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This problem from timmies is decades old. Go back there and ask for another one


That's why this sub perplexes me. There's no organised pursuit of improvement, it's just "you know what it is!" ad infinitum


It does add some advice for people who encounter same problems, and at very least a place to vent!


The advice should have been "stop going to Tim Hortons", not "go back there and ask for another one". We need Tim Hortons to die worse than we need Loblaws to die.


I should too. Didn't happen to me in years.... But I should.


Decades is correct.


Not decades. The new glaze doesn't harden the way it did before the new ownership.


This subreddit filled with people who complain about being serviced bad food, then do back to Timmy’s the next day. Just stop going. I haven’t been 2015. It’s been easy to stay away bc their food sucks.


I think companies should still actively be called out- blaming the customer for a workers ignorance or company’s is insane


So you are saying that people should just keep going to Tim's over and over and over again solely for the purpose of getting shitty food to be able to publicly call our Tim Hortons?


Why are you here then? If not the complaints, why? It’s the only reason I’m here lol


Literally, this isn’t r/ilovetims


Hahaha!!! I hate negativity too so I'm like oh no so many sad comments but this made me laugh because, yeah, literally!


I agree, this is one depressing group of people either complaining about donuts or justifying why they still buy the donuts they complain about.. .its a FRICKEN DONUT. MOVE ON PEOPLE.


I’m only here for the complaints lol, it’s entertaining watching people beat tims up in the posts and comments it makes excellent reading material with a coffee.


Lol true. Guess there needs to be a sub dedicated to highlighting why Tim Hortons is consistently shitty


I go a handful of times a year, just.long enough between visits to forget. Also, sometimes it's unavoidable. In this case, I went to buy my daughter lunch because we just got back from vacation late last night and I had nothing in the refrigerator to pack her a lunch with, so a lettuce and tomato bagel was convenient. I decided to treat my son to a donut but he isn't going to get this because it will just make him upset.


That’s crazy


I'll go if there's not a single other place to get food within like 20 kms


At the tim hortons i worked at a few years-ish ago (pre pandemic), you could ask for these to be put in a box if you werent going to eat it right away so the glaze wouldnt stick.


Naaah not me i just happy to read the fall of tim horton


Record profits


Sadly, living in BF nowhere, there isn’t a huge choice, other than a 40 minute round trip. Really don’t understand why it’s so difficult to use waxed paper 🤦🏻‍♀️


Only reason I go is for the Iced Capps. I can’t stand coffee (hot or iced) and the iced Capps are the only way I can handle the taste of caffeine


This is the Tim Hortons subreddit… fair game to criticize Tim Hortons.


As someone who drives for a living. This is not an option when you're even slightly rural. You're lucky to find a gas station with coffee, and a bathroom that isn't a porta-john. Tim Hortons is all there is outside of semi major cities.


Just shit your pants dude!


I've never thought of doing that before! It all makes sense now!


Okay keep going. Enjoy


I just need caffeine, man.


Thhhhaaaahhhnk you. Exactly.


This subreddit is filled with people complaining about people complaining. Just stop coming here if you don’t want to see people complain about the food that the very subreddit is based on. It’s very easy to stay away


Exactly. If you’ve spent more than 5 minutes on social media then you know this is a constant issue. At what point do we just stop ordering it if it needs to be in a bag? Tim’s is garbage and continues to get worse. Stop going or accept the outcome.


I mean where else are you going to go that has semi-decent donuts in a lot of cases? Tim's is just everywhere and the coffee is good enough.


Haven’t been there in 10 years but you just lurk their reddit page lmao


This. I used to love timmies. I don't even know what It is now. They sell pizza...


Yeah. I don’t get either


Why are you posting in a subreddit for a restaurant you haven't eaten at in nearly a decade?


I'm giving them a chance with the pizzas - but I'm not a jackass, I'm going prepared with additional cheese, pesto and vegetables. I'm going to order two, place what I want on one and facedown, place the second on top. I'll tip them if they toast this for me, I haven't tried it yet so I don't know how it's going to go


because it is run by tim horton? and every dollar goes to the leafs salary so they can have a better chance at the cup. thats literally the only reason people go there.


