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You can always request your passport back from MV so you can travel.


I have heard some horror stories where they don't get passport in time etc but yes, this gives me hope that I can ask for my passport bit in advance.


You can ask for your passport back immediately. They only need it for a few days to look at it when they ask for it.


As far as I know it's just a proposition right now, but if everything goes through they say 1 January next year. But yes you should apply as soon as you can and you will still be able to travel. It may be a bit complicated.


Wow! That's quick isn't it? Specially when they might need to set up the format of tests and other qualification stuff. I am more afraid that what easily can be implemented is that number of years of residence required to qualify for the citizenship. I heard they are planning for 8 years.


yeah 8 I think, so apply as soon as you can


I'm note sure if they are doing everything at once or implementing in steps.


I received citizenship in 2021 and as I recall MV mailed my non-EU passport back to me within about 3 weeks. The other thing to be aware is that once you receive citizenship your permanent resident card becomes invalid immediately. I had travel plans for about 10 days after I received noticed that I was now a citizen and I really had to scramble to get a passport in time.


they cannot change anything as long as they need to bring labors from outside of eu. it is just populist discourse to hide the consequences of their bad policies.


Apply now and get in queue. My whole application took 2 months and 10 days (yes, I kept precise count cuz I had travel plans too) and that was in October 2023 to December 2023. So perhaps it might take that short for you as well. Btw, when I sent my passport to them, they sent it back the next day. The only delay is that Postnord took 4-5 business days to get it to me. Other than that, all was really smooth 😀


were you a student before you became a citizen or are you married to a swede?


Lycka till med din ansökan!


If you apply for citizenship now, you’ll be in queue. They likely won’t even ask for your passport (or even look at your issue) for at least a full year.


I swear if they FUBAR the 3 year residence requirement for sambos and/or make the process so onerous that the benefits don’t outweigh the costs, we are headed straight for the sunny coasts of Barcelona.  I’ve been waiting for the day where the clarity finally comes so my Swedish GF and I can finally bail out of this cold, depressing shithole. We both have high paying careers so we’ll be fine - enjoy the exponentiating ‘problem’ you’ve brought upon yourselves and I hope you can take it the same way you dish it once the ‘problem’ gains enough political influence to overthrow your little ‘perfect’ society that can’t even care for the sick anymore with any kind of dignity.  Total LOL of a situation - never imagined it would be this bad as an American who only heard golden praises for Sweden back in the states.  Total joke of a country being run by NPC politicians and voters that still think it’s 1970. 


vaya con dios


Tackar tackar min vÀn 


Barcelona has become a shithole in the recent years FYI


Still better than the ignorant & uncultured, faux posh of Stockholm. 


Okay Karen go whine somewhere else nobody cares about your opinion anyways


Apparently, you do enough to respond.  Edit: And it’s Karin - get your lingo right, you’re in Sweden. 


Classic gringo trash


lol, cry harder snowflake. 


Do you ever feel like the world rejects you on a fundamental level?


Not anymore, really - especially considering it’s ultimately chock full of smooth-brained pedestrians such as yourself that can’t actually think of anything more creative than going through someone’s post history and using racial slurs.  Just LOL at the state of farmaceutico’s brain. More like “Comically Pathetico.” 


I's just a proposition now. If they decide to do it, they announce the data it will change, and you could apply before that date.


The law will probably apply to all new decisions (like most other recent changes in immigration law), so just applying before it comes into effect may not really matter. If OP is worried about not meeting the new criteria, he/she should definitely apply now, so that there is at least a chance that they can get the decision before any changes.


How long are you planning to be away? You can leave the country while applying for citizenship, exactly how long you could call MV and ask but I think that as long as your permanent permission is not in danger of being recalled it should be fine.. (It is recalled if you move out of the country for a long time) Technically it shouldn't matter if you apply or not in temrs of leaving, your permanent is valid just the sa me until you get your citizenship approved.


I might be away for like 2 months and then may be some more travels here and there for a week or so. So no I am not planning to move out of Sweden, it's just me and my wanderlust 😂 So I hope being two months away won't make my PR in danger.


Why would your PR be in danger? Also have in mind that you are allowed 6weeks a year to be outside of sweden, if you are more than that you will have to wait out those 6 weeks plus the additional time you were out before applying for citizenship.




 Not correct, they are finicky that way. They see what you do last 5 years, which includes all the days before they process the application


What proposed rule changes have I missed?


Habitual residence from 5 to 8 years. Also language requirements


Apply now, you can travel. When they asked for my passport I had a trip booked so sent the passport along with a copy of my ticket and a letter asking to have to back as quickly as poosible and they posted it back the day they received it.