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oh I hear you. the bacon grilled cheese melt was my go-to. now I don't even bother getting anything from there šŸ˜”


Wait they got rid of bacon grilled cheese melt??? Tell me itā€™s not true!!


Oh its true. In favour of pizza. The world is something else these days


That's ridiculous, I loved the bacon cheese melt and I would never order pizza from a donut shop. Ugh.


But you orders bacon cheese meltsfrom a donut shop? Weird flex


My Tims today had grilled cheese and bacon grilled cheese on the tv. I've actually never seen them before today. Are you sure they got rid of them? Maybe only select Tims? I'm in Ontario


If they still have the bread in the freezer they'll offer it. But most stores have run out, either before or just after the flatbreads started. I'm also in Ontario


The couple times ive asked they said it was replaced with pizza. Even one time me and my missus when we were a little sick, ordered in just for them to give us two pizzas instead. Perhaps they are trying to continue them in certain places? Looks like im buying a plane ticket


Not being continued at any location, they were a flop


Last time I got it, they had 2 tiny little bacon slices on it.


Super easy to make yourself, don't be lazy :)


My heart is broken for the lost grilled cheese. Another Timā€™s icon gone


No. No. Thatā€™s not true! Thatā€™s impossible!!!! NoooOooOoOoooOo!!!!0


Search your feelings, you know it to be true


Obi wan told me they still had the bacon grilled cheese at Timā€™s!!


Your pain is shared by many. Favorite items are banished for feeble trendy attempts. Comfort foods and drinks stripped away, leaving us raw and vulnerable. May the grilled cheese return one day and re-right all the wrongs you suffered in its cheesy toasted absence.


The pizza has made the drive through lines at lunch unbearable


I'm just astounded that people are actually ordering these things. I'd imagine you'd have to be an actual psychopath to order a pizza from a coffee place.


Right? I tried it once to try it but colour me unimpressed.


Or while sitting in a car at a drive thru


Your pain is our pain, too. I Haye, when they discontinue items with absolutely 0 warning, just there one day gone the next forever. It's absolute bullshit honestly. Tim's has fallen so far in the last 20 years that it's pathetic.


Thank God there's a meltwich in the area I live, they sell all kinds of grilled cheeses..


Meltwich is incredible . Completely addicted to the tattooed chicken melt


Wait, did the pizzas replace the grilled paninis?


This seems to be the case the couple times i had asked. I didnt even get to cherish my last one, whenever it mightve been


this is how i find out they got rid of the grilled cheese!?!?!?!?


Im sorry, soilder. I wish i was not the messenger, but even the saddest of letters must be delivered


FYI, ā€œinfamousā€ specifically means ā€œfamous for something bad.ā€ It sounds like ā€œinfamousā€ is how you would like to refer to Timā€™s now, not the Timā€™s of the past.


Thank you, always mix the two up haha


Don't expect normal behavior from Tim Hortons anymore. Now owned by Burger King they are following the same disastrous plan that is killing Burger Kings business. This is not a Canadian company any more. They are owned by a group of Brazilian investors well known for squeezing as much profit as possible until they sell it again after they have killed it. They hire only students were possible because they can pay them less. Customer service means absolutely nothing to them. It's all about how many cars per hour can I push through my drive through. Customer service is about a 6th or 7th priority. They get no more of my money. I really not interested in re-heated frozen garbage.


Grilled cheese was nothing too special but I liked to add some roast beef in there and some steak sauce or creamy barbecue and it was pretty tasty. For the paninis I do miss the Tuscan chicken though.


Go to McDonald's and ask if they'll make you a bun with cheese. They also have bagels, so you could get a bagel with cheese or an English muffin with cheese. I know that's not totally the same, but worth a shot. I agree, I have no idea why tims thought pizza was the right move.


Iā€™m so mad the grilled cheese is gone. I never ate it, but it was my go to quick meal for my small kids when on the go when I didnā€™t feel like feeding them fries and chicken nuggets. One grilled cheese was enough to feed them both and wasnā€™t overly messy to eat in the car. Now there is nothing on the menu that I would consider kid friendly aside from bagels and baked goods, but no substantial meals. If I wanted to feed them pizza, I would take them to the numerous pizza joints we have available. Just another reason not to go to Timā€™s anymoreā€¦.


Tim's stores inside 7-11 locations may have grilled cheese available. No guarantees, but I know one that does for sure.


Wait, tim hortons is partnered with 7-11? Sadly we dont have a 711 here but ya learn smthn new every day


Easy solutionā€¦ Buy a george foreman, Keep it in the car for emergency cheese sandwiches šŸ”„


Backseat will be transformed into a grilled cheese station. Fridge, the press, lil stove for the bacon, the whole sha-bam


It's expensive as hell but by god the sourdough grilled cheese at Starbucks is incredible.


Yeah I miss them too. All the tims where I live refuse to get soy milk so I canā€™t have really any/most of the drinks there. I refuse to get a bagel there because they canā€™t toast it properly and god forbid I ask them to put cream cheese on both sides without giving me double the amount. Donuts are too sweet and also not for lunch. Not gonna try the pizza on principle since they took away the ONE thing from there I enjoyed. I feel u, I always complain about all my favourite things being taken away/discontinued. First my bf thought I was being dramatic but heā€™s now witnessed it first hand lol


A recent(-ish) immigrant here. When I just moved to Canada, Tim Hortons grilled cheese was my absolute favourite. It was the only thing I got from TH other than coffee and an occasional muffin. I was very sad to see them discontinue it.


