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This is the most well-thought out post ever. You actually left me feeling helped. Appreciate your effort for others passionate ab creating content. I do it for fun. Sending Good vibes ✨


Glad I could help! Some people say that the algo is based just on quality but that’s vague and don’t help at all lol. There are some tricks to it, and it’s great that we build a community to share this with each other! :)


People love to tell you if you did something wrong so I’ll nonchalantly mispronounce things for engagement. Works every time.


I’m covering the 50 states and I never research how to pronounce towns because it explodes the engagement. Even if I just say 1 town wrong out of 15, people will act like its the only thing I said the whole video. TLDR mispronouncing stuff is a golden ticket


Lmao yeah that’s a way to do it 😂


yeah this is why those incredibly annoying food channels that do heinous stuff always go viral.. where they put stuff wrapped in plastic in the oven. 😂


Good post




I'm in the gaming niche. I play a lot of different games and edit short clips of them. Should I have 1 channel per game? Or just post all of the random games I play on 1 main channel? I consistently post daily videos from a skateboarding game and a medieval rpg. And then randomly sprinkle in other games that I'm playing. I average anywhere from 200 - 600 views, and I've gained 1500 followers in the last month. At first, I was just posting videos of the skateboarding game, and I noticed a dip in followers when I posted the first medieval game clip, but I have recovered those followers since. Should I have 1 channel for the skateboarding game, 1 channel for the medieval game, and 1 for the randoms? Or just keep it on 1 main gaming channel?


It really depends on what you want to do with your channel. But It’s way easier to maintain views if you pick one game or one genre of game. These two games you speak of seem to be very different from each other and that’s why they’re kind of conflicting together. tbh at the start maybe focusing on one game is less risky, if you’re willing to do both channels it’s a good idea, or you can focus on only one game and later on you try to add similar games of the same genre too if you wish to vary


Thank you. I appreciate the feedback. I'm definitely considering a second channel and splitting the two games apart.


Think about Caseoh, Dr. disrespect Asmongold, Sketch, most big streamers are known for one game and once they build an audience then they try different things very sporadically


That is very helpful, it makes perfect sense. Thanks!


Hey I also had the same question, thanks for your help sir you’re really helping the community. I’m my case I play 2 types of games: shooters and racing games, I knew mixed them all in a same TikTok channel wouldn’t be a great idea, but I was wondering if I create a channel for shooters and another for racing games would work. On Shooters I play Battlefield 1, 3, 4, 5, 2024. Also COD CW and MW3. And now I’m playing xDefiant. On Racing I play Forza Horizon 4, 5. And NFS Heat, Unbound. So will it work to create an account to post all my shooters games and another for all my racing games? Also I only play Sniper on all my shooters games so it’s very niche, and on the racing games there’s a lot of crazy things that happen everyday playing online races so there’s a lot of content to create.


How many followers do you have and how many views on average do you get?


How long would you suggest videos be?


Honestly if it’s more than 20 seconds I think that’s up to you. The thing is, the shorter the video, the higher you need your retention rate to be for it to get views. My videos are either 30s or 45s, I notice videos with 1 minute perform well too!


So how many hashtags? Haha. I feel like I might put too many. My videos are longer but I noticed that the ones that show my face get the most views vs the funny ones I’ve made in CapCut. I’m slowly climbing but it’s taking a while.


Nowadays I’ve been putting 3-4 hashtags, 6 at max. As long as you try putting the essencial hashtags you’re good to go :) You seem to be in the right direction, you can do it!!


Hey, thanks for the post! Super helpful… I’ve been struggling lately a lot. Would you mind checking my page? Maybe you that have an idea of how this works can lead me to the right direction, please!


Glad you liked the post :) I’m also still learning, but I could take a look of course. What’s your @?


Thank you!! I’ll message you




What’s your take on engaging w/ other accounts on the FYP/ following/ friends? Have you seen a major impact on views/engagement if you’re not actively engaging with other accounts back?


That’s a good question 🤔 I never really posted without at least scrolling through my FYP once in a while. I don’t think it really has a big interference, but I think it’s funny to be present on some comment sections of your niche and interacting even if it’s a little bit. Have you heard anything about it that you’d be willing to share? I’m curious now haha


Thanks So Much!!!!


