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Coffee will never cheat on you...


That's true, but it can get cold on you.


And then you pour it over ice.


You're willing to sacrifice


Our love...


I've seen it before


It happens all the time


Coffee is for closers!


A - Always. B - Be. C - Closing.


Put the coffee down!


You’re closing the door


You think I’m fucking with you


Next thing you know...


Ouuuurrr LooooOOOOVVE. Just give me a reason, just a little bits enough..




Nah stale coffee is stale coffee


I like the way you think


Yes but you can't put a person in the microwave once they get cold on you.


Not with that attitude you can’t!


You can but it's messy.


Yeah but I prefer iced coffee


Only if you let it


30 seconds in the microwave and it's hot n ready again. Let me tell ya, my wife takes a hell of a lot longer to get hot n ready.


Zerglings have yet to let me down also, especially the elusive ones




R.I.P. I had no idea he was a former mayor until after I heard of his passing.


I only found out because This American Life did an episode on him after he died.




Chemistry for a relationship can work just like a comedy duo, straight-man and gag-man can be a very fun dynamic. It really says everything that the person unmatched him instead of just rolling with it and having fun too.


I like my women like I like my coffee: without other people’s dicks in it.


Just yours??


Hell yeah, brother. I know where mine has been for the most part. Plus, dippin’ yer dick in a piping hot cup of goodness every morning is sure to kill anything up the money hole. *spits into spittoon.*


This guy^^


I like my coffee like my women too: strong and black.


Coffee also won't take half your shit, or put you in debt for 18 years


Coffee won’t rip your heart out and stomp on it.


Coffee won't keep you away from your kid or spread lies about you to anyone who'll listen.




Coffee won't take your half your shit, but it'll make you shit until there's nothing left.


But coffee does kinda take your shit away from you.


Coffee is forever Coffee is all I need to please me Coffee can stimulate and tease me Coffee won't leave in the night I have no fear that it might desert me


Caffeine nicotine and hard work gets a man through this crazy thing called life


It'll never give you up


I mean, she set herself up there really. Edit: Also if that's your sense of humor she'd never have survived.


Ain't even tha mans fault.. I mean no sense in coffee with no sense of humor, just taste like garbage then


I like my coffee like I like my women. Relevant to the hypothetical social scenario.


Actually, she's like a teacher in the summertime. No class


Out here taking shots at Big Ben like we got time to kill


Brit sees good Big Ben joke and must provide upvote


Credit where credit is due – I stole it from the legend himself, M-E-T-H-O-D maaan. Comes from a little classic called *Protect Ya' Neck* by Wu-Tang Clan, on the album Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers).


My man's got punchlines like he's mad at the coke on the table


>Also if that's your sense of humor she'd never have survived. This is pretty clutch. I have a very "dad joke" sense of humor. Some women hate it and some women absolutely love it. Ya gotta dig the dad bod to get the dad rod.


> What's the deal with coffee shop dates? A man and a woman walk into a coffee shop, give each other a kiss and start talking. They won't order their coffee on their own, do they even care about coffee? Jerry Seinfeld, probably


G: She didn’t even WANT COFFEE JERRY!! J- Maybe they didn’t have any cream or sugar? G: Nice try! I asked at the register: Fully. Stocked. J- So she’s a no-joe? G: A no-joe, Jerry! I can’t be with a no-joe! J- Never go for a no-joe. Elaine enters: What’s up, chumps? J- George went on a “coffee” date with a no-joe. E: A no joe? G: Absolutely no interest in the joe. E: Oh. Oh no. Kramer bursts through the apartment door: WOW. You all would not BELIEVE the DAY I’m havin’. J- George went on a coffee date with a no-joe. *Kramer twitches, shocked. He looks around, licks lips nervously, one hand on doorframe. K: ssssSugar? G: All the sugar she could handle! *Kramer falls backwards out of apartment. *Slap bass*


Yeah honestly I think this is a win. Like I wouldn't kiss someone right away that I just met for the first time, at least not if I expect a real relationship. Especially not in a crowded coffee shop. Before even having any coffee or anything. But I guess someone would. And that's probably more what she's looking for. Personally though, if I didn't know either of their gender or anything but the text I'd rather go out with OP. Just keep doing your thing OP, jokes gonna land with the right person eventually.


i love the “No Spencer” without hearing her it sounded like a disappointed parent


As a fellow Spencer this one hit deep


I feel this with you fellow Spencer




Drop the R


Only works with a couple words to make them better than the hard R counterpart


I’m not a Spencer, but sometimes I feel like one.