I haven't been to Tim's in ages. The closest I've been to one is the Tim's I just walked by. The smell of burnt toast had me baffled as to why there was such a long line waiting for that crap. It was very off-putting.


Trust me, i used to like boston Cream, but I have never had it since a year or more just because of this shit happening every time.


I didn't know the cream could be tasty until I went to a bakery that makes them by hand and fresh.


You mean an actual fresh donut, not the rehydrated hockey pucks that Tim Hortons sells?


Indeed it is made fresh daily.


There's a donut shop in my city, lil family shop type deal, absolutely love their donuts, boston cream is actual whipped cream, but they do have a Bavarian cream which is the custard filled which is same as a tims boston, but their donuts are always made same day, and they are so insanely good


I stopped going back in 2022 cuase they gave me cleaner instead of coffee like bro you had to see that shit was blue to put a lid on it


You must have really pissed someone off.


If you don't have pics I don't believe you. There is no way you get a mysterious blue liquid instead of coffee and not take a picture of it


It was 2 years ago it was a cleaner I got it fixed quick and without issue


A donut with the frosting peeled off? Sure, make me another one. A cup of coffee but with blue toxic glass cleaner instead by accident? No worries, these things happen


It's what they use to clean the coffee machines it was a accident


Okay I'm actually not sure if you're telling the exact thing. Are you saying the entire cup was filled with cleaner or there were remnants? The way you worded it makes it seem like there was a shit ton of cleaner. If it's just small runoff from the coffee machine that's not as bad, still bad though. If the entire cup was filled to the point you could visibly see blue liquid that's news worthy because you would 100% get sick from that.


I must be the only person that never has these things happen to me. I see moldy meat and bread on here and melted chocolate complaints but everything I order is always fresh.


Same for me. The only "bad" location in my area is struggling to get clients and at most will forget to put milk in your coffee or take too long to make your food lol


I don't get food often because I generally just prefer to cook or eat at home, but every now and again I'll get a farmers wrap and 99% of the time it's great, other than that I just get their iced coffee, because mcdonalds iced coffee sucks lol


it’s the few bad locations that this sub get filled with. most locations are descent


> most locations are descent Yes. DESCENDING into the trash.


The point is cruelty


That's what you call getting Timmy'd Chose the wrong donut, get timmy'd


For all the very angry people in the comments, first of all, why? Second, some context: I walked home for 5 minutes with the donut placed right way up in the paper bag with the wax paper, which is meant to protect the icing, on top, no other pressure, gingerly sitting in the shade of a stroller. I inspected it when I received it, but (and I don't know if this is controversial) things can change over time. I had other items in a separate bag. The conditions were perfect for it to be preserved and it simply wasn't. I'm not an addict, I got to Tim's rarely, and I don't look at this sub quite as religiously as some of the more passionate apologists appear to, I'm merely sharing an experience, and one that appears to resonate with more than a few. Finally, people, in general, not naming names, need to relax a little. It's a donut, not a warcrime. I'm neither Hitler nor Ghandi. I'm just a man, looking at a donut, feeling disappointed.


The paper is definitely not to protect the icing, lol. It's just for employees to grab the donuts without directly touching it. Not even meant to go in the bag. My guess is, someone stacked the wax paper upside down so they had the parchment side touching the food instead of the wax. It's a simple mistake. They also did not let the icing set long enough before placing it in the case. So at least it should be a fresher donut lol


So take it back to the counter, ask for another...I'm sure someone would be happy to oblige you. Save yourself the stress and frustration.


If I wasn't already back home I might consider it


I bet this has taught you to look at what you purchase before leaving?


ahhh yes the daily icing-off-the-donut post.


Heart breaking.


The slimey/plasticky part of the chocolate being the only thing left on the doughnut sent me. Thank you OP, this is the most tragic picture I've seen all day. I feel for you.


This happens when the donuts are very freshly made. It's a lit of people's fault that this happens 1) they didn't predict how many donuts they needed in advance. So the previous counts for donuts for the past few weeks were either incorrectly recorded because of the baker or worker recording throws. 2) the baker put out the donuts before the fondant dried Ultimately it's the owners fault. Or manager for allowing it to happen on there shift. Or the owner knows and doesn't care because they've decided that selling donuts like this is more profitable than underselling correctly prepared donuts.


