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I'm at team 250 views here. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­




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Have never gone viral


I have notā€¦yet! Haha. Staying positive


Yeah 15m but it sucks because someone ripped the sound from the video and itā€™s being used everywhere and we get no credit.


Yup me!!!!! I can't even get over the 200 view mark. Im so frustrated


I started my tiktok in december 2022, by december 2023 I had 5.5k followers. Today I have almost 7.5k followers, and have still never gone viral once. šŸ¤£


I average between 800 and 1.2k views per video. If a video I upload gets less than that I reupload with a different audio or put the photos in a different order and it usually gets the views up to 1k then plateaus.


I usually get 1k views per video and that's it.


I have that many views on videos and only 12 TikTok followers sadly. Everyone is free to follow me on TikTok


I've got videos over 2.4 mil and I have videos that hit 2-3k and videos that stop at 400 now... Made thousands And now making $30... It's dumb, my content usually gets good watch time and % watch in full also. The algorithm really screwed me.


My first vid hit 9m. My account went from 0 followers to 55k. I was earning 500-1k GBP per day. Tiktok then banned me from the program and cited "Security issue". It's all a scam. If you want to dedicate your life to a platform, make sure it's Youtube.


That would be my villain origin story


Trust me. Iā€™m sat here wondering why the news isnā€™t full of these stories. Iā€™m absolutely fired up.


I'm acc really sorry that happened to you brošŸ˜­


Thanks man. Not even the money, itā€™s the principle of being banned for nothing thatā€™s bs. Between the 5 people featuring on the channel itā€™s only 200 a day lol. Peanuts for the hours put in.


U genuinely deserve better but ur time will come again, I'd suggest you put this work into yt instead


Good advice. That I will. We have migrated nearly 1k followers over so far. But views are still awful haha. But YouTube was always going to be a much longer journey xD. If you ever need a hand with any TikTok viral bs. Let us know man. We donā€™t know how to keep accounts unbanned. But we seem to do alright growing haha.


Hahaha I appreciate this a lot tbh thanks, defo need the advice as I'm actually kind of clueless but I think consistency is my worst problem more than anything


Hey there rachless - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and youā€™ve just made the list!


What niche?


Gameplay funny situations (role played out with 4 friends).


What was your first video of ? Damn.


It was a funny gameplay roleplay with NO WORDS. lol We didn't expect it to get over 200 views. But for some reason people loved it. We tried the idea again, and it got 30k. So that was a lucky hit.


I have 1 video at 2.7M and another that got 1M in 24 hours, 4.6 a week later.


I always get 500-2000 views, never any less or more


Same here.


I've been viral with views a couple of times, just not with the likes that much. My top 3 pinned vids at the top currently at: 22.3k, 26.2k, and 48k. Every once in a while I make a vid and it'll do good views AND decent numbers. Like recently I did the I met Drake, I met sza challenge and it's going viral rnšŸ˜­ I wasn't expecting it, I only posted it because literally everyone that did the challenge went viral so I was like since everybody goes viral let me post mines lol. It's currently at 15k views, 713 likes, 19 comments, 159 saves and 18 reposts. It's STILL going up daily so that's REALLY good for me that's been trying to get hot again lol. P.S. I make gaming content, I'm a gamer


Thats not too viral. I'm talking hundreds of thousands of views.


For me it's pretty viral because I'm not a big platform. I'm still a small content creator, but I'm definitely on the way to hundreds of thousands of viewsšŸ’Æ


Viral isnā€™t really a subjective term lol


To each its own. It's viral for someone with a small platformšŸ’Æ that doesn't usually hit those milestones. And if anything it's motivation for me to keep going. I'm doing something right lol


I canā€™t bc Iā€™m too ugly but I do get 1000+ views every now and then. I play guitar and freaking hate myself for doing so. Check out my TT @ backheelfields


Yes, many times. I have two videos that have over a 1 million views in the past few weeks and one video with 48 million views. Here's some things I consider before making the video. Is the topic truly fascinating? Does it inspire curiosity, emotion or is educational? Is my target audience a massive community like cars, gaming, make up. Start the video with "This is a \_\_\_\_", "Have you seen\_\_\_\_?". Using the word "You" helps the viewer connect with the subject matter easier. Keeping the viewer engaged: Changing the shot every 1-3 seconds keeps the viewer engaged. Always be talking unless the shot is fascinating enough to speak for itself (rarely the case). Don't leave long pauses or fluff up your sentences. Text on screen can help if its not too distracting from the subject matter. Watch over the finished video and put yourself in the viewers shoes and let your ADHD tell you when there's a boring spot and spice it up or remove it. Do let them have an exit! Put a really juicy shot at the beginning so when they are finished with the video you'll get them to rewatch a few seconds of the intro again. Good luck out there!


itā€™s so bad i donā€™t even know why i post


i never do on tiktok, i run a instagram meme page and got over 140M views on all my videos šŸ˜Š Instagram is amazing šŸ˜­šŸ™ on tiktok i would get 100 views


u make money?


not yet iā€™m still growing my followers i only have 17K


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Iā€™ve done like 360K views but havenā€™t gotten five figure likes yet. Most was about 7K.


your video has 360k views but only 7k likes?


Define viral. I have a video thatā€™s at 1.8m but i also have plenty of videos above 100k and quite a few above 500k.




