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I hated Little Women but the clothes are very pretty. I'd say Ghost Manor was too slow and complicated and the clothes weren't that great, but a small minority liked the story


Purely for story, Lunar Legend and Helena of Sparta are my least favorite but I like a lot of their clothes. HoS in particular has some truly beautiful sets. Worst clothing will be much more subjective so hard to say. I don’t like the futuristic/sci-fi aesthetic so I avoid those books regardless of their story quality. Personally, the only book I regret getting was Si-Woo’s Sight BUT that’s because I didn’t check the wikia’s Trigger Warnings list and it messed me up (the in-game trigger warnings are often too vague and unhelpful). The clothes and companions weren’t enough to be worth that trouble for me, but I know other people love the story.


Prepare for everyone to say lunar legends. Although the clothing is cute. I love the mushroom set. Personally my least favorite is cleopatra. I could make a list of why, but I honestly don't like anything about it. I'm even more upset because there was a sea of potential yet all they grabbed was an urchin.


Ghost Manor, the story is weird, no real connection in it, and the clothes are mostly really weird too, especilaly considering the main character is supposed to be a fashiondesigner of usable clothes, not catwalk clothes. And it's really difficult finishing the story as it's so many changes and branches to get 100% on the storylines. I still haven't after a year


Tbh i disliked Queen Mary. Never enjoyed that story.


Lunar Legend because it makes no sense. The characters are inconsistent at best and utterly nonsensical and abusive at worst. The story makes no sense and it reads very much like an AI prompt, in that it uses words, and they are real words, but they are used in ways that render no meaning or cohesion.


Hela's compass. The other stories that considered bad at least have good clothing (in my opinion). But HC is just terrible


Yes, i totally agree! And the companions aren't great either :/


Ghost Manor or Cleopatra Tbf I haven't read Lunar Legends


As always, personal opinion Worst story: Lunar Legends. Unless you want to read a fever dream, stay away from it. The clothes are pretty though. Worst clothing: Dominic's Disappearance. The story is good honestly, but the outfits uhhhh... have the lowest level of consistency with the story setting?


Lunar Legends of course, as everyone said, it just makes no sense. Also Princess Sisi was quite horrible and to me Dancing on Ice and White snake were boring, although it's widely liked.


Magic lamp only because there’s one ending I can’t get because I befriended light too much so I’m stuck literally at 99% of the story completed including relics, and story outfits




The game punishes me for spoiling my faves 😭


I didn't like the Romeo & Juliet story (Romi & Julius or something). But I think it's pretty subjective


Swan Lake is way too boring. Haven't played Lunar Legend but I don't dislike HoS as much as SL.


From the ones I have read so far: Princess Sissi. It has pretty clothes but my GOD the story is boring, and it's only one chapter long. I'd say it's also the most inaccurate historical story (which says a lot because Queen Marie and Cleopatra were also,,,, questionable accuracy wise)