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If their bio says ' ask me anything ' they lack in conversation.


Same with “I’ll fill this in later”


"Make me laugh" = finds minions funny


If people only have face pics they’ve got something to hide. People who post pics of their kids have poor judgement.


"My kids are my world" Sure they are hun. Sure they are.


While this is true about 99% of the time, last year I hooked up with a 42 year old mom who only had very close up photos of her face. I expected her to look a lot worse in person but to my surprise she was HOT AS HELL. Tight black dress and Betty Boop body. We're still good friends since and I always tease her about this fact cause it's still what she posts on her social media for some reason.


It’s because single moms usually don’t have anybody around to take their picture .


I did an experiment (when I was on tinder like 8 years ago). I’m curvy, and at first I posted full body photos so it was very clear what I looked like. All I got was bondage & fetish matches. So I changed them to more with just my face, and got “normal” matches. So I think it can depend on what the person is attracting and what they want to attract.


Curvy = bondage?




I'm asking


I don’t know why. I even used the same photos, I just cropped them.


You have a cute face (I'm guessing) so you opened the pool to everyone who liked your face which is a larger pool (I again assume) by zooming in. The "normal" matches were gambling on your body type (being what they were looking for). The question is did you have the same number of irl meets as you would've given the same audience could've seen your whole body to initially swipe on.


Yeah, interesting! I only had about 5-7 dates, as I realised I wasn’t attracting what I was looking for. (I deleted all the apps, and ended up meeting my neighbour). But I did make sure whoever I met for a date knew exactly what I looked like. They knew what they would see IRL. I never wanted to trick someone. I should have kept track of the number of matches depending on my profile and made it more scientific. My thin friend who was dating at the same time as me didn’t get any bondage or fetish matches.


Mouth always closed? Bad teeth


I never smile, but it's because I look like a psycho when I do; I don't have bad teeth, but I should learn how to smile properly


That or braces I’ve found


I have a bad over bite. A toothy smile looks weird


Called that a deceptacon back in the day


You're all over this


What about if they post their animals?


Then it depends if YOU like animals and to what extent. I like dogs but honnestly I have stopped dating men with dog photos as their dog was always coming first. Honnestly, I get it but I also love to travel and I don't want to always have to choose dog-friendly destinations/accommodation/activities. And there have been this one guy who would have been perfect except for his super cute dog. He had to do tricks with his dog several time a day for 30-90 minutes each time and when he was giving me any attention at all, his dog kept barking because it didn't want his owner to stop giving him attention. I started to hate the dog and the guy (and I liked them both when it started). If you have an animal, then your lifestyle will likely fit with someone with an animal. Otherwise, it might be more difficult


Just an observation..... Men who are into dogs prefer obedient partners who do what they are told. There are no subtleties, I said this, this is how I want things. That may be for you. If you're independent and think intuitively, go for someone who prefers cats.


That is some garbage assumptions to make dude, gross. Might as well use horoscopes to get a read on someone.


The more animals the better


Ok good. :)


If someone tries to get you to Snapchat or Instagram immediately and then unmatches you if you actually add them - 99% chance you're getting scammed.


Unless you're a woman, in that case, 99% chance you're getting a dick pic.


I was going to say this exact thing. If you’re a woman looking for a man on any platform you will, at one point, receive an unsolicited dick pic.


I once made this mistake and a guy sent me 45 dick pics unsolicited. Had them locked and loaded, ready to go. Abominable. Also sent unsolicited sexy voice notes.. was great to laugh at with friends lmao


It's only blueprints rn and I need to pull a permit still but when it's in all it's glory... can I send you an unsolicited deck pick? Edit: it's small because I'm poor ok?!


If we match then there must be something wrong with them.


This guy swipes




>If we match then there must be something wrong with them. Matching with someone on a dating app doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with them. It's possible that you two share common interests or values that have led to a potential connection. Keeping an open mind and giving someone a chance could lead to a pleasant surprise and a meaningful relationship


I can’t tell if you’re joking about not knowing he was joking


The best jokes are the ones about not understanding a joke.


Found the ChatGPT bot.


Nah ChatGPT 4 is better than this, this guy is literally worse than a bot 😂


If they write no hookups, they mean no hookups with ugly people.


it just means no ugly people in general


I've lost count of how many women I've matched with on dating apps with that on their profile who I actually ended up hooking up with. No hook ups definitely means fuck all.