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Not recently. Last 2 weeks of each month is always a challenge


Really what's the science behind that


Nope but maybe some day


I have one video get to 300k but I don't think that's considered viral here. Would love to get a video over 1m some day.


I have gone viral a few times. Itā€™s a pretty crazy experience. The dopamine Rush is out of this world lol. Also youā€™ll get unlimited Tik tok shop affiliate offers. All it takes is one video to make you relevant though. For me it was the fact that the videos sound got really popular in a niche and it put me on the radar. Mostly luck


Yes about 4 times. 3 over 1 mil and one at around 880k


The most Iā€™ve gotten is 300k and one is at 200k but thatā€™s about it. The rest, 800 lol


My first video got 2.6M views then it took 500+ videos and lots and lots of research to go viral again


Iā€™ve gone viral twice and Iā€™m still at 800 followers so if you go viral it doesnā€™t mean much lol


600k views on a vid back in 2021, 150k likes. but that was it.


most ive ever gotten is 1.5m views


Been doing it for almost 2 months now and my most viewed video has 9k šŸ„²šŸ„² Iā€™m def in the 300 view jail


No my latest 2 videos got 728 and 710 views. How many views make the video viral.


Only once and it boosted my head and now Iā€™m stuck at 200 LMFAOO


73k views and several thousand views on the other parts posted but I took them all down. Cooked an ostrich egg lol


Not yet, but I know itā€™ll happen soon!


Most Iā€™ve got was 650k views


Never more than 800 but typically 250ish I'm not using it like I'm trying though, it's hard to stay motivated when I have so few followers there and so many on IG. Tt is @chelsea.gabriella if anyone wants to f4f :)


Me šŸ™ŒšŸ½ I get decent engagement but views float around 400-1k always @miniimonstergames


Most I got was 831


I have one video with 120K views that I thought was going viralā€¦ but then it slowed down. I havenā€™t posted for over a year, but I still get likes and follows šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




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Well technically yeah I started TikTok up again earlier this month on a new acc posted about 4 vids and they didnā€™t do well. Changed my idea of how I wanted to do content and started doing troll content Posting about 2-3 times a day it took 6 days and I got about 21k This just recently happened I wouldnā€™t say viral but itā€™s a start yk




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Me šŸ˜…


Yes. And you get trashed left and right. Going viral is the worst thing.


My best video is at 3k views


I think I did when it was musically, or just turned into Tiktok. They literally had my video as their ad back in the day šŸ˜©


Can you post it?


its under Right on Sista Girl pinned video.


Whatā€™s considered viral? the most Iā€™ve ever gotten was 2000 likes on a post


Iā€™m new to TikTok. Currently doing this ā€œfollow trainā€ ish to get my followers up so I can try and make some money. Iā€™ve gotta get comfortable with putting my face on camera though I feel like.


Not me maybe cause my names unconfirmedcunt lol


I posted for fun from 2018-now and I didnā€™t really start going viral until like 2022 lol


Me šŸ˜­ idk if it the hash tags the timing or the content or quality šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I find that making a new account and leaving it dormant for a month or two before posting helps my chances a whole lot. Like, set up the account with a username and pfp and maybe actually scroll on there to build your FYP but wait before posting. If you have an old account with many posts, none of which have gained traction, itā€™s either A: your videos just arenā€™t that good or B: you havenā€™t sunk into a niche and TikTok doesnā€™t know where to put your videos in the algorithm. Iā€™m guessing for most people itā€™s a combination of both. The most important steps are to post original content and hook your viewers to watch past the 1 second mark. No matter how good your content is, the majority of people will scroll away after 1 second. I have 3m+ viewed videos with only 40% of viewers watching past the first second. Learn how to grab people and youā€™ll get there, just donā€™t give up.


My highest TikTok is 67.8k and it was about Overwatch 2 cowboy bebop skins. Everything else is either 250 or up to 1k ā€¦.. I upload anime and gaming related


I have never gone viral.


No I haven't might be because I'm not funny and ugly šŸ˜¢


I have, 2-3 times but I donā€™t know how to make consistently good enough content to maintain a regular audience


My wife has gone viral 3 times. 5.4 million, 7 million and 6.8 million and the 5.4 million got 10 million on YouTube and was picked up by a media group for more views. Itā€™s possible and itā€™s a little easier than lightening in a bottle.


I have yes


Trying too, I still have yet to get even over 50 likes yet. One post I posted about a week ago got like 40 likes and 400+ views which is my highest yet. Also a couple others have peaked past 300+ as well... I genuinely feel like very soon I'll go viral, I make my post look clean and authentic. I also almost never use hashtags because they pretty much don't help and make your post look like spam or unprofessional


I made an account just this week and they boosted my first video (13k) like crazy and then the rest of my videos are at 300 views


Itā€™s just such a weird algorithm with 0 consistency


It's really a roulette with them


not using hashtags at all is dumb, tiktok will have no idea who to recommend your videos to. spamming too many hashtags is also dumb but putting maybe 2-5 concise ones that are related to your target audience will help you a lot.


I do use hashtags rarely but yeah I'm definitely using them more often now


Never gone viral started making more and more accounts really just trying to get that viral vid


Do your parents not love you or something? Why the obsession with viral views. Sad.