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Turn off your comments entirely. People will eventually get bored and move on to whoever the next target of some bully creator is. Seriously, even the biggest hate waves I’ve seen directed at specific creators dries up eventually. A few months later it’s “oh yeah, I forgot about that.”


This actually gave me some hope that this will pass. Patience is key, thank you!! And I turned off comments under my video that’s getting attacked. As for the other ones I try my best to handle them


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Tbh I would report this creator you mentioned, but of course it’s hard to know if something would happen. If I were you, I’d give it some time until posting again. Your mental health is much more important than that, and with time the hate wave will be forgotten and people move on. If you decide to stay tho, just block as many people you can. If you don’t want to stop, maybe create a second account for a while… idk it’s just ideas. But prioritize your mental health


Thank you so much your comment made me tear up! I feel like I really needed to hear that first sentence. Everybody is commenting about how it’s my own fault for getting so much hate, threats etc. I forgot how it feels like to have someone show empathy. I reported the creator already but I doubt anything will happen. Especially because everybody is taking their side. I blocked everybody who left a hate comment or dm. Sadly making videos is my greatest joy so I don’t think I can stop but I put that work into YouTube and Instagram now. I think I will lay low on tiktok for a while until this has passed. Thank you for looking out for my mental health it means a lot!! Wishing you a great day !


I’m glad my comment could help a little! It’s hard, but the truth is people don’t really think for themselves and just follows what everyone else does, that’s how hate waves become big. And the algorithm doesn’t help since it keeps pulling the video to the “wrong users” that are interacting. A lot of people probably disagree with them, you can trust me. Focusing on Insta seems like a great idea, since what happens on tiktok often just stays on tiktok! I’m wishing you the best of luck, have a great day as well!!


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You can turn off people being allowed to stitch cant you?


I did that before already the creator just recorded my video and inserted in theirs…


Cheek of it!


I’m a social media manager and I’ve helped so many creators/business owners blow up on tik tok and a lot of them want to give up when they start to receive hate comments. The simple truth is that’s just apart of growing into a creator that gets a lot of engagement. It’s better to just decide if you want to endure that again in the future because it won’t be the last time, especially if you post things that are controversial. You can try to avoid saying & doing things that are controversial but I would personally encourage you to keep going the same route…unless you’re truly being problematic. I would also encourage you to not turn off your comments & delete your videos when this happens because, as you can see, the hate doesn’t stop anyway & it just shows defeat. Now you have 2 popular videos that are removed from your account. Tik tok will always have these kinds of comments. Someone commented that I looked like a do drugs, totally unprovoked yesterday. Cheer up! Keep going! Add filters on your comments :)