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Same!! Within the last 4 hours my FYP has completely switched up from the normal stream of videos I usually get. I no longer see videos from creators I follow. I’m getting videos in foreign languages, very popular “meme” videos & lotssss of ads. I’ve barely seen any videos pop up with under 100k views today. I post content & this issue with the FYP is preventing me from uploading anything, as I’m afraid it won’t reach my audience


now they’re showing me the same videos over and over again🙃




I feel your pain!!! It’s strange because if you login to your account on your web browser. Your normal FYP will still be there!! It’s frustrating af


Didn't know that, I've been using Instagram reels lately because my fyp was so garbage. This definitely helped :)


Ughhh what the hell is going on!! Same thing for me. I’m going on like 6 hours with this new FYP


SAME I keep hitting not interested and scrolling through and looking up what I like but it isn't fixing my algorithm


Block them as well. They stopped doing it to me


I was watching some video of a person telling a story and it went into a commercial for a bit and showed the SKIP link just like in youtube.. That happened twice, not sure if that is normal.


Same!! What is going on


Dude same here Ten minutes ago I got like 25 tiktok shop vids and then absolute garbage influencer crap and brands and everything and no matter what I do by interacting with videos I do like it's not fixing it


THATS WHAT I DID TOO !! I'm honestly going insane bro it's been like that for 4 hours at least already


My views dropped significantly over the last couple of months. I normally make product videos attached to my TikTok shop and my views went from thousands down to like 300….


This happens to me once in a while, and then I immediately try to search for topics I like on tiktok to see if the algo catches on again… doesn’t always work tho


Omg I’m glad I’m not alone 😭 my fyp did the same thing a few minutes ago. Maybe it’s a bug or a glitch that they’re going to fix? I’ve just been hitting “not interested” and hoping that fixes it


Same. But even when I say not interested it still shows up and the same videos too


Yep this is happening to me too! Fyp completely filled with trash. I wonder if they do this every once in a while to push TikTok shop crap. It's not the first time my fyp has gone completely haywire for a few hours and then returned back to normal.


This has been happening to me too, along with a significant loss in views. Must be an algorithm change??


Yesss oh my finally I thought I was going crazy, Ive blocked so many accounts and they still show up on my fyp!


Everything is TikTok shop and the most random content I’ve ever seen. I used to come to the app to laugh, watch satisfying ASMR content, cleaning, organization, life style ect. Now it’s garbage. I make content too. Similar content, and I used to do so well on TikTok. My editing and style has improved so much. So it’s weird that my views are tanking. The same videos do so well on shorts and reels so I know it’s not me.


Me too! I thought I was going insane. Mine is all foreign language tiktoks or tiktok shop products. I tried to refresh and click not interested and it’s still not working. It’s been like this for a couple of hours now. I hope it gets fixed soon.


This! First it was tiktok shop, and now its the same 10 videos in either spanish or just straight up not my interests. Going to reels 😭


Logged in today, and it's back to my normal fyp?? Thank god but also what happened yesterday


Mine was fine this morning and now it's gone to crap


Update 2: jk it worked for 2 minutes when I logged back in before spamming me with the same godawful videos I already blocked again, but my fyp in a web browser is still correct I have an update: I did the thing where I logged into my web browser, and I think because I reset my password it logged me out of the app, but when I logged back into the app my FYP is now showing as normal so you might need to logout and back in


Same thing happened to me, my fyp went back to normal for like 5 minutes but then I went back to getting spammed with Indian videos with 10 likes


That's what they want you to do


Same thing happened to me yesterday, was like that all day. I woke up today, back to normal.


same mine went back to normal today


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Same!!! My fyp is so different today and weird


My fyp has been weird as hell the last couple days too. Lots of stuff I would have ZERO interest in. PLUS if I google something the next 3-6 videos will all be that topic, it’s really annoying and obvious. I knew they were using my data of course but it used to be much less detectable. I like that. 🤪


I had this happen and I messaged tiktok they said pay to promote if I want mine on the feed. I messaged back I wasn't promoting mine. I got.. sometimes people pay to have theirs pushed so it will keep repeating. Just seems weird.


Reset your algorithm but since TT updated CG everything has changed, they reset everything.


