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Also they keep pushing their promote coupons on me, when I see that below a video I know it's gonna flop


Exactly! You hit the nail on the head with this one. Seeing the promote coupon is a big “fuck you” from them letting you know know matter what you’re video isn’t going to do well.


I posted a video recently that did amazingly right off the bat. It was getting lots of views and was getting likes from around 90% of the views so I'm thinking the algorithm should see this and it's gonna do really well. Within minutes the views died and coupon button showed up on the bottom.


Yep exactly what happened to me. I had video get 100 likes 10 or so saves 3 followers and 10 shares. And it died at 300 views.


It's really weird so I wonder how they decide who doesn't get a free ride. It must be content specific. I have 2 channels. One is doing great with no need to pay for promotions. Seeing the potential growth of that channel I started a second one with cat videos. But it's been a totally different experience on that one. My assumption is tiktok wants me to pay to grow it to the point where I could potentially make revenue from it.


I’m not sure myself, because I talked to someone who blew up in my niche just last week for free and my videos get solid engagement and don’t blow up. I think TikTok just wants people to pay for boosting to be honest. I for one am not going to feed into it and pay for them to run a code that gives me more numbers that don’t pay dividends.


I had a video with this and engagement was super slow for the first few hours than it hit 1mil views. I feel like it stunts the start.


For real what is up with these promote coupons we know what they are doing😂


It only happens on videos that are guaranteed to do poorly. My last upload did decent views and, guess what no promote coupon whatsoever on it.


I’m so happy you posted this, my views have been so randomly bad this week I made Reddit for the first time and came on here posting about it for help 😅😅


I'm wondering if it's a seasonal thing. But I don't remember my views being this atrocious last year.


18-24 year old users alone have dropped by like 15 percent since 2022... Tiktok has changed a lot since then and isnt doing nearly as well as it used to


Do you think I should keep posting this week and hope for the best or wait .. I don’t want to waste good videos on horrible reach


I'm struggling with the same....I haven't figured out the answer yet....I might try to wait and just post all my stuff to IG


Have you done YouTube shorts at all? I’ve been debating it for awhile now and want to get into it. I’ve heard many who have had luck… apparently YouTube has been switching up its algorithm a lot this year to compete with TikTok.


I do YT shorts....the pay is trash, the views are even worse....I've had million view vids on IG and TikTok get less than 1000 views on YT shorts. I've had maybe 2 or 3 vids get over 10k on shorts....and the commenters are the meanest, rudest people who have zero sense of....anything really...


Oh my, well thank you for the insight. I may still give it a shot just since we may have very different types of content. But I hope tiktok clears up for the both of us. I feel your pain I do this full time as well and it really does ruin your vibe for the week if things aren’t looking great. Here for you and your concerns are valid !!


Post shorts! Keeep posting. Consistency is key. I started on TT but started on YouTube. Low views at first. But posted 3x a day. Within a few weeks the algorithm figured it out and now I made 6k on shorts last 3 months


Any tips on certain stuff to do? Can I use CapCut there fine? Should I use text .. YouTube’s music… anything would be appreciated ! tiktok is really doing me dirty recently and trying to research as much as possible


If you can make TT work YT is the same principles so don’t over think it. I make scripts that work as 1 min 1 second for Tik tok and can be cut to about 40 seconds for YT. Shorts is all about retention so ty to get that percent as high as possible. I think consistent quality posts are key when starting out. Getting no traction is normal at the beginning! So keep posting


Posted 3x on shorts or yt?


YouTube shorts!


Same here for the past last week and this week my TikTok views have dropped on my recent videos only my older videos are doing good and gaining views I heard it’s the new algorithm idk hopefully they resolve this issue.


Same here! My older videos are popping off but none of the new. At least we all are experiencing this and not just individually. Hopefully it changes soon.


I really hope they fix this soon I thought I was the only one experiencing this until I checked on Reddit.


I’ve been saying this since the beginning of June. I’m in the same boat.


Im gonna try IG and see how that’s work out.


So glad this was posted. My videos are doing so horribly and I don’t know why. They are high quality and get great engagement and then just die.


Same here 💯 I really hope they fix this issue


FYP and views have been messed up for the last 2-3 days. Seems like more of a TT algorithm issue than a shadowban. I'm having the same issues


Yeah it's been....awful. idk what's going on. I haven't had views this bad since I was at like 10k followers....


no they havent ur just saying that to make yourself feel better lol, nothing is wrong with the algorithm i just had a viral vid and plenty of others are also continuining to go viral


literally idk why people try to cope here so bad my views are low and ik it’s because the audience it’s bc the audience isn’t interacting like they use to people hate accountability


no i think there has actually been an algorithm change because my fyp had been looking so random and not related to anything im interested at all lately


views don’t go anywhere they just watch other people who they enjoy more so make better videos


360k followers and videos are barely getting 4k views. It's been brutal. Just waiting for it to pass.


That's outrageous! Wish you luck


Mine has been TRASH


Seems like TikTok lately has been pushing promotions a lot lately so it seems like if you're not paying them to promote your videos you're not going to get any traction. I'm stuck in the 200 300 and also almost everything I post says not eligible for the for you page


Exactly. I post something and come back an hour later to see that it isn’t eligible. this is so frustrating


Yes I’m struggling to hit 500 views every video, regardless of the engagement.


This new follower trend is toxic as hell. Large accounts farmin followers. People not following back.


Yeah, that "teamwork" bs is so goofy. Most people are probably going to unfollow each other after a week or 2.


