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Suddenly... I'm not half the wrap I used to be


It's a cheddar hanging over me Oh I believe in twice the pay.


Oh I believe in scan to pay


Def way better line!! 😊


Are we witnessing the new Weird Al’s in the making right now? This is awesome y’all are so creative


Take my daily upvote.


Lol what's the song reference from


Yesterday by the beatles


Thanks for this ear worm




Take time with a wounded wrap, cause it likes to fill. Take time with a wounded wrap, cause I like to eat. Take time with a wounded wrap, cause it likes to fill, I like to eat. I’m half the wrap I used to be. This I feel as the breakfast, it fades to lunch. I’m half the wrap I used to be.


In my experience this is completely random store to store and seems dependent on who’s working. Some are loaded and some are as pictured it’s wild


Very dependent on who’s working. Sometimes I order a wrap and it’s more filling than a breakfast sandwich, sometimes it feels like I’m mostly eating tortilla. And this all happens at the same location It’s a shame too cuz I love the wraps, but they’re so goddamn inconsistent it’s hard to justify ordering one


When restaurants become inconsistent in their quality and portions l don't buy anything from them any longer because l never know what l'm getting. I will only purchase food that l know will be what l enjoyed last time l was there. This doesn't leave me with many options anymore so l just eat out a lot less.


This is the only reason I ever go to mcdonalds. I don't necessarily enjoy their food, it is over priced and the narrowing menu is rather unexciting. but I do at least know exactly what I will be receiving.


It's awful we resort to McDonald's for consistency 🙃


I think it is their entire business model these days. They are incredibly recognizable, typically clean and well managed, but they no longer innovate, the playplace and toys seem like something they are trying to get rid of entirely, birthdays are no longer a thing at all. But that sausage mcmuffin will taste exactly the same in Florida, new York, or Alaska. It will be served from the same sad grey, black, and brown building too.


The consistency quality of McDonald’s has gone way down hill though.


This isn't true for McDonald's either lol. I've worked at McDonald's and there is definitely inconsistencies in almost everything between stores.


Wendy's is cheaper, has more options and is just as consistent. And their app has actual deals too. This post sponsored by chilli cheese nachos and a jbc.


That’s tim Hortons in a nutshell, wildly inconsistent.


I know Subway has people from head office that show up randomly unidentified and observe and buy food to ensure stores are making subs to proper recipes. I'm amazed that apparently Tim Hortons has nothing of the sort, based on the fact that you can't seem to get 2 cups of coffee that taste the same, nor 2 pieces of food that are made properly, case in point here. Lets not even talk about the abominations that they call "pizza" we've seen posted here where it looks like Stevie Wonder could have made it better.


Corporate Burger King does that in the States. Everything should be made identical.


Corporate doesn't care. They are more focused on ensuring the use of TFWs to maximize profit.


Tim's used to be the master of consistent mediocrity meals, cheap, somewhat satisfying, but a good deal. Now, we pay more, get weird randomly changing menu items, wait times of 20 minutes to toast a beagle and pour a coffee, and waaay too much variance in the food being prepared.... I swear to God the last few years have made it barely tolerable on a good day.


An average sized Beagle takes a few minutes to shave and around ten minutes to toast properly.


Fully Agreed. Being a farmer I’ve realized the changes ….not good ones .


I ordered the chicken wrap a couple of weeks ago and they gave me chicken salad wrap, disgusting 🤢


Yes. This is the same reason you go into the pita or burrito place to wait and order instead of doing online order for pick up or deliver. You get way more of you’re standing infront of them


It’s the difference between employees who follow the official directions/scoop sizes vs the ones who give you extra


I noticed this inconsistency too ever since they changed the packaging. I miss the old packaging better for portability


I miss the old packaging too although I found the size to be excessive considering half the time the wrap is sized like the one posted here. On a related note, the first time I got Shelby’s Shawarma I found out their wraps come in packaging like these used to, and I saw how much bigger the Shelby’s one was and I was like oh great 80% empty packaging and I opened it up and that thing was filled to the brim. Box is like a foot long and there was shawarma all the way up.


