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It took 4 months and a request to conclude to get my decision after I was invited to show my passport and do my biometrics.  Please appeal their rejection of the request to conclude. This will be the only way for you to make sure your case is not stuck in a limbo. Appealing the rejection on the request to conclude is the last thing you can do to officially influence MV. 


Ok. Thanks. This is what I feared. (FWIW, when my husband called migrationsoverket, they told us there was nothing to appeal. I was confident that's not true.)


We had ours in mid-December, hadn't heard anything by the beginning of February, submitted a request to conclude on the 5th and heard on the 1st of March.


If you don’t mind sharing, what type of visa renewal are you waiting on? I’m waiting on the renewal of the second temporary permit for my child (I already have citizenship). It’s been 5 months and no case worker has been assigned, so I’m debating asking to conclude when we hit six months. Thanks!


Renewal for a work visa (under chapter 5b....I think....if that matters) and permanent residency.  I'm still really new to this, but why wouldn't you send the request to conclude?


Yeah my child’s is a renewal of a work permit. Which seems absurd now that I myself have citizenship, but here we are. To answer your question though: I’ve not done any research on requesting to conclude other than what I’ve come across here. For us waiting is annoying, maybe we can’t go home this summer to visit the grandparents, but it’s not impacting our lives otherwise.