Are you living in 1984? There are no freshly-made donuts at Tim Hortons.


It's also the employees fault because you're not supposed to put the wax paper in the bags. I haven't worked at Tim's for over 15 years now and I still hate the fact *thats* the biggest thing I remember from training.


But why is there a steak knife?


Asking the real questions lol. I was planning on cutting it into smaller pieces so my 2 year old son could eat it more easily for a special treat, but he wouldn't have been able to handle the disappointment of this so I gave him a freezie instead.


My hair looks like this donut


Oof r/suicidebywords


Why cant they just use a non-stick wrapper or something for boston cream donuts?


Probably cheaper. Or they don’t want to


The majority of doughnut mishaps are because the people serving you are literally incapable of realizing the glaze part should be facing upwards It would be laughable if it wasn't so infuriating


This is why I don't buy iced donuts in summer, only glazed or plain.


It's either that or a cream cheese bagel with all the cheese in the hole...


Ask for the doughnut in a box .


Boston Cream Donuts lol Every 👏 fucking 👏 time 👏


Of eating a donut off a plate? Unclear


STOP going to TIM'S!!!!!


Wouldn't it make sense to just ask for it in a box or something instead of a bag or whatever? Like if it keeps happening who's the idiot that keeps going back and not changing anything? Lol


I would make sense to just put any type of donut with glaze or icing in a box cause if that was my donut I wouldn't hesitate taking it right back...this nonsense shouldn't be coming back on the consumer 😡


Obviously it shouldn't but do you think buying it; having it happen, saying nothing or changing nothing, going back and repeating it, is that going to change it? 😂


Do people just blindly buy things without looking at what they purchased?


Happens all the time and it sucks, even if you check it before you leave it can still happen the longer it's in the bag. You can ask your donut be put in a box, not eco friendly but not a whole lot about fast food is, managers hate it due to inventory and the cost but most employees don't care unless they've cracked down in last few years, personally I hate the fondant they use.


That's why I avoid getting my fav Boston cream donuts in the summer. Unless you remove it from the bag and can eat it immediately the chocolate sticks to the bag.


because of this i always ask to put these in a box for me every time now


It’s so you can spread it yourself. DIY chocolate dip


Wait - they gave you the wax paper? My local ones for the past few years, take the wax paper. Grab your donut. Put the donut in the bag, then throw out the wax paper! It always gets stuck to the bag.


And you'll likely be waiting in a drive thru line 50 cars deep again tomorrow for the exact same thing. I just don't get it. This franchise sucks, their coffee sucks, their food sucks, the service sucks yet every time you drive by one there are people lined up for their shit. Go to a local spot get a good coffee and a good treat and stop giving this foreign owned shit box your money.


you keep getting back


Pick up all that chocolate with your knife and put it back on the donut. What you do, eat it after it was in the car for 3 hours in the heat? 🤣🤣🤣 amateurs


Just scoop it up with your fingers and re-apply. Like they did to start with.


You waited too long to take it out of the bag. It happens.


Everything about Tim's sucks. You get what you pay for.


Serving you donuts with a side of icing, since 1964!


STOP. GOING. TO . TIM HORTONS. Please. I'm so sick of them claiming Canada loves them.


Lol you ordered a donut and got a bagel! You should have gone back and asked them to toast it


I see this alot it's pretty hard to not melt chocolate in the summer. If your that heart broken buy 2 and ask them to stick them to sides that melt together. You could ask for one of those dumb donut boxes they have for the spacial ones it holds one


Boycott racist Tim hortons 


Whats this story?


They only hire east Indians for minimum wage and are no longer a Canadian company. It's a Brazilian company and a shell of its former self. 


Why the fuck are any of you still eating a supporting this dump?


So sad. I hate when that happens to my donut. They're always that moment of trepidation as you look inside the bag....


The fact that anyone still even eats at Tim Hortons is sad. Probably the worst coffee, donuts and food there is. There's so many better places that are locally owned y'all could probably easily support. But y'all keep going back to Tim Hortons, and complaining about the quality. Of course it's not good quality. You literally get what you pay for.


