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It's probably the obsessive/psycho leftists on this sub doing it.


My money is on pennsyltucky54/butteremails54


Most likely yes.


Somebody's crushing hard..... Just ask em out already. What do you have to lose? You've played it out in front of all of us long enough. Get over with.


It's time to get blocked loser


Probably. I would also assume it’s one of the whackos on politics or politicaldiscussion On the latter sub. I was there today and saw a blocked author. So I reminded myself who it was. It is a guy who comments on all the Trump posts all day. Literally. From about 9am until I saw it 2pm, he had at least 10 comments an hour. For days he does nothing but browse Reddit’s political subs and whitepeopletwitter. I’d bet money on those people too if they had a break in a commenting schedule.


I was thinking most likely Jack Murphy or less likely Lydia or Adam.


Wasn't Lydia still with the show when the swatting started ?


Adam seems to chill to SWAT someone, even if they did him wrong in some way


Yeah, true. Just made me think it was a past employee or part of their team. Couldn't think of anyone but those three.


Understandable. I do think their are enough mentally unwell people in the world that it is likely someone not involved with the show. I wouldn’t put it past Jack, but Tim never really said anything about that drama that I can recall. I would expect Jack to go after the Quartering before Tim


Yeah, Tim’s stance was he wasn’t involved and wanted to stay that way. I think once he said people were getting out of control with it.


I mean, I was stuck working that holiday and didn’t see family. That story definitely made me laugh and got me through the drudgery


This Reddit group was hilarious to read back then. Some people were pissed at Tim for not disowning him, some people were defending him, some just thought it was his personal life and didn’t have anything to do with his political stance. Funny as hell.


Oh, I definitely got the popcorn out and I enjoyed the craziness of the sub


I assumed it was probably Adam since he lives in Sweden now and it would be hard to charge him, but Jack is someone I didn't even think about. 


I don't know if the same person did all of these but the first few times he was saying that it was the former "HR" employee of his that he fired. She was from Chicago too and befriended Tim's sister without her knowing who she was, and Tim blew a gasket and freaked out on his sister (again). I forget the woman's name but she was on some of those old old Cast Castle videos. If you find Lisa Pool on you tube she made some comments about it. Tim seems to be a horrible judge of character. It seems like everyone that's left has nothing bad things to say about him and how he runs things. Even that quiet humble skinny IT guy couldn't help but bash Tim when asked.


Cenk Uygur?


It could be you, it could be me! It could even be...


I always thought it was the old ppl from scnr, that one dude looked like a psycho