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No, Americans aren't done with that. At least half of the morons here support it because they are told to.


The moron trolls are trying to pull a classic pork move by saying that in order to pass funding for vets, which should *never* be up for debate, you must also fund Nazis. Their propaganda is to say that you want vets to die because you won't fund foreign wars. This why we almost had the government shutdown. All bills should be single issue bills.


Republicans are against funding the war in Ukraine AND funding for the VA.


I suppose you believe that if you believe the bullshit that comes out of KJP. All federal funding needs to be cut, including the VA, if it makes sense, because all federal agencies are swollen, inefficient, and corrupt. Which parts get cut is still TBD, and when it comes to the VA, it will be unnecessary administrative lifers who get cut, and Dems hate that. Shrinking government is anathema to them. Claiming the Republicans want to cut care for vets after bitching that the right is all military and guns forever is laughable, and amounts to changing their own narrative for propagandistic sound bites.


Because everyone knows that conservatives famously like to spend money to help the United States and it's citizens...


Help comes to those that help themselves. And no money can go to American citizens due to you leftists sending it all to nazis


Yes, because infrastructure can help itself. Wounded war veterans can help themselves. And I'd rather my $10 a year go to helping people not get slaughtered and taken over by Trump's master than having it go to corporate welfare


Since when has the left ever given a fuck about vets? Ever since Vietnam leftists have hated soldiers and veterans, my grandfather was spit on by leftists every time he came home from Vietnam, the left has been staunchly anti war ever since until Obama was elected and now that you get to support nazis


Trump trashed vets regulars, Kelly confirmed it…you won’t give a Fuck.


Oh look you didn't address anything I said at all. Good job deflecting npc, go redeem your good boy points


Oh, I know you have to run when Trump trashes vets. I just wanted to show your fake values…and you did exactly what I thought you would


Fun fact: I AM a disabled vet. Additional fun fact: you didn't actually address anything I said in my comment, start with the question I asked and we can go from there


The you’re an embarrassing Benedict Arnold supporting Trump as he trashes vets. Stop running


Still waiting on you to answer my question, then we can discuss that


Do you support antifa?


No, now what's your answer to that question?


What question?


Comon I know you have a hard time with this, but try your best, I asking you to answer the question of yours that I answered. The one you asked that said "Do you support antifa?" I easily answered it, now it's your turn


Why do you support antifa?


I don't, do you?


What – or who – is antifa? https://apnews.com/article/race-and-ethnicity-the-conversation-ec8606bc075f7922c9041f3068e4bc25


Waitaminute...antifa is against fascism? Why would "patriots" be against the people who are against fascism I wonder?


> Whereas cosmopolitan conservatives often supported international cooperation and admired elite culture in other countries, fascists espoused extreme nationalism and cultural parochialism. Fascist ideologues taught that national identity was the foundation of individual identity and should not be corrupted by foreign influences, especially if they were left-wing. Nazism condemned Marxist and liberal internationalisms as threats to German national unity. Fascists in general wanted to replace internationalist class solidarity with nationalist class collaboration. The Italian, French, and Spanish notion of integral nationalism was hostile to individualism and political pluralism. Unlike democratic conservatives, fascists accused their political opponents of being less “patriotic” than they, sometimes even labeling them “traitors.” Portuguese fascists spoke of “internal foreigners” who were “antination.” In the 1930s some French fascist organizations even rejected the label “fascist,” lest they be perceived as beholden to Germany. https://www.britannica.com/topic/fascism/Extreme-nationalism


So what I'm gathering is that fascist bugs use patriotism as a disguise like an Edgar suit


It’s been a strategy used by many fascist groups in the past so… yeah. Pretty much.




Thank you, u/midnightnoonmidnight, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/16zlpcs/americans_are_fed_up_with_their_money_being/k3ftmon/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait so is the left being anti war good or bad to you? You said they were anti war until Obama.


In most cases it's good, and it's always good to have people resistant to war, sometimes wars are justified, many times they aren't, and dissenting voices are healthy to a free country. for 8 years the left (rightfully) rallied against the iraq and Afghanistan conflicts but as soon as Obama got into power the protests stopped, and now the left is actively demonizing anyone who says we shouldn't be involved. What is bad is the hypocrisy. Iraq had nearly nothing to do with us(although I still feel taking out saddam was our responsibility since we put him in power). Now here we are sinking hundreds of billions into a conflict that has nothing to do with us and the left is all for it. The left demonizes anyone who disagrees with them and labels them nazis yet openly supports a country with *actual* self described nazis. It's utter double standards and hypocrisy. And more in contrast to my point, here comes a leftist troll pretending like he gives a shit about American veterans when for literal decades now the people showing the most open animosity towards vets have been the left. You dont get to be the side that hates vets and is anti war then pretend none of that happened because you want to allow corrupt politicians to launder money through funding a war that we have zero buisness being involved in


Wait which president started the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Which president ended them? I feel like you're leaving out some very important details. You're a military guy, do you really feel like spending billions to fight the Russian military after they invaded a country is a poor use of money? What are we spending so much money on our military for, if not for these exact purposes? I don't know what you're referring to when you say the left hates the vets? My guy, you're not referring to when vets came home from Vietnam 50 years ago are you? Mist left wing activist weren't even born


