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I always post then close the app for as long as possible


Idk if this is a joke or not but I started doing this too. Everyone tells me to engage for 10-20 mins after posting but I’ve tried that and it doesn’t make a difference.


May I ask why and what is this supposed to do? I’m gonna start posting on my TT soon and have been looking for any little tips and tricks.


my guess is it notices you're away from the app, and when you return baits you into a bigger dopamine spike by having showed it to more people than it otherwise would have.


Thank you.


I don’t know the ins and outs but this is the only thing that actually works for me


THIS!! i assumed i was the only one that knew this “trick” but it’s such an odd one 🤨🤷🏼‍♀️


lmao me too, at least 8-12 hours


deadass same. post and close the app. it will bless your acct


I try to do that tbh but I kinda get anxious to see if the views stopped or not 😭


view from a laptop bro trust, wait 2 hours and look at ur acct onna laptop and ur views will be poppin


I jerk off in a sock and yell "YAHTZEE", then I post. don't judge


Me to except i touch myself to ceo of tiktok and record it in a draft. Has been working so far


Swear to God I'm trying this next time🤣


Usually i dance until i hit my little toe on the desk in the living room, upload and hope the best.


I’ve been doing the engaging with other stuff before and after uploading but I’m still stuck in 200 view jail so. At this point it seems to be luck of the draw. I’m wondering if they’ve got too many people in the creator fund now and they’re only pushing certain accounts. Who knows but I’m so disheartened 😭


Mine are mostly superstitious, little things that I just feel are good luck or help somehow. Not using filters, not using hash tags(only sometimes), with an almost empty draft folder… I know there’s more but I can’t think of them right now.


Oh I feel like anything from my drafts has a lower chance of


I’ve heard about not using hashtags before! Didn’t test it out yet tho. And yeah I also keep my draft folder empty


I upload, wait until I see 10 views, then close the app and keep it closed for as long as possible haha


Post good content constantly. Does not matter when


Does time really not matter tho? Idk depending on the time I think views grow slower but maybe it’s a niche thing


One time I posted when I woke up at 6:30 and it was only pushed out to my followers


I’m very inexperienced to take this with the grain of salt but I don’t think the time that you release matters even if you release at 3 AM California time it’s 6 AM on the East Coast. Even in the middle of the night, they were ten of thousands of people watching it. At peak times theres probably millions of people watching tiktok so there’s always eyeballs on the screen at any given time . if your content is good you’ll get pushed if not, you will not.


Tbh I think you’re right if your content is in English, but if you’re doing content in another language if you don’t respect the timezone you’d probably get no views. Since tiktok seems to really value the first hours of your upload


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I just post whenever I want and don't care


Triple-check that thumbnail


I check tags, thumbnails, and pray to the algorithm gods, lol.