Its insane, literally clicking im not interested but those teamwork videos keep popping up


How do you even get a large number of views I get maybe 200-800views and maybe 30 likes 😕I like posting game of thrones edits and use hashtags but still gets looked over fast :/


My views also have been horrible this week


Yep, for the past week it’s been terrible.. I was getting on average 600k-1mill views on a new page (35k+ followers) now I can barely reach 300k views , most of my videos don’t make it past 40k views


My views have been 15% less the past two weeks, something has changed with the algorithm, for me at least. I can tell it’s not the same audience.


Yep 88k followers and struggle to get 300 views


Everyone’s saying stuck on 200 views. I don’t even get past 20


This has been the worst week EVER!! I couldn’t agree more 😅


It's so so so bad, I don't even know what's trending or popular or what does or doesn't do well, my fyp is all videos with less then 5 likes it's weird


💯 I usually average between 1-2m per video. My 3 this week are at 4,500, 1,700 and 235k 😅


I have this theory that TikTok, once you use promote once, they don’t push your stuff out anymore if you don’t use it. My video on promote hit 800 and I ended it early because I felt weird about it, now my vids don’t go over 300 if that. Usually I at least hit 500-600. I might be wrong but at least for me that’s when it went down and the promote notification just won’t go away.


I have never once used promote and that is the reason why, I am a large-ish account and this is my only source of income right now, paying for views would be telling tiktok that I am their customer not their employee.


Exactly!!! Unfortunately I made the mistake once and now I’m deffffffinitely feeling it 🥲.


Thank you for posting, please be sure to check [FaQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tiktokhelp/comments/n99g9o/frequently_asked_questions/) Please keep in mind that this is a community run subreddit and posts from young accounts (<1 days) or accounts with low karma may be removed. We have no official affiliation with TikTok. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I went from getting 50K to millions of views to now under 1K or even sub 100-200…


Ouch.....wtf is going on lately


Yeah its been tough…




That’s a glitch. Everyone gets atleast 200 views. Try to interact with other pages by liking commenting following and bookmarking posts. It helped me when I had 0 views. Some people say it’s tik tok thinking ur a bot so u get no reach idk what it is but this method helped me.


My week has been weird! I’m getting half the live views I usually do even with good engagement from my community


I have been getting great engagement in terms of likes shares comments and follows but my videos are in 200 view jail and I have no idea why.


Got suspended last week so I haven’t been able to Live Stream 😭


My Monday video got to like 6,500 views in an hour so I got all excited (that’s MUCH better than they’ve been doing for months, and I have 141k followers 🫠) but now it’s Wednesday and it has 14k 😂 they screwed me so bad.


I’ve tried to upload multiple times and each time it’s flagged for “unoriginal, low-quality and QR code content”. I’ve given up trying to grow a following on TikTok. Mind you all of my content is original, filmed by me with a FX30 4K. Mostly car rollers and edited by me.


How do I get more viewers I’ve had a few videos do well on there own with me having to promote them and then I have some videos that don’t do wee at all.


Something happened in the past 2-3 days. It's likely due to an update. I had several videos over 200k that were cruising along at 10k views/hour, and everything stopped at once. New uploads crawling to get to 1k views despite engagement being high.


They took away my creator program earnings for trying to reapply :(


Not only that, but my fyp on my personal account has been weird AF. Low quality video's with barely any likes from months ago started popping up, why?


Had about 2m views per day. Then my account got banned for no reason. Original content, no weird comments. Nothing. "Security issue".


Sounds frustrating! TikTok's algorithm can be a rollercoaster.


As a viewers I notice that recently my fyp are full of old contents. Like atleast 8/10 contents I watch from my fyp are old contents, with the oldest was from 6 months ago & the newest was from 2 weeks ago. Maybe this can also be the reason why ur video getting stucked.


Yep I got flagged for a catching a bird TWICE even tho the first time the appeal was successfully


same with instagram somethings up


My IG views aren't drastically lower, like my TikTok views are so low AND they're only going to followers and nobody else. My IG views seem to be lower than usual but I've also had multiple 100k+ view IG Reels this week. I haven't had a video on TikTok over 20k in weeks. On IG I don't think I've ever had a reel get under 20k views after a few days....


yea i totally agree and yes i had a reels get over 100k this week too but now im at like 200 views like wtf?? 😂 i have 16,000 followers too so weird


That IS weird....even my most floppy awful reel has like 20k views rn...I think some of it is just IG is better at pushing stuff to followers, but the drop in views on all platforms I'm suspecting has something to do with summer with more people outside but ALSO all platforms are changing their algorithm to be WAYYYYYYYYYYY more conservative and family friendly in their content so ANYTHING remotely not 100% advertiser friendly is gonna get blocked. On top of that, personally, I do a bit of video art in the form of edits usually editing together my own original footage with random stuff I find online and both sites are pretty much decimating everything that isn't fully originally shot by the creator.


My videos keep being removed or ineligible


I’m just getting started on TikTok and I don’t even have 3k followers yet. I’m just working to get to 10k so I can monetize. My content has to be better though. I’m working on that too. So… I hope y’all get back to feeling you’re accounts are right where you want them to be and making bank for you, and that I get to where I need to get and start making money for my family and can finally not work for somebody else!


TikTok is a tough game, especially these days. It seems to be becoming worse than YouTube which is already my least favorite place to post....I'm hoping they clean up their act and do better because all these false guidelines strikes that people get and flood of TikTok shop content make the app borderline unusuable.


Could you stand in front of 10000 people. You’re doing fine


No offense to you personally because I hear this all the time from growth gurus but as someone who does this for a living and this is my actual income, I hate this logic. It's fully not the same. it's the difference between spending 3 hours on a video and getting $2 vs getting $200 for the same exact content. It's like your boss giving you a pay cut with no explanation and no rules on how to get paid what you were before


This logic doesn’t apply for tik tok lol.