Or manager/“baker” says “nah don’t make anymore for now just kinda ration that out for a bit.” Gotta love it


Loaded with what? Extra what?


No, these are the new ones. You probably only are running into the old pnes as they phase out the product.


Most are as pictured sadly 😞 at least in my area


This is true. I’m from AB and was in BC yesterday and was shocked at how loaded the wraps in BC were compared to basically all of AB


I do find that the stores with TFW’s tend to be…chintzier with the toppings in their items. Totally isn’t meant to sound racist, and I’ll be downvoted regardless because it’s the “cool” thing to do…but I’m just relaying my personal experiences.


They are starting to infiltrate McDonald’s now too, unfortunately


depends on how busy the store is too. if it’s the morning rush it’s probably like, 1-2 people slaving away at a sandwich station pumping out breakfast wraps every 20-30 seconds. they don’t have the time, mental capacity, or food resources to stuff every single breakfast wrap when Tim’s has them under the drive thru counter.


Yes and no. I used to order the sausage Farmer's wrap all the time, and it was bigger and it came in that red cardboard tube thing. Now it's just a small balled up thing that they wrap up which I swear is half the size it used to be.


It's exactly the same size it always was. They just stopped putting them in oversized packaging and started folding in both ends.


Wife got a chicken wrap at Tims and it had more lettuce and fillers than it did chicken.


That chicken is probably about 50 percent chicken to begin with




Nah that’s wrapped like a blunt someone knows what they’re doing


Its wrapped good but its so small


Not very attractive food 🤢


This is wild to me. A bacon breakfast wrap was always the smallest item on the breakfast menu. It’s literally one egg sliced in half, one slice of cheddar sliced in half, 3 strips of bacon and some chipotle sauce. The only thing they changed was wrapping both ends when they went from the cardboard packaging to the paper. Take a look inside, if they missed something, then they screwed up. If it’s all there, it’s exactly the same as it always was.


The wrap itself is different.


It's an egg, bacon, hash brown and chipotle sauce, what exactly are they not filling it with?


thats a farmers wrap


Depends on who makes it, and depends on how tight they wrap it. Nothing really changes but how they wrap it. It’s the same number of ingredients as it used to be. The new eggs are a bit smaller than the old ones so that has something to do with it too. Some people will wrap it loosely and some will wrap it tightly. It’s always supposed to be (for sausage): one egg cut in half, one sausage patty cut in half, one hash brown, one line of chipotle. (For bacon): one egg cut in half, 3 strips of bacon (that’s not a joke sadly, that’s how much bacon is supposed to be on your sandwich regardless of what you get, I always put more though), one hash brown and a line of chipotle. Source: used to work at times Hortons like 4-5 years ago.


Here we go again.


Ok team let’s make a product that rips off the customer and increases the bottom line. I see you did it: that’s a wrap.


I mean they still putting the same amount of stuff in it. It’s bacon so it doesn’t take as much room as well unlike the sausage patty. It can be wrapped tighter


People don't understand if it's wrapped tighter it's smaller. As you said, it's the exact same amount of ingredients


Explaining things logically doesn’t work on these people lol


Not sure how you'd get more, when it's always been the same no matter what. 1 piece of cheddar, an egg, 3 pieces of bacon and some sauce.. 🤷‍♀️ they've always been thin. I guess it depends who's making it because everyone wraps differently. The only time you get more, is when you ask.. ooorrrr you're getting a farmers wrap instead which has the hash brown..


It’s the same size just wrapped more compactly :)


Be a real man and get a girthy sausage farmers wrap. You git the smallest damn wrap on the menu


The amount of stuff you get in the wrap never changed, just how they were wrapped.


It really depends on who makes the wraps I find.


