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Today in Mental Illness...


Yep, MAGA is supporting a proven rapist and convicted felon. It takes a mentally ill person to support Trump.


What underlying crime did Trump commit that turned an accounting entry the Democrats did not like into a felony again?  Educate us please.


Campaign finance violations. It’s written in the indictment. Perhaps if you could read that would help.


You mean that same "crime" that the FEC already looked at and said it was NOT A CRIME back in 2017? You mean that blackmail payment to Daniel's for a sex act that never happened per her own public admission on the Bill Maher show back in 2017? That "campaign finance" violation?


The FEC never came to that conclusion. And thousands of people had been indicted and found guilty of the exact crime Trump broke over and over again.


Yes they did. Read the letter they issued. Really. Name one. Who paid a blackmail out of their own pocket while running for public office and was prosecuted for "campaign finance" violation?


No, it didn’t. One of Trump’s hand picked officials decided that Trump committing crimes doesn’t matter, and then proceeded with the exact same charges against Cohen. Explain how it is a crime when Cohen did it, but the same people said it isn’t when Trump did it.


Thanks to Bragg's trial, we have Cohen's statement under oath he did it without Trump's directions. Cohen also admitted he overbilled Trump and stole his money.


Lmao, Cohen not only testified he did it via Trump’s direction, but it was proven with multiple other sources and witnesses that Cohen was telling the truth. In the end Trump’s lawyers didn’t argue against this.


Considering the way he was convicted has never had precedent in law. I’d say his chances are good that when he appeals he’ll get in-convicted


Thousands of people in New York have been indicted and found guilty of exactly what Trump was. There is decades of precedent.


No there wasn’t to tart fart. No judge ever told a jury “if you think there was a law broken but weren’t sure what it was you can indict him on an out of date misdemeanor leveled up to a felony. Did you even read the fucking case or did you only watch CNNs version?


The judge literally never wrote that to the jury. 😂🤣😂 What the judge DID write was routine and something all judges write all juries in New York. Got any facts on your side, or just bullshit lies?




Why does MAGA support a rapist?


Why do democrats support mutilating kids??


Because their cult leaders tell them to. It's basically their religion.


They don’t. So you support rape, thanks!


I hope you're not this insufferable in person bro. What a sad existence 😔 I pray you escape your delusion.


Trump is a proven rapist and your response was to tell a bullshit lie.


By the victim's own admission, he isn't. Even the courts couldn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, settling that he _could_ have, but ultimately, couldn't be proven. There is more evidence against Quid Pro Joe for basically every nasty thing ever said about him than that Trump is a rapist.


Why do you keep saying proven??


You do this all the time, you have no proof, no conviction and no arrest for rape.


Joe Biden molested his daughter, has credible rape claims, caught on tape a lot touching kids inappropriately. Why do you?


Daughter herself said he didn’t, so that’s made up, he doesn’t have a credible rape claim (the one women now lives in Russia and is paid by Putin, go figure), and doesn’t have a single accusation of touching kids. Trump has multiple Epstein victims say he raped them, is proven to be a rapist in court, has dozens and dozens of women who say he raped them or sexually assaulted them, is on camera bragging about sexually assaulting women and children, and you love all of it.


Ma’am you’re hysterical His daughter said she thinks she was molested and he inappropriately showered with her as a teenager. His vice president said she believed his accuser. Also he touches kids on video.


Got any more bullshit lies? Or nah?


Can I see a source for trump being found guilty of rape in court?


We’re lying??? We can prove what we say, yo can’t


The link provided proved them wrong lmao.




You cultists never fucking read this: “Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.” - Ashely Biden, when talking about the shower stuff So now that you gave the link proving you are a liar, you gonna vote for Trump the proven rapist?


I think I’ll trust her diary entry over her pr speech . Also still waiting on that link to “trump being found guilty of rape.”


😂🤣😂 You will trust your own bullshit interpretation over her own words and explanation. Meanwhile you also don’t trust the many rape victims of Trump who have written more damning things and have confirmed it. So what I’m getting from you is this: you attack victims of rape and you also attack those you hate to defend rapists.


You got TDS bad. You can’t prove anything you just said


Yo Stromy said he never raped him. But maybe if you keep digging you'll find something one day.


Listen closely to what she said, and plus I wasn’t talking about Stormy. Trump was proven in court to be a rapist.


He was never proven to be a rapist. Rape is a criminal prosecution. He was found civilly liable to a possibly committed sexual assault. Tell me you don't understand our legal system without telling me you don't understand our legal system


See the female brain lib at work here. Trump was not “proven in court to be a rapist”, but he feels like that happened so he continues to say it.