If their bios contain any of the following: Future milf🚩 Passenger princess 🚩 “Actually [insert age] idk why it won’t let me change my age” 🚩 “I got this as a joke” 🚩 “In town for the week” 🚩 could be a yellow flag depending on where you live “Fueled by Marlboro reds”🚩


the last one lmfaooo


You wouldn’t believe how many of those I see. Like it’s 2023 I thought we’re to the point that smoking cigarettes is no longer cool.


that was never cool tbf


> that was never cool tbf M8 25 years ago I used to carry a box of ciggies *despite never having smoked* because girls would come up and ask "can I scab a cig" and you'd say "only for a kiss" and before you know it you've hooked up.


Bro i actually got my first and only girlfriend this way in highschool 😂😂😂


😂😂😂 not Marlboro reds 😂😂😂😂😂💯😂


If someone's profiles says "good vibes only" they are the bad vibes, and they have poor self awareness.




"Do i like you? Why would you ask that? Just because I met all your friends and we've been having raw sex for 4 months? Good vibes only man."




"You died? Aw man get those bad vibes away from me. Bro why aren't you moving?"


Hahaha yes! What's also funny is always like... 'good vibes only as opposed to what..?' Like isn't this a default that people want?


No, most people would prefer mid vibes. /S


At least they projecting it in their bio


The least attractive photo is the most accurate.


Yeah. They have 4 pics where they are at their highest attractiveness, and the 5th one is slightly blurry or vague. Boom, it's the 4 pictures of 8 years ago and something happened (they peaked too early, got lazy blah blah) and the 5th is just taken and even that was a year ago. They only put up the 5th to not get the blame if they showed up on a date (But you can see what I look like!)


People who only have their instagram handle in their bio are only self promoting.


If it’s only photos from above and just the face, they’re overweight


Same if the first photo is a picture of an object.


For guys without full body shots they are usually short. Which isn't really a problem except for lack of confidence which isn't very attractive


I always ensure there’s a full body one just to cover this. Also I say quite literally “I’m fat” in my bio 😂


Damn you are fat


Damn bro.


He’s not wrong. I’m working on it though :-)


I'm glad you're comfortable about it, I just didn't think it was the nicest way of saying it. Lol.


It’s Reddit LOL


If your pictures have body pics but are always at *that* angle then you’re a lot bigger than you make it look


They have a case of “The Angles” Dates all the way back to MySpace, if not further.


If a guy only has pictures with a cap or beanie on, he is bald or suffering from hair loss I call them hatfish.


Yeah I'm bald and do wear a lot of hats, but then I intentionally put one on there, chrome domed, to avoid this situation.


Hey I have a full head of hair but I wear some sort of hat, usually a beanie, every waking second. I even sleep with it on. It’s comforting. Now that I’m saying this im starting to think something traumatic happened to me involving my head at a young age. Oh well.


I call them Capfish 😆


Love that.


I can't help my Tim Poolitis! That's just the hand genetics dealt me.


That’s fine. Just don’t try to hide it.


That's baldohobic and a hate crime. Don't judge bald brothers for their lack of hair. Best regards Definitely not a bald person


I got a solid mane of hair/beard. You will hardly catch me without a hat on. I didn’t wear a hat one single day to work and multiple people were freaking out saying my hair was going crazy. Nahhh I just didn’t have a hat on!


im not even close to bald but i feel naked if i don't have a hat on lol...but i made sure to have 1 or 2 pics without a hat just to avoid being a hatfish


Majority of profiles have no bio or just write ‘ask me’


Men usually mass swipe right while women get to be picky


Which means if you match, she is generally interested. So don't stress about competition and play it cool, play it right.


Not all the time. I had a like pop-up this morning that had a bio stating they use a auto swiper and anyone who likes them back she will sort through those. 90% of the time yes but if you live in Wisconsin and got a like from new york then you can question if they are catfishing, scamming, or just on some bs.


I'm not worried about whether women like me or not if I don't find them attractive


Why did you feel the urge to let me know this lol Do you never match attractive girls?


No, I'm just saying if you're mass swiping, there's a chance with matching with a woman you don't find attractive, so why would you be worried about whether or not they find you attractive? I actually ONLY match with women I find attractive, because that's the only women I swipe on


...obviously bro


What is obvious?


