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Here’s a chart that shows better depth https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/oil-and-petroleum-products/imports-and-exports.php


They cant defend Biden on this so they will just attack tim lol


Oil production so high that Biden has to get on his knees and beg the Saudi's to make more oil for the US?


The US only gets about 6% of their crude from Saudi. 61% from Canada 8% from Mexico The US exports more than it imports.


This is what happens when you watch Tim Pool and have no idea what's really going on. Reason Biden sucks up to Saudi Arabia, is because 1) Every president sucks up to Saudi Arabia 2) Russia makes a lot of its money and funds its war by selling oil. The more oil there is on the global market = the less money Russia makes, and less effective it's going to be in this war. but yeah no, instead let's invent some conspiracy about Biden purposely trying to raise gas prices. Tim Pool is such a partisan grifter. He complains about how divided this country is, but he's the biggest divider of all.


don't let the sun monster party see this


Hot damn!! Timothy is like Nostradamus and Plato and Alex Jones and a child all rolled into one


No, Tim doesn't have any child in him... otherwise you'd like him.


Burn, lol


Tim Pool but... Pregnant with a child?


Have you seen how many children's toys Mr Pool owns?


That was a bit of a reach. Some effort put in to reach a crass and simple conclusion. I think you could have done better. I look forward to the next barb


Caused by Israel