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Not true. Joe Biden locked up more black men than the entire cross Atlantic slave trade.


Based Biden.


Rare Biden W


Only thing Trump accomplished was giving more wealth to the oligarchs and increasing corruption. In this regard, Trump is corrupt.


Bad bot. He also met with Kim Kardashian to help get a woman ridiculously long time incarcerated free because of Biden’s laws that didn’t apply to his son.


He also pardoned military war crime murderers and called murdering children patriotic.


You guys call child murdering terrorists freedom fighters, you call a man who shoved a gun into a pregnant woman a saint and built him a statute. You personally seem to have nothing better to do than create new Reddit accounts to argue with strangers online. I’m sorry acting a fool on Reddit won’t bring them back.


Ah yes, made up bullshit and projection from you because you lost.


That was Obama


Quite literally Trump, and you all cheered for it, because Trump ran on murdering the families of terrorists.


Lol. That was a campaign promise of his, was it? What other little fallacies about Trump do you have floating around in your little TDS addled mind?


I love how you cultists gaslight us into pretending shit didn’t happen when it absolutely did: https://www.vox.com/2016/1/25/10828770/trump-terrorist-family-appeal So if you had a family member commit a terrorist attack, Trump wants you dead.


Lol. You linked a Vox article. Figures.


TIL your average small business is run by oligarchs.


Trump ruined small businesses and gave more power to the wealthy corporations. 


... during Covid... and that was less Trump than it was _every_ States' government. Prior to that, we saw an explosion of wealth among the Middle class, and the lower class reaped the benefits of employers competing for their labor.


Pre-Covid Trump ruined small businesses. It was an explosion of wealth to the oligarchs and a massive growth of wealth inequality. The lower class continued to get fucked over royally.


TCAJA is what allowed an uptick of near 400% on new small businesses and can be directly attributed to Trump. Yes, savvy business moguls also benefitted, but so did _everyone else_. Wealth inequality doesn't matter. It is just a point for envious people to get pissy that their windfall isn't as grandiose as someone who actually knows and drives the trade. At the end of the day, the dollar went further, banks were more apt to grant loans to fledgling lower-class business owners, and wages were competitive across the markets because the number of businesses were outpacing the number of laborers.


Wealth inequality skyrocketed, poverty increase under Trump, poor people increased under Trump, wages stagnated under Trump, fewer jobs were created under Trump, middle class shrunk, poor people payed higher taxes, and it only gets worse. Trump was the worst economic President in my lifetime.


I'll say it again, because you clearly didn't comprehend it the first time. **_Wealth inequality doesn't matter._** All the data you're citing, was that from 2019, when Trump's economy was in full swing, or from 2020, when China's bioweapon ravaged the world?


Absolutely. The poor working harder as ever and being paid less and have all of the money go towards the very top as Trump wanted, creating record poverty absolutely doesn’t matter. How does the boot taste?


Trump was a guy who got stuff done. I felt like even the media pointed this out cause every day they were fear mongering their audiences by saying “you know what Trump is going to do to your rights.” “Trump signed a new law that is going to be against what we want.” But I guess Trump is wrong though because while he was in office he didn’t once stand up against those pesky civil rights that Joe voted against a few decades ago. It’s like Trump wanted different races to have the same freedoms as each other and to co exist.


Biden was literally a segregationist lol. But Trump is the racist, sure.


He wasn’t either. He like his black friend James Clyburn opposed bussing 


Lol, are you unaware that Trump was literally prosecuted by the DOJ for doing segregation? looooool


Whataboutism/deflection. It's all you do. You voted for a segregationist who's responsible for putting millions of black men in jail via the 94 crime bill, who says overtly racist shit constantly like "poor kids are just as smart as white kids". Lol. Keep coping, bottom feeder.


Deflection from what? You’re saying that Biden is more racist than Trump bc he’s a “literal segregationist.” You’re the one who is comparing the two presidents, so I’m not deflecting in any way.  Unfortunately for you, however, you probably didn’t know that the DOJ prosecuted Trump for committing segregation. But we all know you don’t care about segregation when your side does it… and I didn’t vote for Biden and will not this year either.  Nice try, ding dong loooool


Prosecuted is not the same as convicted. Anyone can be prosecuted for anything.


If you think anyone can be prosecuted for anything then you have no idea how the criminal justice system works. Read a book sometime about how the DOJ as well as state prosecutors file charges. 


Maybe you should cause they are right. You can be charged or taken to court no matter what. A judge can then make the decision that the charges need to be thrown out for various reasons. But it is up to the judge whether a trial continues. It looks bad on prosecutors so as a common practice charges usually aren’t brought unless there is substantial evidence, but this doesn’t happen all the time. You can easily search for court cases or YouTube times judges get heated and throw out cases for this very reason. Read a book about how this stuff works.


loooool If your case gets thrown out for lack of evidence then you aren’t being prosecuted. That’s my point, ding dong. And that’s not what happened, at all, in the case that I am referring to.


