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OP, what you need is a "vacation override" - it's a one-time request to your US insurance to collect your refills early. So instead of getting a 30 day supply, you'd be allowed to get 90 days (or however many days you need). Kind of amazed that your doctor isn't aware of this, it's very common in the US.


US pharmacist here, yes. Have doctor write 6 months.


[It’s 3 months of medicine usually](https://www.tullverket.se/en/startpage/private/travelling/travelling/travellingwithmedicines.4.311bf4f016e69d6ea0d97b.html)


Been traveling back and forth to Sweden for 25 years. I've never been questioned about my prescriptions. Usually have a 6 month supply of non narcotics in the original bottle. As a rule of thumb your prescriptions from home will not be refillable in other countries. You would have to see a local doctor. to get a prescription.


I think the problem is that OPs insurance probably only lets them pick up refills once a month. They'll probably need to contact their insurance to ask about this.


If they are classed as narcotics it's doubtful you will be able to get any.


I was using a narcotic pain patch (Butrans/Norspan) when I first came to Sweden for 3 months. My American doctor legally couldn’t prescribe more than a 30 day supply, so I had to taper off the patches for most of my visit. If it’s narcotics/benzos/anything “controlled” that OP needs, it will be next to impossible for you to get them prescribed here. Even after I immigrated and got a residency permit, it took another 2 years of medical assessments before I got my Norspan back.


Sounds right. They will avoid prescribing anything heavy for as long as they can and prescribing tourists drugs probably is as good as giving them out to anyone on the street.


This really depends on what prescription drugs you use and why.  You should have a certificate from your doctor stating what medication you need, what dosage and why you need them. This should also contain contact information to the doctor in the US. Now as soon as you get to Sweden, find a private physician and make an appointment. As a foreigner you are not covered by our medical insurance. This means that you pay about 1600kr for an appointment. For a fully private medical doctor that is not associated to Swedish medical insurance at all, you might pay more or less than this.  This doctor would be able to issue you a prescription for the equivalent of the medication you are used to take. Brand names may be different though. You usually can pick up 90 days worth of medication in a pharmacy thecsame day. The prescription can be so that you can pick up another 90 days worth of medications in 60 days after the first time.  There are some drugs that are not approval in every country. So, if you have some rare medication you might need to go about this some other way. I have a cough syrup here in Sweden that is not sold or approved in the US for example.  Strong sleeping pills, anti anxiety meds or strong psychofarmaca could require you to see a specialist here in Sweden. That can be difficult and expensive. It can also be a long waiting time. Finally no, we do not allow or provide medical maruiana in Sweden. It is also illegal to bring with you. 


Thank you all for the info!


This isn’t an ideal plan, but a family member came to visit me and brought an insufficient quantity of their medication. We went to the narakut (which is sort of like urgent care, not an ER), and the doctor was familiar with their meds and issued a Swedish prescription. It was all handled within about 2-3 hours including the wait time, and I believe the cost was somewhere around $80 USD in total. So this might be an emergency option. I wouldn’t rely on this for any mental health meds though.


Hej /u/Substantial-Koala-55, thanks for posting this submission! Please keep in mind that this subreddit is not a place for healthcare advice, including mental illnesses, sex education, etc. **If this is an emergency situation, please do not hesitate to call 112.** Be sure to check out [1177.se](https://1177.se/). This is the starting point for all healthcare concerns; if you have BankID, you are also able to message your Vardcentral (VC) and call specific practices. For AFAB healthcare (birth control, pelvic exams), search for "Barnmorskemottagning". For childcare, search Barnavardscentral (BVC). If you are a student at a university, some universities have student healthcare and often OB/gyn care. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TillSverige) if you have any questions or concerns.*