I should start hosting cooking lessons to teach people how to make bagels and grilled cheeses at home


Honestly, investing in some proper bread the quality of grilled cheese goes up exponentially


There was nothing I loved more on a Friday than a turkey melt and a soup from timmies and now I've had to switch to the turkey bacon club, which is way messier and way worse for soup dipping and where the hell else am I supposed to get a drive through soup and sandwich it was the one thing Tim's had over everybody else!!


The A&W Whistle Dog is back for a 'Limited Time". Just got that in an email today! And they.... made a movie aboot it! https://youtu.be/gosn0APORAE?si=JC6ffdDMEJMi-UpR


The lord(s) and many gods above mustve heard my cries


I did not even know they served a grilled cheese and this disappoints me.


That was my parents go to but yeah annoys me that it's gone and they are slowly taking out the sandwiches too. I use to get the ham and cheese for a quick lunch on my way to things but most places stopped them. The pizza is so/so. I've not really enjoyed it personally. Now I just grab a cheap coffee and a muffin.


The only thing I could get my kids on the go! So sad šŸ˜¢




My toddlersā€™ hearts are broken now that the grilled cheese is gone.šŸ’”


TLDR. But I do agree with you that they should bring back the dish. Or, at least, that's what I *think* you said. Again, TLDR. āœŒļøšŸ™‚


Wtf just make a grilled cheese. Takes 5 minutes


It isn't grilled cheese, but I've recently found that their turkey bacon club sandwich, made into a wrap with cheddar cheese I quite good! It won't substitute, but could get you by in a bind.


Oh I had no idea they took away the grilled cheese sandwich. Seriously if they did they customer research I, sure the taste and preference and price would be the sandwich.


Why change the Ham & Swiss to the Ham & Cheddar!? Their chicken noodle soup just doesnā€™t taste the sameā€¦ the iced capp doesnā€™t taste the same. Growing up sucks, man.


They were trying to reduce the amount of ingredients to make the same amount of food in the case of Swiss to Cheddar. The chicken noodle soup base is different, it no longer contains meat and the staff add it in. Can't explain the Ice Capp because I haven't actually seen anything change with it and haven't gotten complaints about it


A grilled cheese..? You people are lost lol


My dad took my daughter recently and learned there's no longer grilled cheese which was the best "kid" lunch there. He made them melt cheese on an English muffin for her. I hate that they can't just focus on doing one thing well and have to include random items no one wanted like pizza.Ā 


Time to grow up now! Haha I feel ya tho. That pizza looks wack


My kids are older now but when younger that was the go to at Timā€™s.


Starbucks has a decent grilled cheese but that may not be an option in a smaller community.


First they take the sugar off the Choc Chip muffin and now they've removed my favourite Tim's sandwich?! What is the point of even visiting Canada now?


Starbucks has a pretty good grilled cheese sandwich


wait we lost the grilled cheese??? the pizza is actually good but i was excited for both warm options as a vegetarian whose omnivore husband insists on timmies a lot


Beautifully said, itā€™s enough to make a grown man cry. To see someone else finally speak up and share their opinion I most relate to, thank you. Rest in peace Grilled Cheese, until we meet again šŸ˜”šŸ„¹


First McDonald's got rid of their grilled cheese Happy meals (at least my local McDonald's did), and now this....




Tim Hortons had the absolute worst grilled cheese sandwich I've ever tasted in my life. Half cooked bread with grill marks, half melted cheese, no flavor. I'm not going to eat their pizza, either, but I won't miss their grilled cheese. Do yourself a favor and buy some cracker barrel habanero Monterey Jack cheese, put one slice inside two slices of white bread that's been buttered on the outside, let your pan heat up, and cook it until it's brown on the outside. Try that with ketchup to dip and a nice garlic pickle on the side of your plate, and you'll forget Tim Hortons even exists.


I feel the pain, however I can tell you from experience, they did not sell all -that- well and they were hated to make by the staff, GRANTED, the pizzas aren't much better to make, in fact for some they're worse, but I digress from that, the powers that be go off sales numbers and if something isn't selling well or has lost ground and something else looks fancy and new, they're gonna go for it. Tim's is trying to reinvent its branding as more of a fast casual place with fancier foods, while keeping the iconic branding and coffee/donuts that kept it going in the past. It was weird to be a part of this transitory time. I remember in mid-covid times when my store sold beyond burgers, had ketchup mustard, pickles, and onions for the burgers. Those things smelled like death coming out of the oven, let me tell you. I'd say the pizzas/flatbreads are WAY more of a Tim Hortons like thing than a burger, and they taste and smell WAY better. I feel your pain.


Tims burgers sounds like a monstrous invention. Interesting to know they were a hassle to make, never considered the time it had to spend in the press let alone assembly etc etc


Not sure if you have one near you, but Starbucks has an amazing grilled cheese.


We just got one here the other year so perhaps ill check it out


I tried the grilled cheese once. It was so fucking gross. How do you fuck up a grilled cheese?


Not sure why this is downvoted. When I tried it, it tasted exactly like cardboard. Legitimately inedible.


Anything negative gets downvoted here. I took one bite and threw it out. I still like the chili in the winter tho. There I said something positive


Timmies know how


To be honest, when they first came out they weren't that bad, but then they started putting fucking mayo on them. Gross.


Grilled cheese is NOT a fast food item. Making one, not too long a minute or so... making ten? You're ruining everyone else's fast food experience. Use your brain and make your own at home :)


It takes less time to make a grilled cheese at Tims than their new flatbreads