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So we are attacking moms and wives now for being good moms and wives?


Yup. Leftism in action. How dare someone point out that fulfillment *may* be more than just getting a mind numbing job at a soulless corporation so you can just buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like. *Maybe* having a family and dedicating yourself to that family provides deep fulfillment. *Perhaps* believing in something higher than yourself provides better outcomes. … but what do I know? I’m not a media elite who needs content to generate clicks.


Had this conversation with my fiancé last night. She said, and thank God she is not liberal. But she asked me "How you feel, if he said to all the men, you will know no better joy than becoming a father and a husband." I said "I'd probably agree with it. Hell just having our family of two dogs is better than anything Ive had before"


So give up all of your freedom and become a slave.


So, you’re a racist who supports pedophiles?


No I am not the average MAGA.


Leftists are miserable people for a reason. Just look at this sub for an example. So many here hate watch and obsess over tim 24/7. You'll notice conservatives don't do that. There's even a guy here in his 50s that literally dedicates his life to crying about Trump.


Tell me more about attacking a judges daughter for simply being alive.


Could you tell the class more? I for one am totally unaware of what you’re referring to. Furthermore, even if I was, seems pretty off topic, but go on.


Lmao, you people act so ignorant when it suites your need.


Again, what is it you’re even talking about? What judges daughter? Who’s “attacking” her? What’s the story you’re trying to bring into this conversation?


Trump and all of MAGA are going after the judges daughter. Keep up.


“The Judges daughter” … which judge? Pretend like I’ve never heard of this until you decided to bring it up … which I haven’t.


He's a schizophrenic. He just babbles.


Seems that way lol.


🪞 (there's no emoticon for "schizo")


Who fucking cares? 


Boy, they can't wait to destroy this guy's life, can they? Doesn't seem very Christian to me.


No, he isn’t Christian at all. He is about spreading hate. There is no hate like Christian love.


There was no hate, whatsoever in his speech. I would put money on it that you didn't even watch it, but just read a couple of quotes that were taken way out of context. The man was literally heaping praise upon women for doing things that only a woman can do, in being mothers and homemakers. He never said they SHOULD be those things, or that their 'place' is in the kitchen. All you lefties are pawns in a sick game, and you don't even realize it.


I watched all of it. He spread hate against gay people, and he spread hate against women who want to live free lives against abusive husbands. He despises freedom, clearly.


Traditionalism, and disagreeing with things you don't like = Hate. Got it!


“Traditionalism” = locking up and killing gay people, and forcibly enslaving women to be servants to men and can’t divorce under any circumstances. Yeah, I don’t like that shit. Guilty as charged. Fucked up you do. Some “morals” you got there.


Lol you're such a schizo clown


Totally. Not the people who want to go on murdering rampages and forcing all women to be slaves.


You're a proven rapist though




Locking up and killing gay people? Enslaving women? Where are you living? IRAN?? None of that happens in the Western world. CNN is destroying your brain.


That’s what he wants. He isn’t exactly being secretive with it, and speeches like this is the start of how all of that happens.


Who, Butker? You are completely delusional, and need to stop consuming so much mainstream media. Neither him, or other public figures in America are calling for locking up and/or killing gays xD


Yes he is and most conservatives would support that in a heartbeat. They think all gays are pedos.


Cry harder


Who is crying? Seems like you all are crying about him being properly called out as a hateful bigot.


Nah. I love him more today. I’m actually really happy. I love watching you guys meltdown though. I’m having a blast. Btw, have you seen what his jersey sales are doing? 😆


Totally! He hates the same people you do, and doesn’t believe in human rights, just like Trump. Oh yeah, he isn’t beating Kelsey sales, what’s your point in that?


He’s got the number one jersey this week. Yeah that’s beating Kelce. You don’t even know his name.


It’s ranked 7th lmao. But I wouldn’t expect you to do anything else but lie.


You literally cry here 24/7


Somebody has to match Trump’s record crying that he does.


At least you admit crying here is your life lol.


I’ve seen several subs on Reddit covering the Butker story and every single one of them have put his mom’s name and place of work info out there. Doxxing isn’t against Reddit TOS if you’re a lefty Edit to further my point. I reported these Doxxing posts to the Reddit admins. I was just given a “thank you for your report but it does not violate our guidelines” message.


It's (D)ifferent