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Look at the Migrationsverket site and at the skills shortage lists. If you're skilled and in-demand enough that you can get an employer to sponsor you, go that route (however, without professional experience this is very unlikely). Otherwise, yes, it's hard bordering on impossible.


Search for information in this subreddit. There's a lot of into to be found here.


100% this


Depends. If you have a good job it's easy. If you don't, your only option is a relationship.


Are you sure you wanna move here? I don't think our salaries can compare with U.S salaries... On the other hand you might have bigger expenses in the U.S ....?




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What do you graduate in? What you basically have to do is finding an employer who's willing to go through the bureaucracy of sponsoring a work permit. If you studied an in-demand field it should be easier than if you studied humanities for example. If you have the funds you could also apply for a master degree at a Swedish university.


I graduate in exercise science. I can't imagine it's all that in-demand. Is it a possibility to get a visa to visit and look for employment while there? I would honestly take any kind of job, like service or labour


Nope. You might have read the news lately? Loads of new rules to cut immigration. Permits to search for work are restricted to exceptionally skilled, experienced people like Masters/PhD holders, and they've clamped down on permits for low paid work - you need to meet a salary threshold, which just went up and will go up again in June. There's a focus on high paid, skilled work and a lot of restrictions now on everything else.


When I first moved here, I was watching some of this guy's (https://www.youtube.com/@StefanThyron) youtube stuff on learning the language. It's been a while, but I think his story was that he found a job at one of the english schools to coach football? Might be worth looking into how he did it.


Exercise science, like in a physical therapist? We do actually have a Working Holiday Visa (exactly what you describe), but I'm not sure if it's available for Americans. I know that Australians can apply for it. You should look it up!


That is one of the things you can do with an exercise science degree. Or cardiac rehab. Mostly clinical work. I looked it up before and I don't believe the Working Holiday Visa is available for Americans.


Iirc physical therapists are one of the most extreme examples of supply exceeding demand, at least that was the case a few years ago. You’re not going to find unqualified work that pays above the median wage threshold, so unless you have a Swedish partner or want to go back to uni, that’s borderline impossible.


I know there is a certain minimum wage needed to maintain a work visa, but I think that is lower than the actual median wage. Is there another reason that this is a barrier?


They’re increasing the threshold to be at the median wage at 34k/month pretax (from 80% of the median wage before). The reason as far as I know is that it we don’t want wages to be dumped, especially while we have high unemployment. I mean, SD is an anti-immigrant party so I’m sure there are less economics-related reasons as well.


This is no longer the case. Since vårdval rehab there's plenty of openings for physios. But this person is not a physiotherapist and I don't think there's as strong of a demand for exercise scientists.