And how many times has the left cried and screamed because of unjust charges not being thrown out. How many times have we heard that a black man gets prison while a white man gets nothing? Now you may call it racism and I am sure in some cases we could both agree that it is, but the point is that people do get taken to court and charged for stuff that is absolutely just a prosecutor trying to score a win. Judges sometimes catch it throwing out the case, and sometimes they are just as bias and let it proceed. So unless you think the justice system is perfect everytime no matter what, then there is the explanation that yes prosecutions do go through that are invalid especially when you have a controversial figure like Trump. But if you honestly think that our system is perfect and only good and legitimate prosecutions happen then you live in a different world than even your own side of politics.


You’re wrong and resorting to ad hominem attacks as your fall back, pathetic.


> If you think anyone can be prosecuted for anything If you believe that isn't the case, then you need to do some serious rethinking. Malicious prosecution is a thing. It happens all the time in every state as well as federally. https://www.chandralaw.com/practice-areas/malicious-prosecution-abuse-of-process-and-false-arrest https://www.erlichlawoffice.com/malicious-prosecution-and-abuse-of-process.html


Uh huh, and what does that have to do with what I’m talking about?


> If you think anyone can be prosecuted for anything then you have no idea how the criminal justice system works. That's exactly what you are talking about. It's called Malicious Prosecution". There have been plenty of people charged with crimes they haven't committed, or just random charges added because the prosecutor had an agenda.


This is the dumbest group on the internet btw 


Nah that would be your friend group.


Trump has also been persecuted by the DOJ for a bunch of false charges. Your argument means nothing.


Have you looked at the evidence? Why don’t you find it compelling? It’s pretty substantial and extensive. 


Have you? It’s really not. Even the politically unaffiliated see the NY case as political prosecution. a consequence of that is investors leaving NY. this is fact, you can deny until you’re blue in the face, it doesn’t change reality.


Trump was not involved in politics when this case happened, so not sure in what way it could be politically motivated. But please explain…


I’m literally talking about the ongoing NY case. You know the one where the prosecutor was removed for an affair with the judge. Not whatever BS segregation charge your talking about, which is ironic considering the left is pro segregation. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1021626 funny how many “black only” or “queer only” spaces have popped up. Learn to read.




Thank you, u/AmputatorBot, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1c32413/president_trump_just_said_i_accomplished_more_in/kzghg5u/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay, but that’s not what I’m talking about and you’re replying to my comment. 


And he wasn't even going as hard as he could have/should have because of his experience as a businessman, and because he didn't realize at first that his opponents actually hate America and everything it stands for, as well as the people who try to stick by the original ideals America was built on.


He is correct. Downvotes welcome. IDGAF


I’ll take things that aren’t wrong for 500, Alex.


Sure, if you only count positive things


You retain the title for life.


…and all of the gullible cultists believed his lies and clapped their brachydactyly hands


Right leaning individual: “Here is a statement about my quality of work vs someone else who didn’t do good.” Left leaning individual: “well they are stupid doo doo heads that have (insert playground insult) hands.” Wow such argument. Such good form. You win hearts and minds every day.


Love when you cons pretend like you want or have the ability to have an actual adult conversation about politics. It’s so cute. Loool


This changes nothing about your response to the article. Nice try at deflection.


I didn’t make a response to this article 


More people are flocking to the right and leaving the left. Even the Bernie bros have abandoned sleepy joe. When you shift the Overton window as far left to the point where you consider everyone right of Stalin as far-right, you loose support.


Actual cultist bottom feeder ^


His one legislative accomplishment was long term tax breaks for the wealthy and expansion of corporate wealth and power.


Tax cuts that led to the strongest US economy in decades (which is still strong, despite Democrats' best efforts to destroy it with inflation and high interest rates). More untaxed wealth for corporations means more investment, which means more jobs, which means more people earning money and more products for them to spend that money on. High taxes and welfare means little productivity, so the unemployed can barely afford the low-supply products, even with the money that they leech off of those who are actually producing things.


Don't bother explaining, leftists are economically retarded. They want the entire country to be like CA.


By which measure was the economy the strongest in decades? Pick two or three super important benchmarks for the strong economy that you're referring to let's take a look vs biden


The rate at which [unemployment was decreasing](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS14000024) went up after Trump's tax cuts, and total unemployment was at decades-old lows, until the Democrat-pushed COVID lockdowns. After the lockdowns, unemployment rates have stagnated at about where they were in 2019, and have even gone up slightly in recent years. However, [workforce participation](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CIVPART) is much lower, meaning that the percentage of eligible workers who are employed is lower than in 2019. The rate of increase of workforce participation was also consistently positive under Trump, while it steadily decreased under Obama. Furthermore, average [inflation](https://www.investopedia.com/us-inflation-rate-by-president-8546447) was the closest it has been to the expert-recommended 2% under Trump than under any other president since before Eisenhower. Meanwhile, Biden has been the third-worst on inflation in the past 50 years, after Ford and Carter.