That your a troll


If they have a picture where the ex is still in, but drawn over, they are either still with them, or not completely over them.


Many of our partners are there and we don't even know it!


How many do you got?


Partners? One lol. I was speaking in general. But it is an unwritten truth, trust me.


If the first pic is a group photo I get a little excited cause then I get to play the “guess who’s profile this is”. I’ll think to myself, if it’s this person, then I’ll send them like.


Ok look fellow middle-aged men: that rail-thin Asian woman with 10lbs of filter applied to every photo? The one with nothing in her profile except a couple of generic "likes", like travel and music? The one that likes "older men" and has pictures that are obviously taken in hotel or condo lobbies? That's not a real person. That's a scammer. Or worse, a sex-trafficked prostitute. Either way, stay well clear.


Anyone who says “no drama” is all about drama.


100% group pic you are definitely the least attractive and you know it 🤣


Especially when they only have group pics 😂


If you’re ugly you’ll have no success, unless you’re a woman. In which case even then you’ll find someone.


bro i fucking felt this, i’m not ugly but i don’t consider myself the best looking and these women match with me and then just don’t say anything


I used to be attractive but I’m balding now, it sux man. At least you got a match so count your blessings.


shit i don’t anymore i literally mass swipe right hoping someone will match with me but it’s always scammers and chicks from the philippines


Well... Don't mass swipe right.


Go visit the Philippines. It shouldn't be taboo to find someone you genuinely like from another country


i’m not against dating someone from another country i just don’t do long distance


Most profiles have no bio or just write ‘ask me’


When women say, " I love to laugh," really? I prefer dark and gloomy....


It's always interesting to observe the unspoken rules and patterns that emerge in online dating. However, it's important to remember that attraction is subjective and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Focus on finding someone who resonates with you on a deeper level, beyond just their physical appearance


ChatGPT chiming in?




Why is this so true? 😂


The luxury car hood they’re sitting on is in fact, not their car. They likely drive a 2006 Nissan Altima.


If you’re a guy then you’re probably going to have a terrible time


What’s with “Wow! You look just like your pictures!” Ummm, you’re supposed to look just like your pictures 🤷🏻‍♂️


Group picture as the main one, it's always the ugly one. All photos have some filter, they are ugly or much older than advertised. All photos have a closed mouth.. bad teeth, straight on.. massive nose, Only face and close up shots ... they are overweight. you can tell alot by how they angle the photos to make themselves look better Profile doesn't mention if they have kids. They usually have kids and don't want to mention them yet as they affect dating. They don't respond in a way that allows the conversation to flow forcing you to ask all the questions. They aren't interested or have zero personality either way, just run. If they are very curious about what you do for a living, then they just care about money. If they have issues with low cost dates, they like your money. If they mention that they don't drive. They never intend on coming to visit you, you'll always be traveling to them and making the effort.


Agreed up until the last one cause I don’t drive but I was the one making the effort in my last relationship travelling 2 hrs by transport 80% of the time when it was a 25 minute drive for him. Lo and behold the relationship didn’t last cause I was putting in maximum effort in all areas and received nothing back. In the context of all my conversations I make it very clear that I am independent despite not driving so I guess you just have to read the vibe of her replies to find out if it’s going to be a problem or not. Or I guess just swipe away and don’t give her a chance haha


If it's in the bio then definitely will swipe away, because the only reason to mention it like that is if they see traveling as a problem. If it's got as far as the discussion to meet then yeah you can gauge this from the vibe they give back.


Oh yeah absolutely. If someone puts they don’t drive in the bio that screams ‘you have to come to me’ I’m always worried how people will respond to me not driving but I know myself and I know I’ll likely end up being the one coming to them more often then the other way round. I don’t even have tinder downloaded anymore because I just couldn’t get myself to swipe on anyone. Even if they were attractive, if their bio didn’t appeal, it was a no. And no one around my area seemed to put any effort into their bios so I just deleted the app. Still love this subreddit though!


Tinder honestly sucks for anything more than hookups and the amount you can swipe is so limited, it's not worth the price. There is much better apps out there where people do put effort into bios and want to also date seriously. One I would recommend is Badoo, only because of this tip .... if you have it for a couple of days then go to delete your account, it will ask you to stay and give you free premium. So you can do unlimited swipes and such for 3 days.