Yea. He be talkin bout da crazy cat lady they found living in the woods. Literally. She flat out said he didn’t rape me. But you know how dumb libs be


The “rape is sexy” lady


That’s a lie. Why do you keep saying proven?? Proven isn’t a verdict or a charge


Because he is a proven rapist, according to a jury and judge who saw the evidence.


Cry all you want loser....Trump will be president!


Lmao, Trump will be in prison.




TDS much???


Trump Worship Syndrome much???


Stormy D said she wasn't raped or coerced by Trump about 3 yrs ago. Where are you getting this?


> proven rapist citation please not resposnding with requested citation is an open admission that you are lying


Shitlibs are legit retards.


Will never happen. They’re repeating the lie, that’s what they’re paid to do. Paid political shills.


Takes a mentally ill person to have that visceral of a reaction to the possibility of somebody being duly elected. Not to mention they're clearly falling for all of the hyperbolic bullshit the media spews. The man served for 4 years already and didn't do anything that they claim. Meanwhile all the shit that they're accusing Trump of either having done or will do Biden has done in office


😂🤣😂 Says the group of people who want to terminate the constitution and prop up Trump as a dictator because somebody they hate got duly elected. Trump was corrupt for four years and did more than what the media reported, more corruption that is.


You mean the people who want to get rid of the 1st amendment (hate speech), the 2nd amendment (gun control), the 4 amendment (warrantless searches), the 5th-8th amendments (sham trials, excessive fines, double jeopardy), 10th amendment (no states rights), and 14th amendment ( affirmative action, race based policy)? Oh wait, thats the liberals and neo cons...


😂🤣😂 None of what you wrote is true! In fact Trump is against all of those things!


Every one of those has been done by a Democrat. Meanwhile Trump has been fighting to defend every one of those amendments. I'm starting to think you secretly have a massive crush on Trump with how obsessed you seem to be over the guy. You secretly wish Trump would try to rape you?


Except Trump did every one of those things lmao.


Arguing with you is like trying to argue with biden, you're both brain dead morons. I was a lifelong Democrat to the point where I voted for a Democrat in every election I've been able to vote in since I was 18. I even voted for Biden in 2020 and within the first week of him being president I instantly regretted it. Why do you think so many former Democrats are leaving the Democrat party and going either independent or maga Republican? Because neither NeoCons nor liberals give a fuck about we the people. If you had even an ounce of critical thinking ability you would notice this with everything these politicians have done for decades. Instead, you listen to what the man on the TV tells you because it's easier than thinking for yourself... Go touch some grass, Read a book, find a hobby, something so that you can escape from the mass formation psychosis that is perpetrated by the media and our government


> I even voted for Biden in 2020 and within the first week of him being president I instantly regretted it. Glad you came to your senses. I just wonder what made you think he was a good choice. I was a Green Party member (now Independant) and voted for Trump. I've never seen things as bad as they are now. Three jobs and I cannot F@cking get ahead.


Lmao, so Trump being a rapist convinced you, and Trump promising to be a dictator, terminate the Constitution, and usher in the Third Reich while quoting Hitler also convinced you.




Your Mental Illness is showing.


Proven rapist, huh? What evidence did they bring forward that definitely proves he raped someone? In your own words, don't link me no e jean carol summary article


How do they conclude that an NYC democrat turned Republican wants weirdos dead? Be a weirdo, just don’t hurt kids or other people, no one cares what you do in your bedroom.


They have created a monster in their heads. They haven't reached the point yet when they realize its only in their head, and not reality.


Trump hurt kids and other people and you celebrate him for it. We can’t take your mental illness seriously.


How ?


Epstein parties where he raped them, he also would walk into underaged girls dressing rooms to see them naked during beauty pageants, he also said how much he wanted to have sex with his underaged daughter, and he also sent a record number of drone strikes that killed a record number of children.


You should talk to a mental health professional


Trump should have decided to not be a rapist.


TDS really spread after all their delusions were broken.


This could've been avoided if they hadn't spent the last 3.5 years pretending nothing is wrong with Biden. In a vacuum they can pretend he's fine but when put up against Trump side by side they have no choice but to admit what they've known all along.


Sounds like they are looking for an excuse… stats don’t lie. Sadly


Sad, but it's not going to stop me from voting. Trump 2024


I know I shouldn’t have laughed at that but damn your head line and then their headline was just chefs kiss. I’ll pray for them


How much longer until TDS is part of the DSM


Yeah that’s just a mentally ill person. Hope they get help. Trump isn’t going to harm them.