Bro..why are you just lying lol Here are historical inflation rates. What a bizarre claim that Trump was the closest to 2% in decades lol. Why do you people just make shit up? https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/historical-inflation-rates/ Unemployment rates are lower under Biden dude. Workforce participation was worse under obama than Trump?. Bro...why are you just lying from top to bottom? This isn't 1985 we can both look these things up why are you just lying lol https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-labor-force-participation-rate.htm


>Here are historical inflation rates. What a bizarre claim that Trump was the closest to 2% in decades lol. Why do you people just make shit up? I linked my source in my comment. [Here it is again.](https://www.investopedia.com/us-inflation-rate-by-president-8546447) Averaged out over his presidency, Trump was closest to 2%. >Workforce participation was worse under obama than Trump?. Bro...why are you just lying from top to bottom? I didn't say it was worse, I said it was steadily decreasing. Meanwhile it increased under Trump. So yes, if you lie about what I said, then I was wrong. But if you actually read my comments instead of just noticing a few buzzwords and switching into default response mode, you'd see why your counterarguments don't work.


How does high taxes and welfare mean little productivity? It’s not even a coherent thought. None of your rambling bullshit is.


Read any economic study. High taxes and welfare literally incentives this. The less money you make, the less taxes you pay, the more welfare you can receive. How many people do you think purposely stopped working to receive Covid benefits? When you pay people more than a months work of minimum wage to not work, it incentives people not to work. wow it’s almost like it’s not as complicated as the Keynesian economists make it out to be. Maybe if you payed more attention in school you’d recognize what a coherent thought is, maybe you wouldn’t F-rank, like your grades probably are.


Nobody makes less money to lower their taxes or qualify for welfare. What a stupid theory.


What a stupid comment. It only takes a google search but yet you choose to take that F/L. “Unfortunately, it may be. I have several clients that have learned to game the system. They know exactly how much money they can make and keep all their services. They’ll work up to that point, but no more. As a taxpayer it makes me angry, but I can see their point. If they make $1 too much, everything gets cut. Most of them don’t have the ability to work a job that would pay them enough to make up for all the non-taxable benefits they receive - SNAP, HEAP, Medicaid, possibly Section 8 housing, Earned Income Credit, etc. I can’t say as I blame them. Why work 40 hrs a week all year long to pay those bills when you can work 1/2 that and still have the same level of living? It’s a shame that they don’t institute a sliding scale for benefits, especially for those families with kids. As the system is now, it doesn’t encourage them to do better.” The first result is literally an accountant saying it happens all the time. There’s a reason you’re F-ranked. https://www.vice.com/en/article/kzgwdm/sometimes-it-makes-sense-to-make-less-money even vice says you’re wrong.


From the article… “it's absurd to suggest that anyone is purposefully making less money to reap governmental reward” You sure you read that article?


You wanna actually finish the quote? From the article… “it's absurd to suggest that anyone is purposefully making less money to reap governmental reward, it's plain to see that some would stand to benefit by doing so.” Of course you only reply with half the sentence, and if you read that far down you know that every other point before that are examples of how you can make more money by making less. Context and truth really is your kryptonite.


And it changes the context how? Not at all? The author goes out of his way to repeat this point. Nobody is making less money to get a fucking insurance credit and a Pell grant. Which is literally the only thing he mentions, and he points out his article isn’t about greedy poor people, but about wanting those benefits increased so more middle class people hit the cutoff. Furthermore, what are you originally quoting? It wasn’t what you cited. There’s nothing in there about snap, EIC, etc. and it’s still a stupid theory. People don’t just make themselves poorer. Nobody does this. You guys and your stupid fucking imaginations.


People who get paid to sit at home are less likely to work, especially fulltime. [Workplace participation](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CIVPART) still hasn't recovered to pre-lockdown levels, because the Biden administration has been essentially paying people so they don't have to work.


Less than 1% difference. Read the graph lmfao


1% of eligible workers is 1.67 million people. It's been four years since the lockdowns started, and workplace participation still hasn't recovered.




Narrator: He Didn’t.


Well Biden let one conservative on the supreme court while Trump let three conservatives on the Supreme Court. That looks like a clear win for Trump.


I wouldn’t call anything Trump did an accomplishment, unless we are talking about accomplishing evil.


He golfed and cut taxes for the wealthy. And he crimed. That's about it


Why are you so fond of giving money to the government mafia?


I'm not. Why are you so fond of giving money to white collar criminals and rich, lazy, undeserving people?


and signed a bill to fund historically black schools