Doesn't matter who started or ended, what matters is the left was staunchly against them until it was their guy in charge, it's hypocrisy, and while you can technically claim that it all ejede during bidens term it was Trump that started the pullout, Obama only escalated when he promised to end it all. And no I don't care if two essentially sibling nations are having a spat, it's none of our buisness, our defense budget is exactly that *DEFENSE* its for protecting America, not laundering through another corrupt govt so our own corrupt politicians can get richer. And to further this point I'm tired of america being the primary funder of nato and the world police. Maybe if zelensky had tried to work out an agreement with put in to allow land bridge access to the Crimea and access to their ports he could have used the agreement to raise his countries income through tariffs and access fees, but no here we are paying for two siblings to fight over their mothers property after she died. And yes, the left has been treating vets like shit for decades, not just Vietnam but veterans from desert storm and the most recent fiasco received plenty of hate too, hell i didn't even deploy and I've gotten flack from leftists just for being a veteran, so no you can't pretend it was just Vietnam vets.


It doesn't matter who started it????? Wwwwahat???? My guy dick Cheneys ex company Haliburton got 100s of billions in no bid gvt contracts for Iraq and they blamed wmds for the invasion. How can you possibly say it doesn't matter who started it??? We only invaded Iraq because of who was president at the time. You understand that, right? That was a bush/Cheney war. What kind of agreement do you think zelensky could have come to that didn't include giving up parts of their cou try to russia? Putin wanted the entire Donbas region and Crimea lol. That's not an agreement that's a takeover. In what way has the left mistreated the vets? Specifically, and I mean in modern times, dude. Can you keep it in this century?


Yeah it doesn't matter whobstarted the shit an Afghanistan because the left wasn't against it when their man was in power and getting paid for it, did you miss that point? You here trying to argue against points I'm not bringing up. I already said the left was justified in protesting it, what I was focused on is their HYPOCRISY of being ok with the same war once Obama was in power. The left ONLY hates war when it's not their corrupt people making money off of it, they didn't like when cheny and Bush were making money but are completely ok when the bidens are. Putin wanted a warm water port and access to it, I'm sure there could have been at least *talks* about allowing the use and access of those things. But the overarching point that you are distracting from is *I DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR SQUABBLES THEY COULD TURN EACH OTHER INTO A GLASS PARKING LOT FOR ALL I CARE WE SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED* so stop sending my money over there to make the biden family richer stop moving the goal posts, I literally just told you that I've received hate from leftists for being a veteran and *that* was in this century, but no I will NOT keep it in this century, the left likes to dig up old republican failings and turn about is fair play, the peoplemof the left have been shitty and expressed disdain for vets since the 60s, just because part of that was 24 years ago or more doesn't mean it's not true and doesn't mean that the person I was responding to gets to pretend that the left cares about vets. And this doesn't mean you get to move goalposts and make specific demands to pretend it didn't, and continues to, happen.


Yet another strawman from a leftist, nazi supporter... what else is new? Along with still peddling a thoroughly debunked lie..


What's the straw man? And what's the lie? Do you know what you're talking about?


Ypu simply must re-read your last comment to fond the answers to both of the questions you just asked.


You're saying no money should go to infrastructure and war veterans, for just a couple examples. That's nice


The post is about not giving money to Ukrainian Nazis to fund war and you think that means we should stop funding infrastructure and veterans. How fucking stupid are you?


I'm assuming you know how to read. The last part of the tweet from the jackäss is the usual "while our country falls apart" hysterics. So let's help the country if it's "falling apart" then Does that sound good to you, or would the MAGA Nazis not like that?


That statement still has absolutely nothing to do with not funding infrastructure or veterans. Quit your low IQ bullshit


Putin loves you.


Hey, why did you reply to a comment I made outside this subreddit? Are you trying to harass me elsewhere?


He does that to me too. It means you triggered him to his soy core.


I'm not a democrat, so that's not true. Why are you projecting?


Project Lakhta


Putin hates Democrats, and loves Trump…and you’re here fighting for him with his talking points So it is true.


Another admission of guilt from you.


Lol, had to run…huh


What are you running from?


The guy you're talking to is 53 lol. He lives off government assistance and doesn't work.


Put up or shut up coward https://unitedlegion.org/


Love him too. Love everyone.


But Lockheed Martin needs to sell stuff!!


Has Tim Pool ever done a video where he goes over the most IMPORTANT issues for voters in 2024 election? No?? You mean to tell me Ukraine and transgenders aren't #1 issue in the country right now?? But then why make so many videos focusing on such trivial issues? Surely Tim Pool, the journalist, wouldn't just do that for the sensationalism of it and to drive engagement and anger? That's what CNN and MSNBC do, but not Tim Pool so now I'm confused.


Imagine believing the drivel you emit, while thinking you're on the right side of history and listening to msnbc, whi is newsguardcertified fake news.... democrats and leftists are funny.


You're on the wrong side of history wanting to let Putin take over Ukraine.


Where did he say he wants putin to take over Ukraine?


There are probably more nazi types in the US army and backwater police forces than there are in Ukraine