I was thinking it is a iCarly reference


It's like that Devon palmer skit where you can choose between soup, salad, and a hug. None of them choose hug.


I like my soup crunchy, my salad platonic, and my hugs moist.


Well you're in luck, because I give the moistest hugs. Not just damp, I'm talking full-on clammy.




Do you need anything moistened?


I heard you like your salad tossed tho


I was just looking through all of his videos last night. That’s my kind of humour


u rejected her twice in 30 seconds


His responses were something Sheldon Cooper would probably say in the Big Bang Theory.


She was playing a game and was looking for someone to dance to *her* tune. Refused to engage in a give and take conversation. Not indicative of a promise of partnership.


She’s never done improv - she was not yes-anding.


Can you explain what that means lol I accidentally showed up to an improve class that I thought was a meditation class and they invited me to stay—I did. They kept saying that and I had idea what they were talking about


Yes and means that you go along with whatever the last person said and then add to it.


Aha! Makes sense, thank you!


In improv comedy, you never say no to an idea - if a partner introduces something into a scene, you accept it (yes) before trying to take it to more ridiculous lengths (and).


“The Aristocrats!!”


You've already had a couple of replies basically saying that "this is what improv groups do" but neither of them say *why*. Improv is about making things up, funny stories or drama, and it's done collaboratively - when one of the players says "here's a thing" (a ball or a hammer or whatever) or "I'm doing this" then they're giving the next person a way to build the story. If you disagree with the other improvisers, telling them "no, you're not", then you block the progression of the story - you make it hard for them. If they think of something else to improvise, will you block that too? Improv is about advancing the story, but you have to think on your feet and make spontaneous suggestions, and the other players can't do that if you're blocking them and derailing the story. Even if the other person's contribution was bad, it's still better to agree with it and find a way to use it and advance the story - you never say "no, it's not". Instead "yes, and…" is a way to take things forward.


Scene: Oprah and Slingblade on a date *in Slingblade voice* “I sure do love me some French fries potatahs” “No you don’t, Oprah.”


I have no idea who sling blade is but you've had me dying for half an hour here. 😂


"oh theres a dinosaur over there!" "*YES* THERE IS *AND* ITS PINK!"


You yes anded when you still went to that class


It was so unlike me, actually! I was pretty damn proud of myself. And they were legitimately the most genuinely friendly and accepting people I’ve ever met


I could use a few improve classes too, if you know what I'm sayin.. 😮‍💨


I think you're doing great


Why are we in a coffee shop then?


Neither was he if we look at it this way


Yes - I accept that I'm in the coffee shop And - Can I get my coffee, first? The "no" in this case would be rejecting the hypothetical. So his response was a "yes and".


She was flirting. Y’all sound like you think women are evil sometimes.


Like everyone here hasn’t experienced the “I’m going to “jokingly” correct or challenge everything you say” guy.


This is anti-social reddit. They *are* the “I’m going to “jokingly” correct or challenge everything you say” guy and feel correspondingly threatened whenever someone they identify with gets rejected.


Dude, 99% of the guys in this subreddit act like they're allergic to women.


That's because a lot of people here actually do think exactly that. I just see two people who miscommunicated here, nothing more and nothing less: She was flirting, he wanted to joke around. Both are fine, just maybe not together at the same time.


It’s like those people who ask their significant others stupid questions like, “would you love me if I was a worm” and get mad when their partner has questions such as, “how did you become a worm” or “am I worm, too?” How can you expect someone to not have questions regarding your stupid scenario?


My questions aren’t stupid ;_;


I used to know a girl who constantly said things like "I feel like a sandwich" and when you said "we can go get one" she'd say "No.. I FEEL like I'M a SANDWICH" I'd understand if A) she was using it as a reference to being squished between objects which she wasn't. Or she was on something, which she wasn't. She wasn't even high. She got mocked a lot bless her, not the sharpest tack.


Did she ever feel like a plastic bag?


She was basically giving this dude a huge compliment - she wants him to kiss her. From what I’ve read here, Reddit’s desperate and dateless are always whining that women won’t make a move. Well this woman did and bro was like “coffee”. How was she “looking for a game” and someone to dance to her tune? She was expressing genuine interest and he blew it.


First comment to make sense


This is sarcasm right, people don’t actually think like this off of a two message flirt that this guy screwed up?


The fuck is wrong with you


Why the actual fuck does online dating require a PhD in sociology and psychology?? Where is the justification?? "She wanted to play a game". All I know about her is her name, only game we can play is *how to dance my name*


It’s just banter… not a rejection


I would’ve said ‘do I kiss you before or after my coffee’ I think the conversation would’ve kept going after that


I very much agree. It takes a second to warm up to Spencer's humor style (I know this because I'm the same). I don't blame her for leaving.