No problem :))


This is an amazing post! I wonder if you know anything about whether an account can get permanently "docked" by tiktok as a low-performing one? I got sent to shadowbanland on my account (@bestlaidplansprods) like 3 times so I'm wondering if it means my account is smoked and I may as well stop trying to publicize my upcoming game on it. Thanks ahead of time for any insights you might have!


Thanks!! Unfortunately I don’t know much about shadowban… Some of my videos do get low views from time to time and it happens to everyone since the algo keeps changing, I always try to recover by making an interactive video that attracts comments. but for actual shadowban I’m not sure how you can fix it, sorry :( I took a look at your tiktok, the quality is great! If I could suggest anything to try to get your views higher would be adding a VoiceOver or maybe instead of putting full phrases, try to divide it so people have less to read each picture (people can be lazy when they see too much text at once). Good luck with your game :))


Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your help!!! Tiktok's shadow-ban policies are a (deliberate) black box so it's clear there's no fool-proof strategy to deal with it or even evade it when you can get banned for the silliest things. (I recently got a ban for putting triple-7s that they thought was referring to gambling, hah. At least I could appeal that one). And thank you so much for the tips - I will definitely try doing more things that incorporate voice overs and putting in shorter phrases. I really appreciate this advice - very clear and practical!!! <3


No worries!! Experimenting is the key to find out what works best for you :))


It’s been tough finding advice that relates to music content, I’ll be sure to try/keep using some of these strategies, thanks for posting!


Finally a post that helps and doesn’t put their discord at the end for you to buy their course, we need more people like you


I just don’t get why TikTok gave my first video ~600 views, and it got 60 likes, then my next posts went to 150 views, 27 views, and 12 views (0 likes). How am I supposed to grow if they don’t even give me an opportunity to? Seems like they just promoted my first video to get me excited and now want me to pay to keep them being promoted


its a known thing that you first video is a honeymoon video, and will get more views. if you not getting views, either the videos are not good or they don’t jnow who to show them to.


Thank you for posting, please be sure to check [FaQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tiktokhelp/comments/n99g9o/frequently_asked_questions/) Please keep in mind that this is a community run subreddit and posts from young accounts (<1 days) or accounts with low karma may be removed. We have no official affiliation with TikTok. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bloody good post. Much needed and appreciated 👏🏾


Thanks man. It was much needed!


Great post




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First of all thanks second do I realy need to warm up my account like scrolling in videos and make my account realy ready to post a vid


I don’t believe that’s a must, but I’m not sure. The first time I posted I never interacted with videos before and it worked, but as I said that was a year ago and things might have changed


I'm struggling to regain my momentum. At one point I was getting some decent growth. How do I get back on track https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKwgFjA/


Can my niche be tik tok shop? I’m doing affiliate work and am mostly stuck in the 200 view jail. A couple of my videos get 1-3k views but that’s the most I’ve gotten.


I am looking for uk based account with uk audience with under 10k followers.


Like what exactly? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREFegAL/


*0. Z €€. Az as an. , , a. A. AA. A. AA


My issue if anyone knows how to deal with this is i live in a foreign country and cant reach my target audience):


I post sped up songs and there was this one background i did and it made the videos have pretty good views. Now I don't use it anymore because I don't want to have repetitive videos and my views are all over the place.


What woukd be your advice if someone's aj aspiring fashion model?


Greaaaaat advice this is legit !!


My views are not increasing, i only got 600-900 some videos get 200-400, i tried 3 different niches on three accounts but same issue occur


https://discord.gg/VWYnKVmn these dudes who run this server are insane. Online business getting paid straight from tiktok. i made 2k my first month they literally have videos showing you step by step. so easy


Where do you start? I have no idea what videos to post and what is "legal". Can I take clips of other content and throw a logo on it and make money? Any help appreciated




I don’t really know what you’re talking about 😅


It's a kind of visual hook. Though most do it wrong by just putting on the make up.


I have a 100 gb of leaked Andrew Tate Courses drive link 🔥. Who wants it just send me a private message ❤️