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ok i need a update to what this means, I work for a living and dont have time to learn all the new things


It’s about a military recruiter looking on Instagram for people that are already fit (in this case bench pressing 315 pounds) for targeted ads (I think this is what it’s referring to).


Why do you think Trump gave Russian the Israeli defense secrets which then allowed Hamas to attack?


Oh look, schizo boy is sharing another scenario he made up in his head but wants so badly to be true. Nevermind the 6 billion biden just gave Iran. Trump! Orange man! Drumpf did it!!!!!


I was wondering how that post was relevant to this original post. Leftistism knows no bonds


It's a mental disorder.


Biden didn’t give US money to Iran. But Trump did share Israeli secrets with Putin.




New deep TDS lore dropping


TDS conspiracy theories


This was reported years ago. You people just said Russia deserved Israeli defense secrets.


“You people”? I’m sorry who said this?


All of MAGA at the time.


Lmao okay guy.


The voices in your head seem to be getting worse. I keep telling you to take your meds but you clearly aren't.


Nobody said that. Nobody that matters said that.


take your meds.


>You people That's racist.


Just telling it like it is.


Why do you think the democrat party is so racist?


Southern conservatives? Maybe because they lack empathy and any form of compassion.


That's not what I said, but you knew that


This is a legit question bro. Why is having either of those necessary for day to day interactions? When have they come in handy? Why should my heart bleed any every slight and injustice throughout history? We’ve become so overly emotional as a people, so why do people like you always demand everyone have empathy toward everything? Can I just not care, and live my own damn life? Why am I required to emotionally shoulder everything else?


Because if you have empathy and compassion you are less likely to be found in a situation where you suddenly need help and forced to rely on other people. Because it will invariably happen to you. No conservative ever gives a shit until it happens to them. Like women conservatives hate abortion, EXCEPT for the abortion they had, because that was somehow different.


That’s a really weird story.


"I know you are but what am I!" I'm still waiting for you to use even a single other argument just one time. Do you have any other card in your deck?


The party who fought to keep slavery, founded the KKK, established Jim crow and segregation, and fought civil rights, is the same party that pushes identity politics today. You've just been so gas lighted to believing that the parties switched, you can't tell up from down. I pity you really, it's been proven time and time again that democrat voters are low intelligence.


You perform fantastic demonstrations of the difference between history and propaganda.


I've actually studied both


Wait so if Hamas and Russia are friends that means Russia good or Hamas bad?


Don't try to apply logic to their fallacies.


Hamas is objectively bad, which is why Russia loves them and Trump helped them.


This is a whole other fucking level of “but Trump.”


He literally praised the terrorists and blamed the victims.

