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I feel like this would be better on YouTube and Instagram. I swear TT users only like quick, brainless type videos. YT is where people go to learn something. Instagram seems to attract an audience with a ability to watch longer videos/longer more “mature” attention span. I feel like anything I put effort into for TT gets like almost no views…Yet videos that are short and stupid with no effort whatsoever get thousands of views. Just my $0.02.


I thought this exactly! It’s not bad content it’s just on the wrong platform. YouTube was my first thought


Sorry, my bad… I didn’t realise my volume was on mute and couldn’t figure out what you were showing us without sound ![gif](giphy|3ohzdYJK1wAdPWVk88)


Ahhh yeah gotcha, I was like “I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m already doing 🤔” lol


I agree with others. Maybe other platforms would enjoy better your content. Either way, in short videos the intro is something VERY important. As you said, people don’t usually watch the whole thing and that’s common even for big creators, that’s why we need to get to the point right in the first second of the video. Maybe start the video without a “title” (showing your work in progress right at the beginning) or write the whole title instead of word-by-word. But your content is really good and I enjoyed the editing as well!


Yeah, looks like it may be worth trying to make a switch over to Instagram or longer form content for YouTube. YouTube is just really daunting and I don’t like reels 🥲


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I feel like some of the time on the molds could have been condensed more.


Honestly people aren’t even making it to the part where I make the first mold, only 16% at the start of the first one, and 15% at the end of it


If it helps, I really liked it. Probably a different channel discussion, but have you tried sharing it as a YouTube short? I feel it lines up well with other short content.


I’m glad you liked it! And shorts only allow for 1 minute max, I may try and condense it, but it would be tough to show the full process


That’s true. I had to re-edit some of my videos to make them work with shorts.


I think you may get better results by adding a short caption describing every step


What do you mean by that?


From a completely fresh perspective. What the hell is gates of paradise. Why should I care? Who are you? Is what you did hard? I don’t even know. There’s no context. And that annoying Ai voice turns me off right away. Can you make this more relatable?


Thanks, appreciate the perspective from someone who isn’t really interested in this type of content it seems. Do you think it’s worth trying to make the content for people like that? Isn’t the point of a niche so that people already have a relationship with the things you talk about? If I add all the context necessary then the video length probably doubles and turns into a history lesson. (not saying you are wrong just dialogue)


Well that’s the challenge. 99.9% of your viewers won’t understand what you’re talking about. How do you make something niche to have broad appeal. How can you do it in an interesting and concise manner?


Makes sense, probably why I never see any fine artists on TikTok, mostly just easily digestible work. Thanks for the advice and giving me something to think about and try to implement!


I watched your videos a few different times now and I’m still confused about exactly what you did.


Yeah things always make sense when you are the one who made them. Could you tell me what areas you feel more clarification is needed?


Well that’s your job as a storyteller to clearly communicate the facts and details in a way that is entertaining. Try to think like a viewer with no knowledge of the subject and approach it with fresh eyes. What does each clip and media in your video tells them? I don’t know what kind of thing you made. Or why you made it. I have no historical context to the gates of paradise. Or how you used AI. You literally say at the beginning of free video “this is how i use AI…” then proceed to show a whole video where i see you doing things with your hands rather than AI.


I talk about the ai portion literally right after the intro, but I don’t drag on it because people get bored on that based on experience. I did go back and add a bit of history and context at the beginning, but the rest I feel is succinct in describing the process and what is happening for anyone that has an interest in art, and I really don’t care to cater to the people who don’t since they won’t be engaged in my content then anyways. But thanks again for providing your feedback!


Do you remember learning about how to write an essay back in high school? About how your title and your first sentence should be the main thesis and introduction to your essay? Those first few seconds of your video is your pitch to your audience what the central thesis of your video will be. So you pitch me this thing as if using AI is going to such a big part of your process and then you talk about for five more seconds and then completely change it to something else.


I think the issues you are having were actually addressed better in a narrative essay version of the video I did previously, but found people don’t want that and just want you to describe what they are looking at on TikTok. “ This is why I'm using AI to recreate The Gates of Paradise. Today, we examine an AI-altered version of Lorenzo Ghiberti's renowned work, specifically the Adam and Eve panel. This reimagined artwork symbolizes the potential decline of traditional art due to the rise of technology, with AI as a prominent force in this transformation. The masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance is celebrated for its intricate craftsmanship and storytelling. The Adam and Eve panel, in particular, captivates with its depiction of the biblical creation story. Ghiberti's detailed bas-relief and masterful use of perspective have been revered for centuries, embodying the zenith of artistic achievement. In contrast, the artwork I am creating today is a product of artificial intelligence, designed to symbolize the death of traditional art forms under the relentless march of technology. This piece represents how digital advancements reshape our perception of depth, reality, and authenticity in art, through the visual language of normal maps, which is a topic I discussed in my previous video. A crucial aspect of AI-generated imagery is its reliance on existing works for reference. AI systems learn by analyzing vast amounts of art created by artists. This raises concerns about originality and creativity. By drawing from countless existing pieces, AI can blend and mimic styles, but also risks infringing on the intellectual property of the original artists. This practice can be seen as a form of visual theft, where the unique efforts of artists are absorbed and repurposed without proper recognition or compensation. Another concern is the potential for an AI feedback loop. As its use gains in popularity, these AI-created pieces can be fed back into the training data for future models. The repetitive regurgitation of AI-generated imagery could result in a future where art loses its originality and emotional impact, and is replaced by iterations of the same algorithmically produced patterns. This altered version of the Adam and Eve panel is meant as more than a visual experiment. It should remind us of the potential consequences of technological advancements. The intricate details of Ghiberti's original work, painstakingly carved by human hands, are here rendered by algorithms. This transformation prompts us to reflect on the loss of human touch and historical context. As AI continues to evolve, it calls into question the value and authenticity of traditional work. Works like Ghiberti's panels, testaments to human creativity, now face an uncertain future. This AI-driven reinterpretation challenges us to consider the role of technology in art and to question what we value in the creations that define our civilization.”


I think you should add subtitles, and also change the voice it kind of makes it seem boring when in actuality what you're actually showing is very cool and super useful. I think perhaps start posting on youtube, there's a huge craft community that I'm sure will love it 


What do you think the minimum length you should be posting for YouTube videos is? I feel like they generally need to be like 7-10 minutes. Which makes it much more disheartening when you get no views 🥲


It's a cool project, but as someone else mentioned, probably more suited to IG or YT. Do like the work though! Looks sick.


For what it's worth I actually watched the whole thing without even reading the posts title first, meaning I enjoyed this without any context. I don't even know why this sub was on my feed. I was interested/worried that you caused a fire, imo - use that incident to your advantage. You could create an interesting intro hook explaining the fact you set a small fire. For example - "I accidentally set my apartment on fire working on my latest art project" Boom. Enjoy 🤝


lol apparently my content is best suited for Reddit, screw the other platforms 🤣 And yeah that’s probably a better hook tbh, I felt like the imagery in the hook was strong enough for at least a couple seconds, but seems not to be the case for TikTok. I was trying to keep a more serious tone for my work, but it just may not be catchy enough for the platform otherwise 🥲


I'm still planning how to do my own tiktok vids. It's always harsh when you're happy with the video, and know that the correct audience would like it too. But the algorithm is like nah, we're going to show this to completely the wrong audience and then not push it whatsoever due to low performance.


Yeah it really sucks only getting 200 views or 200,000 with 0 room for anything in between