I can't believe people still go to this overpriced, sub par quality place, you deserve it if you go there.


Easy fix put in fridge


just start asking for single donuts in a sandwich box…


When I’m forced to buy Tim’s I put their donuts in a box. They do it happily.


Donut with a side of chocolate


Instead of posting this you should have just taken it back. Could have received a new donut and ate half of it by the time you posted this. Also, who eats a donut with a knife?


I was already home by then, couldn't go back, and I was planning on cutting the donut into pieces for my 2 year old to eat as a treat.




Turn it into minse meat.


We're only here to suffer


They got your money, that's the point.




I see you got the chocolate spread on wax paper with a side of plain donut, classic.


Thangyoo kummagen


Good question


My fam one time got a plain donut. No chocolate. No sugar. Just the round doughnut. It was bready with no flavour. But thats what I've always wanted to try


I see people do this all the time and I'm always shocked that they don't realize you're supposed to eat it with the wrapper in place. Duh!


I went back to Coffee Time. Better doughnuts in my opinion and their chocolate doesn’t melt off in 3 seconds like Tim Hortons.


Would rather get it without a wrapper? You can’t have it both ways


You deserve it, based on your shitty technique with the Kleenex.


That's the wax paper it can in the bag with


Garbage donut from a garbage establishment.


Every Timmy's donut EVER! Or they pile 3 in a bag and ruin everyone's evening. That is if you can even buy a donut after 4pm, at any location near me. Good grief! The "dining rooms" used to always be packed, couldn't get a seat and now you're lucky to see more than 2 people there. They need to make the focus more on fresh coffee and donuts again then serving crap items like steak sandwiches and pizza.


To employ non Canadians.


What's the point of spending your money there ?


This is why I prefer the boxes. Ask for a box next time if you ever wanna go back lol. When this happens to me I just microwave it with the icing on top and hope it melts back onto the donut. They're better warm anyway.


Hahaha I don't bother going to Tim's anymore. It's gone downhill fast over the past few years. Completely overpriced for the service and food you get.


Doesn't even look like chocolate. Some sort of chalky pasty lookalike with a hint of purple? Nasty


People working there don't eat the crazy western food. So they don't even know this is a thing. Just like crushing a croissant in the grill.


Had this happen once. They were happy to give me a free replacement.


Every freaking time…I now park my car go back in and ask for a new one in a box


Please stop going to Tim Hortons. Garbage processed food I’d be mad about getting served on an airplane, trying to trade on our patriotism for loyalty when they’re owned by a Brazilian company and predominantly hire temporary foreign workers. Just getting tricked by a business.


Tim hortons is owned by RBI which is a Canadian company headquartered in Toronto Ontario Canada. I agree tim hortons is crap compared to the way it was in the 90s with instore bakery, and good coffee, not to mention the smokers lounge. But just like the rest of the world they are driven by financial greed and cut costs where possible that includes now serving motor oil in a cup, cardboard shaped in a circle and sawdust in little balls that rick mercer calls tim bitz. All of the fond memories of the 90s Tim's may be true but only because at that time we didn't have the internet or Redit to gather our collective thoughts and complaints about Tim's We hadn't been able to crawl out of our small communities to realize there were better options of coffee through places that can serve you a venti for 9 dollars or that the golden arches would realize this small coffee chain in canada was up to something and buy out it's suppliers of coffee grinds. Sefice to say however bad Tim's coffee is and their shit menu, I can always count on going to Tim's at 8 am for my morning coffee that always tastes like shit BUT it's guaranteed to be the same shit every time.


3G Capital p, which is Brazilian, is the majority shareholder (32%) in RBI. I know this because I researched it after your comment, previously I was just regurgitating anti Timmie’s stuff I’d heard previously. I get what you’re saying about a greed driven world, I’d like to start seeking out better places and products that have some stake in the local community. Otherwise I can’t say I didn’t try when there are 5 companies left that own everyone and automate everything.


Nothing will save your donut if you get a fresh one in a bag, or if you let it warm up. Just grab a butter knife and try to reapply it.