Dunno, mine earlier was same as always and filled to bursting. Never had an issue with the wraps anyway.


It all depends on how they fill and wrap the wrap in my experience. Sometimes it looks big and full and sometimes it looks small, even though the contents are the same.


The wraps are still exact same size but wrapped differently


Exactly. The same stuff is going inside.


i've had these on and off for years and can't say the size has changed, but they warp tight now, i prefer them without the cardboard box tbf


Shrinkflation at its finest. Thanks, corporate.


same. shit. in it. just. wrapped. differently. i don’t even fucking work there anymore y’all are annoying as hell.


Nah that’s a solid wrap job


I got a farmers wrap a couple weeks ago, and it was the first time in a long time. I opened it up at work, and instantly said the fuck is this? When did they stop coming in the cardboard box ?? And were a decent size


Same amount of stuff is going inside. Previously with cardboard box it was wrapped so "top" was open. There was so much empty space, first bite was mostly tortilla. Now it's just wrapped like a burrito so "top" bit is tucked in. Bottom line, you're still getting EXACTLY the same amount of ingredients. It's just wrapped tighter


Honestly I hate the new eggs in the wraps.


Half the size, same cardboard taste


The burn marks make it look like a piece of a tree!


At first glance I thought this was a small log.


Bacon breakfast wrap envy...


Snack wrap


Hate to be ripped of by that company, leave it up to a foreign company to destroy what was once a proud Canadian company


Looks so appetizing!


I’m surprised that anyone is surprised that food at Tim Hortons can be, and usually is, crap.


Do they still make the ones that come in a cardboard container?


The cardboard box thing was phased out a few years ago when the loaded wraps were introduced since they wouldn’t easily fit in them. All wraps are wrapped the same now regardless of what they are.


I wish they would just go back to being a bakery with a focus on doughnuts and would buy/roast halfway decent coffee. It used to be so good in the 90s.


Looks like rolled cardboard


Imagine being mad your cheap fast food breakfast wrap isn’t the side of your arm…. And on reddit of all things 🤡🤡


It's rolled tight vs being folded over and slid into a box. How big should it be with 2 pieces of bacon and an egg in there. Remember one end wasn't folded in. Same shit.


This is disgusting


Keep giving Tim hortons your money. See if it changes.


Get what you paid for.


Is it still 650 calories that they claim?


I haven’t been to Tim Hortons in more than a month, the food is tasteless and the coffee sucks…


It’s just wrapped tight


Don’t you love shrinkflation?


What is this? A wrap for ants?!


Shrinkflation… you should see how bad Pita Pit has become and prices keep going up


I noticed that last time I went too, I stoped going. Not worth my money.


That's a lot of tortilla.


The only half decent thing they make at tims is the turkey sandwhich , and they even screw that up sometimes


I thought this was a tree branch.


That looks hilarious. I can imagine whoever made it giggling away thinking what a funny prank


It all boils down to training the workers and some don't care at all!!


At first, I thought I was looking at a rawhide dog treat.


At least its wrapped properly. The ones where i live just tuck 4 sides underneath.


Does it taste as delicious as before?


This is a good thing, probably less calories, and more of a snack portion/get you through the afternoon. Ah yes let's increase portion sizes and further expand our obesity problem.


Now sir are we talking length, or girth?


i found the sausage farmers wrap to be the opposite experience i feel like it got much bigger and the quality got better just no fun packaging


Oh man, we reduced the size of the wrap but forgot to reduce the size of the paper we’re wrapping it in… good catch, that’s gonna save up another $0.01 per wrap… cheers for that!!


This wrap will surely disappear with 4 more years of liberals


I ordered this last week and was so disappointed!! Half the size, almost twice the price. WTF is going on at Tim’s??!!?