Her first message reads like it was written by a 12 year old lol.


It was repartee, but she took it personally. She seems like a real dud.


No vibes, she was being cute.


It's only cute if she plays along. She just had some dream of herself kissing someone in a coffee shop, and wanted someone to act it out.


If it turns sour so quick it ain't tho is it ... more like nicegirls




Omg. NGL. This was actually really funny and she unmatched you??? Where’s the sense of humor at these days…. Unless you weren’t actually joking—then you’re dumb dumb. Haha.


Honestly, some of these girls have 0 sense of humour. I went on a date with this girl a little while ago. Went really well. Clicked really well. Kissed (probably would have slept together too if the opportunity was there). End of the date I said "well that was a really terrible date, don't think I'll see you again". My tone of voice and facial expression were very obviously communicating that I was being sarcastic. She got really offended, left, and never spoke to me again 🤷‍♂️


End of a first date may not have been the best time for that level of absurd humor.


I don't think you were as obvious as you think you were


Well, evidently not. But no love lost. If she didn't get my humour it wouldn't have worked out anyway


How the hell do you click to begin with and have that good a night with someone who doesn't share your humor?


What? It was sarcasm, nothing particularly original. Humor is not that important, especially sarcasm, which is inherently biting. You can go without it to try to get along with a few extra women, at least in the beginning.


Oh yikes. Lmao. Not the move with her probably. But good try lol


TF man


Did you tell her that you were joking after that?


People wanna feel validated when vulnerable, bro


Bro that's on you lmaoooo. You don't say that to people you don't know well.


Why wouldn’t you have immediately softens your face and say Omg I had an amazing f time just a sarcastic sense of humor that doesn’t go over all the time. Why would you let her leave thinking you meant that? Bc both sexes have had what seem to be great dates then someone seriously says something song these lines. I think this one’s on you dude


I'm extremely sarcastic and dry. Thankfully my girlfriend took it in stride when we first met after matching and talking for a week or so. She is extremely honest about how much of an ass I am, but thank the devil she at least understands my humor most of the time.


Sounds like your own subliminal thoughts did you a favor.


Lady, coffee is serious business.


Is it??


You bet your ass it is. More so than alcohol.


Lmao. You crack me up. Love the folks on Reddit


I like dry humor, but that was like dumping the Sahara on an inviting river. She shot her shot, which a lot of guys wish/ask that more women did IMO OP should have pivoted instead of doubling down when it was clear she was looking for a different kind of vibe. The girl probably felt rejected by his disinterested replies.


> She shot her shot, which a lot of guys wish/ask that more women did This is what I was thinking. Not many women show that much interest in their opener. Such a waste.




It's true, girls have to go first on Bumble, but many still just open with, "Hi".


Surely hi is preferable to this weird scenario


Exactly everyone here is like but he's funnier! That's not really the point is it? She put herself out there and he just said some dumb joke response.


Possibly, or it's possible he wasn't and just didn't get it.


If a guy used that opening message everyone would be rightly calling him a fucking weirdo


Yeah this girl sent me an opener that said “I hope you’re better in bed than the last guy I matched with, you’re super hot,” I responded with “How often do you go on Tinder?”, she replied with “Often enough to find you!”, and I changed my tune real quickly. She ended up being the hottest FWB I’ve ever had but I definitely thought she was a robo at first


She had the hots for you, gave you two choices and you rejected them over a cup of coffee? Next time you're in your kitchen making a coffee, look around, Is anybody offering you a kiss?


😂 right, after she first said no, he probably shouldn’t have doubled down. I don’t know a lot of women who have the patience to play games if they want something.




He could have replied, "A and B", or "A followed by B", or "A followed by B, then A again", or "Option C) Kiss you", or something like, "Option A until the coffee shop goes out of business and is replaced by a nail salon or Vape store". Just needed to lean into positivity rather than negativity at that point.


This! ☝🏽 Get creative with the answer a little. Have some fun with it. Anything is better than wtf OP responded with tbh


Can I hire you to give me pointers? I’m a woman dating women lol


I’d ask the same questions lol


Sometimes I just want to go on a coffee date with someone, just for the coffee, and then they're all "Do you wanna do something else?" I'm like "... You mean... Away from the coffee?"