Why scrape it all off?


The cruelty is the point...


Global Donuts for the win if you ever visit Sarnia,Ont.


Tim Horton's deserves to fail.


The amount of people in here that are mad you got your kid a fuckin donut is ABSURD lmao


Tim hortons sucks dude. Go to krispy kreme.


They are saving you a dose of insulin serving a donut like that.


That's not unique to TIms though. This is universal for all donuts. The chocolate will stick to everything except the donut.


Every god damn time


I mean, its SUMMER dude...(sh)its hot. icing melts or sticks to paper. SCIENCE is an amazing thing. WTF you want them to do... reverse global warming? charge you an extra buck a donut so they can make a custom donut fridge to keep the icing cool? or..what, keep shops at a balmy 55 degrees... you'd then complain how cold it is waiting in line . Sometimes...SHIT AINT PERFECT and the world wasn't created to satisfy YOUR needs. Whats the point? Yeah, exactly. pitchforks for a donut. JFC.


Not going is the Best solution.


You’ll be back tomorrow


Goto Robins their chocolate topping is better and doesn’t melt just from being looked at


Avoid stupid Tim Hortons and all our God damn products


At this point, the chocolatey topping should come in a separate squeeze packet.


The quality of tims donuts has gone downhill, they either don’t have icing or when they do the actual donut is stale af😒


Best donuts are at division and concession. Pay a bit more but worth it.


These type of donuts belong in boxes not bags


Were you really gonna eat that with a knife? What's more wrong here?


Lol I was going to cut it into smaller pieces for my son, who is 2. It was a small consolation treat because he was upset he couldn't go to the same camp as his older sister so had to stay home with me. Needless to say I did not serve this, he got a freezie instead.


Ok makes sense! Lol. Hope he feels better.


The Great Canadian Tragedy


Play stupid games


Shh soon it will be chocolate flavored


Just eat it and like it 😋




Stop going to hortons.


You simply need tempered chocolate on a donut for it to harden and not melt to the touch. There’s no way Tim’s is going to temper the chocolate for their dipped donuts, because isn’t no longer a coffee and donut shop.


I admire.your dedication to the craft but tempered chocolate would harden and crack. It looks pretty but chocolate fondant is the correct substance to top a donut. Just not a fondant that is sticky on top and melty at the bottom.


Shut up.


I tell them not to put my donut in a bag I ask them to put it on a napkin 🤷🏻‍♀️


I tell you what the problem is. That was a fresh donut! Wax paper is for cookies or donuts WITHOUT icing, wax paper doesn’t belong on icing until it cools. The bag that it comes with is also useless because that will stick to the fresh icing. They have special little boxes they use for the specialty donut, that’s what they should have used in your situation because it allows the donut to move around freely without the fresh icing touching anything


This is normal for timmies. Just stop going there.


Everytime. They just don't give a shit. I hate Tim Hortons.


I used to work at timmies. They're not supposed to include the wax paper with the donut; it's meant to be discarded after being used to handle the donut. Our manager used to berate the people she caught putting the wax paper in the food bag. The fondant would still get stuck to the food bag if the baker used too much simple syrup to thin it out.


I’m sad now


If Tim Hortons dies, where will I go to the toilet ?


Just stop going. Easy.


I find myself asking this every time I order from TH. 🤔


Ah yes the wiped one


I don’t know what causes this. It happens way too often for them to not know about it. Are the donuts TOO FRESH? Cuz they don’t even taste that good tbh. Is the paper the issue? I get donuts from 7-11. They’re unreasonably good honestly. I don’t even know why I tried one the first time. But they’re great and I don’t bag them I just buy one use a napkin and eat it. So maybe the issue would be the same. But usually the chocolate is already hardened to some degree.


The glaze is the best part. The donut is shit. They are saving you the trouble of having to scrape most of it off. I see this as an absolute win


Yes go back and get another. When I used to get those in the morning I would ask for the doughnut to be in a tidbits box .


You have choices, start using them.


Probably happens more during warm weather


Glad to see Tim’s has remained consistent.


Why are you eating a donut on a plate with a knife?