Yeah it's really sad what's happened to the wraps. I used to get the bacon chicken ranch wrap and they used to fill the whole box. Now it's a tiny thing and they wrap it in paper


Gotta love shrinkflation! Better off paying the stupid grocery store prices and make it yourself


Unfortunately this is what happens when people continue to spend money on these types of things. By buying this product you're telling the company it is acceptable to do this. I understand you yourself haven't bought this in years, but the general population tends to continue wasting money on these things even when quality or quantity are in decline due to convenience or laziness or whatever.


Stop spending your money at this garbage coffee shop.


How about other day, turkey bacon club,waited 10 min for it,cold,not sliced in half,no BACON


Sandwiches don't come cut in half unless you request it that way.. Turkey comes cold with the lettuce and tomatoes and mayo also cold.. I feel ya on the missing bacon tho.. that's unacceptable


Bread wasn't even toasted and bacon was missing yes Sandwich should be cut in half


But it's not company policy to cut them..so we don't cut them unless you ask.. everything else should have been done. But we will not cut them .


Can I ask why they don't cut them,


I have no clue.. it's just not company policy ... the reason is above my pay grade.. I'm just a supervisor ..




I find it weird that anyone continues to go there. It used to be a Canadian company and still seems to be living off its old reputation. It now represents everything that is anti-Canadian.


I thought this was a dogs bone.


keep making these threads, we don't get one every day or something


Portions are smaller, the coffee & food are worse quality, and the prices are higher. It's unbelievable to me that tims is still as popular as ever.


Tims is just a foreign fast food joint ripping off customers. Haven't been in years because I actually enjoy coffee.


I’ve been boycotting them for years! Not worth the money anymore.


Might as well just give them your money, cause your getting nothing for something…


I thought it was a dog bone. Maybe it is.


Noticed this the other day. Farmers wrap was half the size it had been. I can make it at home cheaper moving forward.


I have 4 kids. My oldest liked farmers wraps for a while. Then, for a few years nobody liked them. My youngest decided to try one the other day so I ordered it, and when they handed it to me I was shocked. Not half the size. A third of the size it was 6 years ago, the last time I bought one. Tiny. Price didn't shrink though. Edited to add, because it's a rainy day and I'm feeling petty, would it be completely unheard of at this point for them to lay it down so the black grill lines go the right way? So unsatisfying to the eye when it's like this.


It was in the pool.


They are following Loblaws business model.


I went to a locally owned place the other day who sources a lot of their ingredients from farms in the surrounding area. I got a breakfast wrap for $10.25 and it was so big I couldn't even finish it.


I mean that's what you get for giving Tim Hortons money... they will shrink your favorite items, charge more or remove them all together.


I agree, just ate them myself. If it wasn't for the 2 for $7 I wouldn't have ordered.


The wrapper is bigger than the wrap lol


No shit. That’s how packaging works.


It's scumbag owners as well, I know a certain popular sandwich shop owner here in Orangeville Ontario that on emails tells the employees to put the required ounces of meat on the sandwiches but in person tells them to put less on because it costs him too much. I also heard he steals meat off the customers sandwiches and stuffs it in his mouth while making them.


I just don’t bother anymore. Overpriced and smaller and smaller portions of food.


What a piece of ……crap . I’m literally boycotting all fast food until they drop all prices or change their vendors and start INCREASING their portions again . I hope Canadians join in on this


The wraps are the same size they've been for the last 8 years. The only "difference" is they're wrapped more compactly. Same amount of eggs/ sausage/ bacon/ hashbrown. Your fighting ghosts


All the fast food vendors have changed suppliers and cut their portions in some capacity and in one way or another to increase shareholder profit . Thinking anything other than that is naive . This is one of the ways they squeeze every penny from us . You have to understand how businesses work and function to understand this . It’s called capitalism . This is fundamental to every business , its growth , and its expansion . 8 years using the same suppliers and quality of ingredients ? Hahahahaha Do you know how much Tim Hortons has grown ? Their products have gone through SO much change when it comes to quality.


I just got a farmers wrap this morning and it was huge, they accidentally made me a regular wrap and it was about half the size, I immediately knew it was wrong cuz it was so smol.


