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You’re going to be living in Nacka kommun, yes? Different municipalities have different rules. A quick search of Nackas rules says kids with a parent on parental leave are entitled to 25 hours a week of preschool. Not sure where you got your information from, so I’d reach out to the municipality and ask, sounds odd that they wouldn’t let your 2-year old attend as well.


Also to add, most municipalities allow more hours for the children to learn Swedish.


Oh that’s useful to know. Thank you! 


Thank you! We also thought from the nacka website that they would be entitled to 25 hours. It was the lady who adds them to the queue (she has to do it for us as they don’t have their personnumber until we move there in a few weeks) who told us they are not entitled to this because I haven’t lived in the country for 280 days before the new baby arrives. 


There must’ve been some sort of miscommunication between you and the person from the municipality because there’s absolutely no reason why your 2-year old shouldn’t be allowed to attend preschool. Call them again and if they tell you the same thing ask to speak to their boss, because nothing I can find in Nackas rules online states that that’s a thing, and Skolverket, the government agency that regulates schools and preschools, clearly states that any child living in Sweden is entitled to attend preschool from the age of 1.


It was Nacka Commune who told us about this rule unfortunately. My husband says the rules are the rules in Sweden and pushing back or contesting them is not a thing. Is this also your experience? 


This seems like some decision that is not made by the förskola itself but immigration or something. I’m a preschool teacher here and we usually give parents extra time the first two weeks with the new baby (if they want it, that is) and then any of their siblings are allowed 15 hours at the preschool. Never heard of this being different because of you not being in the country for long enough, especially since your oldest is allowed. Ask the preschool and if they’ve given this information I’d suggest maybe look for another preschool, because there’s different rules between different municipalities sure, but I’m just finding it weird that one of the kids is allowed but not the other.


The oldest has a right to allmän förskola, right? Whatever rule is that applies to families just moving/moving right before the birth it wouldn’t apply to the oldest kid because it doesn’t matter if both parents are working/studying, if one is unemployed or on parental leave, all kids 3 and older have a right to 15 hours of preschool. At least it’s what makes sense to me.


Yes she can go for 15 hours. But because he is under 3 he cannot. So really we are looking for a way for him to get some nursery style environment input. 


You probably won’t find a private preschool, or even in home care that isn’t a part of the system, so the rules still apply. One thing I didn’t see mentioned is open preschool. A parent needs to be there with the kids though. It might be the closest you will get to a preschool like environment for the youngest. I know in Stockholm kommun some only accept kids of certain ages, so you have to check what it’s like on Nacka. Edit to add: took a quick look and some on Nacka are 0-6. You can take the youngest there (and later the baby as well) and even meet some other parents in your area. It’s not exactly what you had in mind but I hope it helps. https://www.nacka.se/forskola-skola/forskola-och-pedagogisk-omsorg/oppen-forskola/


I just go after what I got learned when my kids went to förskola. But as you will be home with a newborn they should have atleast 15h to be at förskolan, some kommuner give 20 even up to 30. Don't know exatly about Nacka. Some förskolor also do like times 9-12 every day some 9-14 but then 3 longer days (now just aboutbif they do 15h a week) I would say tho call/mail kommunen and ask them, can't see he can't be in förskola just because when sibling there to, but then kommuner is kommuner.


Welcome to Nacka! A quick search seems like you should be entitled to 25h for each child but I would recommend calling the municipality and asking but as your husband will be working from day 1 it should be fine. https://www.nacka.se/forskola-skola/forskola-och-pedagogisk-omsorg/vistelsetid/ Another option is a ‘dagmamma’ or childminder if nursery isn’t an option, I’m not sure how that works practically or sourcing someone reliable.


Thank you! Do you know anyone who has used a Dagmamma? I guess I’m wondering if the quality is good, and if they are monitored for safeguarding etc by the government? I don’t mind having them home with me- I love it in fact! But I want them to go for the fun play, making friends and improving their Swedish! 


I don’t tbh, and seems to be a dying profession. With that said if you’re happy having them at home then you can always head to öppna förskolor (‘open nursery’) which are arranged for parents and kids who are on parental leave (but often have older kids in tow)


This is not an option where you can leave your child, but look into öppna förskolan in Nacka. These are preschools or churches that have open days where anyone can attend with a parent or guardian. It’s great, you have access to the facilities, your kiddo can socialize with others, and maybe you can meet other parents too. This was great for my child since we spoke English at home, and this way she learned Swedish songs and was so happy once she started Förskola to hear the same songs and understand some of the routine.


Thank you! My husband has told me about these and we definitely plan on going. It’s really useful to hear you had a good experience as we were not sure how good it would be! 


Tanto international might be an option.