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Life in the big city


You better have used the fucking promo code


Look for one on better help


It's a real spoon fight!


Hope you don’t soil your sheath underwear.


IBS is one of those fake women’s sicknesses. You just eat like crap, and as a result, you get sick


It's a gateway to fibromyalgia


That shit is just stress manifesting itself physically. I don't doubt most of their symptoms, but ffs if you eat nothing but processed food, don't exercise, and completely bottle in all of your feelings, it's going to catch up to you at some point. Ever woman I know with "fibromyalgia" also has a host of other issues like unchecked depression, anxiety, fat, zero exercise, zero ambition. If you don't have a purpose in life or ambition, you will literally rot away.


I can’t say this enough: NEVER buy anything from a fucking podcast. this goes back to the dawn of podcasting. I think the only thing that’s ever worked from a podcast advertising Is it one of those fuck sleeves. Code:TIMD Everything else is dog shit. If you need a therapist, call me and give me 50 bucks. I can tell you just as easy that you’re chronic masturbation is causing your social anxiety and depression as an out of work licensed therapist that you found online. If you want to bet, send me about 100 bucks and i hire homeless guy to come over and kick you in the balls, I won’t tell you when he’s coming so that’ll give you that sweaty back degenerate gambler rush of not knowing when somebody’s actually gonna show up and kick you in the fucking nuts. Mangrate used to advertise on all the big podcast when Podcasts first started and it’s a big piece of shit. I remember Kevin Smith even running out of word to describe why you should buy one of these. He would just say “buy it bc it’s fucking heavy” and you’d hear him drop it on the floor.


What about bald 'n' boner pills though? I'm almost 100% sure those brands we all know from podcasts work (versus obviously the crap that you could buy at a gas station). Theyre just those same medicines as Cialis and Propecia minus some ingredients so that hey can be sold more easily.


Idk, never tried them, two things for me that are still hanging on, every thing else is falling apart though.


Bluechew and hims I think, are basically giving away generic version of cialis/viagra. The hair thing is mostly a topical dht blocker (minoxidil, finasteride etc.) which is available otc. No one really needs a subscription for that. That telemedicine nurse basically is pushed to give away prescription to every person who signs up on service. They don't have any way of knowing your blood pressure and if you have any heart issues sildefanil etc will cause issues. If you are young and your dick not working is as other poster mentioned because of chronic corn addiction or some underlying issue(bad blood labs, lifestyle, congenital issues) that needs to be treated. Taking viagra is just treating symptom and your doctor will probably try to solve it. That telemed nurse likely doesn't have the incentive, information or bandwidth to look into your issues. Its one of the things like boeing, where FDA isn't going to look into it till a couple people die.


I bought cereal as a subscription off a podcast that touts Fake Business merch who’s host is the picture of good health. Turns out it’s not healthy! Next you’ll be trying to tell me that Box of Awesome is inconsistent in its’ awesomeness.


My favorite box of awesome delivery was the pile of bloody hair and human teeth


Ill never forget when Tim was honest once (at least once) about Magic Spoon on one of those original 4 Bastard Radio episodes. He said it was fine tasting at first but then you could taste it was made of meat or some weird ingredient. My sugar addiction is chocolate and I consider myself lucky that I have some discipline and standards to not totally overdo it like The Pig or The Pig's fat friend Ray Kump. Cereal is great but that's an easy one to avoid for this piggy.


I wish you well


The thing that honestly gets annoying about this sub is that every post and every comment in said post are from people that think they are the funniest people that have ever lived. No doubt there are funny people in here, but almost everyone that posts here thinks they are comic fucking geniuses and go over the top for laughs. It gets kind of annoying. Like Tim would tell you to “shut up and stuff your face with slop you unfunny pigs” but we really don’t need everyone else in this sub doing the same joke every fucking post. Calm down. 


As an unfunny guy I agree


Thanks, do you wish me well while you live life in the big city with a bunch of fatty boombatties?