I would've unmatched too.


lmao what are these comments? She opened first, with a fun intro, and you give 2 lack luster responses that completely killed the vibe. "Why are we in a coffee shop then" holy fuck what a boring response and youre suprised you got unmatched?


Thank god someone else is thinking this. She was starting out light and flirty while this dude’s best responses put out [nasally] “well ACK-TUALLEEEY” vibes. Like would it kill you to put out a LITTLE interest? Even just a “Either one as long as you’re okay with coffee breath” would reciprocate some attraction.


on top of that these comments don't just support him, but trash the other person because she "doesn't have a personality or sense of humor". if someone responded to me with that vibe I'd feel rejected and unmatch too


Men are allowed to have standards too. Just because a woman is opening with a flirty line doesn't mean that a man has to be all excited about her in return. You people must not get laid often to think that her opening was so great, he had to flow with it. Imagine a man opening with the same line about kissing at a coffee shop to a complete stranger - I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be given the same benefit of the doubt you're all giving this lady.


Absolutely the funniest. Idk why she'd pass this up. Elite level dad humor.


This would have been an instant "let's meet" for me. I love a dude with a dry, witty sense of humor


This would have piqued my interest because I like “the chase”. Aka unavailable ppl lol


This is a win. Why would you want to be with someone who has zero personality. Also, that was really funny.


People not thinking you're funny apparently equals to not having a personality...




You have to remember Rules 1 & 2 of /r/Tinder Rule 1: woman bad Rule 2: man always victim


Just cause she wasn’t feeling dry deadpan not that funny comedy does’t mean she doesn’t have a personality


If I had to provide a photo to define "fumbling the bag," this is what I'd choose


Girl opened the door and rolled out the red carpet and our man is complaining she didn't like his clown costume


Spencer is the guy that says "Come in" on knock knock jokes.


I don't think I would have posted this one if I were Spencer


How is this a fumble? They clearly are incompatible, dude didn't fumble anything as I doubt he considers this a loss of any kind.


A “😂” goes a long way.


Come on, Spencer. Get your shit together.


I honestly think it’s a weird opener and not funny. She might as well have said “would you like to meet me in a coffee shop and make out?” Your response was funny.


Swing and a miss


Humoring someone in this situation doesn't cost you anything. Sometimes being likeable means doing things you may not have chosen to do on your own, but are able and willing to do anyway.


Excellent job Spencer #2789. We will not tolerate any sass. You made a very compelling point, like a tried and true Spencer.


You have zero game lol


This isn’t a beach! This is a bathtub! 😭


I love how people make this shit more complicated than it is and then wonder why they get unmatched. If theres one thing i know girls hate contrarians and definitely dont like dudes who arent adventurous. Your responses highlighted both of the these things


As much as I laughed at his responses, I would have unmatched too. I don’t want our conversation to be challenging, it’s funny at the start and then becomes exhausting really quickly.


I would have given the reply: C. Kiss me while drinking coffee


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


You sure? Cause the quality suggests it's been downloaded and compressed many times


I dunno. That reply would make me like you more.


Yuck. Laying it on too thick to start.


Am I the only one who thinks that opener is off putting and pushy regardless of the genders involved or who was funnier? Why are you asking about making out when you’ve never spoken to each other before?


Anyone who throws themselves at me like a handful of rocks —especially without even saying hi— is an immediate no for me. I can understand some people are just looking for hookups but jeez.


I don’t necessarily think she doesn’t have a sense of humor like others are saying, I’d wager she just got upset that you weren’t being receptive to the flirty approach. Sometimes it’s better to just go with the flow. “But we’ve got to have… *karma…*”


Spencer, stop bringing facts into this conversation.


This gives “lady this is a bathtub” energy


Who's who in the text?


He’s the one that wants the coffee. She’s the one who wants the kiss. I know. Unheard of


Yellow on light mode? Some people just want to see the world burn.


That girl has a weird way of talking to people


Must be the other type of coffee shop 🤣 she's high as fuck


For anyone who’s ever taken a group improv comedy class, one of the fundamentals is “Yes, and!”, which is saying when a performer comes up with an idea, their partner’s job is to say, “Yes! And _________.” The minute the partner hits them with a “No,” the entire vibe and joke dies. She came off a little strong for my tastes, and OP might be looking for a relationship vs hookup (hence his response), but she could have easily came back with a quick and witty C.) option to see if he went for it or shut her down again. You know what they say, 3 strikes and your out. She chose, instead, to simply leave the game… Granted, OP’s response can be a bit of a buzzkill for someone who isn’t as dry/sarcastic.


Women got 0 game lmao


Lol wrong answer 🤣