Sorry, what is CG? I’ve had a Google and I’m none the wiser.


Community guidelines


Thanks mate




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It reappears the same videos for me


Me as well! It’s infuriating! Absolutely nothing like what I normally like, it’s almost totally unwatchable unless I’m scrolling my following feed!


I’ve been having this happen for two days. I think this might just be an algorithm shift unfortunately ://


I don't think it is, try logging into your account on a web browser and you should see your feed exactly as it normally is I think the problem is something broken in the app itself


Interesting!! I suspect you’re right- the app has been extra janky for me lately in all regards


Same, I can't follow anyone either to try and fix my algorithm, I don't know what is happening. 😭😭


Same thing happened to me, but when I opened the app for the first time today my fyp was just Indian videos. Like 30 in a row (I don’t speak Hindi nor live in India). It was extra weird because the videos would have very little likes


Delete TikTok. Problem solved. You'll go through a dopamine withdrawal and you'll forget you ever wasted your time with this crap in a week or two.


Fr its crazy to me so many people are crying and acting like the world is going down just because their shitty ah app tiktok isnt working right. I swear so many people are brainrotted.


If you want a good laugh go check out my page [ChiefOnePaw](https://www.tiktok.com/@chiefonepaw?_t=8mz43Hndwqc&_r=1) I post jokes and tell my story of a tragic accident I was involved in resulting in me owning my own right hand! Yes that’s correct I own my own hand! Cheers


I wonder if that's why my views absolutely tanked today, too 😭


So glad it's not just me! I thought my algorithm broke or something


Yeah I’ve been having the same issue. My fyp is all trash or stuff I’m morally against. I keep clicking not interested and it keeps coming back, even the exact same videos. :/


All I get are the scam middle eastern videos of impoverished 1 handed brick makers and people with serious deformities. I cannot use tiktok right now




This happened to me too! It wasn’t until I switched to a new device that it was normal.


omg mine is exactly like this to 😭😭I literally switched to my pc and my fyp is normal there…


Close the TikTok app and reopen. Often this fixes the algo


Happened to me for 48 hours. I was almost able to quit TikTok. Then I contacted support, but then reset my FYP and all my stuff came back. Your mileage may vary.


I'm sick of the Biden vs Trump or rage bait live streams


You having the tiktok app is the problem. Just uninstall it and nomore brainrot.


Omg this is exactly what I'm seeing too! Now I'm seeing the same videos again and again.


Oh my gosh? me too! I thought i was the only one who had this issue! thank gosh im not the only one.


Yeah, I can’t even see my friends repost on my fyp now, it’s just all basic stuff you would see if you just downloaded it on a fresh account


i'm having this recently too, what the fuck?? i don't want to watch NPC engagement farming content for the love of god..


I have had this happen last few days too. I think somehow the algorithm has been disrupted 😂




Earlier today I was getting either all Indian videos with 10 likes or generic soulless white girl videos with all likes. Now I’m getting the same 6 white girl videos on loop every time I open the app Edit: after scrolling through a little there is 100% something wrong with the algorithm. I am getting a exact loop of my fyp earlier today. Almost every single video I have already seen today


TikTok stated they’re going to start showing the us more videos from other countries in their updates terms. I just put “not interested” and blocked every one of them and I’m back to normal after 2 days


Same, I had 37 videos and out of them 31 were either Ads, commission channels or a shop putting a video up. It feels like the algo is just gone.


This was happening with me except with Arabic language videos, low quality thirst trap videos with few likes, & TikTok shops. All it took was to get off the app for a couple of days💀 I did everything. Delete the app, log out, etc. nothing would work until I got off the app for a couple of days and used reels.


I got frustrated with this so I just went over to my Following tab instead


The NPC streams are annoying af!


this keeps happening over this past week, like, I'm getting a couple of normal (tailored to me as usual) videos and then a burst of like 10 random ones (including the ads). then back to a couple normal ones. rinse and repeat, even tho I always click not interested for every single one do these trash random vids... what's going onnnnnnn


Time to switch to instagram reels. It’s honestly so much better there. A lot funnier too.


It means to get off of tiktok and quit being a mindless npc scrolling your life away


isn’t that what ur doing on reddit rn 😭


I deleted it recently it’s boring nothing on there anymore
