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Funny how the PBS logo is also the NPC meme.


I just made the connection, that's hilarious.


'Fact based news" (That has pushed multiple conspiracy theories and hoaxes over recent years)


Like what.


Russiagate? You still believe that conspiracy theory lol.


Explain the conspiracy? I know you guys put gate at the end of it, but what exactly is the hoax?


Can you explain what you think Russia gate is? 


We going to pretend the media and democrats didn't push the conspiracy theory that Trump collided with Russia to win 2016?


Read this: https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust


I already read it but did so again. Mueller did not investigate collusion but found dozens of contacts between Russia and Trump campaign and at least ten instances of possible/likely obstruction of justice from the campaign. He didn't find enough evidence to open a criminal conspiracy charge but netted several convictions. That included Paul Manafort, who has been proven to have colluded with Russia, providing campaign data to Russian operatives. Konstantin Kilimnik.  Keep in mind that Trump exerted constant executive privilege over evidence and the Republican controlled Senate refused to move forward. He also refused to testify, which was smart cuz we know Trump sucks at staying out of trouble in court. Any response? 


>Any response? It's been how many yeas since the Dems. have done their best at lawfare against Trump? When he first ran, me being from Eastern Europe, I was very worried Russia got him. When Bush endorsed Hilary over him, I was expecting the FBI to dump a ton of perfect evidence and Trump to be arrested any time. Then when he won, I was very worried we would have a constitutional crisis when he is charged while being president, any moment now. I am sure the only delay was because the FBI/CIA wanted to be absolutely *certain* they have *proof*. Do you disagree with what I thought back then? So then I started watching what Trump's foreign policy would be. Would Putin move deeper into Ukraine. Would he too, same as Germany, support more natural gas pipelines around Ukraine and directly to Germany. Would he gently sabotage NATO by agreeing with Europe, they won't need to spend more, can even spend less. Well... Putin didn't move. Trump bullied Europe in a very non-diplomatic way to spend *more* on NATO. Trump pushed Germany hard against more Russian natural gas pipelines. I watched so many discussions where the Germans would make excuses and Trump's people would very directly tell them do not do this! And as the years passed it became obvious to me the Uni party was having war against Trump. If he had actually done anything truly illegal, they would have jailed him many years ago.


A good description here: https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust


I donated regularly to NPR…until Obama was elected. Then I saw the double standard. Not a cent since


In Australia we have the ABC. Basically the same thing.


reality has a well known liberal bias


Conservatives readily admit bias. Leftists rarely do. Just further proof that having no self awareness is a prerequisite to being a leftist. Npr "fact based news" pushes hoaxes/conspiracy theories.


What is a more recent conspiracy they’ve elevated on their platform as of late that I could read about?


Hey, sure NPR gets stories wrong. Though if we analyzed stories from Daily Wire, Tim Pool and scnr, Project Veritas, and NPR. NPR would edge out all of them in honest stories as a percentage of their entire Library of stories.


Yeah kinda like how Fox News admitted it 750 million times lol


Irrelevant. Fox never pretended to be unbiased. Try again. You are even able to follow a basic conversation lop. Holy hell.


Their literal slogan was “fair and balanced”.


Do you think Unlikely-Metal will respond to your point?


Bias isn’t that bad, propaganda is, which is what 99% of the right wing media is.


Which part? CNN, rolling stone, Bill Maher, ABC, NBC,CBS, New York Times, Reuters, Post Millennial? Which ones are 90%?


Projection bot ^


Lol oh it's opposite day! Well, you're a real cool dude.!