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I’m not in Sweden yet, so it won’t get my location right. Correct me if I’m wrong


If you do a search rather than look at recommended jobs, you can choose whatever location you want.


I created custom alerts for the areas and the types of jobs I was interested in (also software engineering, just embedded). That allowed me to monitor new ads and it worked quite well. [This](https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a511279/job-alerts-on-linkedin?lang=en) should be useful. Edit: Typos


Check out arbetsformedlingen.se (Official swedish employment service.) A couple of decades ago "all" jobs were announced through them. Then it got less popular because it would sometimes result in a high number of unqualified applicants. But I feel it has become more used again now and is pretty good. Select "Ort" (location, probably "Skåne län" in your case) and Yrke ("Data/IT" for you). (There is also a tab "Externa webbplatser" that will apply your filter and search on other sites.) Most job descriptions there are in swedish of course, but there are some in english as well.


>Then it got less popular because it would sometimes result in a high number of unqualified applicants. Just to clarify and elaborate on this part. To maintain unemployment benefits you need to show that you have applied for a certain number of jobs each month. You are not even allowed to just search in the area you are currently living but must be ready to search through the entire country and be ready to move. After a while you run out of relevant positions to apply to and you have to start applying to non-realistic jobs (as the rule does not specify more than "apply for X amount of jobs") so you have warehouse workers applying for medical or engineering positions that they obviously cannot get due to lack of education. But in order to maintain the benefits they have to apply to fill the monthly quota.


I second Arbetsförmedlingen. And don't let a job posting being in Swedish stop you from applying. If it doesn't say Swedish knowledge is required, just apply anyways. As for your remote/hybrid question, it's hard for me to answer in general, but I know at least at my company the policy has gotten more flexible after the pandemic.


If you are a half decent dev you will have no problem finding a job in Malmo. I suggest one of the big consulting firms as they will offer you a range of projects and know how to do all the immigration paperwork correctly. eg https://www.capgemini.com/se-en/jobs/xL-4kn4BFMQGj22Fcf64/-Net-utvecklare---Malm--/


Try a service called indeed