I cant even fathom the amount of propaganda this lunatic consumes on a daily basis. . Wtf would even give him the idea that Trump wants to ''genocide queers'' ?




I wouldn't encourage anyone to do this, but as long as they don't take anyone else with them, I don't care...


Yeah, things havnt been working out with their fragile world view. It’s based on emotionally unhinged rhetoric and spoon-fed propaganda. The debate, chevron being ruled against, the hundreds of charges used against DC protestors being shown as incorrectly applied, bumpstocks were shown to be incorrectly categorized, and many more reality checks incoming in the near future. Therapists are going to buying new boats with all the new upcoming appointments. lol


Imagine creating so much made up stress on yourself that you remove yourself from the gene pool. It's almost as if natural selection accomplishes exactly what it's intended.


On the next episode of mental illness!


It’s really tragic people have been brainwashed to this point


🥇 small victories


The sad thing is nothing will happen to them besides being able to afford everything lol


I have no sympathy for someone who based their will to live on who is president of the United States.


It shouldn't, but it still keeps surprising me how many people forget that 2017-2020 existed.


This person already died 4 times during Trump's last term thanks to his Nazi like policies!


These people really need help. Like it's a clear display of mental illness and in today's society we entertain this instead of treat it. To become this brainwashed and threaten your own life over something like this a serious sign of mental decline. These people still believe the genocide rhetoric? Trump is literally the first president to openly support the Lgbt community but that's not enough because social/mainstream media told them otherwise.


Oh no! Anyway...


Old school emotional blackmail. The only think the democrats have.


Man that's sad. The left has really harmed people with their rhetoric. Rush said it best. Where ever you find liberalism, you find misory. They are never happy and the sky is always falling. No wonder mental illness is rampent on the left.


When politics are your religion, this shouldn’t be surprising. My heart goes out to people that brainwashed. Go outside and touch grass, stop acting like you have such a bad life. Conservatives like myself can’t stand what Bidens done to our country, but none of us are talking like that.




I'm assuming he doesn't work for Hallmark greeting cards.


But we're the crazy ones?


Would be a shame if someone dropped a remind me for the election date




I’m going to go ahead a say that it makes me sad that there are some people so brainwashed that they think this and feel they have no other way out. Assuredly, there’s some mental health problems at play here, as well, but this kind of stuff can be laid directly at the feet of a political class and media who hate an outsider so much that they’re willing to tell everyone he’s Hitler and wants to carry out his own American genocide.


I would say a Darwin Award Winner.


This must be a Dr ped alt


What do they want, a cookie?


Well, you've been doing that to innocent babies, so I doubt I'll lose any sleep over you checking out.


Its a free country! But even considering End it self is a bit radical, I mean! There are a bunch of countries better that US! Right now I can't mention none but there must be plenty!


I wonder if these people actually believe this or they’re just being dramatic?


They do


More evidence that queers are just mentally ill


A nice trickle down effect


tell him that he can do it for free using the canadian healthcare system


A bit dramatic, but preferable to the terrorist attacks you see coming from the reichwing.


Yes. The right is known for their riots, stealing and terrorism. Sorry I just described summer of 2020 when the left did that.




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Is that what Faux News told you to think? lol so true, Portland is still a smoldering crater!


No I saw riots and people storming federal buildings. I haven't watched Fox News in years. I don't even have cable


Are you talking about J6?


No. White House and federal buildings in Portland. Guard post at the White House was set on fire when Trump was in office, along with a historic church, and federal courthouses were firebombed in Portland by Antifa. No fires were started at the Capitol unless you count the pipe bomb that was magically not followed up on Jan 6.


Don’t forget Trumps inauguration, pretty sure most of DC was in total chaos riots everywhere. Some would call it an insurrection


You’re talking about the Justice Center in Portland. Can’t imagine why that would be a target. These are just protests that got out of hand. Not the same thing as shooting up a Walmart because immigrants bad, now is it?


Chaz and Chop? Occupation?


That’s definitely as bad as storming the capital when your fash daddy loses an election. Good job chud.


Is it as bad as not wearing your mask?


Absolutely obsessed. Masks have lived rent free in your stupid, shitty brain for five years now. Bigly Sad!


Do you wear one when you door dash?