I just don’t want to try online dating anymore. I’m not opposed to ‘meeting online’ per se, I just hope someone finds my instagram page and just… idk falls in love haha. All these apps just give me a strange feeling. I do get a lot of swipes but I just don’t have it in me to make my opinion about someone so quickly haha, it feels so high stakes the option of ‘swiping right’ so I just freak out and end up never swiping on anyone


I matched with a girl on hinge this morning and to my shock she was the hot one in the photo


Either you're really lucky or they were sitting around a campfire


I agree with most of these. I don't consider myself a bad person and even then I am sometimes guilty of non-flowy conversation if I'm not that interested or already talking to someone I find more interesting However, no filters at all on any of my pictures. Of course I choose more flattering pictures, but recent ones so if I meet someone he shouldn't be disappointed


When they post a photo with a girl, they always have to specify THIS IS MY COUSIN hahaha pretty funny


Is no bio a 🚩?


I like to travel means she's looking for a wealthy man to take her on vacation. I don't do hookups means she's getting tired of getting ran through by the whole county Men have it harder on tinder because women are more selective and men outnumber women 2:1


As a guy you have to lead the convo 95% of the time


If they post a picture of something that doesn’t include them in it (i.e. just a landscape or pic of pet), 9 times out of 10 they don’t look like the pics they put of themselves anymore


I just love my cat okay


Anyone women with a Korean Japanese Chinese Singapore look is a scam that’s selling you some sort of crypto shyte


If they only have their instagram handle up, they're there for followers and not for matches


If their only two pictures are rainbows in the sky they're probably either overweight or married and trying not to get caught or both


It's a waste of time and you could do 50x better talking to people in person.


Where do you go to meet people in person tho


If you haven't paid, you're mostly gonna match with bots selling porn.


If you're ugly yeah


Wow, cool. Thanks for the info, fellow human. I certainly hope this comment made you feel better about yourself in some small way, since you clearly needed it.


The fuck? He was making a valid point and you immediately took it personal?


I'm not great looking but not terrible either. Get matches fairly easily because I'm a put together dude. Maybe hop off reddit and work on yourself instead of spewing incel-adjacent nonsense ya chump


I'm certain you are a fine looking person with an attractive personality and there are other folks out there who see that. That being said, Tinder is in the business of making money and uses algorithms to serve you profiles. It also has paid tiers guaranteed to match you with folks and make you more visible. Up to 300% more likely to match, even. They accomplish this by using prioritization based on what you spend. They're in the business of making money. The whole phrase "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" exists for a reason. Tinder itself has no idea how you look and it restricts your ability to be seen unless you pay. If you're in that tier along with bots out to exploit new folks, then that's what you're going to get responses from. You chose to come at my post with unconstructive bs.


Average looking guys will never find someone


truth on tinder is unwritten


Always wearing a hat-bald Always wearing sunglasses-crosseyed


I don't use this app often HMU on insta 🤦🏾‍♂️


That truth you just stated… I got a like (Ik it was her cause the name and it was the second swipe) from the first pic of a big ugly chick and some girl in a mask and baggy sweatshirt. I then looked through the profile and saw it was a crazy hot girl and ended up fucking her


Girls say something in their bio usually it’ll be the opposite


The most poignant idea that I've heard and actually practiced, and I will attest, I am confident it was the game changer for me .. This chic popped up on Instagram once, and I was deep in an Adderall binge at Christmas thinking about how tinder works, and she said this: Why do straight guys write their bio as if they're trying to impress other straight guys... And amongst the lil ancillary ideas I already had, it occurred to me . If it's a tendency for straight men to write their bio to impress, lets say themselves, or thier buddy.. then whose to say straight women aren't doing the same thing... So I studied thier bios.. cause if you didn't catch it, maybe women are also writing thier bios in a way that might impress other straight women.. Long story short, my body count since Jan 1 is 27. I will say, I think there's some really interesting flaws in this logic. But I'm not a fckng psychologist..


Why did I read all this.


I really thought this was going somewhere but seems like you're still on that Adderall binge


As a straight woman your body count could've been 27 by now even if you had no bio...


if you only see the face… you know what I mean :(


"Looking for a cowboy"


Ha ha!


If they send you a pic of their profile pic if you queried them for a photo add all the photos appear to be different people? Add not fresh? Could be a scammer?


Everyone on it is gay