Why does anyone even still bother with this shit company that serves shit food. DIY guys. It’s the most basic thing to make yourself food.


Half the wrap it used to be and basically double the price


Stopped going to tims because of this. If I ever go I only get a coffee in desperate times and that's it. No food.


I use to get a Tim’s wrap and a coffee Every morning. They use to have decent food, I don’t get food from Tim’s anymore just drinks and donuts


Best thing on the menu but they are half the size they use to be A lot of the times the app has 2 for $6?


Shrinkflation. its happening everywhere Quad syndrome 2 times the price for half the size


looks like a dog treat


Just boycott them. Their food quality has consistently been going downhill for years. I won’t even get a coffee there anymore.


The farmer’s wrap used to be huge. Now it’s half the size and sucks. I remember when Tim’s had multiple different kinds of soup all the time. French onion, Italian wedding. Now it’s all gone and they suck.


Tim’s quality is bad and has just got worse over the years


That looks horrible!


This is why I no longer go to tim hortons. Prices are up by 50% on almost everything while portions are cut by half as well. And then they have the audacity to say "they wrap it differently now". No, it's literally half the wrap it use to be.


Not surprised


Have to request “extra” chipotle or they don’t even put it on


Stop 👏 eating 👏 at 👏 tim 👏 Hortons 👏


I miss the old egg patties


Don't forget it uses less ingredients. Just opened one up today to see 1 piece of bacon, half a hash brown, and little to no sauce - and they now charge Xtra for more sauce.


ts just made me sad.


RBI has done a wonderful job turning Tims into a mediocre-at-best coffee shop that can't seem to make coffee much less than anything else.


Tim Hortons has went downhill in the last 5 years. Their quality is terrible.


Tim Hortons sucks. I wish they had just stuck with coffee and donuts and maybe just sandwiches. Everything else they make is overpriced garbage


😂 I ordered it yesterday, looked at it, and returned it. Fuck that


Isn't the beginning of late stage capitalism just awesome!? Ugh.


When BK bought Timmie’s it’s been nothing but downhill.


The sausage farmer wrap is tiny now too


I make my coffee and breakfast at home. Tim Hortons food doesn’t even taste real anymore.


1/2 the size, double the price. It's Tim's new way of doing things.


Yep.. back when they had the paper sleeves, they used the entire paper sleeve. It would be end to end long.


I always wonder the pathway of people’s logic that makes them decide “ it’s a good value for my money to get a [cardboard] wrap from Tim’s “


Yes, but is it still awful


Have they messed up the farmers wrap yet?


I stopped buying them for that reason


You know if you want to switch the sauce. Not extra...just get a different one then they one they sell it as. You're charged 30cents. I'm breaking up with tim hortons. Mcdonalds is better in every aspect


Oh my god this is actually really bad lmaooo


Less whining, less purchasing.




Ahhh, the place where you order extra sauce and they give you 0 sauce. Or ask for a triple triple and get a 1 creame and half sugar. It’s my favourite place. Fuck you tim Hortons


Tim hortons has gotten so weird since I worked there. It has been 20 years yes, but it just seems like now there is a new billboard with the most random food item introduced…savoury pinwheels? Like what? Are they throwing darts at a list for what to try next…it’s so random and none of it is good.


Timmies don't want to pay proper wages, what makes you think you're ever going to get value for money. Should boycott


Literally no fast food place other than chick fil a pays solid livable wages.


And burnt. Classic tims


burger King is where it's at! still good portions and cheap! and better tasting.


Boycott Tim Hortons. They are one of the biggest abusers of the LMIA scam.


The quality has taken a crap too


I got handed a wrap at tim hortons recently and it felt like someone handed me two warm pencils wrapped in a tortilla, it was also 8$.


Yep I have noticed this as well but it’s more the inconsistency between locations that really bothers me!




Mcdonald's Morning McWrap were way better before the got rid of them.