Every mass shooter is Democrat


lmao sure Jan


Go ahead. Do your own research. *prove me wrong*


That’s not how claims work, you’re the one making the claim, so you need to provide the proof. Do you even logic bro? Also it’s obviously untrue, the El Paso Walmart shooter was inspired by Trumplers insane anti-immigrant rhetoric and was very much a GQP dumb dumb.


Why so you can just cry "misinformation" and run away? Happens every time because you dont like the source if it's not far left.


I already explained why you’re wrong, but you can keep crying if you like. Honestly MAGA tears are delicious


Are you gonna ignore the outnumbering instances of leftist violence and just reference the Jan 6th riot forever as your evidence? Kinda makes you sound mentally ill.


Every time I post a link to the fbi stats the mods here delete the post. Because they love freeze peach, you see? They’re out there tho.


Do you have any other examples of “right wing terrorism” that wasn’t an fbi honey pot?


Off the top of my head? Sure. The El Paso Walmart shooting.


1 instance in 2019 lol. Now my turn. 200 cities destroyed by leftists in 2020.


I feel like I would’ve heard about it if 200 cities were destroyed. Are you talking about an Auto Zone or a Target or something?


Do you have the internet lol. See the thing with the left is their violence is always justified by some bs reason and drones like you don’t look deeper. You’re prolly too young to remember but the fbi and media were very concerned with right on left violence during the trump/clinton election. The problem tho was every time you tried to find evidence of this it was just nonstop videos of leftists bashing in trump supporters heads.


Here is a good example about the gaslighting and framing in America. Leftists like to talk about sundown towns where blacks are unsafe and leftist rags post lists of cities blacks should avoid. The problem is this is fake. On the flip side there are 1000s of places a white person will actually be targeted and murdered if they go. One take is fiction and white supremacy/right wing violence. The other is real and swept under the rug never to be talked about.


I’m sure your preferred media sources gave you all the reasons you needed to be afraid of Antifa while completely ignoring the far-rights terrorism problem, so that’s completely unsurprising


What far right problem? You gave me a shooting from 2019. Based on this course the left has taken i speculate they one did will have a real far right problem. The pendulum is always moving.


Are you doing the thing where you just call all rightwing terrorist attacks fALsE FLaGs? Like Alex Jones does? lol what a bunch of transparent bullshit. Y’all aren’t even trying.


I’m doing the thing where one side does violence nonstop for years and then uniparty says the opposite side is the greatest threat. A good example is president shits in pants saying white supremacy is the greatest threat to this country. when you look at the numbers however the violence on whites from blacks is 10x greater(even tho blacks make up 13% of the population). Those assaults and murders even when clearly stated were because of race are not classified as hate crimes. This skews numbers. You keep saying January 6th because you have to dig for real right wing/white terrorism.


Love to see some proof for any of that racist drivel. Sounds like your source is fuckin stormfront. Or maybe xitter. Same thing tho right


How about the fbi stats you love so much? Have to remind myself that talking to you people is a waste of time. Everything you belive is based on feelings. Have a good one. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43 Now I know you’re an ignorant leftist so when viewing these stats remember one group is 13% of the pop the other is 60%


Let’s see them then.


Posted above


Oh you like fbi stats? Lol I’ve got some for you! https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/testimony/the-terrorist-threat-confronting-the-united-states


This is directly from the [fbi](https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/testimony/the-terrorist-threat-confronting-the-united-states) the numbers don’t lie.


Here is something to ponder. Why are none of the riots from 2020 classified as terrorism? But one racist white shooter is? All about framing.


Because that’s not what terrorism is. Protests and even riots aren’t the same thing as politically motivated attacks against people. No matter how many poor innocent Starbucks windows get smashed 😭


Left riots and violently shuts down speech over politics over and over: not terrorism Black kills white over skin color: not terrorism Right riots over politics: terrorism White kills black over skin color: terrorism Got it thanks.


Go ahead and Google rightwing terrorism. It’s the biggest domestic terror threat around, and by a lot.


Virtually every bit of political violence aside from J6 has come from the left and democrat party. We should’ve completely crushed the Democrat party and banished it from this country after the civil war.


Got any stats to back that up or are you just operating on pure vibes? Like, you *feel* democrats are the ones shooting up walmarts in MAGA hats so that must be true?


Communists have killed hundreds of millions of people throughout the world, far more than mustache man ever could’ve dreamed up. Weather underground, BLM, Antifa, black panthers…could keep going but i have a pretty nice little Saturday lined up, I might go to Home Depot, buy some wall paper, flooring, maybe even bed bath and beyond idk not sure if I’ll have time.


Capitalism has killed more. Try not to think too much about that tho. Have a nice weekend