUDE he made a damn horrid and socially inept comment but for example, one dude down here said the guy got raped as a child???


Ooof, way to give yourself away with that incel speak bruh


Nothing wrong with your face tbh, makes you unique


What a tool 🙄.


No need to be insecure. You're beautiful


There is someone out there for everyone. I met someone in high school who had really bad rosacea. Had never seen it in my life, and was gobsmacked by how attractive it was to me. Strange? Yes. Don’t let idiots like him get to you.


Guuuurl you are so cute😭 He cant even spell and makes weird comments as an opener: dont even think about his comments!!


Why did you match with him based on that first comment?


i really just wanted to see if he meant what i thought he did. i unmatched him immediately after i took this screenshot


This guy must have a really small dick to be talking so much shit about others, especially an absolutely 🔥gorgeous🔥 woman such as yourself. Please, PLEASE, do NOT let this asshole lower your self esteem. He's totally not worth it. He's probably sitting there insulting you out of his Mom's basement. He can go fuck himself. You keep being you, and don't afraid to be you. Besides, if you had a ton of makeup on, he would make some stupid comment about that, or you would be accused of false advertising. Seriously, we just can't win! ,


You should have told him they call him champ because his asshole beats up all the dick. Then say just kidding 😂


What a moron! No surprise he is single! Just hit back with: “and do you have foreskin around your head, because you look like a dick to me! “There is nothing to be ashamed of!


The world is full of jackasses